3ABN Today - Get to know... John and Angie Lomacang (TDY016002)

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I want to spend my love broken people I wanna spend my [Music] moving Lord let my word he laughs our temper is I want to send my and we walk in I wanna spend [Music] in the broken people hello and welcome to 3abn today thank you for joining us and dr. van lewis thank you for joining today thank you very much we're going to have an exciting program we are I know for a couple reasons one is you already prayed we had prayer and you asked for the anointing of the Holy Spirit man and number two we have some special guests that you and I have known for a long time I don't know who the longest but it's been long enough we're talking about you know more than decades so why don't you introduce our guest today oh and be honored to we have pastor and mrs. John and Angelo McCain all right glad to be here oh yeah we talk about what are y'all pastor well we talk about what a great pastor but what a great pastor is wife not only that but probably the best cook in southern Illinois and maybe in America I don't know about that are you beautiful about this they are such a team yeah when you think about it you don't you think John and I it's just kind of like you know rice and gravy I would think emotionally I feel like you're sitting in our living room talking absolutely practically grew up together yeah well we're going to find out for our viewers what we've been doing and maybe you've noticed it got to see some of the programs already we've decided let's take some of our co-workers who were working in the Lord's vineyard and maybe though you've seen for instance Pastor John on numerous times and they travel around the world we want to find out more about them we always say sit down let the hair down a little bit and relax and we want to find out we've gone today we're going to find out hopefully vaanil a lot more about Angie about John because people see you guys they see you together they see you ministering John they can turn on TV see you anywhere in the world and a lot of folk and I know this from experience Sabo he's got it made everything just falls in place for those folks look at him successful sure he's a millionaire you know he's a big-name preacher well well you know you see a lot of these all these rich and how unleased evangelical you know preachers you got the TD jakes and the creflo dollar's and all of these guys and you see pictures and can open all these I'm not saying good or bad I'm just saying people associate and say well you're a televangelist you probably wealthy you got a you know twenty thousand square foot home you got all of these things but you know and a lot of folks say that's fine they preach today that's God's blessings on them to be healthy wealthy in my so I'm not here dogging anybody but I'm just saying people look at you guys and say man I bet you everything just fits in place for them they don't have struggles and same way if we look at Yvonne or they may look at me and say well well he's you know everything they don't know you all don't know some of the backgrounds so what we want to do today we haven't discussed what we're going to talk about we prayed and asked for the Lord's blessings but we just want to find out really go back on both of you guys lives we've heard quite a bit from you we want to hear some things today we haven't heard but Angie there's a lot we want to find out about her today right yeah Nano glad how you guys were brought together and how many years you've been married and you know what do you like to do when you're not at 3abn or you're not preaching somewhere we're going to find out all kinds of things about these folks today so I know if you like us you love them but I think you'll even love them more dearly if I can use that term after this program because we want people to get to know who we are and who you are and that you're not just somebody to start preaching the Word of God but it's your life that's right and so both of you ministry is your life and that's what I know I love in you do too about these folks that no matter where we travel around the world we understand your first vision your first work is that for the Lord to rightly represent him to lift up his name that he may be magnified and glorified through using you all as a vessel of Honor so if I'm looking forward to this who should we start out with first I know I know let's start with John okay and and then and then go to Ange all right Wow it's up to you so just as Danny was saying you know people can look at you and think all you don't have any challenges you just all put together you don't have anything what would you say has been one of the biggest challenges that you've faced in your lifetime wow that's that's kind of like where do you see yourself in 20 years yeah well one of the biggest challenges and let me put this and we put it in the you know you have good food but if it's not on a proper wrapping sometimes it doesn't taste good the wrapping would be ministry has been the greatest challenge my wife and I could attest to each of us has what I call the December 7th 1941 s in our lives the the we remember when Kennedy was shot we remember when Martin Luther King was assassinated we remember when the World Trade Center was attacked each of us has those experiences in our ministry and in our lives that can either destroy us or can can be used by God to chisel away something else about us that doesn't resemble him and so I would say if I could broaden that what are the greatest challenges it is really staying on point in ministry because I think Danny knows is anybody who's watching the program that's involved in ministry knows that because you're in ministry you have an entire force of darkness against you and they are constantly looking for ways to torpedo your ship or to get you out and and I've heard all the Walter Pearson say this because friend of ours he says I'm leery of Christians who say they have no trials and so he said I guess maybe they're not living right absolutely and I've said this to you on several occasions you know the reason why the devil comes value is because what you're doing is impacting his kingdom and he's not going to sit around as we would say in the city and watch you march all over his turf taking people from his kingdom so I'd say the greatest challenge is to stay on point at intervals and ministry and my wife and I could tell you that together assault two to be more specific we've had the challenge of different places that we've ministered we have looked back on those now with matured eyes and clearer vision we look back and asked ourselves the question the Lord allowed that or we'd say the Lord allowed that to develop in us something we did not have and so the other day honey this illustration came to me and you heard me talk about this we've been to weddings before or or events where we'd walk into the room and write on the table where there all the drinks you know the sodas the juices and we see this beautiful tall ice sculpture of a dove or hearts but we didn't see one was just a block of ice mmm and I think that I thought to myself well we're like two blocks of ice that the Lord has chiseled through the years and people see they see the finish they see the product in process but it is he is when we were just two blocks if Ida and Brooklyn oh absolutely what's what's beautiful about your story is the fact that he when he came into this world Satan tried to destroy the beginning with so you were born with tremendous disadvantages so when people look at you well this guy successful probably you know everything was born with a silver spoon in his mouth you were born with tremendous disadvantage right in that tell us what happened you were born instead of a mother and father to race in a Christian home you give us for those who don't know a little bit of that background well I was born in a relationship that is often termed in the world illegitimate my mom and dad were not married my mom was from the small island of Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands Filipino descent she's Filipino and French my dad is a Native American and African American so i'm ridin' yellow black and white yeah so hopefully people have to love one of the flavors if not all but she left the Virgin Islands came to New York City and met a musician a trumpeter named Johnny Parker they got to get the long enough to conceive me they were never married and so I look back on that and I my wife could attest to this from place to place from church to church from venue to venue I've tried to reverse it say I am NOT an I was not an illegitimate child but I had illegitimate parents because I don't do anything but I just showed up good I just showed up yeah and the Lord is so gracious that when he saw the journey that I was about to take we've talked about this excuse me I keep saying we because we had that open communication all the time we talk about our lives together and I can't wait to get to her it's going to be amazing but I look back and say before I had to experience the traumas of a abandoned child because my mom and dad abandoned me left me at a babysitter it'll be more specific at three months old I was left at a babysitter my sister three years old they walked away never came back and when I wrote the book and I'll talk about that later the hardest thing was to look back on how I began and where I am today so the Lord allowed me to be in the home of a crabbiness lady Christian Christian evidence Lee and she became my anchor that developed and formed much of my character today and I don't believe I would be Who I am today had it not been for that that well God stepped in do you know there's a song I wrote on one of my projects call if he only knew you know soft and so small yet he would call for love to come his way he looked to the eyes of his life hoping love was there to stay but if he only knew their roles would part you could hear him say and so I didn't know anything about a mom and dad not being there so when I got to the point of consciously understanding my world I had a mom and dad that was there mama was fifty and papa the man who raised me mr. George Haynes and Carmen Haynes Trinidad in Barbados they were from he was from Barbados he's from Trinidad he was 49 years old when he decided to raise this three-month-old child she was 50 so how many people would put their lives in that kind of place at that advanced stage to raise at 3 months old and three year old absolutely so that was that was an absolute Ennis so the beauty of John Stoll is that people can say well you know you you you're a Christian because you know you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you had wonderful parents and you were the you know raised by Christians and in your case you came into the world at a great disadvantage to parents who didn't really want you right I mean that's got a deal you you have to deal with that the rest your life your entire life I'm sure that that still comes up from time to time and things that you do the way you think it has to come up yeah and somehow young people turn that on themselves all right what about me I must have not been lovable what three months old you are nothing but lovable so you as you said as your parents who are illegitimate not you that's right but coming from that then to see you today traveling around the world balanced in your theology you know which is which is you know I hate to say it's almost commodity today even in our church to people who are very speakers who are balanced not afraid to give the truth we're giving it but we give it with love somebody whose marriage counselor somebody who is literally sing with the heritage singers travels around the world sings you preach you teach and plays basketball very well too but all of those things it is ripe old age now he's still out there growing up the young kids on Tuesday nights I know I'm a witness to it all but you know to see God bring you from where the devil wanted to destroy you he wanted to destroy you and then God said no I've come to give you life and give it more abundantly that's right so now I want to we want to hold it right there for you and we want to go back to Angie Angie where were you born and tell us about your background your heritage okay I was born in a place called Dobby England it's in Midland okay and yeah he's pretty I should really yeah okay I've been wanting the matter of fact I went together as I saw his office yesterday and the lady looked at my paperwork she said oh you're born in England so yeah so what are you doing here living that's a while I left when I was just a little girl but anyway my mom and dad they had eight children and I'm the youngest of eight okay five were born in Jamaica and the last three Cliff Lee she and I were born in England well and that's pretty after my father died we left we left how old were you then about on your father died I was three okay Yeah right three years old so you don't have too many memories of your father so you're a single mother yes yes and one mother one father all of us wonderful mother we've all got to know and love ourselves around wonderful mothers so many years Otto so you left England you went to Jamaica no no we my mother's sister lived in New York okay and we went to New York went to New York yeah okay so we after my father died we all left like two at a time because too many of us to leave all at once so with different years we let one left two of them left early and another three with my mom then the other three so we left him yes I say well so anyway we moved to Brooklyn my aunt owned at 8 yeah 8 family here house oh yeah she owned it and we all lived in that house and then was your mom a Christian at that point an Adventist a wonderful love the Lord she taught us how to keep yourself as a young lady how to carry yourself how to UM how to pray and I always tell my mother praying so I loved that and so I got that from her watching her pray that's why I'm always praying for this man Nicole right okay how did you meet John well that's nice Wow big boat he'll destroy you hear me yeah sure hey we're used to hearing him we want to hear you okay let's see here we are in I'm in Brooklyn and we went to the same church Bethel Church and all because I came to this country not just seven and we went to that church so did he but we didn't know each other then I don't happen the same church but you know Bethel was huge hundred members made Church and so one Sabbath afternoon I saw this guy and I said - I saw him I saw I said to my friend I was about sixteen and I said to my friend who's that guy over there Oh his name is for afro group really afro big afro yeah yeah don't go be a jeans jacket and a like a little bag on his shoulder and I said I want to meet him and I said I said I can't wait to meet him so Chris introduced me to him and you know the other side of it okay go ahead because it will make sure we get a picture up for that oh you happy oh yeah we'll make sure we get today and so when we so this friend we had mutual friend named Chris the context of that I had been looking at her for since I started hitting teenagers maybe about three years earlier and I thought don't even try it because you're going to give you the time of day yeah go ahead she - fine and you look at it both of her sisters you know she has hazel eyes as his - blue eyes and they always came to church he was doing the area Yvonne where girls are wearing the maxi dresses oh yeah they always come to church looking like queen hook them up like something royal so they come and charge her older sister so they come to church in the guys like oh did you see these here in it I don't even know their names so when her friend said hey this girl wants to meet you so who he said hurts it yeah right I really anything oh really seriously she does so it was like a it was like a major butterfly mom from moment for me because she was is still today fine fine careful and so yeah 16 years old like girls in her prime interview and but go ahead and take it from there oh okay so anyway we met and but my cousin likes him oh my cousin that introduced you know I introduced it but I was with my cousin but she's real flirty she liked and she always got all the guys because she had that real nice shape Oh God all the guy and I'm like how dare she I didn't notice anyway she just didn't get anywhere so yeah so we connected and but I had five brothers so he will I wasn't allowed to date they had five Jamaican brother different like the other five brothers and five Jamaican brothers yeah different story and they protected her like Fort Knox oh I bet yeah I don't blame I don't blame them either because I look back now and I see why they tripping like that but then now as I got older I said you know that I would do the same thing and really be the same but I just invite him over the only way he could come to my house was for worship because I wasn't allowed to date my mom would always have Friday night worship and she says I said mom can I have a friend come over she says who is it I said John a guy and she says okay for worship only yeah yeah okay so every Friday night my mom had on family worship and he would come over for worship and where were you spiritually at this time John I was a mess I will hear what early exchange 17 1816 when I first met her he started going to worship you maybe 17 where were you spiritually I was the world I was worldly I was a partier I was a gambler I was a pool hustler well I was the guy that probably mothers in church to say stay away from the young ladies and no good and while were you going to church if you because you know I had the foundation disa truth in the Bible that I need the insert right here train up a child in the way he should on when he's old he will not depart from it I want to add a caveat the lady raising me out she passed away when I was 13 hmm and but the foundation she laid was so instilled in me that even I was on the basketball team in the football team in high school well the football teams they had their celebration or were given out all the jackets and the trophies on a Friday night she had already passed away there was no wanted to tell me not to go and I could not go I just couldn't go what the thing about that is I couldn't go to I would not go to the basketball game wouldn't go to the football dinner but I go party instead so probably figure that out that's the confusion of worldliness so when we met I was very much in the world afraid of that word so why did you see in him why weren't you looking for the clean-cut guy with the you know nice hairdo and all that stuff and you what was you thinking because I had in my mind I knew who I wanted I had a guy in my mind who I wanted he fit the description hey there okay so you knew beyond what you saw on the outside that God had a plan for him was that what you were thinking yeah well yeah actually was I knew I'm like well he'll come to church sometimes and I would see him I'm like oh he's nice-looking he had the nice I was one of the guy with the knife here nice curly hair and he had a real soft curls I'm like and then tall so he fit every description in my mind that's why I wanted to meet him so he came over that Friday night for worship and all my brothers were watching him except cliff cliff and I hit it off by the way he tackled me right away and we were wrestling yeah yeah yeah when I met him yeah all right oh yeah good yeah yeah what a character yeah yeah Joker so anyway he came over and and he was well he that he should be okay you'd be on it real cool and I kept inviting him over invite him over Friday night one particular Friday night I said my mother said John would you read the scriptures in the Bible I can't remember what Scripture it was maybe Psalms 23 I don't know this was him he opened the Bible the Lord is my shepherd can't read be the preparation with that's hard to get a devil to read of God's Word yeah so like don't have me read no Bible I'm something about the party I got to go to later we're here yeah yeah what did your mom think of John as a date we had the potential as a suitor for you she liked him but she didn't see him as me in here you don't get us too young I was 17 then we met at 16 but at 17 you know close to 18 okay 18 and 19 are you guys still together now you're old enough to start dating and other than just worship yeah okay listen to what happened um that Friday night oh yeah oh you forgot I kept inviting him over for worship and that one particular Friday night I said John have you seen the book the great controversy say yeah when mom was alive I said let's read it he said okay so we went where did we go oh you want to get a chapter that will take you from the world of Jesus and a heartbeat the first chapter we're at the time of trouble records thank you we're all coming to an end rivers are rolling backwards the mountains of quaking fire come down of heaven people are running for their lives of these days but I'm on the wrong team and literally I've broke down and cried that night I remember how old I was I was 19 at the time because I just thought I was working at Bank of America Wall Street okay and earlier that day this is the context of it earlier that day somebody at work who used to go to the same church I want to move to Miami Florida and started a disco remember those words the disco - oh yeah and they said we're looking for a disc jockey and I was a really good disc jockey at the time they said we're looking for a disc jockey to be the person to leave out in our club all you have to do is say yes we'll give you we'll start you off with $500 a week this is the 1979 Wow 500 bucks a week we'll give you a place to stay we'll pay for you to come on down here all you have to do is say yes so the devil the devil made it so sweet but i but the Lord impressed me said you know let me think about it I'll give you my answer on Monday mmm that Friday night was when we really create a controversy and then the next chapter we read it was about the second coming of Christ mm-hmm in that Friday night I put down my pool stick in my boombox and I traded it for a Bible and the great controversy in on Monday morning I went to work with the Bible the great controversy hardly had any any instructions on how to give Bible studies but I was looking for people to give Bible studies was on Monday morning okay my first Bible study so you had a conversion experience that's Friday night I try I bawled my eyes out I mean I literally let me open Cornell tonight pray together it went back to your foundation because the same thing I noticed when he said that he wouldn't go to the basketball that's because you knew your mom and totally disapproved of it right and she wouldn't be happy the other world she may not known about or been there so you've justified but you did not want to disappoint her because she had laid such a good foundation and so now you're reading this you know it's true you know that that's what you've been taught and it kind of brings you then to repent it was amazing and so that really opened the door we need to just back up a moment sure before that because used to go to all these parties and I used to go to your house I used to hear we lived on the third floor and I take these pebbles and throw it in on the window trying to hit the window to wake them up but they have a smaller Sabbath morning sorry sabbath morning service morning yeah I get him to come to cheer me because they've been out all night yeah and I was like yo enjoy that his father let me in the house finally let me in and I said hey John come on you're going to church I just got home from a party at 4:00 this morning if I don't care you're going to church with me pulls out his clothes started pressing on and I said go shower and he went showered then and he came in the room I left the room so he could change next thing I said come on work on the church we went to church he sat in church as he slept his head would leap I slept up has to see a sermon now you have so much yeah yeah you know it's interesting to me as I listen to you is to see how God at every juncture intervened like when your parents left but he provided other parts you know and then provide it gave you a love in Angie that just undergird all that you do mm-hmm and to me it says it is so the speaks of a loving God with a plan I try a plan for your life so though you might have felt abandoned you weren't abandoned because at every juncture God had something for you matter of fact that's why the book is called abandoned but not alone and and the as of this interview where we're updating it we're revamping it to bring it up to some new details I want to add and then we publish it but and there's a quote I want to share toward the ending of the program but you know before we be before we were girlfriend and boyfriend her brothers were my brothers her mom became my mom at a point where I had no mother and Papa who raised me his wife had died in 1971 1971 she died and so he kind of gave up on life and was Rekluse at times and was looking for a love and he got remarried so it was quite different so I just had no anchor and she became my new anchor in my life okay and had a relationship with the Lord that she wouldn't let me compromise that's the thing that was wonderful I never I never forgot this and I tell us and right and this is a good message for the young people today you know I still have it today is a little Cupid doll with a little red heart on it and she was on that it had I'll give you my heart but you'll have to fight over the rest okay I knew her she said I don't want anybody that's not in the church I don't want anybody that doesn't have a relation to the Lord and so at every interval like when I had a party one Friday night I was at the World Trade Center on the 44th floor diss chalking and the lo and behold through the dark room you know this I'm looking at the windows of the world all the way through the dark room just who's it John what who is it what are you doing help how did you find out how look at the camera guys don't try to hide girlfriend has connections to find out where you are you think she doesn't know then you're fooling yourself so she shows up she tracked you down I got me I'm on the 44 in the world isn't ha Japan GTV temper she I never found how she's Anna but anyhow she said you know it's Friday night it's the Sabbath you should not be here that was wrong holy boldness I said would you get out of here I'll be at church mo just get out of here and I never forget I recall this just one few years ago I recall this one of my speakers started to smoke okay and I thought I look back on that Lord said I could burn this thing down and his mercy and the very next day I had to fulfill my end of the agreement I was at church she would never let me not be a church and so but Angie didn't didn't you I mean growing up everybody goes through spiritual struggles with their time in your life that you thought well maybe I don't want to be a Adventist Christian maybe I want to go out in the world and try some of the things was there ever time in your life that you wanted to go a different direction actually um we used to go to the room Jamaican the reggae party Weesa God my cousins yeah I did that and this is before John I used to do that and after that I'm like there's nothing in this life okay you know I saw my friends and on some of my cousin's y'all they do get drunk and I'm like I don't want this life okay and so you always say learn from other people learn from other people's mistakes don't repeat you don't know yeah yeah I saw what I said I'm a man that will love the Lord more than me okay and if I could get John to do that love the Lord then I got a good man yeah and what happened after a while he started taking over our Friday night's worship okay after the Cubs are bleeding out and then we got involved in prison ministry together yeah we were married her brother gave her a little car that only had a it didn't have reverse only went forward Tony went forward okay that imagine good is that amazing obviously I don't forward forward well I got done to go and we go to prison we got a Sabbath school then we go because church is so huge we go to Sabbath school you just get you know better you just get lost in the crowd so we got involved in prison ministry all throughout New York Rikers Island we go to prison before we were married and was her car and every time I got this call only had only head forward so when we visit friends and they say well goodnight with God's eyes my were waiting for them to close the door so I push the call back we always try to pocket for they're gonna drive out for sometimes about and they blocked us in they went for people to leave the wicked okay you go dry I'll push it back with you Borja push it back yeah but a smaller you push it back and thanks a lot it was an old Toyota double tiny yeah I also had a spring in the seat oh man I had three suits that that spring in the feet went through this car seemed to tore my pants every time boots but but that call was just it was a testimony of our life going forward when we even said this we would always use it for prison ministry in one day we decided to use it to go to great adventure in way up in New Jersey in with Management Park Music Park and that's the day it broke down on the George Washington Bridge that the Lord did not intend for this to be a pleasure car only for ministry absolutely tell us a little bit you mentioned earlier that CA was Marie was of course it's the 3abn for many years now CA was the your pastor are you fasting back then what impact did he have on you now it was he aware that you were out doing what already deal and disc jockey and all that kind of stuff and I mean did he come down on you like Angie did he follow you to the where you were and get on you how did he deal with you as your pastor we had so many young people in our church let me be I think 500 young people are not know like churches in New York packed with young people we had so many activities but the caveat was if you don't come to church you can't play basketball no we cannot play that well you can't be on the basketball team so he had it dangling over on don't come to church you not being basketball he was out passed he preached to us and our youth church while he was there had grown so large that the senior pastor of the church Lord rest him now mentioned his name the youth church had grown so large it became a threat to the adult church and he decided to shut down the youth church so that we could have a bigger adult service no much capacity was a young man he played basketball with us that's back in the day when he had his afro oh yeah yeah yeah he had him okay with who was a young wonderful youth pastor here May he passed the ball he says right well he had a good shot I mean yeah he would pass yeah he cruises John and me of not past I don't where that come from you don't let my past he says yeah whoever puts the ball in the hoop the most wins that's what my dad tell me but anyway see a will pass he actually will pass we were once in a while John and I yeah yeah they do a lot of shooting this is another part of our life because now that we got this spiritual thing going together and I want to just say for the caveat we met at 16 data off and on off and on for nine years we broke up got back the other Brooklyn back together selfish we're both selfish and so for the young people that are listening to this program you know we were selfish but I think one of the reasons to the success of our marriage is the Lord gave us time to get all those selfish ways out and still go through the course of growing up as my husband and wife every now and then you have the residues well we've got baptized remember Pastor James Lamar oh sure well we got baptized together and in 1919 at an evangelistic series a good old tent meeting in Brooklyn mm-hmm and I never forget when our brother said you remember they said about a skid baptized to go heal and get married what they plan on getting married together and at that point we didn't realize everyone talking about and those both of us had this spiritual kind of let's commit ourselves together my dad it was really really good and we never met again Yvonne you where were you and all of this were you in New York I was in New York and if you went to church would you have gone to that church I did go to that church did you guys know each other then did you know him back then you know not really he went too much my dad was the principal of Bethel school I'm mourning today was a cos is punishable here in suppose it was his problem I didn't whip your daddy back only once do that when you do it with we've called the wire McCain we had to talk anytime we know in trouble the principal he was the prison very high you never do did he know no yeah good girl and my sister was in John Klatt okay so my baby so she she was in his class and and I was out of school by then right I was a little sister my little baby sister was in his clanky being on that was but during these years what would that have been when you were 18 19 years old what years in 70s 76 77 78 on what were you doing in the 70s 76 77 I had just started the music business so you weren't really going to church that much no no no I let it roam with you but you know it's in so doing and I don't recommend that anybody be and especially little McGinnis now but I'm thankful that I got the Lord brought me back yeah so I'm not so happy that I left but I'm thankful that he brought me back because while I was out there I appreciate so much more the Lord and the whole Christian having so much what one of the things I've learned is that people say well they went out and he did this you did that she did this but those of us sitting in church can be just as lost absolutely okay we can be there every Sabbath and do take part and do all the things that would think we're supposed to do and still not have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ we do it because we think we should and a lot of people go to church whether it's our church Baptist Church because they don't want to be lost and so they say well I want to do so the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so no one can set in judgment of anyone else but you guys were out there you were there and you knew when to come back and what you were coming back to right thankfully yes yeah with you with you too what what would you say could you've been married for all these years and you're not just you know you see people who are married and they're it's kind of like the relationship that you just were talking about with the Lord and it's it it's married in name only so yeah this is my wife or this is my husband but we don't do anything together you know we just coexist we live in the same house but you guys are a team what would you say what are the secrets to this kind of relationship and optimal kind of marriage not just a marriage in name only okay we have fun together we pray together but we know how to have fun together no matter laughs okay we single day I gather we know how to you know we don't just talk to each other we talk yeah okay right right about everything or grandly munication communication you're huge open with each other yeah yeah go together yeah we go to shopping we share the same bank account yeah everything is together that's right all right it's like there's no my love her how do you deal with conflict who's the first one usually to apologize yeah yeah Matthew five blessed are the peacemakers well besides he likes to eat her cooking that's probably don't want to get it you could say John I just don't feel like cooking yeah I'm sorry honey I was wrong let me tell you the side of that I think that relationships without passion is not really a relationship a lot of times people say well we never argue in my interpretation of that is one of you he rained it because you have to have differences really no matter how long you together that's right sometimes you know we have this funny joke we've been doing like last two years is that do you want what I said you're going to pick the opposite right and we joke about this and she said I see you thirsty no yeah you want to got it no since she says I want them to drink but I ask you to you thirsty put on thirsty now he's like sure that's fine be let it be on your terms sometimes people don't think they had this individuality that's important so they lose themselves to please the other person don't lose yourself be good right if I wanted to marry somebody exactly like me then one of us will be unnecessary yeah no you know you don't want people to think exactly like you at no point in your life because you don't have a check and balance I think she doesn't know sometimes is it would you stop singing and come and watch the show with me hey oh you know and true and sure I you need that balance right and so we have a lot of things that but I want to point I want to go back a little bit really quickly because as she talked about our conversion you know after after that point of that Friday night awakening with God I still partied and I it was a little bit of hesitation okay lord I know I'm going in the wrong direction but I hadn't given up the world yet I periodically party or do house parties or wedding parties or disk jockey and house clubs and then along the way the Lord continued to battle with me and shortly little by little he would say to me no more and I say okay I got it and I remember going to a house party in one Saturday night to somebody's place who strangely enough and I say this in context many of us that worshiped together partied together read a whole lot of sinners in our church but praise God we look back on them now and they all come back to the Lord Amen young people growing up we can't argue with that a lot of people they have to find their way I used to do with the Flyers and oh this is terrible god I thank the Lord for His mercy because when I was a junior uh sure my time came to pass now bulletins I would put four plata party flyers in the bulletins my friends know they'd know where party is at the Sabbath and I was alone how to kill him on aisle three god I should help a nursing yeah and where the party was tonight and they would go to the party and they go to the party we party you know celebrate you know cool the gang and all that stuff back then but our real turning point was when we had an accident one Sunday both in a car together was when Honda's were small enough when very very small it was full of a sound equipment records and all and I said this statement which you got to be careful I said okay Lord this is the last time he's ever heard it and he tried to kill us made a terrible car accident with his Honda who both got injured and I knew at that moment if we had died we both had have been lost police that was my interpretation and that was the last time I get rid of all my records covered of everything that was just shocked he connected and then our lives began to turn around she went to Oakwood I waited till she came even when she went to Oakwood I waited I didn't date anybody we kept in communication back and forth we kept in communications back and forth and and then we went to open together again in 1979 we're kind of fast-forwarding yet go ahead and then in 1983 I got it this is the funny part in 1983 after we dated for nine years her brother who's Hogg deceased came to me in the kitchen they all on Monroe Street in Brooklyn and he said how long you going to date my sister you're gonna marry her awhile and I thought you know he's kidding and he said how long you gonna date my sister and marry her what he was there is 25 years old I'm 24 nothing you gonna marry her yeah when next month we got married in 30 days it was like that you gonna marry how are you going to get and he got married in 30 days in the funny joke I tell this in concerts the joke is her brother proposed and I accepted let me give the folks a home a little behind-the-scenes huh the producer of this program today is pastor CA Murray that was his pastor just a few minutes ago John said he used to take these flyers and put in the church bulletin right about parties on the teleprompter just came up said shame on you long see a shaming you all these years that's something he just found out he I told you'd find out things Dave already that's good now we've only got about eight minutes left or so so what I want to do is we're going to talk about quickly about your ministry but we know your pastor and a lot of that but we want to find out about your music you have CDs you've got the book you've written and tell us how you got into your music ministry in 1983 after leaving New York I got involved in a Christian telling search and the Lord works it out that I came in among the top 10 finalists while I was doing the concert one Saturday night and her mom bought some tickets to a heritage singers concert in the top where Auditorium in Kissimmee Florida her mother insisted I said mama I'll be I'm 75 miles away during a concert she said you have to come I bought tickets okay we'll come after my cruise so we got there at halftime just in time for the announcement max Mays director and founder marriages said we're looking for a new tenor after the end of this season and so somebody turned to me as I was sitting in the audience he said John you could do that so I felt my voice is warmed up I auditioned and I remember the song died of a broken heart and I never knew what happened after that audition but maybe out seven or eight months later we got a call to join the heritage singers you know and acts Mays I said but I'm married he said I wouldn't think of separating you two we both joined the hair of the singers together married a year through marriage when the first month we went to 19 countries to Toronto so you were singing to it no one ended okay she was on the road bookkeeper did all the bank Japan record mill ale and you know they paid it the same thing that I got paid well you know food and we till we traveled the world together enjoy that how many marriages would survive if your wife was is with you in your face every day for two years and a half just a few feet apart not a lot of relationship I'll enjoy that yeah yeah on the bus traveling yeah you really like each other I just love each other but like each other and work together twice - OH in New York we had two jobs together the same company so going fast forward quickly in heritage on that doug batchelor oh yeah pastor Doug Batchelor Widow came friends after we left heritage the pastor of the group after we left heritage a year later I got an invitation from the Northern California conference to start evangelism with pastors a bachelor we moved from Florida and the details are in the book as we release it and the Lord our walk from the last all of our marriage should I some how long for 32 years raised alone in the marriage has been a late walk when I'm high Oh to tell you the stories of the times that we could have turned around thank God only showed us but what he wanted us to see to see if we trust him to take the rest of the way so and so from the haridas's that's when the music ministry began yes but the first CD that I produced was when I was with Doug Batchelor in 1999 it's called surrender that's a part of the first project we have some we have surrender never alone in the call and those are the three they're from they actually surrender was first never alone is the third in the picture that was a second one that's most of my originals that go with the song the chapters in the book and the call was one I did when I was here at 3abn and really it talks about I came to the realization that there's a call on our lives mm-hmm and so that's the name of that third CD and then so we've been here now what year did we get here 2003 2003 well we've been here at 3abn and we've grown up you know I came here with black hair let me just kind of I was still coloring my hair back then it was a joke because people work this is a big controversy on the internet and around the world what would people say man with the plastic here yeah because I've used black yeah yeah and shiny hair spray and they said I think it's to pee here piece no again real everywhere we go they always want to touch it I thought if I feel great and we could get rid of that myth and but here we are ministering my wife also when we came here the Lord called us to 3abn dannion literally I want to say this quickly when we when we left California went to Isle misery conference after about nine months there when we realized that the vision that we had was not with the vision the vision that God had we sat down and I literally sat on the edge of my bed and said Lord what do you want us to do with the rest of our lives and two days later Danny called me I didn't have that kind of relationship with him I didn't put out on the Internet I didn't call anybody I to make any phone calls or letters who needs help he called and said we're building a new church and your name came on our list are you interested and we've been Fraggle no Rachel said Danny so girl following us to be a part of this I'm thankful for you all you've been such a blessing not only to the ministry but me personally for so many years and I just appreciate so much you guys friendship and as a pastoral team because you're actually a team she's a minister as he is because she mentors from all of us and what a great example of loving caring people they have people to house constantly I know because we're some of those you're there most of church you've probably all the church has been there sometime or other she kind of takes turns with all of us invites us over wonderful cooks everybody really excited when we know we're coming going over there because she can cook she is the vegetable scallop Queen yes nobody knows how to do that so when I go over she'll usually make some of those for me but John tell us a little bit about the book it's about our life story together not just mine but Angie's also and because of the roll together I want to just wind up with the statement in the back of the book when it was done I didn't know how to end it but here's what I said my life is a miracle not because I've learned to adjust but because I am a part of a divine plan I am moving upward and on but not because I have learned to scale the utmost heights but because I know who's I am I choose not to fear life but to live it I look back not to lament but to remember I hold on not because I am incapable because I'm wise I look at barriers is movable problems and solvable heartaches is healable and disappointments is temporary it is not confidence in myself that gives me hope it is in Christ to me that is my hope the experiences I've had were not designed to break me but to make me I am at peace because I know who I am if in the midst of your circumstances you can see God you are on your way to wholeness if in the midst of your storms you can hear his voice you are on your way to to be abandoned is out of your control but to think that you are alone is your choice okay so good oh I read that book years ago and it's a page-turner everyone you don't want to put it down it's really a page-turner really maybe folks at home they're used to seeing you here at 3abn but do you have an address if folks want to write because you got CD you got the books you've always got something new coming out maybe Bible studies no telling what may ball books in the works if you have an yep three APN carries you know three being carries all of our seats here so if you know the three being just get on through here the old box 220 west frankfort illinois six to eight nine six there it is on the screen 3abn p o-- box 220 west springfield illinois six to eight nine six and i'm going to encourage you to get the book and read it I read it some time ago but your music John is such a blessing and God has gifted you you you have a incredible voice because not everybody in fact very few people who preach as well as you do can keep you on edge you see preaching can keep you on edge use your seat singing and John really is one of the most talented preachers teachers musician singer and to get all that in one package and to get him here somebody who loves the Lord somebody who stays straight straight doesn't needle as they say to the pole straight there that plumb line and your theology has been such a blessing to 3abn so I praise the Lord that you guys have chosen to be here all of these years and so you're literally not just brothers in the church but brothers together and I appreciate it appreciate that brothers and sisters and I feel like we're all family here so thank you for what you do for the cause of God we're going to take a short break we're going to go to news break we'll be back for closing talk can't believe our time is just about all gone I know we never figured it was very good John do you have a closing thought for our viewers at home I want to say to those of you who are married or maybe those of you looking for Relay ship so those of you that are planning for the person in your future ask the Lord what he wants you to do and let me just tell you and I say this Danny Vaughn and those of you watching and listening to the program I could not be Who I am today had I not had the wife that God has given to me I wish this was a 2-shot because I want to have that a guy there you go other I could not be we could not be who we are today without each other it's humbling that the Lord chose us as young children and the summary of our stories are those of you all watching is put your life in the hand of the Lord and one day we'll go from New York to New Jerusalem all right for those of you at home our time is all gone until we see you next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask or think [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 59,399
Rating: 4.8072853 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, interview, john lomacang
Id: tX9rJr2xmjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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