Lab - Configuring Basic RIPv2 Part-1

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to configure a basic routing information protocol version two firms before coming to this lab activity if you like to get my future uploading video info directly into your Gmail considered subscribe here we can see our topology diagram we will build and design this topology diagram on this cisco packet tracer also we can see here a trussing table we will configure all the devices as per this addressing table here we can see objectives we will go through the objectives in part 1 builder the network and the configure basic device settings in party to configure and be verified ripv2 routing so in that here we can see configure our IP v2 on the routers and verify that it is surrounding configure a passive interface examine routing tables disable automatic summarization configure a default route and verify in the to end connectivity we will also go through this background because here they given some information regarding this our IP here we can see our IP version 2 is used for routing of ipv4 addresses in small networks ripv2 is a classless distance-vector routing protocol as defined by RFC 1 7 2 3 because i pv 2 is a classless routing protocol 2 masks are included in the routing updates by default ripv2 automatically summarizes networks at the major network boundaries when automatic summarization has been disabled ripv2 no longer summarizes networks to their class full address and two boundary routers here in this lab we will configure the network topology with the ripv2 routing disable automatic summarization propagate a default route and UCLA commands to display and to verify our IP routing information here they given a note make sure that the routers and the switches have been erased and have no startup configurations if you are unsure contact your instructor so anyway here in this lab activity we are going to use our cisco packet tracer we are not going to use the real routers and switches so if your using the real routers and switches we have to make sure this information here we can see recorded resources we need three rotors that is Cisco one nine four one two switches tune and six zero three pcs console cables in a we are going to do in our Cisco packet tracer then we need these cables Ethernet and the serial cables coming to part two one built in the network and the configure basic device settings we will do this a path to one in part one you will set up the network topology and the configure basic settings so here we go to total five steps we will go through that step one cable the network as shown in the topology step with to initialize and reload the router and the switch in snippet three configure basic settings for each router and the switch and here we can see those basic settings a disabled DNS lookup configure device names as shown in the topology configure password encryption a same class as the privilege to exit password as in Cisco as the console and vty passwords configure a message of the day banner to one users that unauthorized access is prohibited configure logging synchronous for the console line configure the IP addresses listed in the addressing table for all interfaces configure a description for each interface with an IP address configure the clock rate if applicable to the DCE serial interface then copy the running configuration to the startup configuration then in step before configure PCIe Pietra Singh refer to the addressing table for IP address information of the PCs and in step of five tests to connectivity here they given at this point the PCs are unable to ping each other or each workstation should be able to ping the attached to the router verify and troubleshoot if necessary then the routers should be able to ping one another verify and troubleshoot if necessary so we will let do this first first of all we will build and the cable this network as part of this topology coming to our cisco packet tracer here we are going to use this router 1 9 4 1 we require 3 routers then we require 2 switches to 9 6 0 switchers then 3 pcs now we are going to rename these devices as per our topology this is PC - yeah this is PC - B and to be how PC - see also we have this switch s1 and s3 on the router this is r1 r2 and the r3 before coming to the cabling we have to add a serial interface for these routers we will switch off this router and we will add this as ill interface and we will switch it on coming to r2 and in r3 now we will let's select this DCE serial DCE and from our one serial 0/0 star 0 2 these are two serial 0/0 star 0 and from our two serial 0 / 0 / 1 - these are three serial 0 / 0 / 1 now we will select the copper straight-through coming to this device r2 we will give it to Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 and to this a PCB coming to our 1 G 0 / 1 to F 0 / 5 here also G 0 / 1 - faster turn 0 / 5 and here a faster turn our 0 star 6 to this PC faster than 0 star 6 to this PC we will name all the interfaces so that it will be more AC while doing the configuration here we how this a note this is G 0 so R 0 and here we have a serial Spiro smart 0 so R 0 and we have seen this side is a DC e here we can see that clock also here we can see DC e this is serial 0 / 0 so R 0 and D here we can see serial 0 / 0 / 2 1 this is also CDL 0 / 0 / 1 here we have a G 0 / 1 here also we have a G 0 / 1 this is faster turn at 0 / 5 this is also faster throught 0 / 5 and here we have a faster third 0 / 6 done now we will do the basic settings on the routers first of all coming to the router r1 CLI here continue with the configuration dialog and know we will configure enable configure terminal first of all we will disable DNS lookup no IP domain lookup and we will configure the device name this is Houston name r1 also we will give a password encryption that is Sarris password encryption also we will give privilege to exit pass word enable secret as specified class also we will go to line vty 0 before that we will go to line console and then console 0 and we will set the password as specified Cisco also we will go to line vty 0 to 15 password Cisco login also we will set a more TD message banner motd instead with the roller simple and authorized access is prohibited now we will give logging synchronous for the console line for that we have to get go-to line console 0 and here we will give logging synchronous now we will set IP address for the each interface on this router r1 you will check the IP address here we can see two interfaces on this device r1 for this interface the G 0 / 1 we have to set the IP address here is that I will copy this address and also we can see the subnet to mask so we have to go to the interface a gigabit or 0 / 1 and we will set the IP address here is that and it's something to mask and you know should command no we will give the description for this interface here we are going to give the description we will give the IP address of this interface also we are going to copy running-config to startup config so here we can see the details no IP domain lookup here we can see this password is encrypted line vty password in this router we have to configure the interface here 0 / 0 / 0 also we will get the IP address here we can see that also we can see the submit to mask here coming back to our one configure terminal we have to go to that interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and we have to set the IP address so here is that also the subject mask to know shut command also we will set the description as this IP address of this interface in a retro sync table here we can see this interface serial co-star 0/0 is DC e so we have to set a time clock rate for this interface but we can see there will be a default cooperate set we will check that with the help of show running config and coming to serial co-star zeros now 0 here we can see that clock rate so once more we will give a copy running-config to startup config you know we will come to the router r2 no enable configure terminal here we are going to a disabled DNS lookup I know IP domain lookup also the house name as our two sorries password encryption for password encryption and now we here we will enable secret password as a class also we will go to line console 0 password Cisco login also we will give logging synchronous now we will go to line con not line console line vty 0 to 15 password a Cisco login also we will set banner motd unauthorized access is prohibited now we will set the IP address for the interface for this router r2 coming to reducing table here we can see three interfaces and its IP address and subnet mask first of all we will configure G 0/0 here we can see that IP address we will copy this address and to coming to our configuration we have to go to the interface G 0/0 here we are going to give the IP address and the subnet mask and in or shut command also we will set the description for this interface as its IP address now we will get the IP address of the next interface that is serials you also have 0/0 here we can see that also here we can see the submit to mask coming through the configuration we will exit and we will go to that interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 which is connecting to the router r1 IP address here is that and this to mask or two five two also we will give no command and also the description as its IP a truss and finally we will configure serial 0 / 0 / 1 that is DC e here we can see the IP address and the subnet mask coming to that interface directly we can give your interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and we will give you the IP address here is that a truss and is subject to mask - no command also we will give the description as its IP address now we will give a copy running-config to startup config and we will check the configuration show running config no IP domain look up here we can see the IP address of each interface G 0 / 0 4 so 0 0 star 0 star 0 here we can see that no clock rate and for this interface we can see serial 0 / 0 / 1 the clock rate IP address everything is correct no we are going to configure the router art free no enable configure terminal first of all we will disable a DNS lookup no IP domain lookup also we will set the hostname I saw r3 will enable secret as class so sorry is password encryption now we will set a banner motd an authorized access is prohibited also now we will go to line console 0 password a Cisco login also we will give a logging synchronous you'll go to line vty 0 to 15 password a Cisco login now we will set the IP address for the interfaces here we can see our three big avatar 0 / 1 here we can see the IP address I will copy this address also we can see the subnet mask coming to art free we will go to the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we will set the IP address as specified in a retro sync table its update to mask no shutdown also we will let set the description as this interface IP address now we will get the IP address of the next interface of the device r3 here we can see that serial 0 / 0 / 1 I P actress easier and also we can see the subnet - mask coming to the configuration here we will go to the interface the serial 0 / 0 / 1 and we will set the IP address with the subnet mask - no shut with the description as its IP address now we are going to save the configuration copy running-config startup config and we will let's check the configuration now show running config and here we can see the details G 0 / 1 or so seriously rows are 0 / 1 coming to a topology here we can see this interface is down we will check that you come to our to show IP interface brief and here we can see the details here we can see the status is alpha but we can see protocol is down here we are using straight through cable so what we will do we will connect using crossover as a PC and a router both are the same device so we will connect using a copper crossover cable G 0 / 0 - this PCB curve we can see nodes working now coming to our addressing table here we can see the device s1 and s3 in order to set any actress for this device but better we will set the host name for this device coming to s1 enable configure terminal we will set the hostname as s1 copy running-config to start of config also coming to s3 enable configure terminal house name as a s3 copy running-config startup config next we are going to configure this pcs IP address as per our addressing table here we can see a PC a IP address copy researchers and we can see something to mask or so it's a default gateway coming to PC a desktop IP configuration here we are going to give the IP address submit to mask and the default gateway 10.1 and here we can see PCB IP address subnet mask and default gateway coming to PCB IP address and default gateway and - coming to PC see the copy this ensures write submit to mask and then the default gateway coming to PCC destroy pipe a configuration you have to change the subject to mask then the default gateway now we are going to test to the connectivity we are going to ping from this PC to this router or gateway or so from PCC - it's a great way also from PCB - it's a gateway we will get the IP address here is that I will copy this address coming to PC a command prompt into here we can see we are getting the replay now we rip into this gateway from PCB to this gateway into G 0 / 0 we are getting the replay now we will ping from PCC to this G 0 / 1 in this router R 3 here is that IP address coming to PCC ping to G 0 / 1 on R 3 we are getting the replay also we will test from R 1 to R 2 and R 2 to R 3 here I am going to use this video from R 1 to R 2 here we can see it successful we will try from r2 to r1 its successful now from r2 to r3 its successful from r3 to r2 its successful in this lab activity in part 2 1 we built the network and configure the basic device settings and in part 2 we will configure and verify our rep reversion - routing
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 50,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Routing Information Protocol v2
Id: rg2Ow9XChTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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