4.2.7 Packet Tracer - Configure Router on a Stick Inter VLAN Routing

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hi friends welcome to our in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity configure a router honestok inter VLAN routing before coming to this activity fronts if you like to get any CCNA project support or CCNA online classes you can contact our team using our website I think you will get from the description below and also if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video now back to our packet tracer activity here we can see our a dressing-table device interface ipv4 address subnet mask and it's a default gateway coming to objectives I had a VLANs to a switch configure sub interfaces then test connectivity within travillian routing coming to the scenario in this activity we will configure a VLAN sand inter VLAN routing we will then enable trunk interfaces and verify I can activity between VLANs coming to the instructions in part one add VLANs to a switch step one create VLANs on s1 create VLAN 10 and VLAN 30 on s1 we will create this VLANs in s1 coming to s1 enable configure terminal will create VLAN 10 and VLAN 30 now we will verify this configuration now we will press ctrl-z and here we will give the show command show VLAN brief and here we can see the VLANs be created it's a VLAN 10 and a VLAN 30 in step two as we lens two ports configured interfaces faster third zero star six and faster theorem 0 / 11 as access ports and a same VLANs as in the port connected to pc-12 VLAN 10 now coming to our topology here we can see this PC one is connected to the port foster theorem 0 / 11 in this switch s1 so we will assign VLAN 10 to this port FA 0 / 11 you can do that we will go to that interface configure terminal interface it's faster third at 0 / 11 then we will give a switch port modest access then a switch port access VLAN 10 now assign the port connected to PC three to VLAN 30 coming to our topology here we can see this device PC 3 is connected to the port FS 0 / 6 in this switch s1 so here we will assign this VLAN 30 to this port FS 0 / 6 coming to s1 so we'll go to that interface that is FA 0 / 6 we will exit from this interface then we will go to interface of a s 0 / 6 we will give a switch port mode as access then switch port access VLAN 30 we will issue the chauvelin brief command to verify VLAN configuration here itself they're given at the output for this our show commander show villain briefs anyways we will give this a Shaka man in over a switch s1 coming to s1 here we'll press control is it so that we can go to privilege it x ik mode press enter show VLAN brief and here we can see the details here we can see this port FA 0 / 11 is a saint - VLAN 10 and FS 0 / 6 is a saint - VLAN 30 in step 3 test connectivity between pc1 & pc2 e from pc1 ping pc3 where the pings successful why did you get this a result we will check that we below you get the IP adress opc3 will copy this address then coming to pc 1 will go to command prompt and we will ping to pc 3 here is its IP address and we get request timed out thing is failed okay now why this ping failure because here we can see these pcs pc1 & pc2 a they are in different VLAN that is VLAN 1 and VLAN 30 so if you want to communicate different VLAN we have to configure inter VLAN routing this is what we are going to do in this activity also we can see these pcs IP address are saying from a different subnet here we can see PC one is in 170 2.17 dot 10.0 and the PC throw is in 170 2.17 dot 30.0 in party to configure a sub interfaces step 1 configure sub interfaces on our one using the 8th note to dot1q encapsulation created a sub interface g0 star 0.10 set the encapsulation type to eight node 2.1 Q and as saying VLAN 10 to the sub interface then I refer to the addressing table and I say in the correct IP address to the sub interface here they given the commands for this a sub interface configuration we have to go to that sub interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 dot 10 then we have to give the encapsulation dot1q then the VLAN ID then we have to set its IP address we will do this configuration on this router r1 okay so press return to get started press Enter enable configure terminal we will go to the interface its G 0 / 0 dot 10 then we have to give the encapsulation it's a dot1q then press Enter we have to give the VLAN ID it's a VLAN 10 press Enter now we have to give its IP address it's 170 2.17 dot 10.1 then we have to give it something to mask repeat for the g0 star 0.30 sub-interface so coming to your dressing table here we can see the IP address given for these sub-interface it's 170 2.17 dot 1302 1 and here we can see it's a semi to mask we will exit from this sub interface then we will go to interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 dot 30 and here we will give a encapsulation it's a dot1q then we have to specify the VLAN ID it's Erbil and 30 okay it's a spelling mistake we can press a tap do tap so here we can see it's dot1q 30 then we will I set the IP address it's 170 2.17 2.30 to 1 then submit to mask next step to verify a configuration use the show IP interface brief command to verify sub interface configuration both sub interfaces are down sub interfaces are virtual interfaces that are associated with a physical interface therefore in order to enable sub interfaces you must enable the physical interface that they are associated with okay here we can see this a link between this router r1 and s1 is down we can see this light blinks red anyways we'll verify using this show command show IP interface brief coming to r1 we press control Z and here we will give a show IP interface brief and here we can see these two sub interfaces status administrative lead áown protocol down so as they specified we have to activate this interface a gigabit a theorem 0/0 to bring these sub interfaces up enabled the G 0/0 interface verify that the sub interfaces are now active so we'll go to r1 we will go to that interface configure a trammel interface G 0 / 0 then we will give a no-shit command give that inertia don't command in physical interface a gigabit deterrent 0/0 we can see these interfaces G 0 / 0 dot 10 and G 0 / 0 dot 30 changed its state 2 up we will verify it he will go to rotor R 1 and press ctrl-z enter show IP interface brief now here we can see these have interfaces G 0 / 0 dot 10 and 0 30 it status up protocol also up part 3 test connectivity with inter VLAN routing step one thing between pc1 & pc2 3 from pc1 a pinky c 3 the pings should still fail explain ok we will go to pc 1 command prompt and here we will press up arrow then press enter as they say it should fail we can see it's failed why it's failed coming to a topology here we can see the interface g 0 / 1 in this switch is allow only the frames which is tagged with 2 VLAN 1 but we can see pc1 & pc2 they are in VLAN 10 and to VLAN 30 so here this interface g 0 / 1 should allow VLAN 10 as well as VLAN 30 so that pc1 & pc2 II will communicate each other here we have to enable chunking in this interface G 0 / 1 in this switch S 1 so that it will allow VLAN 10 and VLAN 30 coming to each type enable chugging on s1 issue the show VLAN command what VLAN is G 0/1 as a into obviously it will be in default to VLAN that is VLAN 1 we can be repay that coming to vs 1 enable here we will you that show command show VLAN and here we can this interface G 0/1 is in default to VLAN 1 because the rotor was configured with multiple sub interfaces assigned to different do VLANs the switch port connecting to the rotor must be configured as a trunk so enabled trunking on interface G 0 / 1 okay we can do that we will go to yes 1 then we have to go to that interface configure Tramel interface it's G 0 / 1 then we have to give a switch port more as a trunk how can you determine that the interface is a trunk port are using the chauvelin command no we cannot verify using sure we then command we have to give a show interface trunk command so issue the show interface trunk command to verify that the interface is configured as a trunk ok we will click on s 1 then we will press ctrl-z and here we will give a show interface trunk and we can verify it here we can see the port gigabit a third 0 / 1 it status is a trunking and the Mahdi's own then we can see encapsulation dot 8 node 2 dot1q also we can see the native VLAN by default it's in 1 and here we can see we land allowed and active in management domain 110 and at 30 finally step three test connectivity if the configurations are correct pc1 & pc2 be able to ping their default gateways and each other so what addresses are do pc1 & pc2 e uses their default gateway addresses yes pc 1 will use its default gateway as the IP address of the interface I mean the sub-interface G 0/0 ten and PC will a PC three will they use it's a default to gateway as the IP address of its sub interface so that is a Gigabit Ethernet 0 slash 0.30 this information already at they given in the addressing table here we can see that PC 1 we can see it's a default to gateway 1 7 2.17 dot Tendo 2 1 and we can see that IP addresses are saying to the sub-interface G 0 / 0 dot 10 in this device r1 also we can see PC to default gateway 170 2.17 todat 30.1 and here we can see that IP address which is a saying to the interface g 0 / 0 dot 30 okay we will let this to the connectivity we will ping from pc1 to pc2 first click on pc 1 command prompt then press up arrow so that we will get the IP address of pc 3 then press enter you are waiting for the replace you may get one request timed out and here we can see it's working we get the replace once more we can try it press up arrow so that we will get all the replies no we can try to it's a gateways I mean a default gateways we will try to ping to 30.2 1 and here we can see we get the replies even we will try to ping to 10.2 one and here we can see we get the replies ok right so friends in this video we discussed packet tracer activity configure a router or a mystic inter VLAN routing and here we can see our completion status it's a hundred percent now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions or regarding this packet tracer activity please come and below also if we liked your video give a thump and share with all your friends and if you like to get any technical support you can contact us using our website stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 24,240
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: CISCO Certification, CISCO, CCNA, Routing and Switching, Packet Tracer
Id: fQqvl-zVh80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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