3ABN Today - Get to know...Yvonne Lewis and Jason Bradley (TDY16003)

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[Music] my broken people I wanna spend my three moving Lord let my word hila heart that I want to spend my we will clean I wanna spend and they will and people hello and welcome to another 3abn today program thank you for joining us as always and have pastor ca Murray here usually you're in this seat and I'm over there always trying to get to this seat but you never let me well yeah yeah I know well this seat you got to work more because you got to bring the program running out and you're responsible for you know so I usually when we're together I beat him in this seat but anyway we're glad that you're here with us today and we're glad that our guests are here we have dr. Yvonne Lewis and son Jason Bradley Jason it's good to have you here to today to be here and so we're doing what we're doing CA is kind of a I think you'd call it this is your life you remember some of you old enough remember that program this is your life you know you remember that you remember that Yvonne was probably on it I don't know Oh Jason you've probably never heard of that program have you this is you know that's way before my time okay well it reality it really was absolutely but we've been taking some different ones and Yvonne you've helped me we've interviewed a few people already and we're trying to get some of our workers here that's working with us in the vineyards out on the front lines and maybe getting some things that from them that you've never heard before so today that's kind of Yvonne we have you on the hot seat why did I bring CA Marie asked pastor Marie to be here do you have any idea I do tell us why because it was through pastor Marie's ministry that I came back to the Lord okay and so he knows everything about you for the last how many years he says in his word he's been doing what I've been dragging her life years 30 years arigon around you know time gets away Mary was 30 years I know because I was pregnant with Jason or I got returned on her okay you got that I guess I yeah yeah he was there in water when i baptize them in water you got baptized again so even baptized three times yeah have mercy and well we're here today because we want to go and find out some things about Yvonne that we maybe you don't know and maybe we don't know so we didn't plan it too much we just said hey this is kind of a diss your life type program so Yvonne we want to start out now we're going to have you singing a little bit and we have a song picked out that you've already done here that will hold that off for just a little bit we're going to go back tell us a little bit about where you were born and raised and I know that I can't ask her the dates and all that I probably wouldn't tell you tell me anyway right right but tell me where you were born and raised a little bit about your family life well I was born in New York City in Harlem and Harlem Hospital in New York City and I am a third generation seventh-day adventists both of both sides of my family my grandparents were Adventists in fact my paternal grandfather was a minister and he died when my dad was three years old but he was from the Virgin Islands from Saint Thomas and he passed away my dad was three and then my grandmother was a missionary and she was at the Ephesus church as a Bible instructor because oh and she had been she was just such a profound and she had a profound impact on my life so so yeah I was I came from an Adventist background and through up one sister my baby sister who was nine years my junior and her nickname was binky and in fact she was in school with John McCain she Wilker she and John were in the same class okay and you're saying was and now I'm saying I'm really telling my age now we're very close yeah yeah yeah she passed her grandmother was a legendary and we will use that term Bible worker in New York City Rosalie Jones she worked with all you talk with a great evangelist Eaton Cleveland's your GH Raimi's all of the great events that she worked with them all she had a choir for years at the Ephesus church and you mentioned the name of Rosalie Jones anywhere of New York City or environs really anywhere among that age group of ministers and laypeople everybody knew Rosalie I think they still have pictured her out front I was one of the churches there and I saw pictures of Rosalie Jones at your grandmother so I guess she's left her mark for sure oh you talked about binky and you said she was tell us about binky um um in 2009 okay she she had a liver transplant okay and well let me go back a little bit banky and i when when our mom died I was 19 and binky was 9 and she was going on 10 and binky and I went different routes binky got involved with drugs early very early in her life and I went on to you know I finished school and the music business and all that so we really we live very different lives maybe it was very street savvy and I really was very naive and I was a kind of a bookworm and and binky was intelligent but she just didn't go that route so our lives went that way but then she became ill and I lived in Dallas and she decided to come to be with me and maybe I could help her because at the time I was doing alternative medicine we'll talk more about that later so she came there and I helped her by the grace of God and her when she came I didn't know but she had only been given about 6 months when she when she came and she was in Dallas for a few years and she had a liver transplant on March 23rd of 2009 and the surgery itself was successful but she never really came out from the anesthesia and May 9th she passed away yeah and I I'm so grateful because the Lord brought her back to him I had the assurance that my sister's resting in Jesus so I'm not yeah you know when I begin to well up with tears it's just because I miss her oh it's not because I don't have the insurer that she is restaurant ah Jesus so I'm really thankful for that and also for the mercy of God that he allowed her she was asleep but I knew she could hear me so it was kind of like he was weaning me giving me time to adjust to not having her with me but yet she was still she was still there no it was God is so merciful and he's so gentle with the way he deals with us Jason what do you remember about aunt binky what sticks out in your mind um and she was a lot of fun okay but she she cared for so many people you could go to her house on any given day and see what looked like the whole neighborhood that she just took in you know she really cared about kids she was huge on family very family-oriented and she would give you the shirt off her back mm-hmm all right I remember when I was a kid though I used to look at her crazy because she seemed she seemed like a dress turn yeah I wasn't hot I wasn't really liking her when I was young then as I grew up I just I loved her so much yeah all right now your dad he's right here in southern Illinois now how did you get where did you get him from how did you get him here well my dad had been ill for a while and he's in a nursing home because he requires 24-hour care but my dad he says he strokes and I bet he's watching today we're gonna have to say hey laughter well sure yeah yes for sure hi daddy love I love you so much I'm so happy he's here you know he's even nearby the West Frankfort he's in West Frankfort we go visit him and showing love and every year we give him a birthday party and you know everybody our friends from here come and we can tell his aides oh he's a man now how old is he 86 years 86 years old yeah and he's had a profound impact on he was a principal of an elementary school vessel elementary school in Brooklyn and so many of his students have reached out and they said oh please tell mr. Hodge we said hello John always remind reminds me that he said yo man John Lowe McCain he left this print on him babe it literally is any response John needed it by the way my wife and John that is responsible for some of John success yeah now tell me tell me about mr. Huck you know interesting how our lives we've been interweave he was when I was at Bethel as associate and an interim pastor he was there and then later on he was sent to the a medieval school the Bethesda school at a medieval and I was a pastor there so our paths crossed twice her dad is a unique personality and that and that I mean and everything that would go with that he is a unique unique person he's fun he's quicken minded golden voice and in his day and excellent thing or just a smooth kind of Bing Crosby kind of thing you know just a great great singer and anyway he let you know he's a good friend he like Frank Sinatra right every one of here okay so he had that kind of music good principal he was a disciplinarian if you got out of line that's back in the day than you do tap a child on the bottom you know he will do that and so we our paths crossed out but he was always you knew when when Benito Hodge was in the room you knew he was there he was in the corner life kind of presence kind of a guy yeah really neat person fun guy you'd be laughs you know even when we go visiting now after that advanced stage and had several strokes but he was he's going to call with some zingers I'm lying he does not just the way he does classic I get to go sometimes too and visiting and he's always in a good mood and I can't imagine you know he's just always up he's always for fun I'll tell him I say boy you look good today and he'll say I know that's true you know I mean my justice it's almost mischievous this little smile yeah cuz he loves to see your responses and know what what a great guy so yet had to have a wonderful father now your mother died though when you are much younger tell us about mom I was 19 years old and my mom my mom gave me I don't I had my dad's temperament but I have my mom's she was ambitious I have to say that my mom was there she was a businesswoman she was the controller of the New York Urban League and so she was a professional woman and she was really the impetus for my father going back to school later in life and she encouraged him and helped to put him through school and he went got his master's and in education and his principal's license and all that so much my mom was very and she was very giving to people too she would take people in and all of that and funny and and Stern my mom was really short okay but you did not cross my mom I mean you're gonna quit look don't pout don't all those I know that do not you can't don't do not talk back not okay so my mind's cool my dad is not names we have a picture of her mom and Danny one of the things when you notice about the women in this family if you look at her grandmother Rosalie Joe you look at Yvonne's mother and Yvonne did the gene pool it's so strong yeah exactly just about the same height same skin tone same head same walk same talk same laugh everything they just needed said this is that that's her mother that's her daughter that here okay cookie cutters all new her grandmother at this age it's Yvonne there's no difference you know her hair color difference you cut a little bit shorter but just the same okay well that's the compound it is yeah I'm with people so now your mother died when you were what eight nineteen nineteen yes she died from she had sarcoidosis which which affects blacks more than whites women more than men and it's kind of an immune kind of an autoimmune disease okay and she had it in her lungs and so she had an oxygen tank at home and I remember I was it awkward the year she died and I came home for Thanksgiving vacation and my mom called me to her bedside and she said I'm not going to I'm going to go to the hospital and I'm not going to be coming back and I want you to promise me that you will take care of your sister and that you'll meet me one day and huh and I thought she no mom is not going to die and my mom always better young she was 40 years old 40 well and and just she was beautiful and I I just felt like my mom's not gonna die you know you don't think your mother's going to die but but I did make her the promise that I would look out for my sister and I know that one day I will be able to see my mom introduce my children to my mom so she were just a door and there was my mom and my sister forever so yeah but my mom was she she died at 40 years old great now you were again we can't give your age but you were older you were old enough dancing around you were young we're old enough that when when you were young like they had the white drinking fountain they had the black drinking fountain do you remember that and tell us about your mother's able to go maybe cross lines Oh sometimes well my mom was very fair-skinned my dad is brown and so we had moved to Huntsville Alabama to go to Oakland for my dad to go back to Oakland and my I'll never forget this my mom was able to go into restaurants because she could pass for white so she could go in get the food and bring it out to us to eat I remember when I lived in Huntsville they had white and black color do they had that's what they had they're colored and white drinking fountains and the white one was way up here and the colored one was really low to the ground and I thought drinking out the white one now how rebellious was that I really wasn't see I'm thinking I'm from New York I'm not from here and I had no sense of imminent danger like something could have happened to me and I just went on I was prominent in New York oh no they didn't have the fresh drinking fountains valdarno I was in the south okay I was 10 years old I lived in the south from 10 to 13 I was turning 13 because my dad went back to Oakland yeah so yeah I'm not I thought I'm from New York I'm just going to do what I want to do oh my god I knew I wasn't talking about anybody snatchin job or anything like that but yeah it was an interesting time but being at Oakwood you didn't feel the segregation as much because it was an all-black environment you're sure he went into the town you did but in at Oakwood you did so it was it was very interesting from Oakwood we went to pine forge and my dad was the Dean of boys there and so I also was a pine forge alumna and I loved final voyage I loved my fellow students from there and I have to give a shout out to all those principal fortunes okay so we got to hear about your sister your mom and dad and your your grandparents and now we want to hear from Jason Jay tell us about mom growing up now mom we're going to talk about her being in the music business but I'm not sure when some of your early memories of mom want would that be Wow well she was always you have to go to church yeah I remember that she was she was a wonderful mother you know I have no complaints my childhood was was ready had already come back to the Lord as you said baptized when you were in her womb yet right yeah so so you're growing up now you got a mom who's very very spiritual but she's wanting you to go to church all the time so by looking at him I would just guess that Jason did everything he was ever asked to do was the perfect child whenever ever Sabbath and never ever drifted away how am i how am I doing this we have to be honest I did drift away but as a kid I mean mom took excellent care of me she she worked hard she was doing still singing jingles and stuff in the city but as I got older and stepped away from the church I was probably about 14 I started smoking marijuana and drinking and partying and stuff well nowhere was this this was in Texas Texas was a yeah Arlington Texas all right and so she she was going off to school she was already studying massage therapy at that time mm-hmm she's been in school a lot she's like yeah they call that a life you might have a class after this yeah he goes she went to school a lot so while she was doing that I was off doing all the wrong things and so I got involved in the wrong lifestyle and I think at that time I just didn't feel like Church applied to me I didn't feel like they were speaking to me and I felt like they were talking to my mom and my grandparents okay you know that generation but yeah going through all that and and later on some other experiences in life like when my appendix ruptured inside of me you know sometimes you you get through a circumstance and you know like thank you God and you thank the Lord but then you're right back out there doing what you were doing before so I ended up selling drugs and things of that nature and then I got arrested and when I got arrested I was like you know what God if you get me out of this one I'm done I am done so I got out of that one I still wasn't going to church and all of it but I left it alone I haven't touched drugs and we'll see I'll be 30 probably like ten nine well any rate maybe some somewhere yeah yeah you know I got to tell you started Danny because once I baptized Yvonne and we did a show on truly broad casting together we co-hosted a show then she moves away to Texas but I always kept in touch and I was in Texas every now and again for several years I check up with it and I remember when Jason was in high school because she put him in church school and Jason said I want to go to public school another public school and she said okay you know I'm gonna let you go to public school but the first time you call and say you want to do something on Friday night you're back in church school I didn't talk with her for about a month I said fine how you doing here Jason back in church school yeah who week on the whole month what's to say god you're so fast yeah it was because I wanted to go to the dance where I wanted to go to homecoming back feels like no I don't exactly go yeah so some of that from your mother came on down to you it sound like I think it right yeah this is the way it is and written and no backtalk and I'm going to do what's best for you and you know which I'm glad we we grew up in generations my dad was that way and my mom I mean they're they're gonna do what's best for you no matter how miserable you are I don't care how bad does hurt you I'm gonna do it for your benefit and you get to up and you know and you and now I go back say praise the Lord you know what period be ending oh yeah yeah tell us that when they were trying to sass yeah her words final period the end yeah I've heard that a few times myself shortly have your period again this is the way would you sing today period no period the enemy don't try to get me I've got a throat problem or whatever if you say well can you know period the end we all know you know okay she's not singing today speaking of singing now we've heard from Jason your great mom this is your Christian but what happened to you you have to Christian parents you go into Oakwood you you know you you what did what did you take no quick what was a psychology major okay Social Work sociology minor and then after after my mom died I never went back to Oakwood after that Thanksgiving break when my mom passed away on December 6th of 1969 so I never went back to awkward but I went to Hofstra University and I finished from Hofstra and then I went to Delphi University and got a master's in social work okay got a Masters in Social Work so did you plan on that being why did you do that because it seemed like did you do it did you get into the field very long no it's so funny because right after I finished the master's degree I started working in the field and it was just like okay I'm not it wasn't fulfilling for me at the time I was pregnant with mark my older son and of course married pregnant I should show me that far out and and and and I started practicing Social Work and I thought I really like my clients but I just didn't like the people I was working with really and long story short while I was doing that I was also singing in this other little group that we just practiced and sang in basements you know I'm practicing the basement all the time and but the engineer our manager was also an engineer and he worked in New York City and I had said to him I would love to do background vocals like I want to do some you know oohs and ahs I listen to that in the radio I figured I could do that okay so you were good with parts already you heard parts and could sing I grew up around music your mom and dad my mom and dad all right and my grandmother mo and my paternal grandmother thank you so I was surrounded and my uncle Howard Hodge who was an amazing musician amazing arranger he arranged for people like Helen Reddy Tom Jones Katharine Hepburn I mean oh he was horrendous and he was murdered but Wow why didn't you pass that down to me I wish I could spend you want to pass that musical gene down your learn to play the piano now that is true yeah they can piano lessons you're never too old never huh okay so you got a chance to do is jingle the first thing you did when you name go what do you mean jingle cars all commercials jingles singing jingles is the top level of studio singing that you can do I didn't start out doing jingles I started out singing background on people's records okay but I started singing when I started I was singing on some big artists names some big name artists Derek um Wow when I first started I think I did Roberta Flack early on oh hi - why I'm trying to remember seeing it you're jogging that's alright this is a Disher life and that's what this is all about but you did I know I did Quincy Jones yes I did Roberta Flack I did all that icing on of course Luther Vandross Whitney Houston just a ladder for Luther Vandross and well you know Whitney Houston yeah just some of those you can make a shekel or two at that industry you can live quite well oh yeah well then once you move into the jingle arena that's when you really make the money because you make residuals yeah so whereas when you're doing sessions you get booked like from 12:00 to 4:00 from 12 to 8 for 10 to 4 something like that with the jingle if you're in and out an hour so you go in you read the music they tell you how they want it they tell you how they want you to interpret it and you give them that and you're gone it's just like it's a drink it's like okay George's coffee tell us about that Folgers McNally was an amazingly lucrative campaign you can either do one spot or you get the campaign the campaign is every spot within that a certain amount of time that producer does ten different spots you have that campaign you aren't okay ten different jingles and you get paid for every time every time it plays radio or television television well so I was a part of anywhere in America around Actors Guild and Astra American Federation of television and radio artists okay I you know I'm I get pensions from both of them because I wish all even today even today well it's amazing yeah Jason smiling I was handed on down you know yeah after this coming they've got to probably only needs one you should maybe get together about me to share when I was a kid and I'm expecting you to do that as I get older it's a marvelous world Oh Danny I went on a couple because that world interested me I think I work with you to do M&MS and we were in one and evening we're in maybe seven out by 8:30 yeah you're done and every time this thing runs a check comes you know so it's a happy time but you know in all seriousness it it is fantasy like in terms of the amount of money that you make but I would not trade what I have what I had then with what I have now I would not trade what I have now for anything well I'm not making of course the money that I was making but the the fulfillment of knowing that I can use what God has given me to to bring others to him or to worship Him or to involve people in worshiping God to me there's nothing more fulfilling than that so yeah I've made a lot of money and I I live the life I did and it was the best of both worlds because I made a lot of money but I was anonymous nobody knew who I was so I didn't have to live my life like Luther couldn't go to the store because he would get mobbed by people he always been going to the store Whitney they couldn't go to the store I could do whatever I wanted to do because nobody knew who I got they don't put the faces now with the voice that you hear some of the commercials you did a few of the others we might know like Burger King Burger King Charmian bathroom tissue caress logos of them oh man your Pizza Hut yeah I was on Sesame Street yeah well you did Saturday Night Live - I things like that ratash and great Jagger and yeah as I look over my life I'm so grateful I'm grateful that the Lord allowed me to do some of the things that I've done but it was all part of the plan he didn't let me get too far out before he reeled me back and I'm just so grateful than into that okay so you you did the George Jefferson thing you movin on up on the Eastside I did wind up in up to the top you were up in the one the big high-rise Oh like on the fifth floor no being in a high-rise though yeah I really saw you you were moving on up I was moving on to move on it you have like to the point you had two nannies and all that kind of stuff I had lovin living holla yeah because because my schedule was so unpredictable I could get called for a 12:00 a.m. session really and that was the schooling but you have to be ready to go so I needed someone to be there with my kids when I when I went out and you and someone else now well-known the Adventist Church you worked with tell us who she's Yolanda Yolanda Palmer oh yeah Yolanda and I have just we've been together since the 70s and that's when we all we were doing jingles and well I started doing jingles in the 80s actually we were doing sessions together and then I started doing the jingles in the 80s she said the benefit of not going out in public and being recognized so much I know that when I went to Whitney Houston's funeral with Yvonne and it seemed like everybody they're in the business knew her and was talking to her and Yvonne where you been and all of this so in the industry and she's very well-known you know their own people know who she is but sometimes like southern Illinois what are you doing there what Oh Chicago no southern Illinois Springfield that's as far south as they think we go we're good 175 miles south of Springfield but they're you know what are you doing there so it was people can imagine you and out of the city or New York to Dallas then coming to here but what brought you of course was being a manager dare to dream Network and actually you know we can say founder co-founder whatever you want to call it but coming here a dream that we all had that literally in fact us tell us we got to get a little bit more we got some time you went into you did your masters in the social right in social work social work but then that jason says you were in school a long time i have a class after this he's saying comical i want you take my fast but you got into alternative medicine let's talk about that for bit Wow well in the jingle business you have a lot of time on your hands because you know you go in yeah you're saying and then you get your check and you go pot deposit in the bank then you've got a lot of time on your you do and you get you get your checks to the mail yeah we called it mailbox money yeah you should go to your mailbox and you have maybe five or ten checks and they were sizable and you just put them in the bank it was it was really it was really very interesting but how reporter but during that time the Lord gave me this passion for natural health and so I began to study just a alternative health an alternative medicine I began to study herbs and their application and and it was it was as though God had given me this gift for it so I started really really studying and I'm the type who when I get involved in something I immersed myself into it so I just got very very involved and I started taking classes so I took our ecology I took reflexology it took and then I later I went into acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine I became a naturopathic doctor and board-certified in traditional Chinese medicine so it was since I was able to have my too much time on your hands to do well that it was a it'd be traditional Chinese medical study was very intense because you had to learn all the herbs and their properties and how to blend them because you had your own pharmacy Herbal pharmacy and so is it was very it was an intense studying for Jason I know he was bless his heart I was always studying because I was trying to make a better life for him as well and I became your pincushion I every time you learn come here J let me work on your into it let me do it oh man that's true even acupuncture oh yeah blesses tell us a little bit about acupuncture then and now mmm well when I went to the school for the open house the I went to the Dallas College of Oriental Medicine and I went to the school for their open house and I remember asking is this related to Eastern religion and the guy told me no he said this is it does have elements of Taoism in it but you don't it's you don't practice Eastern religion with it so I I thought okay then this is this will be good because it offers me clinical experience and supervision and you know it was a an interesting course of study and I needed I needed to have that kind of clinical supervision so I went to the school and while I was in school there was some things that I kind of brushed aside like I thought that's a little bit strange but you know I just kind of figured okay I don't need to really worry about that well later my friend Yolanda after I was practicing my friend Yolanda told me you know that is of the devil and she and I really we fell out for a while over it because my flesh just welled up in me and I'm saying you don't know what you're talking about I'm the one that studied this I know it's not from the devil and I I would pray with my patients first like asking God to help me with you know I but the Lord is so merciful I mean really he was probably shaking his head look at me like this this child is just out of it but I thought I was doing something right and then later I found out that it really was not of God and as I began to investigate it once I saw that it had its roots in astrology and that and I I felt like oh my goodness I've been doing something that was rooted in astrology and as soon as I found that out and and it was 95 percent of my income as soon as I found that out I left it because I knew that I had a decision to make but either I was going to continue along that path you know of practicing acupuncture or I was going to do what God was telling me to do and touch not the unclean thing get away from it and and there going to be some folks who who write in and call and say you know acupuncture is fine it works yes it works but like my dear brother Schubert Palmer dr. Schubert Palmer said to me acupuncture does work but what's the power behind it and that that is the question what is the power behind it this is where Denny Vaughn in the years I've known her I use the term gets points with me when when she came to the Lord she was in the industry making six figures it was doing quite well I used to tease it because she and Yolanda the this line of mercedes-benz would come in packets on a stretcher and everyone would come to church and swing and make Souls over the you know over the fuse but when when they were baptized this group of men and women decided there are certain kinds of commercials we're not going to do anymore we're not going to sing for things that are in your body no more liquor no more cigarettes nobody knows kind of did they cut that right away and of course in New York the industry is such that okay if you don't do it Danny I'll find somebody else I'm not going to beg you I'll just get the next person because there's a line of Peter so if you don't want to we go to somebody else so they each took this immediate salary hit deep cut in the cell because it chose not to do certain things that they felt were against the Lord then years later she's evolved in a lucrative practice that's her life she finds out that it's not of the Lord again there's no dickering there's no you knows okay Lord I'm not doing that anymore so now what do I do you know because you lose a and you take my dime shorter give you a quarter replace my dime kind of thing but at least two times I saw where she made a decision for the kingdom of God that resulted in great financial loss not a couple dollars but 50 60 70 80 percent of the salary that's that's considerable but she did it and I've always and I've told her about that I salute her for that they actually put Christ first and the Bible says when you put Christ first you look out for him he's one of the time for you and he did and praise the Lord he did every need was taken care of everything that that I needed the Lord gave me and so and and he had laid on my heart to finish this book and I did and it was the book that I finished that got me out here tells about well past the CA he and I had kept in touch over the years and I told him that I've written this book on it was called great days nine principles to revolutionize your life and so he invited me to come out here to 3abn to interview now this is when I had walked away from my acupuncture practice and I was looking to promote the book as a source of income for me and so he invited me out here to share the book and my testimony and all that well he wasn't able to interview me but you are Danny and so you interviewed me and we talked about you know my testimony and all that and then subsequently we began to talk about my burden for the inner city and you had already started at one point you had founded and the inner city ministry on TV was world of praise with fasting Whitley sips but his schedule and all that it didn't allow for that to grow and so it was this kind of lying dormant and you felt impressed by the Lord that I should be Neath the general manager of dare to dream and I can't tell you how grateful I am because this is this being here this is why I'm on this planet to do dare to dream I know that I know that God created me to do this work here and I'm so grateful so thing we're grateful that you're here they are grateful that see a scheduled you but what he told me to do which I rarely ever do he said look I was going to take him on out to eat lunch and talk to her and show her around the ministry can you do that for me because I'm not she just flown in by herself she's going to be there while she needs to go we would have never got into talking about the dare to dream which was you actually come up with the name dare to dream but our world of praise we would not have probably ever got into that if I just interview her and say thanks for coming is nice to know he said would you show her around the ministry so I took you to the different facilities we went to eat and in the process I saw where your heart was where your heart is and so I said man this has got to be a fit right here so we know the Lord dropped you here it wasn't by accident but was by divine profit and then but now you come here there's dreams starting to grow and you need some help and how does you Jason how you all tell us how it happened well I was here as a volunteer first for about six months and then and then I began working and the Lord had me in the chair but the Lord was actually coordinating I mean just bringing the best people and all of that but I really needed some help because I'm you know running a network by myself and I'd always feel rebuked when I say that because I wasn't running it by myself cuz the Lord was her you know only abut but I was and I had all the resources here of course at minus-4 and that was a blessing but I really needed some help and Jason Jason it worked for me in Dallas when I was practicing when I had my own practice in Dallas and with acupuncturist of Jason was my office manager so I knew his I knew his work ethic okay I knew how he was with people how it gets along with people and people just loved Jason easy almost lovable guy so uh you can pay me later I don't want to those pensions yeah and so he was at the time out of the church so I I prayed and I've been praying for him anyway and my older son and Marc came here too and I have not mentioned Marc and I have to give my older son a shout-out because I love absolutely mark came here too but not as my assistant but Jason came to a day of prayer and I asked him would he consider coming and being my assistant and you were in the managing and food industry managing a restaurant that didn't seem likely we don't have time to get into that story we'll have to do yours on another one but eventually you said yes to the Lord and you came of course now you guys are great team working together with dare to dream what we want to do I promise the folks in the beginning you would play a song that you've done the song that that you say is your favorite song ever sung and it's called just in time so we know that you'll be blessed I'm blessed every time I hear sing it and see the pictures of the crew kind of put together to give us a picture of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ on this Yvonne Lewis just in time [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was under quick with trouble all around the heaven did shake no please could be fun there were Wars and try on everything it seemed God love with no [Music] Ashoka the demons cry he's left you here to die [Music] my god man [Music] Oh [Music] oh great soon there appears in the east a small black cloud half the size of a man's hand it is the cloud which surrounds a saviour and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness the people of God notice to be the sign of the Son of man in solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth becoming lighter and more glorious until it is a great white cloud its face a glory like consuming fire and above it the rainbow of the Covenant Jesus Christ forth as a mighty Conqueror not now a man of sorrows to drink the bitter cup of shame and woe he come victor in heaven and earth to judge the living and the dead with anthems of celestial melody the holy angels of vast unnumbered throng attend him on his way the firmament seemed filled with radiant form ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands no human pen can portray the seeming no mortal mind is adequate to conceive its splendor his glory cover the heaven the earth was small of his grave and as brightness was like the life as the living how come still mirror every I behold the prince of life no crown of thorns now Mars that sacred head but a diadem of Correspondence oldie brow his countenance outshines a dazzling brightness of the noonday Sun and on his robe and on his thigh a name written king of kings and [Music] okay Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] amen why is the Lord that song Danny and flesh and blood did not reveal that song to you when you wrote that song really the Lord inspired that oh absolutely Vaughn there's somebody probably watching today right now that they're in this valley of decision what would you say to them they're looking at the world like you did before but now you lord you tell them you can never lose by obeying God God has a master plan for you and so if you just will follow God and do what he would have you to do you can't lose don't be afraid God says I will do that I'll never leave you nor forsake you I've got your back and he will get you we'll make sure that you're cared for and taking care of God is so faithful he's so reliable he will never let you down man friends everyone can let you down Jesus will never let you down you can't lose by being obedient and you know what I'm convinced if I hooked her up to a lie detector she would pass it when she says she's happier now more at peace living the wealth we don't care that much she was with all the money coming in that true that's true you found the piece the real piece absolutely I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything absolutely absolutely thank you so much we're going to take a short break go to news break and we'll be back for closing thoughts and that's good information you know then I want them to bring up the picture the picture that I took was taken several years ago we were in the studios that's past a child status pastor Salado Church I'm in the background that's who the white lady in a minute that's back I think 1994-95 he's one of the things that that that has characterized Yvonne even when she's out in the world she was always a humble person I've never seen her to be an egotistical person her person was impressed with the money she was making or the people that she was hanging around and I think as long as you keep your feet on the ground God can use you and I can call you and so God called her today you leave on make your pitch look I can't make you pitch the last few minutes two seconds we have because game is doing and got it use you in such a powerful way in three short years or so to build this network from basically nothing how do we get it the Lord okay how do we get it you can watch their game on your smart phone your iPad you can watch on your computer d2d network TV we really really need your help though because we there's some things that we want to do we want to get into all of the prisons and that is critical that we do that we people as Richard bland says inmates are going to have Christ or climb well we want them to have Christ so please please send your tax-deductible donations to dare to dream so that we can get on there also we have a free app go to your App Store download that app and you can watch 24/7 you can watch when you're on the road you can watch anytime not driving during whatever you're driving anywhere in the world anyway well when I travel I'm able to pull up dare to dream great thank you so much for being here today and Jason also for those of you at home our time is all gone until we see you next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask or think [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 44,118
Rating: 4.7068968 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, Yvonne Lewis, Dare to Dream Network, D2D Network, Interview
Id: n1nnWEj6L_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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