3.6.1 Packet Tracer - Implement VLANs and Trunking

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity implement valence and trunking before coming to this activity first if you like to get any CCNA project support or a CCNA online classes you can contact our team using our website link you will like it from the description below and also if you like to get these type of technical videos in future consider subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video no back to our activity here we can see our addressing table we will go through the objectives we will configure VLANs then I say in ports to VLANs then configure a static tranqing and finally configure a dynamic trunking coming to the background we are working in a company that is getting ready to deploy a set of Newton and 60 role switches in a branch office you are working in the lab to test out the VLAN and trunking configurations that are planned configure and test the VLANs and trunks no coming to the instructions in part 1 configure VLANs configure VLANs on all three switches that is here we can see those switches SW aswb and SW c refer to the villain table note that the VLAN names must match the values in the table exactly actually this a VLAN name should be a meaningful name that depends on the network administrator but here why we have to give this exact villain name what they specified it's only for a scoring purpose in this activity we will create all these VLANs on all three switches we will go to SW a press enter enable configure terminal we can give a C or enough space T then press enter and we will create the violence so here we can see villain ten is admin velentin nem is admin been caps aquarite nexus VLAN 20 accounts VLAN 20 name is accounts then we will create a VLAN 30 as a char it's a VLAN 30 name is a char next is a VLAN 40 name is it's a voice now we will create a 99 and 100 for management and native so it's a VLAN 99 name is management then we have will enhance shut it's name is a net you know we will go to swb click on as WB then press enter here we will give enable then kunti then we will create the violence now we will create these VLANs one by one first is VLAN 10 then we will give the name as admin next is VLAN 20 name is accounts next is VLAN 30 name is hr/p hwy LAN 40 name is voice next next is VLAN 99 name is management and finally we learn hundred name is native now we will go to SW see kunti villain turn name is admin wheel and 20 name is accounts wheel and 30 name is a chart actually sui-lan 40 name is voice next is so villain after 40 we have 99 okay and her name is management next year civilian hundred name is a native now we will go to party to sa imports to VLANs so step one has seen access ports to VLANs on swb and swc has seen post to the VLANs refer to the addressing table coming to our addressing table here we can see the details sure we can see PC one that is switch port SW b FS 0/1 it's in VLAN 10 then FS 0 / 2 VLAN 20 FS 0 / 3 VLAN 30 then coming to the switch SW c port FS 0 / 1 - VLAN 10 you have s 0 / - a VLAN 20 if a 0 / 3 VLAN 30 and here we have SW c switch a port is FS 0 / 4 VLAN 10 VLAN 40 it's for voice it's really easy and interesting we will do that first of all we will do it in the switch SW b will click on that okay you use like this it's clear alright so we will exit then we will go to the interface it's a faster third 0 / 1 so we can see that we will give as to put the modest access then support access it's a VLAN 10 we will exceed then we will go to the interface a faster third 0 / - yes and support mod is access then we have a support access a VLAN it's certainty correct now we will exceed then we will go to the interface we can press a tab okay then first 2/3 of 0 / 3 your support mod is access switch port access VLAN 30 now we will go to switch ESWC okay right it's clear yeah now we will exit and here we will go to the interface it's a faster third and 0/1 support mode as access switch port access it's a VLAN 10 next you will go to the interface relax it and we can go that even without exit we can do that interface faster third at Ciro's sorry 0/2 support the modest access switch port access it's a VLAN 20 yourself for using from well i mean from this model we can go to the next interface interface FAS 0/3 support modest access support access VLAN it's 30 here we can see see seven switch port FS 0 / 4 we have it was a in - VLAN 10 and the VLAN 44 voice okay just we will give Elon 10 we will go to interface FAS 0 / 4 and switch port Ahmad access switch port access a VLAN it's a 10 and in step 2 we have to configure the voice VLAN port configure the appropriate port on a switch SW c for voice VLAN functionality ok we can configure that you will give that here for this interface FA 0 / 4 we will give a switch port we have voice yes then we have to specify the VLAN it's 40 now we have MLS q OS then we will give a cos keyword then press enter okay we can give a service value between 0 & 7 even no need to set this MLS like us cos values but still ok we will do that we will give 5 now in step 3 configure the virtual manageable interfaces create the virtual management interfaces on all 3 switches address the virtual management interfaces according to that dressing-table then as we just should not be able to ping each other he will close this swc and coming to retro Singh table here we can see IP address for these devices SW aswb and s WC and if you have to set IP address for this Avilan 99 as for the management purpose so coming to SW a enable configure terminal then we will go to the interface VLAN 99 and we will let set its IP address we will copy its IP address also here we can see it's something to mask we will give the Sun to mask also now we will go to swb configure terminal we will go to the interface VLAN 99 then we will set its IP address as per our addressing table it's a 253 also we will give it something to mask we'll go to s W C exit then we will go to the interface VLAN 99 then we will assert its IP address it's at 254 then it's on to mask and now here the men the switches should not be able to ping each other yes it's correct because so we did not make this a link as a trunk the link between these switches and we are saying IEP a trust for VLAN 99 and that VLAN 99 tag the frames are not allowed through these links we will have a test we will ping from SW b to SW a will click on SW b and here we will give the press control is it so that we can go to privileged x ik mode under here we will give ping will ping to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot ninety nine dot it's a two five two and we are waiting for the replies it won't communicate not out so we can see successful rate is zero percent it's failed now coming to three configure a static tracking configure the link between SWA and SW B as a static trunk disabled a dynamic chunking on this part okay first of all we will go to SW a and here we can see the port it's a gigabit deterrent 0/1 we will go to that port enable configure a terminal interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and here we are going to give support the modest trunk now we will go to is WB then Kunti interface gigabit a third 0 / 1 we will give a switch port modest trunk next is a disable DTP on the switch port on both ends of the channel link okay we can do that we will go to SW a and here we can give you the command it's a such a port no negotiate you'll go to SW B and here we can give a switch port no negotiate next is configure the trunk with the native VLAN and eliminate native VLAN conflicts if any ok we created a net VLAN Hansard for a native VLAN ok we will do that coming to SW a here we will give su Qi port it's a trunk native VLAN hunter and here we get an ATV enemies map mismatch discovered on a Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 with SW be a gigabit the third on 0/1 so here we have to change the native VLAN in SW b also in SW be sure we can give a switch port chung native VLAN hundred and here we can see the message gigabit 1/3 0 / 1 port consistency restored ok now we will go to platter for configure a dynamic chunking assume that at the trunk port on SW c is set to the default dtp mode for 2 9 6 0 switches configure G 0 / 2 on SW a so that it successfully negotiates tracking with SW c okay we will configure a dynamic desirable in this SW a coming to SW a here we will do that we will exit from the interface because now we are in a gigabit deterrent 0/1 now we will go to the interface a gigabit 1/3 0 / 2 and here we will give support it's a trunk we will give sorry its mod will give dynamic then desirable this is the mod 10 presenter so once we this dynamic desirable the other and also become chunka that means the poor time in the interface you grab a deterrent 0/2 in this switch swc now configure the chunk with the native VLAN and eliminate native VLAN can fix if any we will do that we will come to SW a and here we will give switch port its trunk native VLAN hundred once we give that here we can see an eight evil enemies match discovered on a gigabit the third 0 / - with SW see gigabit utterance euro / - so we will recover this mismatch you will go to s WC enable confirm '''l and here we will go to the interface it's a gigabit at around 0 / 2 then we will set a support trunk native VLAN as hunter so that here we can see and blocking gigabit at Iran zeros large two-port consistency restored now we will let test to the connectivity here the same VLAN can communicate each other we will get the IP address of VLAN I mean this pc for you will copy that we can see pc 1 and a pc for they are in the same billion that is VLAN 10 so we will ping from pc1 to pc2 pc 1 here we will link to that pc here is that trust and here we can see we get the replies now we will try ping from one switch to another switch he'll ping from swb to SWA okay we'll give end and here we will give that ping command ping 52 you are waiting for the replies so successor 80 is a 60% okay no props once more we will try so that we get hundred percent it's working great so friends in this video we discussed packet tracer activity implement VLANs and at ranking and here we can see our completion status it's hundred percentage now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions or regarding this activity please comment below also if you liked your video give a thump and share with all your friends and if you like to get any technical support you can contact us using our website stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 32,619
Rating: 4.924964 out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, Packet Tracer, CISCO Certification, CCNA, Routing and Switching, VLAN
Id: 3-TB_e7Zp0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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