Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 9: Creation: Genesis as Foundation—Part 2

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last week on 3bn sabbath-school panel we took on a study a very interesting study entitled creation Genesis as foundation part 1 and of course there's got to be a part 2 and that's exactly what we're going to be studying this week in our overall study entitled how to interpret Scripture we're going to be taking on study number 9 entitled creation Genesis as a foundation part 2 and in the case that you may not have a copy of this lesson you can still get one if you go to a B s G dot Adventist dot org and there you can access a copy of this study for free until then we want you to go grab yourself your family members your friends your enemies anyone that you can gather them around and let's go study the Bible together in this exciting Bible study adventure [Music] hello and welcome back to 3abn Sabbath school panel again we are always so happy that you are joining us we know that you're taking time out of your busy day your busy week to study with us here and we're so grateful for that and you know what we're continuing through this series of studies because we're over halfway through we're on lesson number 9 just a few left and last week we talked about Genesis as foundation part 1 and this week lesson number 9 creation Genesis s foundation part 2 so I'm excited to study this I don't know about you guys we have some very interesting topics among today as well but before we go any further I'm gonna go ahead and introduce the panel in case you're watching for the first time we have miss Jill Morricone and it's always a blessing and an honor to have you on here thank you so much pastor I enjoy to study God's Word praise the Lord we have pastor Loma King to her left how are you brother I'm doing well we've enjoyed the topic of creation and we're praying that God can give us wisdom to make this one very clear oh praise the Lord and we have Pastor John Dinsey a general manager of three being Latino it's a blessing to have you here brother it's again a blessing to be here and God is good amen praise the Lord and my good friend my brother from another mother pastor Kenny Shelton I love your wisdom and your knowledge brother it's a blessing to have you on everything's a blessing to be here and share the Word of God thank you praise the Lord amen you know when I was studying for this particular lesson it caught me off guard I'm gonna introduce what that is and if you have a copy of this lesson then you know exactly what I'm talking about and I kind of see now exactly where the author was going with this because we're talking about how to interpret Scripture right and so I can see that as we take on some of these more difficult and sometimes strange topics like why are we studying this there is a purpose sometimes you're gonna have questions people are gonna challenge you with things that you know you have to be able to give an answer for the Bible tells us to be able to you know be ready to give an account for the things that we're challenged about and be able to stand on God's truth and allow the Word of God to speak for itself our memory text of course comes from Psalm 19 verse 1 and I'm going to read that and then we're going to have a prayer but notice what it says here Psalm night verse 1 this comes from the new King James Version it says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork and on that note pastor Lowe McCain would you like to have this prayer for us loving father in heaven thank you for the opportunity you have revealed to us the truth of your unerring Word it was wisdom now to handle it for your glory and honor we pray in Christ's name Amen praise the Lord in the study on Sabbath afternoon there was some interesting statistics and information given there that I would like to read at this time to set us up for Sunday's lesson which is quite interestingly entitled a Flat Earth question mark Flat Earth notice what Sabbath afternoon says it says many great thinkers were inspired by scripture to explore God's creative created world as a result modern science was born Johannes Kepler Isaac Newton John ray Robert Boyle and other early great scientists believed that their work revealed even more about the handiwork of God's creation after the French Revolution however 19th century science began to move from a theistic worldview to one based on naturalism and materialism often with no place at all for the supernatural these philosophical ideas were popularized by Charles Darwin on the Origin of Species of course the book that he wrote since that time science has increasingly distanced itself from its biblical foundation resulting in a radical reinterpretation of the Genesis story which is what we talked about essentially last week we're going to continue that theme this week does the Bible teach an antiquated unscientific view of cosmology was the biblical account simply borrowed from the surrounding pagan nations and there's some people that say that of course you know the stories of Gilgamesh and all the other different writings that are out there they say oh you know the Bible had to have come after that well that's what the the author's asking here was the biblical culturally conditioned by its place and time or or does its inspired nature elevate us to view its origin of origins that is complete in its divine framework and so we're going to continue through this study and again Sunday's lesson a Flat Earth you know you know I have over the years you know traveling in evangelism doing many different Bible studies in many different churches you run across people who they're confident and they're passionate about that they believe according to their personal research that the earth is flat and they believe that it is foundation in Scripture now you and I who might have a more a different probably a more popular view that the world is is round but rather than flat we think of that and go how could you get that right from Scripture but nonetheless let's look at a couple of examples in Scripture we're gonna go to the book of Revelation and these are texts in which someone might go to and say wait a second if the Bible words it this way then there must be indeed a flat earth so Revelation chapter 7 we're gonna begin there Revelation chapter 7 and verse 1 notice what the Bible says says after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth or on the sea or any tree so again the four corners of the earth now skip over to Revelation 20 we're gonna look at verses 7 and 8 from Revelation chapter 20 so these are some biblical examples of where someone might say wait a second is the earth flat or do we live on a flat earth right revelation 20 verses 7 & 8 speaking of that period of a thousand years after the thousand years is now when the thousand years have expired Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are notice again in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle whose number is as the sand of the sea four corners the four corners of the earth will if the earth is round and why does it have four corners right I think a common explanation of this is first of all we have to recognize that the book of Revelation is a very very highly symbolic book there's lots and lots of figurative and symbolic language flooded throughout this this from revelation 1 in revelation 22 and so John is simply using the term four corners to communicate the four compass points of the circular earth and we're gonna show biblical proof as to how we know that in just a moment he is using symbolic and figurative language it's kind of like you know we we might say you know the Sun sets in the west right that's figuratively and we know that the Sun is not literally setting or sitting in the West right and so in the same thing the Sun is rising in the east or it rose in the east you know it's a figurative language that we use to describe the events around us in particularly to the Sun to to insist on a literal interpretation of this if we were to read these texts literally and say okay this earth has to be flat because of these four corners to insist on a little interpretation of the text would be irresponsible and and I say this respectfully somewhat unintelligent because of the scientific proof that we have today and it would be taking the passage completely out of context now this just to further establish this point we know that not only does Bible prophecy often use this figurative language or this symbolic language but we also see even Jesus in his teachings and his parables and his discourse has often used this figurative language symbolic language to communicate a moral point for instance Matthew chapter 15 verse 19 would be a prime example of this so again Matthew 15 verse 19 says and this is Jesus speaking through out of the heart proceed from out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witnesses our false witness and blasphemies so again if we were to take this text literal okay you know we would have to assume that Jesus is talking about that you know cardiac pump in our chest that's something oh these things are coming out of and of course we read that and it's somewhat silly to even think that that's the case right because we know that he's using a figure of speech to communicate a moral point now I said earlier that we would look at biblical proof as to how where we get the concept of living on a round earth because we know that the earth is not flat the Bible tells us that it's not flat let's go to job chapter 26 job chapter 26 and we're gonna be looking at verses 7 through ten job 26 verses 7 through 10 somebody have that want to read it for us job chapter 26 verses 7 through 10 he stretches out the north over empty space he hangs the earth on nothing he binds up the water in his thick clouds yet the clouds are not broken under it he covers the face of his throne and spreads his cloud over it he drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters at the boundary of light and darkness ok so right there we have a clear indication that you know this earth is circular and you'll notice that these are not prophetic or figurative words these are not symbolic words this is a clear description from Jobe obviously under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit recounting the creative works of Jesus at the beginning of course we're talking about creation week Genesis as a foundation when we read that Genesis creative account we can accept it by faith we even though we weren't there we know that it was true right let's go to Isaiah chapter 40 verses 21 through 22 Isaiah chapter 40 verses 21 through 22 and if we have someone that could read that as well ok here it is 21 and 22 anyone at 22 have you not known have you not heard has it not been told you from the beginning have you not understood from the foundation of the earth it is he who sits above the circle of years there it is and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in hmm okay so again again this is not this is Isaiah now the Prophet who is clearly communicating not from a figurative speech not from a symbolic language but he's simply recounting the creative works of Jesus from the beginning of creation and so we see right there verse 22 is that he who sits above the circle of the earth and so you know it almost would seem and I say this respectfully and I think anybody who knows me would understand that it almost seems silly they even have to talk about this because again of all of them multiple evidences that we have today that we live on a round circular planet but again there may be someone watching right now that says you know what I'm convinced that this earth is flat and we want to show you from a biblical perspective that God did indeed create this earth as a round sphere or a circular round object and so additionally in the closing moments I have considered just some of the scientific evidences some of the common-sense reasoning that we could just say okay we have to be on a runner for instance if you go to a harbour and you look and you watch a ship I don't know if you've ever seen this before I've been to many different oceans and if you watch a ship sail out across the ocean you will know that the earth has to be some type of shape other than a flat because you'll start to see the ship doesn't just go out of thin air it literally it's like it was almost like it's sinking in the water you start to see it go down down that's because it's going over the horizon I think of a lunar eclipse a lunar eclipse is probably one of the clearest indications that we live on a round planet because when a lunar eclipse happens you know you don't see a flat straight line that goes through that moon right you know it's isn't because the earth is between the Sun and the moon so you would have to see the shape of the earth right it's a circular or round shape when is when you consider a lunar eclipse I considered the time zones and and pastor we were talking about this earlier he said you know get on a plane and he's absolutely right if you've ever been 35 to 37,000 feet in the air on an airplane just cross over a few time zones and you can simply when you get that high you will see the curvature of the planet and you can clearly see that we are living on a round circular planet in the time zones again I mentioned the time zones are a clear indication because again my mom called me last year when I was in her previous year when I was in Australia it was like two o'clock in the morning where I was and it was you know I don't know several hours in the afternoon how can that be if we're living on a flat earth right so the point is we can trust we can trust the signs evidence that proves that and we can trust the Bible most of all to know that God got it right the first time amen thank you so much for that study Pastor Ryan and you know we think Flat Earth the Word of God says around Earth but there are so many winds of doctrine blowing there are so many theories out there that we need to go back to of us saith the lord thank you that biblical proof on monday's lesson we look at creation in ancient literature and we say today an attack on the Genesis account by that I mean an attack on the biblical story of creation recorded in the book of Genesis this is a quote from the lesson we'll start here it says archaeologists have discovered texts from ancient Egypt in the Near East that contain early histories of the creation and the flood so the question arises instantly you think well that's not an issue there's no big deal with that that the question comes in was the Genesis account of creation borrowed from these pagan sources is it somehow independent on them or is it completely separate and thereby inspired so that's what we're going to take a look at we're gonna take a look at this discovery that archaeologists have made and we will see that in fact they are vastly different and that the creation account in Genesis was inspired by God himself so Audra HAases is the title of an 18th century BC Akkadian epic recorded in various versions on clay tablets there were three clay tablets that they discovered their currently cuneiform tablets they're currently now residing in the British Museum Audra Haas was the protagonist of this story and it was written in an extinct East somatic language that was spoken in the ancient world that is extinct and it's not even used anymore today there were these three tablets the oldest known copy can be dated to the reign of Homer Ruby's great-grandson that would be 16 46 to 16 26 BC so they're stories on these three tablets we're gonna look at them briefly so we can see the disparity between them and the account in Genesis tablet one contained the creation myth the Sumerian gods we know they had polytheistic religion they had met they believed in many gods they had three gods I can't pronounce them but we're just going to call them I knew and Nell and n ki and I'm sure that's not right I knew ruled the sky or so they talked and I'll ruled the earth or so they taught and Enki ruled the fresh water see Enel assigned junior Divine's or junior gods or lesser gods to do farm labor and maintain the rivers and canals now this is how the pagan story goes after 40 years these lesser gods rebelled and they said we're done with work we don't want to do strenuous labor anymore instead of punishing them the gods suggested that humans be created to do the work so as the story goes the mother goddess is assigned the task of creating humans by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of a god that they killed all of the gods then spit on the clay and after 10 months especially made wound breaks open and the humans are born no and I read that exactly Ryan he started to laugh when I read that you think really so tablet 2 contains legends about overpopulation of humans about famine and drought and then a decision that they're going to these gods are going to cause a flood to destroy mankind and tablet 3 contains their version of the flood now the lesson actually quoted from the ultra ultra hastens epic and this is what it said when the gods instead of man did the work bore the load the gods load was too great the work too hard the trouble too much let the womb goddess create offspring and let men bear the load of the Gods just to e a God who had intelligence they slaughtered in their assembly into mixed clay with his flesh and blood now that's that's just not even very pleasant to read so but if you look at the only similarity I see in this account to the creation account is that they had clay that's the only similarity I said the first humans obviously were made from the dust of the ground and they said clay mixed with some other things which we won't discuss but there are vast differences in these two accounts and let's look at them the first is I want to look at God's purpose in creation in Genesis the biblical account we say that God created the world and everything in it for humans for us to enjoy humanity was the culmination of his creative work he created light and darkness and plants and animals but humans man and woman was the culmination of that creative work God created the world to show his goodness and his glory we see that in Psalm 19 verse 1 the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows forth his handiwork we see that also in Psalm 50 verse 6 that Psalm 50 verse 6 let the heavens declare his righteousness for God himself is judge we also see that in Psalm 89 verse 5 that Psalm 89 verse 5 and the heavens will praise your wonders o Lord God wanted us to be his children and we are made in His image we studied that in a previous lesson Genesis 1:26 he considers us his children and we are made in the divine image the image of God first John 3:1 I love this scripture first john 3:1 behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God you see in this pagan epic atre HAases humans were created so the gods could rest man worked for the gods so that they could rest that's the opposite of the God that we serve that's our God his self-sacrificing love and he created us because He loves us and wants us to be his children he by contrast in Korean Genesis we see that God rested with his creation seeing this pagan mythology story the lesser they created humans so that they could rest no God did all this work and then he allowed us to rest with him on the Sabbath this is - one through three that's the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day and he blessed and sanctified and hallowed it so the first difference is God's purpose and creation the second difference is God's desire to communicate with his creation we see in Genesis that God wanted to communicate with his children he wanted to have a relationship with his children's right Genesis 3:8 once sin entered that brought division between God and humanity remember Genesis 3:8 Adam and Eve actually hid from God they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden but before sin they had open communion with God by contrast in this pagan mythology there is no mention of a garden created for humans there is no mention or of the desire for the gods to communicate with humans or be in fellowship with them difference number three it's God's desire to create man and woman in Genesis we see God physically forming Adam and Eve Adam from the dust of the ground and breathing into Adam's nostril God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life and Adam became what a living soul we see God causing Adam to go to sleep so that then he could create Eve from a rib from Adam side by contrast in this pagan mythology we see in had a God being killed so that they can somehow mix his blood with his clay that is vastly different between the biblical creation account finally number four difference we see God's desire is to love his creation and to have a world of feasts in Genesis we see his love first in creating humankind later after they sinned we see God's desire to reconcile them to himself by the promise of sending his son Jesus in this pagan mythology there's only conflict and violence in the creation of humans there's conflict and violence and definitely the gods weren't willing to die for the humans so what a difference in that and from there we can see that Moses did not borrow from these pagan stories when he wrote the book of Genesis by contrast all scripture including the Genesis account of creation is given by inspiration of God and I'm so grateful that it is hmm praise the Lord you know as I'm as I'm listening to this study my study your studying I know this is going to continue on the devil is attacking this he's attacking God's creative work as creative power and just think about it if if it's if it's good enough to get the devil's time you know to take his time and efforts to try to skew the truth of God's Word in relation to creation then you know I praise God for the Bible account that we have because we know God always gets it right the first time we're gonna take a short break and we'll be back in just a moment ever wish you could watch a three-bean sabbath-school panel again or share it on Facebook Instagram or Twitter well you can by visiting 3abn sabes cool panel comm a clean design makes it easy to find the program you're looking for there are also links to the adult Bible study guide so you can follow along sharing is easy just click share and choose your favorite social media cheryline save a life for eternity [Music] welcome back to 3abn sabbath-school panel we're gonna kick it over to Pastor John Loma King for Tuesday's lesson Genesis versus paganism Thank You Jill for doing a job on a topic that was introduced to me for the first time today and what an amazing thing you know the writers of this lesson have done an extremely good job thinking outside the box of issues that are very confrontational that we would have to address from a Christians perspective and we're doing our part to try to eliminate the things that are controversial Genesis versus paganism the question is and we read Genesis chapter one verse fourteen to nineteen let's do that very quickly because this talks about stars and greater light lesser lights let's see what the Bible says about Genesis versus paganism because in paganism it seems as though they give different purposes for the illuminated bodies above the earth but here's what the Genesis account is all about what was 14 Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 then God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for what signs and seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth and it was so then God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good so the evening and the morning were the fourth day let's think about that two lesser light the greater light the moon the lesser light the Sun the greater light the signs the seasons the days the years God established all these illuminated bodies to establish a cadence and the heavens have been so beautifully orchestrated by God you know I have a program that it's about looking into the heavens on the AMA I'm an amateur amateur amateur astronomer so amateur have a telescope I do it all on my iPad well that's an affliction but when you think about it we can program literally by telescopes my wife and I intend to do that where we can program in coordinates and it will point to stars and bodies that have never moved how does that happen coincidentally no providentially what I want to do with you on my remaining time is share with you from the perspective of people that are not necessarily Christians as to how they know that the creation of the earth and the world is the part of a divine designer let's begin reasons to believe in the existence of God and His Word and the and the complexity of creation the complexity of our planet I'm reading and you just follow is connected to a deliberate designer who not only created the universe but also sustains it let's talk about the size of the earth and by the way the earth is not round its spherical or ellipsoidal its spherical rather than just round the earth and it's perfect size according to one scientist the Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface let's see if that's coincidental let's see what they said if earth was smaller like the planet Mercury an atmosphere would be impossible if earth were larger like Jupiter its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant animal and human life and the question is where to come from in the beginning god come on can we say amen amen what about water water and it's necessity water is colourless odourless and without taste and yet no living thing can survive without it plants animals human beings consist mostly of water about two-thirds of the human body is water who designed that only God water is eight temperature regulator water is a universal solvent water is also chemically neutral without affecting the makeup of the substances that carry water enables food medicine and minerals to be absorbed and used by the body who else can create that but God ma'am water has a unique surface tension water in plants can therefore fall upward against gravity who can do that but God bringing life-giving water and nutrients to at the top of even the tallest trees if you go to the Avenue of the Giants in California they say the amount of water that those trees absorb in one day God put that water in the atmosphere who else can do that but God also water is transformative 97% of the Earth's water is in the oceans but on our earth there is a system designed which removes salt from the water and then distributes that water throughout the globe evaporation takes the ocean waters leaving the salt and forms clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land for vegetation animals and people who can design such complex system of sustenance but now let's think about the human brain the human brain simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information quote the human brain processes more than a million messages a second your brain weighs the importance of all its data filtering out the relatively unimportant so 10 years from now you might say I remember seeing that and you just saw it as you were driving by on a sign somewhere that's how amazing the brain is what about the human eye the human eye distinguishes 7 million colors it has automatic focusing camera people and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages simultaneously who can do that but God astrophysicists Robert Jastrow said these words the seed of everything that has happened in the universe was planted in that first instant every star every planet and every living creature the universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moments of the cosmic explosion bang God said it it happened okay the universe flashed into being and in astrophysicist Robert Jastrow says and we cannot find out what caused that to happen in the beginning god come on it's right the universe operates by uniform laws of nature he continues it is an atomically accurate the greatest scientists have been struck by how strange this is there is no logical necessity for a universe that obeys rules let alone one that abides by the rules of mathematics astrophysicist how in the beginning come on Richard Fineman a Nobel Nobel Prize winner said for quantum electric for quantum electrodynamics he said why Nature is mathematical is a mystery the fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle in the beginning god let's look at one other thing the DNA code how god puts in the DNA code all the information necessary so pagans have no answer that's right for any of these what they what they might call anomalies which we call simply divine designs all instruction and teaching and all training comes with intent someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose in every cell of our bodies there is existing a very detailed instruction book much like a miniature computer program and get this in every single cell there is a miniature computer program finally let me give the most powerful testament about how God's creation is not an accident a former atheist by the name of Marilyn Adamson she said I found it difficult to refute the continuously answered prayers and quality of life of a close friend in challenging the beliefs of her friend Marilyn was amazed to learn the wealth of objective evidence pointing to the existence of God about after about a year of persistent questioning she responded to God's offer to come into her life and has found faith in him to be constantly substantiated and greatly rewarding a former atheist now believes in God but here's what she said I was an atheist at one time and like many atheists the issue of people believing in God bothered me greatly what it is about what is it about atheists that we would spend so much time attention and energy refuting something that we don't believe even exists here's the answer the Bible makes it very clear job 38 verse 4 and 5 yes where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth tell me if you have understanding who determined its measurement surely you know or who stretched the line upon it friends no coincidence the heavens declare the glory of God the firmament shows his handiwork day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night reveals knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard Psalm 19 verse 1 2 3 raise God the Scriptures are a sure foundation well my part is creation and time and as we continue in this study I have the part where some people get as I began to study the Bible they get to the genealogies said oh no the genealogies but the genealogies are there for a purpose I mean they establish time and so let's go through the suggestive scriptures that are here in the lesson they point out to Genesis chapter 5 and in Genesis chapter 5 we really can't read the whole thing because of lack of time I'm going to read a few verses to establish something and then I'm gonna have to skip some verses because of lack of time but to establish the genealogy of time that it's brought out here in Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 we we began verse 1 this is the book of the genealogy of Adam in the day that God created man he made him in the likeness of God he created them male and female and blessed them and called them mankind in the day they were created and Adam lived one hundred thirty years and begat a son in his likeness after his image and named him Seth notice where it picks up it doesn't mention Cain and Abel after he begat Seth the days of Adam were eight hundred years and he had sons and daughters so all the days of Adam that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died Seth lived one hundred and five years and begat enos after he begat enos Seth lived a hundred and seven years and he had sons and daughters okay it continues I'm gonna now go to verse 28 because it brings you to the end of the genealogy time here and Lamech lived 182 years and had a son and he called his name Noah saying this one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands because of the ground which the Lord has cursed after he begot Noah Lamech lived five hundred and ninety-five years and had sons and daughters so all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy-seven years and he died and Noah was five hundred years old and no I'd be got he got Shem ham and Japheth and I'd like you to focus on on Shem at this moment because we're gonna pick up with him later on right so we have here a description a genealogy and years and the years of so-and-so lives all in so many years and so many years and begat sons and daughters this establishes beginning points where we you can calculate and some have done so some of you may remember the Oster chronology right and they account for about four thousand years the first part and so when you look at these genealogies you have you have a record of time that helps us understand that this world is not hundreds of thousands of years old I try it is but a few thousand years old and it's more close to we've lived around 6,000 years not Russell it but mankind has lived human the word now is human kindness right you probably saw that introduced introduced a few years ago but anyway let's continue in Genesis chapter 11 in Genesis chapter 11 there's another genealogy and this there's a reason while we were going through this in Genesis chapter 11 verses 1 through 9 10 talk to you about the Tower of Babel and their attempt to build a tower to escape another flood not believing what God has said that he would not destroy the earth with a flood again let's begin in Genesis chapter 11 verse 10 this is the genealogy of Shem Noah son Shem was 100 years old and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood after he begat Arphaxad Shem lived five hundred years and begat sons and daughters artex had lived 35 years and begat salathiel gots ala rfx had lived 400 years four hundred and three years and begot sons and daughters salad lived thirty years and begot ever after he begot ever salad lived four hundred and three years and begat sons and daughters and you can continue reading establishing a chronology people that lived so many years and continued so you can calculate these years I think even Doug Batchelor has done this at one point he said let's move now to verse 26 to pick up another person that is well known now Terah lived seventy years and begot Abram Nahor and Haran this is the genealogy of Tara Tara begot Abram Nahor and Haran or Haran and Haran begot lot so Abram is the person well known and that's all when you get to Matthew chapter 10 you see that it picks up from Abram and talking to you about the genealogy of Jesus there's one element that makes these Union genealogies unique in the Bible the lesson brings out they contain the element of time causing some scholars to correctly call them no genealogies they contain an interlocking mechanism of descent information coupled with spans of time so that when person one had lived X years he fathered person two and person one after he begot person two lived Y years and he fathered other sons and daughters and so Genesis 5 asked for the formula phrase and all the days of person 1 were Z years this is an interlocking system that makes helps us understand the chronology of time if you want a more complete genealogy of people then other than you see in Genesis chapter 5 in Genesis chapter 11 you can go to first chronicles chapter 1 verses from verse 1 and onward the the problem is there's some people over the last few decades have tried to look at Genesis chapter 5 and Genesis chapter 11 and said oh no there must be longer periods of time here and even in creation some people have said actually I have a book in in a box now I'm not in my library it's in a box where some Christian group trying to adapt to the scientific discoveries or the so-called scientific knowledge at that time they came to the conclusion in error that each day of creation was seven thousand years long boy of course what happens when you have the evening you have three thousand five hundred years of darkness and then you have three thousand five hundred years of light well animals and plants cannot survive under those conditions so these are people trying to adapt to science a great mistake you don't adapt the your understanding of the Bible but what science says right science has to adapt to what the Bible says because here is the true knowledge and wisdom I like to bring this quote to you from patriarchs and prophets page 113 if you have not read this book I encourage you to read it notice those who leave the Word of God and seek to account for his it works upon scientific principles are drifting without a chart or compass upon an unknown ocean the greatest minds if not guided by the Word of God in their research become bewildered and their attempts to trace the relations of science and revelation because the creator and his works are so far beyond their comprehension that they are unable to explain them by natural laws they regard Bible history as unreliable great mistake those who doubt the reliability of the records of the old and new testaments will be led to get to go a step further and doubt the existence of God and then having lost their anchor they are left to beat about upon the rocks of infidelity great mistake so I encourage you to consider the Bible record as a reliable record of history that helps us understand that this world has not existed for millions and millions of years in fact I even heard one individual a lecture say that makes sense to me he says the amount of people upon the earth accounts for a few thousand years not hundreds of thousands of millions of years the amount the population he says even taking into account wars and these diseases they wiped out hundreds and thousands the amount of people account for a few thousand years of the earth and people existing upon it and and actually he had a picture he says if if we were to take some of these thousands of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years I mean you'd be standing next to people you can't even you can't even lay down well because there's one commandment people have obeyed and that's the ones be fruitful and multiply the amount of people today accounts for a few thousand years of the earth existing upon the earth I wish I have more time to talk to you about the genealogy of Jesus if you want to look at the genealogy of Jesus in Luke chapter 3 is very interesting it starts from Joseph being the father of Jesus through Mary Mary and Joseph through the Holy Spirit but it goes backwards and it says and Adam the son of God powerful so the Bible is reliable amen Mary's the Lord all right good job that'd be a difficult subject okay it was good thank you so very much I have Thursday's lesson and it's called creation in Scripture and if you have your lesson book and you look down through there it starts out and just starts giving you a bunch of passages of Scripture so we're gonna follow that plan and look at a lot of the passage of Scripture look up and it starts with really a question notice says read the following scriptural passages and write down how each of these writers referred note to Genesis 1 and its first 11 chapters 1 yes 1 through chapter 11 and so again creation in scripture I think it just follows everything that we've been studying since we'd be beginning of at least really lesson number 1 then you know New Testament writers built on a foundational the nature of Genesis so we realize we have been building we've been going to everything went back we've all I think referred back to Genesis chapter 1 in the beginning God and that's exactly the way that it should be at least in my opinion goes right back to God in the beginning now to show the modern reader the significance of the literal event Paul in Romans chapter 5 he makes a link from Adam to Jesus so we're linking up here a little bit before we read those passages and notice they're at least six times he does this there must be some significance to that Romans 5 verse 12 14 through 19 Romans 5:12 14 to 19 just jot them down we're not going to read them all this simply says polishers the literal existence of man so in these passages there's a surety based upon the Word of God but if you notice this but if the evolution theory is believed how things that means how things begin the literal reading of the text is compromised so we have to go right back and read it the way God put it in his word notice the length if you will between Adam and between Jesus let's read just a couple of packs this i think this verse have been read I don't know how many times we begin the lessons but I don't think it hurts to read it again if it's alright and in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 Romans chapter 5 verse 12 the Bible says wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and will skip down the bottom and by death what and death by sin Romans 5:14 says after the Simla to dove Adams transgression who is in the figure of him that was - but there was to come Romans chapter 5 verse 15 if through the offence of one many be dead notice this but the gift of grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many that's just a powerful kind of condensing it down but that's just powerful Scripture that God would have us to feed on we need to be feeding on these positive powerful passages of Scripture that gives us hope in a world that is all messed up all torn up and God has delegated people he's chosen people to what give a special message to this world to give hope and give encouragement to his coming and I like it because it's mentioned in Revelation 14 three angels message so just remember as we're talking about that the New Testament writers we know inspired by the Holy Spirit of the Living God that just helps to make it clear then just settle your mind the Scriptures are inspired by the holy spirit that's right and they have to be right the Holy Spirit doesn't say one thing in the Old Testament and another thing in the New Testament they all harmonize because one spirit is doing the leading and the impressing so we have as the creation account which is the part of this lesson here is reliable and if you look at it I think was you did pastor mentioned that the proof is overwhelming proof is overwhelming just like a few things that you were able to mention it's correct about the world of things in order where it's water or whatever it is it's just overwhelming the proof is I'm just wondering why we just don't by the grace of God accept that settled down into say man this is good amen it's a good God's is God's way God's way is the best way is it not so these Bible texts and we're going to state how each of the writers went back so now remember if these writers went back to Genesis and chapters 1 through 11 so on through there and used it for reliable history if they used it for a reliable history why shouldn't we I think we should don't you first one is Matthew nineteen will go through as many as we can get through here Matthew 19 verse four and five I like it against what the Bible said Jesus refers to the writing of who of Moses and the creation of male and female Paul refers to what the creation to make a theological point in Acts chapter 17 verse 24 so instead of reading one always try to condense it down as quickly as we can notice mark 10 verse 6 through 9 it's giving an account of marriage here where it says from the beginning of creation God made them what male the male and female so we're just using what scripture is proof right we're just going back to scripture that's right Luke chapter 11 verses 50 and 51 Jesus is pronouncing some woes and I would assume that Jesus of pronouncing some wolves we need to listen to those don't you think some whoa and he doesn't on whom he doesn't own the scribes and the Pharisees know that may I say they were up to no good again notice it said the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation notice from the blood of Abel into the blood of Zacharias which persuaded them notice this and I think yeah perish but no which they perish between the altar and the temple so Jesus pronouncing these woes but notice what they're doing they're referring back to Genesis in the beginning god so to me that's safe but these men these writers he's inspired writers by by the Holy Spirit of God they're taking these from the beginning and they're putting him in a New Testament even settings and so we can draw from those things that simply give proof of certainly the reliability historical persist perspective here John chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 how many times have we been through that yes you know what it still if you're like I am it just does not get old never this never gets old there's always something that we can learn from it somebody brings out from it or Holy Spirit inspires you with and we just do it and it's just in the beginning was what got beginning working we go through all that but in the beginning was the word the same was in the beginning with God we know the true all things were made by him in him was life well praise God for that there is no life then without him like we talking about there's no life without the water there's no life without the oxygen you know the right mixture and so on so forth that God put there for us praise God for that I'm going to acts quickly chapter 14 verse 15 acts 1415 we have Paul and Barnabas preaching the reason I'm moving through them not reading them all because how can we get through how many was a thirteen or so odd that was it as good ask one question so here's all these passages to go through we might read one or two or three so this is where your lesson study guide comes in be sure and get you one if you haven't and that way you can go and read them for yourself acts 14 verse 15 Paul and varnishing said you should turn from these one these vanities unto the Living God who the Living God who did what who made heaven and earth in acts acts 1415 which made heaven and earth and the sea and all things that are therein all going right back to the beginning it's all going right back to and talking again to brings us to what our message that it was the people are to give to the world in the three angels message encouraging people to go back to the beginning you know why because we've left the beginning hmm we've left we forgot who God is we forgot that he's our Creator and we're giving that call to come back Romans chapter 1 verse 10 very familiar I'm sure to you Paul showing the Gentiles there's no excuse for their unrighteous acts for they're doing wrong Paul says there's really no excuse for he says thee for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are what are clearly seen where does Paul do he goes back to the creation of the world he said being understood by the things that are ha that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse and you know I felt said to you we may do something wrong we may make a wrong choice at a wrong decision but you know over the years I've tried by the grace of God is not to make excuse for and did something is wrong is not to make an extreme sport right we blame our self and say God give me Grace and strength to gain that victory in 2nd Corinthians 4 verse second Corinthians 4 verse 6 Paul warns us not to preach notice not to preach ourselves and I'm going to jump right to verse 5 where it says but preach the one who commanded the light to do what to shine out of darkness where does that take us once again proof history we go back to the very beginning in creation there 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 6 seasons 3 verse 9 Ephesians 3 verse 9 we're getting to the end notice Paul wanting the church to experience the principalities and powers of heaven we need to experience that today we need to understand there's power in the Word of God there's power when we stay there's power when we come together it's power when we pray together there's power when we study together of God's Word and notice what he said he goes back and he says to make all man to see what is the Fellowship of the mystery notice which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ I think the Bible is a reliable source of history don't you we can go back and it certainly tells us the powers and principalities of heaven and you know to me I just said I want to tell you quickly I believe that tells that Jesus is coming I think it tells us how we can be ready for that coming we've missed heaven we've missed our purpose for being here god bless each one and we thank you for tuning in today lesson I've enjoyed hey that's a lot of stuff to get we can all breathe now yeah there you go take a breath that's a lot of information just hearing brother John go through those genealogies I'm over here just like man this is so a lot of information but we have just a couple minutes left let's go back through and allow you guys to give a final comment on Monday we looked at creation and ancient literature and really we looked at did the creation account come first or did this pagan mythology came first and I am so grateful that the Word of God was first that God free existed from eternity and that when God says that we can believe it and that can settle it for us paganism versus creation what an anomaly what an odd thought paganism something that came along a long time after vs. creation that pre-existed all of all of sin isaiah 45 12 says well I have made the earth and created man on it hmm I my hands stretched out the heavens and all their hosts I have commanded that settles it for me amen oh man sorry I like to read from patrons and prophets 116 because it gives you a balance here is it the works of creation testify of God's power and greatness the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork Psalm 19:1 those who take the written word as their counselor will find in science and aid to understand God the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead Romans chapter 1 verse 20 so using the Bible as a guide science can help us understand more about God amen quick thaw here on spiritual gifts book 3 says this when men leave the Word of God in regard to the history of creation seek the account for God's creative works upon natural principles they are upon a boundless ocean of uncertainty amen praise the Lord hey you walked through the front door of the Bible God's creating you go through the back door of the Bible well God is recreating I can't wait for that second time around cuz we'll get to see everything done and performed by God at that point we were so thankful as always that you have joined us here in three being Sabbath school panel and of course we hope that you join us next week for another exciting study but until then may God bless you abundantly have a good day [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 83,307
Rating: 4.6920152 out of 5
Keywords: sabbath school, 3abn sabbath school panel, sabbath school lesson 2020, 3abn, How to interpret Scripture, quarterly, seventh day adventist, bible study, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, lesson 9, ryan day, john lomacang, kenny shelton, jill morikone, john dinzey
Id: XF_OI238GY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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