Predator Anatomy Explored - Magical Yautja Blood Secrets? Why Their Dreadlocks Are Important?

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I'm going to guess your second question is why are you here we ran the genome sequence 10 times this specimen has human DNA welcome back to marvelous videos I'm Rylan in the raving 80s the Predator franchise was nothing but a breath of fresh air in the monotonous science fiction genre whereas movies of the time seemingly focused more on the science part of the plot rather than exploring the Thrills of action Predator set itself apart with the deconstruction of various tropes in action films the film starts with a group of badass paramilitary hunks on a mission where they strike and kill efficiently without any Shrine of remorse do not feel an ounce of fear and throw hilarious punch lines in one-liners while doing so as protagonists in a typical 80s action film these men are portrayed as an Unstoppable force of nature until a lethal Predator appears in the picture and takes them on with full force this rendered our group of Heroes cornered and helpless as no amount of resources be it military training Advanced Weaponry or even bravado ever suit a chance in front of this Predator who is far from being human all all of them are eventually overpowered by the Predator until only the one who merges as one with nature and plays the exact same field as that of the Predator is successful in defeating him and survives this Grand Fiasco so in today's episode we will intricately focus on the anatomy of this mind thwarting antagonist so without further Ado let's get right into it actually before we do get into our explanation we do have just one very small request if you like our content then please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is just a small clip for you but for us it means a lot thanks now let's begin bad idea how tough is the Predator's Physique in terms of their physique the Predators are incredibly resilient strong and agile with Incredible endurance and resistance to physical harm they also possess sharp claws and mandibles which they can use to subdue and kill their prey even with their tougher Bones the Predators are still often dismembered and even decapitated so they still fall victim to Sharp blades but the bones can heal well for example when an engineer broke the arm off Ahab and appeared to have healed in just a few days now coming to their skin it is definitely worth mentioning that the Predator skin is so thick that it can even absorb damage from bullets and other weapons apart from that the color and texture of the Predator's skin can vary between different individuals and glands but it's generally much thicker and resistant to damage than human skin but that's not all the Predators also have small spike-like appendages on their arms and chest as well as on their weird-looking dreadlocks which likely serve as additional weapons or possibly exist for defensive measures imagine trying to Grapple with or strike someone who has spikes protruding from their skin and here's something else that's interesting the Predators typically don't wear any clothing or armor on their skin instead they prefer to rely on their natural toughness and cloak netting for protection in combat which allows them to move quickly and silently throughout their environments making them effective Hunters lastly these deadly extraterrestrial entities have a bizarre percent for collecting bones and skulls especially the skulls of their victims even if they have been members of their own race how long do Predators Live Well the exact lifespan of a predator is unknown their longevity on the toll of their lifestyle on their physical appearance and abilities are consistent themes throughout the various stories in which they appear according to various forms of Predator media including movies Comics novels and even video games the yowja or predator species can live for at least a few several centuries and even Millennia galacta a recurring character in The Predator media is said to be thousands of years old and has a first-hand experience of the numerous Wars waged by the Predators however the Predators we've seen in the movies have mostly acted alone or in very small groups and their dangerous Lifestyles gotta make it hard to imagine any of them living for a long time they lose limbs tusks or even an eye while fighting but as they grow older their skin begins to wrinkle their dreadlocks start graying and their reflexes grow weaker although their lifestyle is quite dangerous as mentioned before the yaja have tough physiques and strong bones that can heal well even though Xperia Predators often have a lot of scars their minds remain sharp and their experience gives them an edge over their opponents however like any species the algae are far from Immortal but their years of hunting give them an upper hand on their opponent so overall while the yowja may not live forever their lifespans are certainly longer than humans what do the dreadlocks in a predator signify sometimes we like to think that the designers were inspired by Bob Marley while designing the Predator's hair well it is safe to say that our alien antagonists certainly don't rely on human for fashion inputs as the Predator dreadlocks hold a significant meaning although they use creepy skulls to decorate and style their hair the length of a predator's dreadlocks is meant to reflect their skill in battle and suitability as a mate with short dreadlocks being seen as unattractive by the females of the species longer dreadlocks on the other hand also signify more experience or age in the case of a predator a good chunk of sources indicates that the Predators have blood flowing within their dreadlocks which makes it difficult for them to cut it like in human beings as the Predator dreadlocks grow longer they start to turn gray or white which has been seen in the case of the ancient or the Elder Predators the shaman Predator who is the part of the predator of the Lost tribe he is famous for having some of the longest dreadlocks among this alien species however some predators have had their dreadlocks removed such as the captain stoneheart Predator who had all of his dreadlocks chopped off against his wishes as part of a brainwashing program to turn him against his own kind other than this the long hair-like appendages are actually a type of sensory organ that allows the Predator to detect changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure the Predators also use the dreadlocks as a means of communication with other members of their species and efficiently camouflage themselves in a high pressure environment overall it's safe to say that the dreadlocks in a predator's hair serve a multitude of purposes thank you [Music] are the Predator mandibles useful the mandibles of a predator are extremely useful and incredibly strong allowing them to use them as weapons in combat it also serves as their primary mouth which makes them capable of opening it extremely wide to allow them to consume their prey whole the mandibles can be used to crush bones and in some cases they have been used to swiftly decapitate their victims it's worth mentioning that it's not possible for the Predators to communicate with the help of their mandibles but the sound of the lobster claw-like attachments is definitely enough to quake and prey with fear as shown in Predator 2 in greyback's case it was verified that the tusks were prone to breaking and definitely did not grow back however its sole focus is to act as a defense weapon against enemies and prey which is proved to be lethal from time to time furthermore the mandibles are also able to sense heat which helps the Predators to locate their prey in a variety of environments overall the mandibles of a predator are a crucial part of their anatomy and contribute to their effectiveness as Hunters foreign body parts although a few Predator lores and Comics have hinted at it there is no clear evidence that Predators can regenerate their lost body parts they definitely lost their limbs in a fight but they still continue to battle their opponent in that condition it is worth mentioning though that the Predators use a certain blue colored goo called the metacomp to single or disinfect their wound apart from stopping it from bleeding for example referring again to the movie Predator 2 The Predator known as Grayback loses one of his mandibles during a fight with the main character and it doesn't grow back just implying the lack of their ability to regenerate lost body parts as of yet none of the movies have showcased predators in robotic limbs or Prosthetics but a certain Predator by the name of yaquita during the rage War Trilogy has been seen using a wheelchair-like machine after she lost her limbs during a fight there are a few comic book examples hinting At This ferocious Mega villain's ability to regenerate arms and limbs but there are still no strong examples of a yowja with the same abilities do they have internal organs in many cases we have witnessed the internal organs of a predator resembling that of a human thus answering that yes it can be assumed that the Predators have internal organs in the Primal hunt expansion of Aliens vs Predator 2 there was a rare glance into the insides of a predator when a predalian chest burster chewed its way through the chest of a predator the chest burster brutally shredded through the rib cage lungs and flesh thus right away killing an ancient Predator additionally some sources have verified that the Predator has four or five or even multiple Hearts which allows it to sustain a massive amount of damage in combat in a particular plot it has been stressed upon how eating the heart of a predator will result in an unnaturally long life for human beings another subspecies of this extraterrestrial entity called the hishq10 produces a certain hormone from unique kill glands which inculcates the capacity to drive the Predator into a hysterical form of insanity lastly some yaja are also rumored to inhabit reproductive organs which might Aid in their procreation our test results yielded something a little odd some predators create a strange hormone one of the more unique aspects of the Predator biology is the existence of the so-called kill gland but not every Predator is created with this ability and this gland is only found in certain subspecies of predators which secretes a hormone that can cause the Predator to enter into a frenzied uncontrollable State this gland is apparently located between the collarbone and neck for the ease of pumping the hormone directly into the bloodstream of a predator when a predator is in this state it is even more dangerous and deadly than usual as it becomes completely focused on killing and destroying anything in its path while there is some evidence to suggest that the kill gland is a real aspect of Predator biology it is important to note that much of what we know about Predators comes from fictional works such as movies comics and novels as a result the existence and properties of the kill glands may not be entirely accurate or consistent across different works in the Predator Universe the kill gland is primarily associated with the hishq10 subspecies of predators who are Infamous for its particularly brutal and bloodthirsty nature and are off and portrayed as shock troops or assassins it is unclear exactly how the kill gland works or what the hormone it secretes actually does to the Predator's physiology but it's pretty much evident that if the secretion activity goes on for too long the Predator goes into a berserk rage even if that specific type of Predator doesn't exactly possess a kill gland however it is suggested that the hormone may be related to the Predator's natural adrenaline response and may actually enhance the Predator's physical abilities and aggression levels foreign ERS capable of shape-shifting it should be noted that the concept of the Predator being a shapeshifter was only used in the novelization of the first Predator movie and is not really considered canon in the Predator franchise the novelization was probably based on an earlier version of the script and the idea of the Predator becoming a shapeshifter was likely scrapped during its production in all subsequent movies comics and other media the Predator is portrayed as a humanoid creature with no shape-shifting abilities it is worth mentioning though that in the earlier version where the Predator was weaponized with shape-shifting abilities it also had the capacity to take on any organic form by simply plagiarizing their appearance with one Simple Touch The Only Exception in this case would be human beings who seem to be immune to this manipulation as the Predator cannot shapeshift into a human apart from that the Predator could also turn into an intangible object with the help of its chameleon-like skin which allows it to hide its real appearance apparently this version of The Predator had different agendas and took a keen interest in human beings after realizing that it was not capable of shape-shifting into a human thus implying that the sole reason of embarking on a human killing spree is actually to cut them open and study to understand the reason behind this limitation but let's be honest for a moment an over-the-top aggressive shape-shifting alien sounds horrifyingly cool for an antagonist [Applause] how is the Predator race communicate with humans predators are technologically advanced extraterrestrial species that possess their own language both in spoken and written form their spoken language is categorized by clicks growls Roars and snarls while their written language is expressed in a pattern of dashes not too different from humans the Predators regularly imitate human speech that they overhear but it's unclear to what extent they can comprehend it they also have dialects that differ from their common tongue which unfortunately translators cannot understand as full-time Hunters predators do not have time for prime directive or other cool human stuff as they still find enjoyment in traditionally hunting creatures that are weaker than they are such as humans or even Xenomorphs they possess a level of weapon technology that is far beyond that of humanity the Predator race has developed its own form of sign language that allows them to communicate silently while they're hunting for their prey it was evident that the Predators wanted to teach this sign language to humans who were welcomed in a predator Clans surprisingly enough they also understood the concept of humor and apparently laughed by vigorously clicking their tusks together they also have been known to deliberately cause startling reactions for their Amusement while individual Predators make different sounds a high-pitched trilling human-like cry is a very common sound emitted by them mainly while using their medical kits to dress their wounds lastly when given a compliment from a higher authority similarly ranked Predators will touch the hair of the one they complement in acknowledgment overall communication between predators and humans is often limited due to the language barrier and the fact that predators are typically portrayed as aggressive violent Hunters rather than peaceful communicators but that doesn't mean these brutes are anyway less when it comes to communication with humans what are the differences between male and female predators in the Predators Universe there is no clear consensus on the information available about the physical differences between the male and the female Predators some media portray them as nearly identical While others depict female Predators as having more human-like gender characteristics such as breasts and wider hips it is important to note though that these depictions are not necessarily consistent or Canon across all forms of Predator media it should be noted that although Comics fixate on the existence of a male and a female predator the movies are yet to feature the existence of a female predator in the franchise in general female yaoja are depicted as fearsome Warriors who prefer to hunt with their mates and in a few rare cases some female Predators even prefer dying alongside their mates as well female Predators tend to be more aware and methodical than males but are also more impulsive and Reckless Predator society and family size are rarely depicted but glimpses of it can be seen in some Books and Comics the size and shape of the female Predators have been inconsistent throughout the lore and some depictions show them as bigger than the males and lacking female features While others show them as the same height as males but leaner and more aggressive with having their breasts covered in armor in some cases their heads were shown to be more narrow than the males alongside having longer dreadlocks and smaller eyes compared to the male Predators depending on their individualist structure the height of a female predator can range from two to two and a half meters as shown in the comic books Aliens vs Predator war and Aliens vs Predator pray Children of the Predators only lived with their mothers and nuclear families without their fathers overall while there may be some discrepancies it is generally believed that the female predators are formidable Warriors who are just as lethal as the males but they may have a different approach to hunting and family life when compared to their male counterparts how do the predators reproduce okay so this entire extraterrestrial reptilian reproduction thing is a bit frisky because there is no evidence of the Predator laying eggs or but because of such well synchronized and over-the-top aggressive storyline where the Predators have been seen fighting killing or stalking the makers might have forgotten to incorporate a few romantic scenes between these deadly Intergalactic Hunters wouldn't that be a treat to watch but many story arcs in the Predator franchise have hinted that these extraterrestrial Hunters are polyamorous as the good Hunters with longer treadlocks apparently gather up and attract numerous Vibes with their skills and experience but the ones with shorter dreadlocks are considered to be the Nerds of the crew and are sadly left alone which kind of implies that they are being obsessed with the glory of Warren hunting like the Vikings even extraterrestrial entities Risk Everything to get laid it's kind of sad but kind of funny when you think about it coming to the act of reproduction apparently the female predators are very aggressive and dominating in the act and overall take charge which makes mating immensely pleasurable for the Predator men now coming to the part of children the kids of the Predators were procreated just as humans came out so no they didn't exactly hatch from eggs but they aren't exactly like all mammals now the Predators might not procreate like laying multiple eggs but they sure do have an immensely High birth rate for a mammal ranging up to spawning at least 60 kids over their entire lifetime what remains unknown is if the kids are born in a litter or do they have an insanely sped up reproductive cycle as compared to humans only the genderless clan of his Q10 have only six or seven on average and consider taking care of even the six kids as an annoying task there was one to mention in a comic book story arc about a human Predator machiko noguchi naked fighting with a tiny Predator named shorty which sort of resembled a mating dance but unfortunately enough no across mating with humans have been found in the Predator franchise just yet because unless they pull an avatar on this it would kind of be gross it is worth mentioning that the Predator movie franchise has not shown any female Predators even though they are bipedal creatures sharing a lot of similarities with humans the reason behind this as speculated by the Predator franchise fans is that the women could be considered either as brood mares or probably run the entire Predator Clan by taking the crucial decisions or raising the children or for that matter even inventing the gadgets while only resorting to the males for procreations and then just sending them out to play on different planets what is so unique about Predator blood the Predator blood is a bioluminescent fluid which is neon green in color and considered to be alkaline unlike xenomorph blood which is kind of an alien acid during combat Predators come in contact with acidic alien blood but the effects on them don't really cause any harm as their alkaline blood neutralizes or cancels out the acid like human beings Predators have non-toxic warm blood but an added bonus is the depiction of healing abilities that it holds which can actually be turned into a life-saving serum for human beings it's also because of this that the Predators are able to keep on with their fight against battles even after they've lost a lot of their blood because of the use of glow sticks smeared with KY Jelly lubricants it can be assured that the neon colored bioluminescent blood glows in the dark when a predator is injured its blood will react with the air and begin to Glow it should be noted that the entire media Cannon within the Predator franchise has toured with the idea of a human being having drastically increased their lifespan after an encounter with Predator blood there is a video game from the franchise by the name of the Predator Concrete Jungle which addresses the matter and reveals how coming in contact with the Predator's blood can increase the life of a mortal although it won't really put a stop to aging or in other words make them Immortal but it is still pretty cool to have a few decades added to your life overall the unique blood of the Predators is also an important resource to study or weaponize the Predator's biology [Music] what does the diet of a predator look like the dietary habits of predators are not clearly established or deciphered but they are believed to have a carnivorous or possibly omnivorous diet in the franchise Predators have been observed feeding on the meat from a slaughterhouse as well as eating muskrats while skinning they have also been seen eating the roots off an earth plant possibly Guided by instinct or even scent in one instance a contaminated and mutated Predator cannibalized a member of its own hunting Squad these guys live for thousands of years as seen via galacta the oldest living predator and they are certainly not vegetarian to fight and survive for that long it should also be noted that predators are skilled hunters and have been shown to prefer hunting for their food in addition to hunting wild animals they also hunt other sentient beings such as humans and Xenomorphs in terms of hunting tactics predators are shown to observe their prey before making a move they typically go after the strongest or more skilled member of the group as they prefer to hunt challenging prey and also have a tendency to use traps and ambushes to catch their prey off guard overall the Predators are known to enjoy the taste of human flesh and they have been seen consuming it in various media canons throughout the franchise apart from the part where they're seen eating roots or pulling a Jeffrey Dahmer on their Clans the time when Predator transformed into a vicious creature it's not a secret that technology-wise the Predator race itself is much more Progressive than the human civilization however there will be a day when humans will manage to create their own spacecraft and Venture into the Galaxy the development of Androids was one of the first technological advances made by the human civilization that the Predators seem to have trouble with mastering Eldon an Android who was forcibly given the black Prometheus goo injection appears in the aliens predator story arc of the comic book series as a result his entire Anatomy starts altering in the most terrifying of ways as he begins to mutate it is later revealed that when a predator is bitten by Eldon it changes into a grotesque unique being which is more potent than this extraterrestrial creature's regular form when the time came this mutated Predator had a feast on the Flesh of its Clan before brutally ravaging an entire crew of Xenomorphs [Applause] how can Predators be killed to defeat a predator one needs to be well prepared and armed with the right weapons it is important to understand the Predator's strengths as well as its weaknesses predators are extremely skilled Hunters with advanced technology and Superior physical abilities however they can only be defeated with the right strategy first and foremost it is essential to understand that the Predator has advanced heat detection technology and can easily spot their prey thus one should cover themselves in mud in order to camouflage their body heat making it harder for the Predator to detect them as Arnold Schwarzenegger did in the first Predator movie The Predator has been seen with Superior strength and Agility making it difficult to fight in hand-to-hand combat which makes it essential to keep a safe distance and avoid physical confrontations and rather use a tactical approach on this deadly Intergalactic Hunter lastly the Predator is vulnerable to certain types of weapons including explosive devices and traps in many arcs it was witnessed that setting traps in their way catches the Predator off guard further use of explosives to inflict significant damage has also been a Fail-Safe deal one can also Ambush the Predator as they have a strict code of honor and will not attack unarmed or injured prey in conclusion defeating a predator requires a combination of tactics strategy and the right weapons one should use their environment to their advantage be well prepared and remain calm Under Pressure to increase their chances of survival the anatomy of a predator is so well crafted and intricately designed that it has the capacity to even colonize a planet if it wants in conclusion this is not the antagonist that anyone would want to mess with or provoke and with this we come to the end of today's video please let us know about your thoughts and opinions about this deadly Intergalactic hunter in the comments box below and if you enjoyed today's video don't forget to leave us a like And subscribe if you haven't already until next time I'm Rylan have a good one and be safe I'm one of you [Music]
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 188,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 80RPQnY1NLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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