38 English Expressions and Idioms to sound like a Boss

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Let's stop beating around the bush here, the  bottom line is you want to sound more confident   in English, right? Well, in that case I must  insist you pay close attention to this lesson,   take notes and I would appreciate it if you took  the time to complete the task I'll be setting you,   to help you practice these 38 Smart Expressions  and Idioms to help you sound more confident,   assertive and well... like a boss! to be an assertive communicator means that you  are able to express yourself concisely and clearly   that you're not too aggressive but you're able  to express your thoughts feelings and opinions   clearly with confidence avoiding confrontation  but still gaining the respect of people who   are listening to you now before we start the  lesson i'm going to share some opinions with you   these are not necessarily my personal  opinions but what i want you to do   is disagree with one of them i'm sure there's  one that you will find you disagree with here   i want you to use some of these expressions  or even idioms to help assert yourself to be   confident in expressing your opinion on one or  all of these opinions that i'm going to share   so everyone should become a vegetarian in order to  reduce greenhouse gases and combat climate change   combat meaning fight climate change a degree is  essential if you want to be successful in life   cats make better pets than dogs and finally the  only way to learn english is to spend a lot of   money and study in the uk well on this point i  have to respectfully disagree intensive learning   commitment and a great teacher are really what  you need whether face to face in the uk or online   with a trusted language school i want to tell you  about an incredible opportunity with our long-term   and trusted partners lingoda yes that's right the  lingoda language sprint and super sprint are back   offering you the chance to study for three months  intensively with a professional native language   teacher now remember that lingoda offers english  courses business english courses spanish french   and german so whatever your language learning  goals are lingoda are going to help you achieve   them with that all-important bonus of potentially  qualifying for 100 of your tuition fees   back yes you heard me right you are going to have  the opportunity to get 100 of your money refunded   back to you for your tuition fees at the end  of the course so keep watching if you want to   learn more about how you can qualify for this and  take full advantage of the amazing opportunity   they are giving you now as i said before we have  worked with the lingoda for over three years we've   met the lingoda team we've tried out their courses  sabra and i both had a little go at spanish   and we love the language platform they offer with  professional teachers to help guide you through   your study and give you virtual face-to-face  classes great teaching and study materials   effective methodologies and professional native  teachers are what set lingoda apart from so many   other online language schools they really are  one of the best out there and yes you heard me   right you have the opportunity to gain 100 of  your money back it is not too good to be true   many people have already achieved this all  you need to do is attend all your classes   on the super sprint or if you take the regular  sprint then you can qualify for 50 of your tuition   fees back if again you attend all those classes  you'll also have free access to the cambridge   online speaking test when you sign up for a  course with lingoda which for me really is   the cherry on top there have been more than 40  000 previous lingoda language sprint students   click on the link in the description box to learn  more about them in fact quite a few were our love   english students here so do comment below and let  us know how you got on get in touch and tell us   more about your lingoda experience now the sprint  starts on the 28th of april 2021 that's this year   and you have to sign up before the 16th of april  remember the lingoda language sprint is really   popular so don't leave it to the last minute i do  recommend signing up at least a few weeks before   if not sooner and as i've mentioned there are  two sprint options the super sprint where you   attend 30 classes per month for three months and  get that 100 cashback if you attend all those   agreed classes you've got the regular sprint where  for some of you you may have more commitments it   may be more difficult to fit into your schedule  if you've got kids you're working at 15 lessons   per month for three months is a nice compromise  and you still have the opportunity to get 50   of your tuition fees back at the end of the  course if you attend all those classes so for   a 49 euro deposit you can sign up now secure  your place on the lingoda language sprint or   supersprint but if you'd like to save a little  bit more money on that deposit then you can click   the link in the description box or the comments  section and use our code just for you change 63   change 63 saving you 10 euros or 12  depending on which currency you're paying in   and securing your place on the lingoda language  sprint practice some of these 38 expressions and   idioms and really boost your language level  now if you'd like to learn more about lingoda   and hear from a few of their previous students and  don't forget you can also follow them on instagram   and again click that link in the description  box where you can read more testimonials and   learn more about the lingoda language sprint and  other courses that they offer right ready to sound   more confident assertive disagree with people and  share your opinion let's have a look at these 38   smart expressions and idioms in english right  now two of the expressions i'm going to share   are actually very very simple but are incredibly  effective when used in combination with the rest   of these expressions excuse me and i'm afraid  excuse me and i'm afraid i stress the importance   of these expressions because essentially they  are softening your language they are preparing   people for something that you are going to say and  they essentially sound much more polite in english   excuse me is more formal than saying i'm sorry  and i'm afraid i'm afraid is a great way to   set someone up when you're going to disappoint  them perhaps say something that they might feel   not particularly happy about or indeed just  say no i'm afraid i can't i'm afraid i'm not   able to i'm afraid i can't agree with you there so  these expressions are essential when it comes to   formal or assertive language whether really in a  business environment or just in day-to-day english   so two simple expressions i want you to bear  in mind and consider using in conjunction with   the rest of these expressions now the first  expressions i'm going to share with you are to   help you make suggestions express your preferences  and even make requests ask someone to do something   number three i would appreciate it if i would  appreciate it if you could have the report on   my desk by monday i would appreciate it if you  could help me with this work i would appreciate it   if you didn't speak so loudly meaning just please  stop it so i would appreciate it if quite simply   when you want to learn more about something i'm  interested in or a nice alternative i'm curious   about i'm interested in learning more about our  competitors i'm curious about how the competitors   are strategizing their marketing so to express  that you want to learn more about this to   perhaps an employee or just in general to show  your interest it's going to help you sound a   little bit more assertive and show that you are in  control you know what you want and what you want   to learn so i'm interested in or i'm curious about  i'm curious about the lingoda language sprint   i'd like to learn more quite simply i'd like i'd  like to please do not use i want in any situation   it can often sound a little bit too aggressive  uh even rude i want to know more about   i'd like to it doesn't weaken the language it  just makes you sound a little bit more formal and   polite remember it is important to sound assertive  and not aggressive to gain the respect of your   fellow employees your boss or anyone in fact  this doesn't have to be in a work environment   i like i'd like the opportunity to present this  to the board i'd like to ask for a little bit more   help with this number seven might surprise you but  i feel i feel don't be scared to express how you   feel about something now i'm not asking you to  express so i feel a bit sad today simply saying   i feel this could be the wrong decision i feel  that we are making a mistake i feel that we need   to take a little bit more time on this and think  things through clearly just like i believe i feel   is expressing your personal opinion showing that  it's important and you're not scared to share it   simple but effective number eight i would prefer  or i would prefer not to i would prefer or i would   prefer not to i prefer that we work in a team  i prefer not to work with bob from accounts he   tends not to really pull his weight meaning do his  fair share of work i'd prefer again saying instead   of i want or as an alternative to i would like i  would prefer you're making your feelings clear but   you are still not being too aggressive would  you please would you please help me with this   don't be scared to ask someone for something would  you please would you please make sure that you   tidy the copy room after you've used it would  you please make sure to have that report on my   desk by 10 tomorrow polite assertive would you  mind again another way to make a request in an   indirect way would you mind working a little bit  later tonight pay attention would you mind working   would you mind doing would you mind helping you  need the gerund the noun form of the verb there   with that sentence number 11 a little bit more  formal instead of saying you should you ought to   you ought to you could add you really ought to  you really ought to speak with the boss about   having next friday off if you really need it and  again it's always important to show that you are   grateful that you appreciate the work they do  so i'd be grateful if like i'd appreciate it if   shows that you are respecting the person's work  their ability to do something i'd be grateful if   you could get the report on my desk by 10 tomorrow  showing that you appreciate their work but still   not being shy to tell them when and how  to do things is essential to be assertive   and of course if you are the boss number 13 a  little bit stronger i must insist i must insist   okay this is saying look this is really  how we need to do things i must insist we   cannot delay things any longer otherwise our  competitors are going to have the upper hand   meaning the advantage so i must insist plus the  clause shows that you strongly believe this is   the right thing to do number 14 the only sensible  thing to do is the only sensible thing to do is   here you're clearly expressing that you would  prefer to do things this way that it doesn't   really make much sense to do it another way the  only sensible thing to do is bring our prices   down we need to be more competitive number 15 we'd  be wise to we'd be wise too we would be wise to   wise meaning talking about experience and  knowledge combined that's wisdom we is a   nice pronoun and when you include other people  in your opinions then again it strengthens it   we'd be wise to offer the staff more flexibility  in working from home they seem to be much more   productive when working from home we'd be wise  to i believe the best policy is to offer staff   flexible working hours when you treat your  staff well they will treat the business well   i believe the best way to move forward is to  i believe the best way to move forward is to   this is when you are essentially moving forward  with a decision with a plan when perhaps something   has gone wrong even i believe the best way to  move forward is to simply invest a little bit more   money i'm sure the project can be achieved just  with some more funding now these next expressions   are about disagreeing something that for many  people can be quite scary and certainly i've   noticed that my students tend to shy away from  disagreeing with me even though i want them to   disagreeing is an important part of actually  building a good working relationship or any   relationship you can't simply agree with someone  when you don't so let's have a look at some great   ways to disagree sound assertive and be polite  i'm afraid there's that word i'm afraid i disagree   simple but effective i disagree not what are you  talking about not you're wrong but i'm afraid i   disagree i'm afraid i disagree studying online is  a great way to improve your english i respectfully   disagree i respectfully disagree perhaps using  this expression maybe with more senior management   someone that you're working for rather than who  is working for you i respectfully disagree i   respectfully disagree i think she deserves to have  that promotion i take your point but that isn't   the way i see it i take your point but that isn't  the way i see it instead i think that we need to   scale back the plans and reassess the budget true  that's a fair point but i have to say i still   disagree now here it's also very important where  you actually acknowledge someone else's opinion   when you acknowledge what someone has said and  you can show that you understand their point   of view then they're more likely to try and  understand yours i once tried to teach this to   another student and they didn't really get it  they were like well i don't agree i don't see   what she's saying to be true it doesn't matter  if you don't agree suggesting that you understand   that you take their point or see their point  however but i have to say i disagree i have to say   i disagree very effective and hopefully diplomatic  similarly i understand where you're coming from   but i understand where you're coming from but  or however however is a more formal or fancy but   i understand where you're coming from however  i think you'll find eating less meat is the   best solution when it comes to global warming now  number 23 it might be that somebody doesn't know   something so they can't actually make a properly  informed decision you may not be aware of this   however we did already give jimmy from accounts  the opportunity to redo the report you may not be   aware of this but the company has invested a lot  of money in your training so i have to disagree   i don't think you've been treated unfairly number  24 this is quite strong so be careful how you use   it and your intonation i'm sorry do you mean  to say i'm sorry do you mean to say you still   haven't completed the work i'm sorry do you mean  to say you think dogs are better than cats as pets   so here you're disagreeing but you're actually  what you're doing with this phrase is clarifying   your understanding and often expressing your  surprise at their opinion i'm sorry do you mean to   say that we should fire him i have to respectfully  disagree so a great expression to use when you are   maybe shocked surprised by someone's opinion and  you want to clarify it but you really do know what   they're talking about i'm sorry do you mean to  say you don't watch love english lessons every day   i have to respectfully disagree with that decision  now number 25 and 26 two idioms that are going   to help you sound quite strong and sure in your  opinion and maintaining your position to stick to   your guns i'm afraid i have to stick to my guns  here now there's nothing about shooting in this   expression it means you're refusing to change your  opinion or position or actions everyone thought   it was a terrible idea but i stuck to my guns and  actually it helped the project succeed in exactly   the same way we can use stand our ground or i'm  going to stand my ground here meaning i'm not   changing my opinion i'm not changing my position  they wanted to cut my travel budget but i stood my   ground it's essential that we travel to help  connect with our customers now these next   expressions and idioms are going to help you sound  a little bit more direct and astute assertive in a   meeting let's get down to business let's get down  to business in this case you're bringing the focus   on to the main topic at hand the business you want  to conduct or discuss and you're saying come on   let's stop no more small talk let's just get down  to business let's do the work let's focus on what   we need to discuss 28 we have a lot to cover or  we have a lot to get through again highlighting   how much work needs to be done and that you need  to get down to business we have a lot of work to   cover let's get down to business we need to start  and not waste time simply let's let's get started   let's get started i use this it's simple but it  is really important to use let us you're including   everyone saying i want to start is putting  you in the focus rather than saying let's   let us get started is putting everybody in the  focus it's putting that responsibility to work on   everyone let me get straight to the point or  i'll get right to the point again it's about   avoiding wasting time small talk and i'll give  you an idiom in a minute beating around the bush   but showing that you are just ready to dive in get  to work and discuss what really needs to be done   my point is my point is a great way to clarify  what you've already said my point is we need to   invest more in the company if we want the returns  so you're clarifying what you've previously said   and using my my point is sometimes bringing  that pronoun back to yourself really stressing   that this is your opinion is a great way  to sound more professional and assertive   and to ensure people pay attention to your  opinion the bottom line is the bottom line   is in the same way we're essentially drawing a  line under something saying that this is the most   important thing and that we need to focus on this  so the bottom line is if you can't get the report   done then i will be asking somebody else to do it  for me we're running behind schedule let's let us   everyone try to stay on track train track on  track stay focused so again here you're kind   of just bringing everyone back into focus what  are the main targets that you want to achieve   let's stay on track we're running behind  schedule let's try to stay on track and   of course if you're in a meeting sometimes  people come in late they're grabbing a coffee   you might want to just draw everyone's attention  back into the room and say come on we're running   late come on we're running late let's make  a start and the late comers can catch up   let's make a start and the late comers can catch  up so you are taking control with these phrases   and expressions you are bringing the focus back  onto the work that needs to be discussed in a   meeting now finally some rather strong expressions  so again be careful how you use them you would be   well advised too you would be well advised too  you'd be well advised to ensure you get to work   on time every day you'd be well advised stop  going on facebook when you should be working   so this is i strongly suggest this is if you  are the boss and you really need to tell someone   actually this is not correct the way you have been  working or behaving is not right you would be well   advised too i would strongly suggest number 36 to  give someone the benefit of the doubt i'll give   you the benefit of the doubt here i understand  that you had a lot of different projects on the   go so the fact that you've made this mistake let's  forget it for now so i believe what you are saying   i understand what you're saying at this point but  just for now you wouldn't want to do this again to   make this mistake or error again i'll give you the  benefit of the doubt i'll believe you this time   number 37 if someone's trying to make excuses for  the work that they have or haven't done and you're   not particularly happy with their answer you could  say rather than i'm not stupid i don't believe you   you could say i wasn't born yesterday i wasn't  born yesterday i do realize that you all went   out for a few drinks last night and everyone  turned up late this morning you'd be well advised   to keep your drinking sessions to the weekend  i wasn't born yesterday and finally number 38   to stop beating around the bush now you don't  actually have to beat a bush which is essentially   a small plant a shrub not a tree but those things  on the ground you're not beating around the bush   meaning you're not going around the subject you're  getting directly to it let's not beat around the   bush this project was not successful so a great  idiomatic expression to help you bring the focus   back on the main issue and not just talk around  something you can even say to someone come on stop   beating around the bush so there we have it quite  a few phrases and expressions to remember but some   that i hope you will find useful and certainly  quite a few that you may not have heard before   so remember my four opinions not necessarily my  opinions but opinions i want you to disagree with   everyone should become a vegetarian  in order to combat climate change   and reduce carbon emissions a degree is essential  if you want to be successful in life cats   make better pets than dogs and the only way  to learn english is to spend a lot of money   and study in the uk right and there we have it  so try using some of the expressions i've shared   to try disagreeing with me there to try and show  your assertiveness and confidence in sharing your   opinion and don't forget if you'd like to practice  these phrases learn many more and boost your   confidence in english the lingoda language sprint  is open until the 16th of april for you to sign up   using our special code change 63 and the link  in the description box as always thank you so   much for watching i look forward to seeing  you very soon with more love english lessons
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 25,997
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English with Leila, English with Sabrah, British English, English expressions, english idioms, british idioms, business idioms, sound like a boss, business english, assertive english, confident enlgish, sound confident, confident in english, express opinion in english, lingoda, lingoda language, lingoda language sprint
Id: slT85FkSwNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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