I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Prison with Noob1234! *max security*

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i'm in trouble in minecraft and i must survive a hundred days in a secure prison with my inmate friend noob1234 will we escape or will we stay locked up oh no day one in prison what did i do to deserve this you guys seriously that is ridic wait nope wait what would you do to get in prison darn you noobs this server was fine before you all joined all right enough wagon dialogue get off the bus you scum prisoner brianna is first let's move it oh no this is not a flattering outfit i am offended that i have to wear this color guys please like this video because i am scared as a prisoner and i look horrible all right follow me there are a little too many guards for me like there's no way i'm gonna be able to break out of here apparently i'm gonna have to serve 100 days why is that man levitating what is happening over there there are so many people in this prison what did you do we can get out of here together okay i'm sure you're a really nice person you just made a mistake check your character okay how much are you gonna make me walk here today sir oh okay don't look at me you're gonna tell me that's my cell are you just gonna make me uh fine i'm intimidated i'm just gonna i'm gonna go this way hurry up and get in yourself that was rude maybe you belong in prison warden you know what i'm i'm gonna see what what's what's in my chest right here i have paper paper paper and a pencil what is that gonna do me you know what i'm gonna put it in my inventory though just in case my belongings are taken away from me over here i do not look like i didn't like that hi are we technically like cellmate cell buddies hey let's be friends you're new here so let me tell you how it goes here if you're well behaved the warden rewards us rats with luxuries like instruments or good food but if you're bad well let's say rats don't get to play the drums or eat real food wait what lunch lunch time report to the cafeteria i've only walked through here once i have no idea can i escape now is this my time to make a run for it oh i think this is the cafeteria fine fine can i have food please i was just forced in a seat against my will you don't have time to pick a seat we will slop enjoy people are not very nice here okay i don't appreciate it if i made a mistake you gotta at least be nice to me and encourage me don't worry you guys i got slop has some food in there but really it's just stuff they found laying around that is not fda approved but oh oh no oh no clean up your vomit oh my gosh i am going to vomit in real life i get motion sick really easy guys we gotta get our mop out how do i clean sitting down okay here here we go mop mop i vomited 20 times apparently that happened real fast you guys if i'm ever gonna feel good again i've gotta have you look under this video and hit that subscription button because i feel terrible uh oh geez oh geez oh geez oh no guys i just like i'm missing one and i don't know oh there it is ew thank you for subscribing i feel much better now good now go to your cell am i the only one who uh the act everybody else seems fine also everybody's outfits are much cuter than mine and i'm offended hi okay also question why is everyone's cell open i didn't oh i didn't know why is everyone else's cell open and i get shut in here i'm going to write them an angry letter day 12. oh my gosh i i escaped it's been 12 days and this guard is literally asleep this is my chance noob cell is right next to me all i have to do is get his attention and we can get out of here i just need noob to help me grab the guard's keys so remember i have paper and a pencil in here all we gotta do is make a paper airplane with a note on it for noob it'll be perfect like so airplane attempt number one a note for noob to grab the guard's key why does it say attempt number one this is gonna be the only one we need yo are you kidding me okay well apparently they knew we were gonna miss it before we did number two is the charm this is for sure gonna work see a different form this time i learned my lesson here you go come on that one went straight to you i only have one more piece of paper so if this doesn't work oh okay it's a butterfly it's for sure gonna work right here oh brian you must poke my eye out first of all my name is brianna oh i get it paper airplane fight wait no come on you woke the guard did someone say fight where no no no no don't read that wait a minute you were trying to escape weren't you out of your cell inmate follow me okay i'm just saying if i was trying to escape myself why would you then let me out of myself guard this is not the smartest thing you could do i'm just saying why am i in here why am i in the cafeteria um i hear a rat or something a bat please no ew what is that as punishment you will clean this entire room in two minutes why am i doing your job shouldn't you be doing that you have to take care of us that's impossible better watch that smart mouth you only have one minute now no jeez okay i have my mop again i learned how to use it earlier oh but this thing is gonna get so gross hold on we must clean off the mop anytime we can did i lose my mom no okay oh my gosh i really don't oh there's 50 of these i better hurry what happens if i don't finish this guys like do i just have 500 days that i have to stay in here i'm doing a pretty good job i'm just kind of slow hurry up i don't have all day well i don't either apparently you only gave me one minute and this is a very dark basement oh geez oh geez oh geez i am almost out of time and i did not get all the sludge comment down below what you think is gonna happen to me if i don't get this wait i only have five more we can do this oh the last one wait we're waiting dust cobwebs no i wasn't prepared for that too i thought we had a deal okay i have the feather duster though and it is destroying them pretty darn fast 4 out of 20 and this is also time so that's very unfortunate seriously what is taking you so long yo how about you come down here and help me then 13 out of 20. done dun dun dun dun dun dun i hope all the rest are up here then i see three oh that's unfortunate four yes yay swat flies really i knew this was coming this is going to be difficult because they're squeaky and you know a squeaky house fly cannot be trusted okay no that wasn't too bad also they're glowing so that's helpful wait they make a sad noise it makes me feel bad actually oh come here i gotta i gotta swatch you oh he didn't die yet four out of six only one more and i have 10 seconds left you cleaned up the cafeteria complete yes i did you can clean up sludge good job now back to yourself oh it has been 36 days in prison this is getting out of hand rise and shine inmates we are going on a field trip yes you two are the lucky birds to go i get to go noobs it's not a fly trip noob it's a field trip let's go let's go let's go where are you taking us maybe i should be afraid and not excited to be honest oh we're actually at a field for our field trip that's funny what dis no fun did i say field trip i meant field work haha prisoners don't get field trips unless it's picking up trash on the sides of the roads anyways happy farming i'm going to make some coffee okay that is very rude noob is planting okay i'll plant with them we have wheat seeds that chuckles would love also while i am in a field of green let me bring to your attention on breemerch.com we have a sale from march 1st through the 17th that any green merch is 15 off all you have to do is use code happy st patty so you guys should get you some and i'ma get me some potatoes yes noob is just creepily staring at me and i don't appreciate it hello wait what is this over here are you kidding me strange key not sure where it goes but will come in handy later okay last one yay we did it well apparently noob dug a hole and uh be careful down there they're gonna catch you you can't just claw your way out of prison wait what is this nuke a special dirt block not sure why but newborn 234 gave you this dirt block okay well maybe it'll come in handy later thank you all right got my coffee ready to start the day ready to head back yep i gotta store my fancy supplies finally that took forever hey stop hitting me and inmate brianna good work today you deserve this don't let other inmates know that's the first time in 36 days that he's been nice to me what is it pumpkin pie oh yeah baby i'm just gonna store this in here for later day 48 we're almost halfway there guys and i think because of that it is time to try out my handy dandy strange key yet again like we mentioned not sure what this goes to but i'm gonna try let's let's see the guard isn't in front of my door right now so maybe my door no way no way that works so easily that's insane brian you aren't gonna forget me right of course i'm gonna let you out noob just don't ever call me brian again come on man he broke uh-oh thank you brianna what's the plan follow me i can't talk right now we just have to escape so we're gonna go through here we have to keep very very quiet oh there's guards wonder how long they're gonna leave the door off this vent brianna we need to sneak past these guards quietly did you hear something nah must have imagined it shh noob come on oh oh this key broke anyway so how about i just uh throw it and they're on the move come on noob we have to go this way remember he talked about an open vent let's go in here oh jesus come on noob be quiet i feel like you're walking a little loud noob come on okay i feel like we're almost at the end of this and then we're gonna get out of here it's a dead end what are you doing stop it are you kidding me well that's a failed attempt noob way to go so should i take you back to your cell or do you know the way well it is now day 52 and uh i'm still trying to recover from that failed attempt good morning brianna the warden has finally decided on a fit punishment for you in noob1234 hard labor i will assign you to three tasks for the day you have one minute to get ready how do i even get ready like this is the outfit i have to stay in i mean i can't eat this pumpkin pie all right brianna your first task is to repair these pipes first turn off the water then clean up the puddle of the water that busted pipes made and finally fill the holes with the pipes i'm just saying this does not seem like a job for bree this seems like a job for a very skilled plumber so we have to turn off the water did this do it oh okay apparently i'm a very skilled plumber because i literally hit the right thing first i knew what i was doing of course a poorly made shovel and lots of sponges we have lots of puddles to clean up here ladies and gents so without further ado let's sponge bob it up i'm ready i'm ready oh that worked very well yay patch the pipe's holes okay before we start patching anything let me go ahead and get all this dirt out of the way because i hope it will help us patch the holes oh okay never mind it's actually called brown stuff so i have no idea what this actually is in my pocket that is gross now okay there is a big hole right here so let's just do a little bit of this now this one looks good from the back we just have a lot going on in the front just one final piece yay oh wait guys brian brian brennan hi i'm cleaning the pipes okay noob is literally in this pipe that i just sealed and uh my last task is to turn the water back on so let's all pray for noob that he will be okay oh gosh oh gosh he can't escape water what is this madness next task is doing the prison's laundry clothes fall down the large shoots in the middle then you have to drop them down the correct color oriented shoot oh that's easy laundry time oh we already have red purple oh my gosh we have to do 49 different pairs of clothes maybe okay i actually have a technique here i'm going to chill under here for a minute so then i can bring a ton all at once so i have a lot of green see you just do it in very large sections one green shirt red we need red guys i don't mean to brag but um i'm doing pretty good at this and i only have 33 more to go i'm getting a lot of exercise today oh my gosh i still have 21. there is no way that i can actually finish this in 10 seconds or is there see this is my technique i told you about guys i filmed my entire inventory with just one color now i only have six more to go five seconds one two three four last seconds remaining laundry complete that was down to the very last second finally you're done on to your last task we have a rat problem in the kitchen the acceptable rat count is way too high we need you to remove them ready hold on you guys this is the kitchen this is where i cleaned all the sludge earlier ew oh okay this is easy actually you just have to aim at the rat and fire wait what is the what did they turn into there are 19 rats in this kitchen you guys this is disgusting oh my gosh he's taking a bath he knows he's dirty he's taking a bath [Music] oh my goodness look how many there are down here this kitchen needs a remodel real fast because it is covered in filth 10 more rats i don't see any more where are they they're hiding come here little man of course he's by the toilet that is disgusting guys i only have one more rat and then i am done with my hard labor punishment how do we coax him out i don't have any cheese found him rats removed you're welcome everybody great hopefully you learned your lesson now back to your cell it is now day 76 ladies and gentlemen and i still haven't eaten my pie all right you both today's assignment will be coal mining get ready because we leave soon since when do i have to have assignments in prison this seems unfair your task is simple mine up 32 coal rocks and don't worry about safety coal mines never collapse so yeah don't worry about that okay there there's no way he would have said that unless he felt like a good collapse we're gonna take a screwdriver and an iron pickaxe i don't know what the screwdriver is for to be totally honest with you but we're taking it hello sir okay he's in here too i'm not alone oh noob is here good good good good here's some coal there you go i just have to find quite a few more oh my goodness there's a ton in here this really isn't too bad of an assignment my gosh it's all on the ceiling how are we gonna get up there oh my goodness guys i'm almost done i only have to get two more and i see my last one right here you met today's co quota yay oh no oh no bree and i am the cave is collapsing and noob is trapped noob needs our help you guys we have to try to help him he's right here i can totally mine him out right um brianna forgive me he suffocated under a rock i just came to help save him why did it have to be this way okay well i'm gonna i'm gonna try to exit that was really depressing wait noob is back hello lol what you looking at what do you think noob i'm so glad you can respawn in minecraft we are now today 91 out of 100 ladies and gentlemen golf cough i don't feel too oh noob1234 is sick hey guard come over here noob is sick you have to help him it's like legally what you're required to do what is it inmate noob is sick i left my game of bed wars for this he will be fine i need to get back we are having a guard bed wars tournament okay so uh when i was in the mine remember how i took this lovely device and didn't use it well since the guards aren't distracted with the tournament i am just going to use this here screwdriver and get to noob noob are you okay oh no he's not looking too good ladies and gents that means i have to make him some cough medicine head to the kitchen where they should have supplies i need hot water honey garlic and ginger so uh let's head to the kitchen what is this garlic hot water oh ginger so i have three of the four all i'm missing is honey it must be downstairs oh no if it's not in the main kitchen it has to be in the staff quarters it's gonna be okay we're doing this to save noob and all the guards should be distracted with the tournament so all i have to do is head outside and be super super quiet hey i'm that was pretty darn easy there are tons of guards in this building so far so good i've been able to hide behind the columns now we just have to get to this door over here without the guard noticing let's run behind him while his back is to us oh my gosh that was a close one that was a very close one as he started turning my direction i got into the staff quarters now if i was a guard where would i put my honey that is my question okay apparently not in here that was unexpected you know that was that was definitely unexpected what is this honey chest are you kidding me why would you keep a honey chest under such lock and key i mean i know bees are in short supply nowadays so it has to be locked with something we just have to get something to pick the lock that shouldn't be too hard all we need is like a paper clip or like the actual key would be nice coast looks pretty clear in this room oh wait what is this a bent paper clip it is already bent for me now we just have to use the paper clip oh no what is this unlock the padlock what do you do i have i this makes no sense as i move up and down it moves the block that's correlating with the padlock so i just have to look up really high until it reaches the gold line it's basically just like a wingardian leviosa situation so close yes now just the green go down right yes chest unlocking that was very interesting i have never had to use that kind of mechanism but it is time for some honey oh cake no i gotta leave it they'll notice if i take that okay i have all the ingredients and i'm back in the kitchen so we can craft him some syrup you can only make this kind of thing in the kitchen so ginger honey garlic and hot water cough syrup help heal noob one two three four's throat hurry he doesn't have much time don't get caught don't get caught don't get caught i hope they're still in their tournament because i have to save my friends so far coast is clear i think they're all downstairs here you go noob well brennan and anna i feel better now thank goodness because when i escape after 100 days i'm taking noob with me oh no ricky is one of the scariest prisoners in here they call me ricky and word around here is that you got the guards wrapped around your fingers prove you're one of us by throwing this rock at the guard are you kidding me well if i'm about to escape anyway might as well end on good terms with the prisoners it's just a small rock anyway oh who did that see you can't tell which one of us it was it was probably ricky i'm telling the warden on all of you way to stick it to that guard here eat this ricky what what is it just tell me it's prison slop you guys saw how this ended earlier oh no not again please no not again ew that was two weeks old what do you say wash it down with some sweets find us some ricky's got me wrapped around his fingers at this moment he's literally telling me what to do now you guys i might have not been the best person earlier when i said i was just gonna take the honey and not the sweets i might have gone back and taken the sweets which honestly works out very well because i'm about to escape and make the scariest prisoner a very happy man we're gonna be friends you actually have desserts in yourself whoa brianna you're actually pretty cool yay when you get out let us know if you ever need help your fellow inmates got your back oh that's awesome well hey if i'm gonna spend 100 days in prison i might as well end it with a bang you guys have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and remember if you get to my videos and the first hour of them being posted i will read your comments and feature them down below bye
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 3,062,209
Rating: 4.8939247 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: AdI8t1wyGY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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