2.2.13 Packet Tracer - Point to Point Single Area OSPFv2 Configuration

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hi friends welcome to work in this video we are going to solve this packet tracer activity point to point single area ospf v2 configuration before coming to this activity friends if you like to get any ccna version 7 online classes or any project support you can contact our team using our website link you will get from the description below and also if you like to get these type of technical videos in future consider subscribing and don't forget to enable that bell icon new to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video okay coming back to his package activity uh here we can see addressing table also we will go through the objectives part one configure router ids party to configure a networks for ospf routing then part 3 configure passive interfaces then in part 4 verify ospf configuration background in this activity we will activate ospf routing using network statements and wildcard masks configuring ospf routing on interfaces and by using network statements qr0 mask in addition we will configure explicit order ids and pass cv interfaces okay we will configure this open shortest path first routing so here we can see the instructions part one configure a router ids start the ospf routing process on all three routers use process id 10 so here they given the syntax for that router ispf then specify the process id we have to give it 10 then use the rotor id command to set the ospf ids of the three routers as follows for r1 we have to set this router id then for r2 also for this r3 then use the following command router id space then we have to specify i mean we have to give this id and we can see this rotor id is always given us an ipv4 address right so we will go to r1 enable conf t that is configure terminal and here we are going to give a router ospf and here the specified process id it should be given as a 10 okay so here i will put a question mark and we can see process id we will give 10. now we will set the router id for this r1 we have to set it's your space yeah next we will go to r2 enable conf t actually here i am giving a short commands uh otherwise you can give enable okay the entire command you can type even here we can give configure terminal so this is the shortest command what i am using here we will give router ospf 10 and we will set the router id then we will go to r3 enable conf t and here we will give a router ospf 10 router id coming to part two configure networks for ospf routing step one configure networks for ospf for rooting using network commands and wildcard masks how many statements are required to configure ospf to root all the networks attached to the router r1 coming to this topology here we can see our rotor r1 and we have these three directly connected networks we can see one is going to this lan one that is g000 and here we can see one is going to r2 and here is one is going to r3 the land attached to a rotor r1 has a slash 24 mask so here we can see that uh from r1 which is connected to this lan one what is the equivalent of this mask in dotted decimal representation yeah we know that slash 24 means it's then subtract the dotted decimal subnet mask from what is the result yeah we will get what is the dotted decimal equivalent of the slash 30 subnet mask slash 30 that means then subtract the dotted decimal representation of the slash 30 mask from what is the result we get configure the routing process on r1 with the network statements and the wild regard masks that are required to activate ospf routing for all the attached networks the network statement values that should be the network or submit addresses of the configured networks so here they given the command syntax network then we have to specify the network address then while the header mask area then area id then verify that ospf has been configured properly by the displaying the running configuration if you find an error delete the network statement using the no command and reconfigure it okay we will configure the routing process on r1 uh with the network statements and its wild guard bits or uh its area we'll go to r1 and we will see how to do that just i will exit i do not forget already we are in a configurator right so here i will give a command do show ip root connected so that we can see all the connected networks in this router r1 so very easily we can configure the net network right so we will give this command and here we can see those three directly connected networks now we will give the command network and we will give this a network first it's a then we have to give its wildcat then we have to specify the area will give 0 then we will go to network we will give this that is a then wild regard with area 0 okay then coming to the third network 192.168. area 0 will give end we will verify this configuration using show running config so you can press a space bar and here we can see a rotor ospf 10 router ids here and we can see the network we given in step two configure networks for ospf routing using interface iep addresses and quad zero masks that means we have to give all the zeros right in uh wild card right on router r2 configure ispf using network commands with the iep addresses of the interfaces and quartz 0 masks the syntax of the network command is the same as was used above so just keep in mind here we are going to configure the networks for ospf uh routing using interface ip address node network address okay we will give interface ip address then we will give a quad 0 mass then we will configure this networks for ospf routing we will do this configuration coming to r2 enable conf t and we will go to router ispf 10 and again here we will give the command do show ip root then we will give the network here we can see the connected networks also we can see that interface ip address so l is for a local that's fine you will give a network then we will give this a interface ip address just i will copy this i think copy it won't work here so just i will type it then we will give a wild guard masks quad 0 then area 0 next we will give this network then the address is okay here we can see uh loading to full loading done okay so whenever you get this message you just press a tab button from the keyboard okay network then we will give this it's a then quad 0 area 0 then we will give this area 0. just we will end show running config and here we can see a router ospf 10 router id and we can see network ip address quad zero and its area we given for the all three directly connected networks now coming to step three configure ospf routing on our router interfaces that means we have to go to each interface and we have to configure ospf okay uh on a rotor r3 configure the required interfaces with the ospf which interfaces on r3 should be configured with ospf coming to our topology here we can see our router r3 and r3 has these interfaces let me see this is uh gigabit ethernet 0 0 0 this is a serial 0 slash 1 slash 0 and we have one more here serial 0 1 1 configure each interface using the command syntax shown below uh we have to use this um syntax ip we have to go to that interface okay then ip ospf process id area then area id first of all we will go to this interface g 0 0 0 coming to this r3 enable conf t we will go to that interface that is g 0 0 0 then we will give the command ip ospf process id section area is 0. next we will go to the interface serial 0 1 0 interface serial 0 1 0 and here we will give ip ispf 10 area 0 then next we will go to serial 0 1 1. okay here we received a message neighbor two two two two on serial zero one zero from loading to full loading done okay that's fine so here we will go to interface serial 0. 0 1 1 and here we will give ip isp of 10 area 0. ok we can verify it just i will give end show running config running config yeah and we have to check with those interfaces here we can see interface g 0 0 0 and be given this command i p o s p f 10 area 0 then coming to serial 0 1 0 ipo spf 10 area 0 and coming to this interface serial 0 slash 1 1 ipo spf 10 area 0 that's fine now we will go to part 3 configure passive interfaces ospf will send its protocol traffic out of all interfaces that are participating in the ospf process on links that are not configured to other networks such as lans this unnecessary traffic consumes resources the passive interface command will prevent the ospf process from sending unnecessary routing protocol traffic out lan interfaces which interfaces on r1 r2 and r3 are a lan interfaces okay coming to our topology we can see uh here is r1 and we can see lan 1 which is connected to this port g0 0 0 0 in this r 1 so we can make this spot as passive interface then coming to r 2 here we can see the port this is also g 0 0 0 where line two is connected then coming to r3 this is also g zero slot zero slot zero configure the ospf process on each of the three routers with the passive interface command uh we have to give passive dash interface then the interface name we have to go to that ospf and we have to do that so we'll go to r1 enable conf t router ospf 10 and here we can set that passive interface it's a g 0 0 0 right close it then we will go to r2 conf t total ospf 10 sorry it's a ospf 10 then we have to give passive interface g 0 0 0 then we will go to r 3 conf t then rotor ospf 10 then we will give a passive interface g 0 0 0 coming to the last part part 4 verify ospf configuration use show commands to verify the network and passive interface configuration of the ospf process on each rotor we have many show commands to verify this ospf configuration not many means you know just to go to r1 we can use end uh show running config here we can see all the configuration right here we can see router id passive interface and other information also we can verify a routing table show ip root and here we can see this o remote network land with the help of this protocol ospf also we have other show commands let me verify show ip ospf we put question mark here we can see uh many uh commands like border routers a database interface neighbor then virtual links if you go to interface let me give your interface and we can specify this output equation mark then we can give any interface on r1 we will give this serial 0 1 0 okay serial 0 1 0 then we'll press enter and we can see the details here we can see this interface is up line protocol also up and the internet address is here area is 0 process id is a 10 a router id is and we can see cost is a 64. then okay adjacent with the neighbor okay that's fine we will verify in other router we will go to r2 and show running config and here we can see a network we given qr0 also we can see passive interface show ip root we can see only ospf okay also we can give show you know iep ospf we can give interface let me give a serial zero slash one slash one and here we can see the detail cost is 64. that's fine yep we will go to r3 end show running config i think surrounding can pick only be given i will give a show ip root and here we can see ospf our roots also will try show ipo spf interface serial zero slash one slash one let me check this interface internet address area process id cost is 64. okay sure they did not specify uh to check the connectivity okay anyway so let me try it so just i will send a message from this pc to this pc and we can see it's successful i will try from this pc to this pc it's failed no problem we will try once more yes it's successful now we will send from this pc to this pc yes okay so friends in this video we solved this packet tracer activity point to point single area ospf v2 configuration and here we can see our completion status for this activity it's 100 now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this package or activity please comment below or you can contact our team using our website link you will get from the description below and if you like our video don't forget to give a thumb and also you can share with all your friends stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 16,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CCNAv7, CCNA, Packet Tracer, OSPFv2, Routing and Switching, Single Area OSPFv2, CISCO Certification
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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