100 Days of PRANKING PrestonPlayz! *funny*

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we are about to be pranking my husband preston for 100 days straight from siren head to tnt we cannot let him figure out what we're up to okay you guys so if we are going to be pranking preston for a hundred days straight we gotta start out with a bang i am currently outside a massive huge extreme power plant and apparently it is home to experimental tiny tnt so i have to apparently go through this uh parkour which is not my favorite and there are name tags in there i saw multiple there may be a security guard so please like this video so we can make sure and grab the tiny tnt and we oh we're almost to the top i think is this the entrance right here yes we have made it through ladies and gentlemen i thought oh do you see that do you see that he looks like gollum like he looks really scared can we please get a photo of gollum on the screen compared to this guard totally the same person okay i kind of snuck by him how i really don't know but i need to get out of here um um do i have to sneak by this guard there is no way there has got to be an exit here somewhere oh i see doors i see doors but the guard has not moved maybe he's like sleepwalking i don't know at this point we're gonna we're gonna sneak sneak he is staring into my soul run run we have to make a run for it we do not want to get caught by that guard or we will for sure get kicked out now he obviously didn't see me because i would have gotten kicked out this security guard looks different i don't know if he's like the low level guy who sleeps on the job and this is like the intense guy but rumor has it that the small tnt is right over there in the yellow so let's let's go let's please don't fall gracefully down the ladder is he gonna i feel like he's for sure gonna catch me hide in the corner hide in the corner he is on his way this way face the wall face the wall nobody can see you when you face the wall run run his back is facing us we have made it to the fabled chest right here secret tnt stolen time to escape well i have to get it lightning tnt burst tnt and flood tnt now there's no way i'm gonna get around this guy by going up the ladder again okay his back is towards us i think this should open something look it kind of looks like a garage go go go go go yes yes we have made it out what was that oh no oh no we have to hide how do i hide where do i go oh jeez jesus jesus is terrifying ah he's right behind me he's right behind here we go here we go right in here right in here can i close the door i can't close the door i somehow got away by the skin of my teeth okay first we're gonna place the burst tnt which apparently bursts into lava right by the kitchen sink you know what very soothing very soothing before bath time okay now it's time to head to the shower to do the flood tnt it makes sense right so that one is primed and last but not least guys we have lightning tnt so obviously that has to go on something electronic like his gaming pc oh my gosh a long day of mining i need a snack i need my invisibility potion [Music] he must be in the kitchen he needs a snack he's pushing the pressure plate and yes oh what the heck is this i need to shower to get my mind off that shouldn't you call a firefighter this place is gonna explode this shower is gonna calm me down for sure oh oh gosh i'm getting caught in the water bree i know this has to be you oh he's right in front of me how does he not know i'm right here one more thing and i'm leaving whoever is doing this i'll check the security footage he just got zapped by lightning oh i've had it do you mean our frags has left the server well he didn't expect that if he doesn't log back on how are we gonna prank him for a hundred days you guys before we start prank number two make sure you click that subscription button okay you guys so we are on to day two of pranking preston and he is going mining mining mighty money poster loves to mine i really want to hear him say that in person so this is the cave he always goes to in minecraft if you ever want to find a mining he'll be right here so while he is off scurrying away i have a prank up my sleeve which is going to involve teleporting storage now we are here at the store and we're going to simply talk to erin now aaron can you help me out how can i help you today i'm just looking for a storage linking system totally legal yes we do however they are very expensive although if you can do restore a favor i'll let you borrow it free of charge this should not happen you should not get offered to do some random task in a store and get something for free but in my case i'll do it well we have a lot of rats infesting our building i'll just need you to get rid of them for me they're weird genetically modified rats though so if you don't kill all of them in time they'll come back good luck i'll be hiding up here oh my gosh oh my gosh they're already targeting me hey get out of here mr scrambles scrambles oh he was a one hit wonder okay uh sir sir ma'am i i really don't dislike rats you can ask my friend kiara she has a rat named voldemort and he's very cute two rats left oh no they're respawning i ran out of time i only had two more left so let's just hurry up the pace a little bit now i know where they were downstairs gotcha oh i got you i got you here here the last two have got to be up here yes he's trapped he's trapped in a corner gotcha and last but not least this guy all the rats are killed that makes me happy and sad at the same time looks like you got them all come get your reward we have a receiver chest chip and a supplier chest tip warning preston's senses are tingling that means we gotta go ladies and gentlemen we have to get into his log cabin right here where he keeps all of his storage we have to click the supplier chest chip and right click all of the chests right here right here right here and that should be all of them that should be all of them time's up we have to hide we have to hide oh my goodness full inventory full inventory mining mining oh my gosh let's place this chest down time to deposit all of my loot how about a receiver chest ship huh all done where are all my loots oh my gosh look how much he had he had diamonds emeralds gold lapis lazuli who did this i feel kind of bad oh oh it is overflowing it is overfl do not look over here preston do not this is getting a little intense please do not look behind you so preston is currently camping by himself very strange sight to see but him being in the forest kind of made me have an idea i am going to turn into siren head himself so i have heard in this spooky cave there are some potions hello stranger welcome to the cave of seven head why would you why have you brought yourself here i would like a siren head potion please and i would also like you to not kill me if you wish to enter i suggest you be careful of the siren heads why did you strike me with lightning so we have a lot of siren heads those do not look like the friendly kind so we have to get downstairs to the potions while avoiding getting hit by the little siren heads they oh my gosh y'all are too active for me this is a bit of a scary task for me i don't know which way they are going next how many of them are they you know what this is a good place to come for a siren head potion a place with a ton of siren heads there's a chest in here humanizing potion sirenizing potion a pain-free process turning into siren head and a humanizing potion two of those why do we need two guys what if it doesn't work what if i turn into siren head and i'm never bri ever again good thing we have two of these i'm just gonna try it out really quick okay hey little guy sarah what on earth she was stuck as sirened kind of i mean i guess that means this will work right you can become a human as long as you use the humanizing potion so because of sarah i'm going to become thyroned oh my gosh i am huge why are all the other ones tiny and i am like the adult gigantic siren head okay all i have to do is sneak up on preston who has not moved he must be making some good s'mores over here hello hello what the heck is that stay away you fouled beast holy snowballs of death exorcist this beast from me okay this isn't working time to run imma follow you ooga your snowballs don't mean anything tp narfrags was scared to death we killed him he was so scared as you see over here noob and preston are beginning to practice with their sword skills this is almost like the colosseum okay so preston obviously has an advantage here to noob we are just going to sneak back here i really want to get in on the action noob has yet to approach preston so far they're just looking a little like scaredy cats that's enough training for the pre-fight tomorrow you're done i'm gonna destroy you at the big fight okay oh that was kind of mean poor new now this is my chance so for this prank we have to switch both noob and preston's weapons out with enchanted weapons so all we have to do is find their separate chests which should be right through here yes yes yes and we have noob's chest he has a noob special sword the most powerful relic of all times that's kind of cute in a regular stick that was i don't think that was supposed to be there preston sword of storage preston super sword forged in the heart of a dying star i'll keep this now we just have to find a witch to put a spell on the weapons what is the deal that witches always kind of live in swamps like in areas you don't really want to approach this is a lily pad look this is a lily pad walkway that is pretty cool she's working on something hello there traveler how can i help you on this fine day i'm looking to enchant two swords of course i can do that but first i need some ingredients find and gather three magicite mushrooms around the area be careful of the slimes they're protective of them okay i don't like the sound of this hi little birdie now if i was a mushroom where would i live these mushrooms must be super super super bougie i see them right over here this is my chance get the slime i forgot about the baby slimes i thought this sword was supposed to be really good but it kind of it's not that intense except for with the baby slimes one two three four five six okay let's get back to the witch did you get me the mushrooms yes i did great work finally you must hunt down birds and retrieve five feathers you can find some of them around the cabin this may come in handy what did she put in my inventory a freeze wand right click to freeze enemies in place frozen oh we have a feather how many do i already have nine okay i'll need both of the weapons so we have noobs special sword and preston super sword they're enchanted now another right sword heals your opponent and the wooden sword knocks your opponent extremely far away use it with caution so preston sword is going to heal new while new is going to have the power to knock him out of the coliseum so we are back at the coliseum so we have to be really fast put in noob sword that is level 50 and preston sword of healing and run we have to get a good seat to watch this fight okay i am spectating preston and noob are right in front of us and they're going for it they're going for it you got this preston easy win get him noob you're going down noob oh my gosh preston disappeared oh oh he's just getting knocked back what in the world was that knockback literally we couldn't even see preston for a minute why is my sword healing you i mean i don't know we should ask the other members of the audience noob1234 wins tbnr frags slammed into the wall time to water the flowers i sure do hope nothing awful happens to me well when you've been pranked for 27 days i would probably be feeling paranoid too for this next prank i have traveled all the way to baby preston's house why because i'm gonna get some needed supplies this prank is called up up and away and as you may assume we need something to float who is at my house maybe preston should not have his own house he is an infant hello oh it's boy also known as your mother jerry come on i call baby preston jerry what do you need from me bri balloons we talked about this over the phone is okay boys i have plenty um dare in debasement which is dangerous for security weapons follow me okay if you live alone in the house why do you need a really big security system okay make sure you do this so i do not die oh oh okay i'm just trying to follow baby preston here see that was so easy your turn okay it's my turn now okay he did a really good job so we're just gonna do the weaving motion oh i'm not doing good at this i have almost died there is your balloon i'm going back upstairs so we have a deflated balloon and none other than a balloon pumper 6 000 which will create new balloons and latch onto the nearest block so what am i going to do with this you ask we're just gonna send preston's house on a nice going away party we're gonna put balloons on top of his house and see how high it'll float he doesn't have a ladder to the roof so we're just gonna make one really quick let's just get some planks anything will do because we're in a hurry oh he's inside he is right by that window let's go over here this is kind of scary i don't want him to catch us guys here we are we're on top of the roof so all we have to do is place the automatic balloon pumper 6000 and click it with the deflated balloon and inflating begins 10 seconds to lift off what is that sound noise it sounds like a pump where is my roof going there are so many balloons oh my gosh get back here roof why is my roof floating who's doing this now he's currently trying to look for more technology in the apple store and he's guarded by security officers so first of all i know he won't notice me if he's looking at a tv and second of all maybe they will notice him if he steals a tv hey so i am currently in front of a store that sells merch so let's talk to uh miss lisa over here welcome to the youtubers shop what can i do for you i would like a preston hoodie well it's all yours we don't sell too much preston ouch you cannot have that hoodie unless you prove to me that you are preston's fan will you partake in my offer okay first of all two things preston's number one fan is like an old dapper man in a tuxedo and second of all i am his wife of course i'm gonna pass this with flying colors quiz begin oh this is hardcore question one what is preston's skin modeled after a lava creeper everyone knows that okay you're good what is preston's real name preston arseman everyone knows that that's not complicated a real big creepy super fan i see okay last question who is preston's wife maybe he doesn't know that i'm his wife me that is clearly a lie you are not brianna but you think that you're his wife is something a true creepy super fan would do you can have my hoodie i have never been so offended in my entire life while also grateful thank you for the hoodie and i hope to never see you again okay it's time to put on my disguise that worked way better than i thought it was i feel like i'm a little broader than preston but i'm thick i'm a thick preston we're going to go into the mac store really quick oh what are they doing bro stop shooting spitballs you guys keep it down i'm trying to stream mario over here oh shoot we have a customer welcome to the apple store thank you so much and thank you so much for this macbook pro i can't believe that you gave it to me for free oh they are following me preston here you go what the heck i didn't do anything sorry but you're under arrest put your hands behind your back they're taking them away and they're staring at me who is the real and who is the fake preston so we are back at preston's house and what's he doing we have to we have to get upstairs this show is so funny okay if he's watching tv i know we're married he's not gonna notice if i walk by and it's a little weird he's watching tv standing up but we are going to head upstairs to his gaming pc because we have some ordering to do login preston is cool 92. do i need to know a password um piglet i love free let's be real it's probably password access granted what did i tell you what would you like to browse today preston is cool 92 well so for this prank it's similar to the balloon prank we are actually going to melt preston's house so we're going to look up solar panels would you like to buy an item solar heaters for 90 000 that's going to set me back a little bit but let's go for it this will give me 64. solar heaters order purchased expect you're delivering 45 seconds this is better than amazon prime i hope preston is still watching tv because i have to meet the delivery man outside there he is that was so fast preston's personal delivery delivery to the front door as instructed you're a beautiful ups man i'm i'm not gonna lie thank you so much this is a little excessive um i now have 63 i was supposed to have 64. i'm just saying i was gypped one panel with solar panels in hand it is time to sneak in this would really be a time for preston to pay more attention i am so glad he's watching a show we're just gonna place them around flammable objects you know like the wood that's two three four five six seven book shelves we have over 20 of the solar panels placed inside so now all i have to do is run outside before i power them on three two one go oh there are beams shooting down from the sky i guess because it's a solar panel it needs the sun oh it's lighting on fire getting a little hot in here did i forget to pay the electric bill okay why is my house melting why am i on fire oh no where is he oh he is set on fire oh my gosh oh my gosh this prank is getting intense you guys teaming our frags was cooked to death we are currently on the beach this one will involve a little bit of uh sneaking we we need to be very sneaky preston is sunbathing i don't know why he's not on the that is genius the beds are the umbrella if i was him i would have laid on the bed in the sky but we have to be sneaky and make sure he is asleep let's just poke him i just yawn nailed that sick parkour okay he is dreaming that is for sure so we need to get over to this water tower right over here more security guards are you kidding me halt this area and that beach over there are strictly off limits that's not true because i saw preston over here so that means they must be fans are you fans of preston plays um yes we both love preston plays me too well conveniently i have a hoodie would you please let me in if i give you a hoodie you can have whatever you want for that hoodie here you go don't let it get wet that's so funny okay while they try to get that shirt i am going to do what no one has ever done look i am going to activate the tidal wave go 10. oh we have a countdown i have to see this for my very own eyes we have to hurry over to where preston is oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i see it in the distance why is it so loud this is my private beach don't make me take my tanning mask off that is a huge wave i feel like i'm in the line of fire oh my gosh preston wake up wake up the water is sucking me into the ocean brie i see you on the shore call for help hey this time he didn't blame me he asked me for help tbnr frags has drowned we have finally made it to day 100 of pranking preston ladies and gentlemen and we are here in front of a world famous museum because it harbors something you have never seen before the power to harness a black hole and use its capabilities hello curator welcome to the museum of priceless and dangerous artifacts you can go straight to the vault no worries you won't make it past the lasers he is a terrible curator that is not what you're supposed to say you're gonna go this way to the vault how is he letting me do this also that's a liability sir so i just have to time it perfectly right oh i took damage oh i'm taking damage we have to oh gosh this is pretty difficult i'm not gonna lie jump jump jump jump jump i did take some damage but it could have been worse i have seen national treasure so i know how to get around some lasers this is what they have been harboring in their museum for 557 000 years this intruder detection laser grid initiating intruder detection guards have been dispatched yo they allowed me back here what is this is this seriously a trap to work okay where am i going it is dark in here there's a ladder this is sketchy were they prepared for somebody to steal this the whole time we're gonna run we're gonna run we have to make it to preston's house before the guards catch up to us so we have this it is so magical you can't even read the description ow it kind of hurts to hold it i'm not gonna lie so we're just gonna place it on preston's carpet now normally a black hole goes so preston's gonna need some help rebuilding his house after this it's black hole time warning 10 seconds till detonation oh this is looking intense i really want to see it five seconds till detonation oh where's preston i haven't seen him maybe he's upstairs taking a nap it is pulling all of the pieces of preston's house into its orbit literally this house is gone even oh my gosh even the dirt below it i i have to run out of here before i get sucked into the ground this is crazy this is ridiculous this whole house is going down where's preston i haven't heard him he has to be sleeping i finally caught you no you can't go anywhere you're done for he gave me a potion of slowness i literally i'm pushing wasd and i can't even move but you guys i'm gonna try to apologize to preston i think i still won because we had a hundred days of success pranking preston you guys have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and remember if you get to my videos in the first 60 minutes of them being posted i will read your comments and feature them down below who should i prank next
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 708,545
Rating: 4.8706927 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: PfX61GBWpyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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