31 (Every) Predator Weapons Used By Yautjas From Every Predator Movie - Explored

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Disney finally understood how to make a predator movie when they made prey the feral Predator received an array of new weapons and upgrades breathing fresh life into their formidable Arsenal keeping this in mind we thought it would be nice to release the ultimate list of Predator weapons that have appeared in movies well evolution is inevitable certain elements remain steadfast for it simply wouldn't be Predator without them and that extends to the wide variety of traditional looking uber-powerful and technologically advanced weapons that the Predators use so without further Ado let's get into our Scout ships and Hunt these 31 weapons down before we get into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin number one wrist blades wrist blades also known as Gauntlet knives are one of the most commonly found weapons used by the master hunters and one can say they are synonymous with the Predators these blades are characterized by their retractable and serrated edges measuring between 6 and 18 inches in length and two to eight inches in width attached to a gauntlet worn on the wrist the blades extend over the back of the Predator's hand which makes the weapon pretty handy While most Predators opt for a single Gauntlet filled with parallel blades there have been several variations in style furthermore wrist blades hold great significance within yaocha culture particularly in terms of honor the Brawlers in particular exclusively arm themselves with wrist blades while wrist blades boast formidable advantages they are not without their limitations longer blades May remain uncovered by a predator's cloak and even when cloaked they may become visible if stained with copious amounts of blood or Gore additionally not all wrist blades are immune to the corrosive effects of xenomorph blood leading to potential melting during combat with these formidable creatures this issue primarily affects Young Blood Predators further Testament to their significance wristblades have proven to possess non-combat applications during Encounters in ancient yaocha ruins on BG 386 the Predator named dark used his wrist blades to unlock specific door mechanisms [Music] number two shurikens shurikens much like the smart disc operate on similar principles and can be seen as an alternative design of the same weapon within the Predator Arsenal in fact Paul W S Anderson who directed Alien vs Predator felt that the smart discs looked more like a frisbee than a weapon and wanted to do something different in his movie these throwing weapons possess built-in tracking and flight correction capabilities enabling them to pursue and engage targets with Precision interestingly the shuriken can track multiple targets simultaneously and return to the user which does sound like a boomerang however due to its increased weight and bulk compared to the smart disk the shuriken occasionally encounters difficulties in returning to its point of origin often getting stuck in Solid Surfaces instead in Alien vs Predator Requiem it effortlessly sliced through a xenomorph maintaining its momentum to lift and impale a human target onto a wall several feet above the ground when not in use the shuriken's six blades conveniently fold into the Hub to carry the mark number three the combi stick now the combi stick is a special weapon in yaocha culture as it is given to a predator once they have completed their training over time yaocha Warriors Adorn their Combi sticks with skulls and totems from their various hunts turning the staff into a valued but grotesque possession You Know Rich with the memories of the people and creatures they've hunted down and killed the combo stick offers a multitude of advantages in combat known for its exceptional speed balance and strength it provides yautja warriors with a versatile and potent weapon in hand-to-hand combat surpassing the capabilities of same wrist blades additionally the combo stick demonstrates impressive defensive capabilities capable of parrying and deflecting attacks from claws teeth bullets and Blades with relative ease its lightweight and well-balanced design makes it suitable for throwing with great force and accuracy over considerable distances and the yautja can rest assured that the pointy tips will puncture the target with ease the spear Masters specialize in the use of the combustick dedicating themselves to mastering it and the spearmasters are ranked second only to the elders and not saying something [Music] number four smart disc equipped with Advanced computer-controlled Gyros the smart disc is like a teenager's smartphone it's indispensable just that the smart discs don't actually damage the Predators these Gyros ensure that the disc returns to its wielder after being thrown and Grant the weapon a remarkable level of Auto guidance enabling it to adjust its course midair and track a moving Target if necessary the technology responsible for maintaining the disc's altitude during his Maneuvers is of course a mystery by utilizing the body heat signature of targets smart discs are capable of automatic tracking although some variants can also be manually directed using the targeting laser integrated into the Predator's bio helmet this cool piece of Weaponry possesses the ability to track multiple targets with a single throw much like the shurikens the razor edges of the smart disc effortlessly slice through most substances Witnesses have observed a smart disk seamlessly cutting through numerous cattle carcasses and swiftly dispatch watching a man without the slightest deviation or reduction in speed in the event that the disc becomes embedded in a solid object it can be retrieved by the Predator with a simple press of a button on his wrist Gauntlet which is like the most useful device ever but we'll get to that in a second of course there are yuchas called disc Masters who possess a remarkable degree of control over the smart disk these skilled Warriors can redirect the disc using their minds alone although mastering such an ability requires years of honing their skills it is also possible to upgrade smart discs with a nanovibronic edge a high-speed molecular chainsaw encircling the disc which grants it the ability to effortlessly penetrate even hardened composite armors then there's the Haywire mode which turns the smart disc into a frenzied ripping machine that massacres the internal structure of the target thank you number five plasma Caster the plasma Caster known by various names such as plasma cannon Laser cannon or shoulder Cannon is the best weapon for long range attacks it shoots armor-penetrating plasma bolts that can only be described as plasma shrapnel inflicting severe wounds that can be fatal at least for a human it's usually shoulder mounted and because of its arm it can discharge multiple plasma bolts over a short span of time much like an automatic gun furthermore the power of each burst can be manually adjusted well not manually but you get the gist right these can range from a minor bolt suitable for individual prey to a blast so potent that it can breach the hulls of interstellar vessels typically the energy bolts emanate a pale blue hue although variations in yellow and gold have been seen as far as the targeting is concerned the system is integrated into the Predator's bio helmet enabling the weapon to synchronize with the Hunter's head movement a notable feature is the Triangular formation of the three-pointed targeting laser sight which increases accuracy while symbolizing yaocha unity in teamwork in cases of tracking failure certain models can be modified and wielded as handheld plasma pistols furthermore plasma casters exhibit a degree of targeting memory allowing them to track and engage targets even when the Predator turns away although this ability might be limited to stationary targets foreign self-destruct device in dire situations where imminent Doom looms the yacha use their ultimate offensive weapon the self-destruct device concealed within their wrist Gauntlet once activated the device undergoes a charging phase a countdown promptly appears on the digitized display serving as a reminder that Doom is imminent while not nuclear in nature the explosion emits radiation capable of inflicting severe sickness as we see in the case of Dutch portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original Predator film fascinatingly this self-destruct device grants the yocha the ability to determine the level of Devastation they unleash upon their surroundings they possess the option to level vast expanses of rainforest encompassing city blocks Beyond counting or adopt a minimalist approach and simply vaporize themselves with minimal collateral damage this design feature aligns with the yautja code of honor which forbids the elimination of prey that is unarmed weak elderly or pregnant essentially deeming them unworthy consequently if the explosion risks harming undeserving creatures the yautja opts to mitigate the destruction however self-vaporization remains an indispensable outcome refraining from self-destruction would risk exposing their presence to the public or worse yet allowing their advanced technology to fall into the wrong hands any hands that don't belong to the yelcha that is moreover it is possible to remove the self-destruct component from The Gauntlet albeit rarely done this extreme measure is reserved for situations where causing large-scale havocs supersedes the avoidance of capture or when a yelcha seeks to feign their demise before transitioning into a bad blood Predator a faction that disregards the code of honor and hunts for sheer Amusement even targeting unworthy prey additionally yaocha Starships possess their own self-destruct devices Amplified to an unprecedented level number seven whip the Whip also referred to as the razor whip is a highly agile and flexible weapon but then it's a whip so it's supposed to do that I guess consisting of a segmented handheld bull whip it constricts its intended target in an unbeatable grip once pulled taut the whip can cut and is capable of cleaving adversaries in half with ease notably the whip is resistant to the corrosive effects of his xenomorph's acidic blood so it is possible that whips are made out of a xenomorph's tail or at least coated with their biomechanical hide during Wolf's mission to eradicate the xenomorph infestation in Gunnison he wielded the Whip and was exceptional with it furthermore it comes in three varieties shiv cutter is the most basic iteration of the Whip and is probably crafted from a drone which is hinted at by the small Barb tip the life Scythe razor whip represents a more robust variant of the weapon it displays noticeable differences in size and coloration compared to the shiv cutter suggesting it may be fashioned from a different xenomorph cast lastly there's the praetorian's tip razor whip which stands as the most Superior and formidable variant likely constructed from the tail of a praetorian Xenomorph these whips are larger tougher and more lethal than the other two variations number eight netgun the net gun is a compact handheld device that propels a bundled net that expands rapidly as it exits the barrel once captured the prey becomes vulnerable and easily targeted by the Predator which is of course a clear strategic Advantage it's not uncommon for juvenile predators to immobilize their prey using the net gun before delivering the final blow with their spear gun the metallic net itself serves as both a restraining tool and a weapon upon attachment to a surface or wrapping around a Target it automatically tightens cutting into the Flesh of anything caught within its grasp inflicting severe and potentially fatal wounds ordinary tools prove ineffective in cutting through the net although the yautja smart disc slices it open with ease the net is not impervious to xenomorph blood unlike many other yautja weapons so it's practically useless against the slimy minions of Hell the reloading mechanism of the net gun is rather unknown but it is likely to make use of some form of cartridge system which means that the real load would offer a fresh net additionally a variant of the net gun known as the netball was seen in the movie prey once thrown it expands into a functional net mid-air although it is unclear if the tightening system of the netball can be adjusted its strength is evident capable of capturing adult men [Music] number nine spear gun the speargun is another projectile weapon but this one propels metal Spears towards its intended targets the mechanism is interesting as it generates no visible muzzle flash and emits minimal noise and yet delivers Spears with a high velocity and extreme Precision it is capable of impaling victims onto Solid Surfaces much like a nail gun contrary to its name the projectiles fired by the speargun typically deviate from the traditional spear shape the most prevalent design features a U-shaped projectile with a weighted tail and two serrated prongs pointing forward some variants even equip the projectiles with their very own cloaking system one of the many versions of the speargun is the bleeder spear gun used by the stalker in Aliens vs Predator Extinction these projectiles incorporate a blood Groove along the center strategically designed to cause significant bleeding if lodged within the victim's flesh in Aliens vs Predator and Aliens vs Predator 2 a rifle variant of the speargun was seen and was aptly named the speargun rifle equipped with a telescope scope for more Precision the speargun rifle serves as the yautja version of a sniper rifle another variant the bolt gun was wielded by the feral Predator the bolt gun utilizes the biomask's targeting laser system much like the plasma casters [Music] number 10. cut Clap The Cut clap serves as a cutting tool as well as a throwing weapon it looks like a segmented Blade with a claw-like hook at one end and a mechanism for Activation at the other in its Dorman State the cut clamp assumes a disc like shape ready for deployment when thrown it operates similarly to Bolas but instead of restraining its Target it tears through objects despite its intended cutting function there is possibility of the device becoming lodged in the Target which should be considered a design flaw during the hunt in the Great Plains the feral Predator carried the cut clamps utilizing them as a means of escape from a bear trap set by the French later when the injured French fur trapper in town she appropriated the cut clamp while tending to his amputated leg she made use of the algae technology to incapacitate the leader of the French and use him as bait to attract the feral predator number 11. laser guided arrows in prey the feral Predator introduces a unique variation of its traditional Weaponry distinct from the shoulder Cannon seen in previous franchise installments instead of the familiar blue plasma blasts the feral predator and prey uses the laser-guided arrows these arrows are launched from a specialized firearm and are Guided by a laser targeting system embedded in the Predator's mask this weapon ensures unparalleled accuracy as the arrows possess the ability to maneuver around obstacles and maintain their trajectory until they reach their intended target this deviation and weaponry marks a welcome departure from the conventional Arsenal seen in previous Predator films all right number 12 biomask the biomass also referred to as a bio helmet is not just a mask but more like a jack of all trades Beyond its primary purpose of safeguarding the Predator's head this Advanced helmet provides a multitude of functions it allows the yautja to zoom in on targets which of course helps them in firing their plasma casters and arrows more precisely The Mask also incorporates a range of features such as vocal mimicry breathing apparatus Diagnostics and visual and audio recording systems the bio helmet establishes a direct connection with the Predator's risk Gauntlet which serves as the control center for many of the helmet's functions you could say that the risk Gauntlet is more like the motherboard of a predator's Weaponry this symbiotic relationship between the two devices yields some unparalleled utility for the Predators Additionally the bio helmet's distinctive design contributes significantly to the unique and intimidating appearance of these great hunters in certain Predator Clans an ancient holds a position of utmost wisdom and age this venerable member possesses a highly revered mask called The Mask of the Ancients passed down through generations this mask undergoes modifications and enhancement over time resulting in aversion that's distinct from the rest foreign number 13 cloak the cloak as the name suggests is the Sci-Fi version of Harry Potter's invisibility cloak and is an extremely essential tool that grants the yuchas the ability to become virtually invisible to both the naked eye and various electronic scanning methods referred to by alternative names such as the invisibility system chameleon field or shift suit the cloak operates by manipulating the light around the yacha's body which is similar to what the invisible woman from the Fantastic Four does it creates the illusion that the surfaces behind the Predator are visible although not Flawless the cloak can effectively conceal a predator especially in specific environments and especially when the Predator remains motionless while the cloak proves highly effective against prey that relies primarily on Vision it holds little utility during xenomorph hunts as the Xenomorphs possess the ability to sense the presence of a yautja even when the cloak is engaged it's like turning off the lights to hide from a blind killer interestingly much like the self-destruct component the yaocha starship ships also use a similar cloaking system enabling the entire vessel to attain the perfect camouflage despite its advantages the cloak does have limitations when in motion a discernible humanoid bubble or Distortion can be observed in the air surrounding the oucha the visibility of this Distortion varies depending on the background conditions this may explain why the yacha species often favors jungle hunting grounds as the dense and non-uniform foliage in such environments AIDS in masking the Distortion more effectively number 14 Falcon the Falcon was a remote controlled drone developed by the super Predator Clan and it served as a valuable tool for Recon in intelligence gathering designed with the primary purpose of providing real-time assessment of the surrounding area this device offers the Predator's extensive information on the movements and positions of potential prey similar to a yautja biohelmet the Falcon is equipped with various Vision modes enhancing its use and efficacy there are two known variants of the Falcon one variant closely resembles a terrestrial bird and was used to spy on Drake and Ronald Noland on The Game Preserve planet in the 2010 movie Predators the second variant takes on a more mechanical appearance and was utilized by Falconer to track Royce in his group foreign number 15 wrist Cannon the wrist Cannon is pretty much integrated into the ouch's wrist Gauntlet and it offers enhanced capabilities compared to its counterparts like the energy flation this optimized weapon is designed to unleash powerful bolts with significant Firepower albeit in the form of energy bolts but it Rivals the plasma Caster in terms of destructive potential it shares the range of the plasma Caster but is easier to use however the wrist Cannon does possess certain limitations similar to the energy flash yet it lacks tracking features requiring the yocha to physically aim by pointing their arm directly at the Target this makes it challenging to engage small or swiftly moving targets effectively nonetheless skilled and experienced users such as the upgrade Predator can overcome this issue number 16 Predator mines Predator mines also known as proximity mines or throwing mines are diverse mind-based weapons and these are pretty much similar to human Minds which remain stationary devices until they are triggered by an external stimulus in close proximity either through automatic detection or remote activation one variant of these mines is the laser mind deployed by wolf during his mission in Gunnison Colorado emitting laser beams of immense cutting power they swiftly dismember Xenomorphs effectively neutralizing them wolf strategically use these Minds to both trap the Xenomorphs and dispose of them another type is the remote mines used by dark on BG 386 during his mission to recover the young blood pack these mines could be remotely detonated using dark's wrist Gauntlet Scarface used throwing mines in neonopolis in 2030. these unique Minds could be deployed as proximity traps in the environment were thrown directly at enemies detonating upon contact there are specialized variants such as fire throwing binds which use incendiary explosives causing victims to catch fire and EMP throwing mines harmless to humans but capable of temporarily disabling mechanical systems and disrupting visual camouflage systems like a predator's clove they can also hurt creatures who have advanced hearing imagine blowing one of these bad boys around Daredevil the feral Predator used distinctive proximity Minds during his hunt in the Great Plains resembling disc-like tools with red neon lines and retractable spikes these mines were stored within the risk Gauntlet activation involved inserting a specific code similar to a self-destruct device once armed the mines would automatically deploy and seek out nearby living beings before detonating and obliterating them thank you number 17 feral predator's wrist Shield the wrist Shield also known as The Shield was a compact Deployable device used by the feral predator in prey despite its small size this yautja tool exhibits exceptional durability and easy retraction when not in use its sturdy construction enables it to withstand various forms of attack including blunt force bladed weapons and even bullets fired from Flintlock Firearms such as muskets and pistols in addition to its defensive capabilities the wrist Shield can also be used offensively when activated at close range it enables the feral Predator to swiftly slice through victims during his hunt in the Great Plains the feral Predator effectively used the wrist Shield against a group of French voyagers who ambushed him it's almost strange that Predators back in the day had much more advanced Weaponry than the ones who came later at least during the original movie however one can give it rationale by saying that each predator personalizes and enhances their own weapons number 18 disintegrator gas the disintegrator gas served the purpose of decomposing organic matter specifically the remains of victims heads while leaving their skulls intact in the year 1719 the feral Predator used the disintegrator gas and it finally revealed how exactly the Predators make their trophies after successfully eliminating a wolf the Predator retreated to a secluded cave carrying the decapitated head of the animal using the gas which resembled a dissolving liquid the Predator sprayed the severed head causing the fur flesh and muscles surrounding the skull to disintegrate entirely this yautja technology shows how exactly the Predators have been swiftly disposing of organic remnants while preserving the skulls as Trophies the disintegrator gas served as a powerful tool in the Predator's Arsenal allowing for the efficient eradication of unwanted organic matter and ensuring the focus remained on the coveted skulls of the defeated prey foreign number 19 laserdiscs the feral predator and prey also has these awesome Deployable laser discs during one of the scenes the Predator removes his Gauntlet activating three discs that emerge from the device these discs swiftly engage in a mesmerizing display of spinning and hovering ultimately unleashing powerful lasers capable of slicing through virtually any obstacle in their trajectory the laserdiscs effortlessly massacre the last remaining French Trappers leaving no room for escape notably the intensity of the lasers is such that even trees succumb to their force it is plausible to interpret these laser discs as an early manifestation of the self-destruct component found in future iterations of the Predator Gauntlet having said that the predator species is thousands of years old and it would be unlikely that they developed their Tech between the 18th and the 20th centuries which is when prey and Predator are respectively set however while the primary purpose of the discs is to eliminate adversaries their ability to unleash an overwhelming destructive power such just a parallel with the self-destruct mechanism employed by subsequent Predators number 20 Predator Harpoon in the Predator the arrival of the upgrade predator on Earth reveals a distinct departure in terms of equipment and armor compared to its predecessors stripped down to a minimalistic configuration the upgrade Predator relied on its wrist Gauntlet which integrated all of its Weaponry a new addition to the weapons was the Harpoon which resembled Wolf's whip from Alien vs Predator Requiem quite obviously the weapon takes the form of a harpoon when fired from The Gauntlet as it is launched it swiftly traverses its intended path piercing through anything that happens to be in the way during the battle outside the crashed predator ship the upgrade Predator uses it against several unfortunate soldiers were dispatched pretty quickly number 21 Scimitar blades the Scimitar on the arm blade of the yacha hunters is a metallic bladed weapon that shares similarities with the wrist blades at least as far as the function and use are concerned however the Scimitar offers distinct advantages in terms of range due to its larger size but this Advantage comes at the cost of increased bulk and reduced maneuverability impacting the Predator's Mobility even during non-combat situations when fully extended the Scimitar blades can reach lengths comparable to a predator's leg granting the hunter a significant reach advantage in close quarters combat notably these extended blades remain concealed by the cloak even when fully deployed unlike the standard wrist blades which is a great tactical Advantage Chopper the Youngblood Predator wielded Scimitar blades during his hunt in the pyramid room he wanted to kill Lex woods but his assault was interrupted by the xenomorph known as Grid in a Swift and deadly exchange grid impaled Chopper through the chest sealing his fate with a final fatal head bite number 22 news the news seen in Alien vs Predator in 2004 can be considered a distinct tool used by Scar although not traditionally categorized as a weapon its Opera ocean is fairly lethal and one cannot Escape it during the scene where the team of mercenaries travels through a corridor scar uses a form of wire to capture one of the unsuspecting Soldiers with calculated Precision the Predator suspends the wire from above capturing the mercenary's head within and swiftly hoisting him upwards notably the wire exhibits an intriguing ability to blend into its surroundings appearing cloaked like the Predator itself number 23 ceremonial dagger as the name suggests the ceremonial dagger holds significant cultural and practical significance within Predator society and their Arsenal primarily utilized as a last resort implement or for extracting trophies from Fallen adversaries this Blade Plays a crucial role in the blooding right of youngbloods while its primary function lies in removing the carapace of a xenomorph it also serves as a close contact weapon when necessary the blade itself is expertly crafted from the bones of a xenomorph granting it resistance against the corrosive nature of their blood the ceremonial dagger made its first major appearance in Alien vs Predator where Celtic sought to kill grid however grid managed to break free and swiftly retaliated ultimately head-biting Celtic later on scar used the dagger to dismember a xenomorph to make weapons for his Newfound friend Lex number 24 Predator killer initially stolen by The Fugitive Predator it was brought to Earth and pursued by the upgrade Predator who aimed to eliminate it to prevent humans from getting their hands on it this full body armor suit is specifically tailored for humans and Faithfully replicates the physical appearance of the yaocha complete with its distinctive dreadlocks and everything positioned on each shoulder are three plasma casters each equipped with independent targeting lasers along with a giant Cannon additionally the suit incorporates elongated wrist blades that surpass the standard length while the precise extent of its capabilities is not demonstrated it is reasonable to assume that the Predator killer possesses similar functionalities to standard yautja body armor such as the ability to utilize cloaking technology and thermal vision through the integrated bio helmet the entire Predator killer Ensemble is stored within a specialized wrist Gauntlet and has retractable bolts on each side that extend when the armor is not in use upon activation the bolts retract firmly securing The Gauntlet on onto the wearer's hand it is then that they materialize the remaining components of the armor including its built-in weaponry and all of this happens in a matter of seconds however according to audio logs produced by Sean Keyes the armor appears to be an early prototype as it exhibited several notable flaws despite its Advanced Hardware tests conducted on the armor revealed its brittleness and susceptibility to Small Arms fire the power source used in the suit was only capable of sustaining its functionality for a mere 24 seconds before shutting down and attempts to utilize the plasma casters resulted in overwhelming the suit systems but then the poor fellow went through hell to get us the Predator killer right I guess we should honor The Fugitive and ignore the movie he appeared in foreign number 25 Predator armor Predator armor varies in design across different films but it consistently provides protection while allowing for agility and stealth but again that's because armors can be specific to different Predators I mean they're not uniforms right typically the armor includes a partial or full breastplate pauldrons risk gauntlets housing the self-destruct device neck armor and a helmet netting is often present on the upper torso and legs in the original Predator movie The Jungle Hunter sets the standard with tribal and Asian influences the armor included chest armor pauldrons forearm gauntlets a string belt adorned with hunted creature bones protective groin and thigh armor and leg armor Predator 2 features the City Hunter who possesses similar armor pieces with a distinct bronze coloration in Aliens vs Predator the Predators wear bulkier armor and of course some of their weapons were not resistant to the corrosive acid of Xenomorphs Alien vs Predator requiems Wolf wears armor that consists of a smaller chess piece left shoulder pauldron forearm gauntlets lower body armor and thigh pieces furthermore it was resistant to the acidic xenomorph blood Predators introduced various Predator armors the falconer and Berserker share similar Styles while tracker's armor differs emitting chest armor and featuring neck armor in the Predator from 2018 The Fugitive Predator possesses unique armor but the upgrade predator's evolved skin acts as a protective shell rendering the need for extensive armor unnecessary however we should note that he still wears a groin armor so that says a little something about him number 26 Plasma Pistol the Plasma Pistol also referred to as the plasma handgun is a compact adaptation of the plasma Caster it can be either purpose-built or crafted on the spot using Salvage components from a damaged plasma Caster as one would expect purpose-built models tend to be more potent and versatile than their makeshift counterparts when it comes to Firepower the Plasma Pistol packs a wallet firing bolts of asthma akin to those Unleashed by its larger sibling however being a handheld weapon it lacks the luxury of automated Target tracking necessitating manual aim by its wielder regrettably this means it is best suited for short-range engagements as its Effectiveness diminishes with distance in some instances the Plasma Pistol exhibits an intriguing arc-like trajectory further constraining its range Wolf's Plasma Pistol in Gunnison Colorado necessitated a brief recharge time after each shot rendering it less suitable for frenetic Close Quarters combat number 27 playing tool tool the flang tool with its distinctive y shape and slightly spaced prongs serves a Macabre yet practical purpose in the yaocha Arsenal grasped firmly at the bottom this instrument emits a searing laser from the gap between its prongs heat energy is emitted that's capable of peeling the skin off of a freshly claimed prey it is a tool commonly wielded by the yaocha serving both as a ritualistic means to Flay their fallen prey but it can also be used for other purposes number 28 dissolving liquid this chemical is a highly potent corrosive blue liquid that possesses the remarkable ability to dissolve organic matter with mind-blowing efficiency reducing even the most resilient xenomorph carcasses into a mere pile of goop it was wolf who first used the substance in Gunnison concealed within small brown vials the dissolving liquid served as his method of eradicating all evidence of the xenomorph presence while primarily employed for its intended purpose the dissolving liquid could be harnessed as a potent weapon its reaction to water is extremely volatile much like strong acids and even a small quantity of the solute has the power to vaporize vast amounts of water and any accompanying material interestingly the liquid defied conventional logic by effortlessly dissolving Xenomorphs themselves who are resistant enough to have acidic blood in their veins or whatever it is that they have foreign number 29 Scout ship the Scout ships are Tethered to the motherships and serve as a sort of Vanguard for them with their three external thrusters propelling them the Scout ships are used to cover the last leg of the hunting Journey these vessels boast three external thrusters that propel them and come with a sharp blade ready to slice through any obstacle in their path positioned at the front are two medium-range plasma cannons that serve a similar purpose and can destroy small Heavenly objects or other threats interestingly There is almost always a spacious trophy room that displays the hard-earned trophies from previous hunts within the Tactical room holographic devices project images of nearby planets carefully chosen as potential hunting grounds additionally they have a storage room to hold captive facehuggers that are let loose on a planet for the hunt but at the end of the day the Scout ships aren't big on defense and have a very breachable home number 30 Mothership the motherships are colossal mobile bases that serve as the base of operation for a large group or a clan of couches they Harbor numerous Scout ships and the mothership itself is led by the clan leader motherships use Advanced cloaking technology rendering them undetectable to sensors and virtually impossible to discover however skilled Pilots commanding other yautja vessels can use specialized beacons to locate these mysterious behemoths inside the ship itself Predators engage in battles vying for honor and the acquisition of new weapons and devices a noteworthy feature found aboard nearly every mothership is the Captivity of a xenomorph Queen now while the Scout ships carry facehuggers the motherships carry a queen who ensures a ready supply of ovamorphs and thereby facehuggers motherships are also armed with formidable beam weapons number 31 sword lastly we have a very traditional Human Weapon a sword it's possible that yuchas came by the weapon during one of their Hunts on Earth and became enticed by the things it could do foreign marvelous verdict as you can see Predator weapons are nothing short of a force to reckon with and I am not saying it just because it's a good phrase I truly mean it I mean the things we saw in films like prey and predators are simply amazing I guess it's a good thing humans have failed time and again to retrieve the oucha technology because only God could help us if we ever succeeded what do you think about The lethality of the Predator weapons let us know in the comments section down below and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already thanks for watching stay safe out there and have a marvelous day foreign
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 314,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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