15 (Every) Predator Titles And Ranks - Explored In Detail

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foreign who would have thought that John mctiernan's 1987 science fiction action movie would broaden into a media franchise comprising of films crossover series comic books novels and let's not forget video games the franchise's high point is the titular character of the Predators who are an advanced whip smart alien race of trophy seeking Hunters widely recognized as the ayucha and hailing from the mysterious planet these Apex extraterrestrial Hunters possess some very ruthless high-tech Arsenal and will only hunt them who they consider worthy their motto is simple the deadlier the prey the greater the honor we are super stoked about today's video but we'll be exploring every Predator title and rank that we have managed to lay our hands on our list is from the highest title to the lowest so make sure that you stay tuned till the end of this video to comprehend not only the ranking system but also the classification of the Predators as per their hunting experience and prowess so are you ready let us begin then but before we get into our explanation we do have one very small request if you enjoy your content then please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you now let's begin Predator King will when you have a name like this it becomes relatively self-explanatory but we don't want to take our chances here the Predator King happens to be the supreme leader of the entire race and while he is often addressed as the grand Elder he does happen to be a rare occurrence in the society naturally someone of this stature is bound to have powers and weapons that go Way Beyond what we usually see otherwise to begin with he has his own Throne one that is made of xenomorph trophies it is even reported that the highlight of the Predator King's throne happens to be the very crest of a queen Xenomorph don't believe us well see it for yourself then in all probability the Predator King is the one who makes all the decisions for the whole race and he is also required for actions that are outside of the Predator Homeworld there have been many references to the freighter King and we will cite them here if we look at the Alien vs Predator 2 video game a royal Jah known as Prince had arrived on LV 1201 after hearing a distressed signal the Magnificent ship he came in was believed to be a ship of his father the king and Prince was seen surviving the hunt on LV 1201 in all probability Prince would have become a king himself but the game sadly never got a direct sequel next we'll be talking about the Kenner action figure from the 90s which was reimagined in 2016 by Neca This Tall alpha predator here is seen sitting on a throne made of the xenomorph Queen's skull and many smaller trophies although he is addressed as a clan leader his characteristics make one believe that he happens to be a version of The Predator King himself there is also collector from The Raid War Trilogy who to be honest is the nearest that the Predators have had as a leader of the race galacta was reportedly thousands of years old and while he reigned he fought against the humans Xenomorphs and to this the ancient drugothy race as well galacta was also the one to have led the out jet to Victory against the rage Invaders The Matriarch Predator say hello to the female version of the clan leaders who are known to rule and resolve the on-world matter is taking place in Yao Japan mind you when we say counterpart it does not symbolize equal status because the clan leader only steps in as a substitute for The Matriarch this shows the superseding power and authority that the matriarch Predator possesses when compared to a clan leader matriarch predators are fearsome Warriors and a lot more calculative than the males if there is no denying that these matriarch predators are rare but having said that they still exist in the society notably being a part of it now if you are familiar with the Aliens vs Predator the hunt begins board game the produce games Elder Predator Minifigures did have some fascinating information about the Predator lore we are not entirely wrong while stating that there was this mention of a particular Predator matriarch who was more like a female predator Queen and held a rank way higher than a regular clan leader she is even reported to have been a part of off-world Clan matters which included diplomacy with other races if and when required we want to elucidate things further with a few examples hashori from Rage war was an extremely Fair years and aggressive Hunter one who absolutely reveled while tormenting her enemies imagine her torturing a synth or in simple words a female Android with chains that are tipped in bug larvae that would hatch in the wounds and eventually eat the host from the inside causing Unthinkable pain it is a different thing that she joined forces with the Android later and also with humans to fight off a current threat but having said that she still followed the leader collector and there were no two ways about it apart from what had been mentioned famed Japanese sculpture akahito Ikeda once created the shiranui Predator statue which served as a fantastic visual demonstration of a matriarch Predator ancient Predator ancients stay true to the names and happen to be Veterans of countless hunts and battles these Predators have surpassed several centuries and some even Millennia in terms of their age and it is only fair to address them as a selected group of predators who were seen taking the central spot within the realm of the yaya Society in fact very few Predators live long enough to become ancients and those who do are deserving of the rank and highly respected given that the chosen lifestyle of the Predators is very dangerous and often claims the lives of many Hunters of various ages and experiences now when compared to the other Predator titles ancients are rare and distinctly different from the younger yaja thanks to those graying dreadlocks and endless quills on the face of course the Ancients are very capable of hunting but their age prevents them from actively doing so and yet they happen to be commendable Rivals be it any circumstance for that matter ancients are more than often mistaken as Elder Predators when in reality they have transitioned Way Beyond the roles of Clan leaders at times even acting like an advisor to an existing clan leader and mentoring the younger Hunters who are often seen resorting to the ancients for guidance a clan usually has one ancient at a time which generally happens to be their oldest and the wisest member now some agents have even reportedly made up the Council of ancients one that happens to be the primary governing body of the ayucha as mentioned before each Clan has one ancient at a time so there is a possibility that the ruling authority of the council had various Agents from different Clans as spiritual leaders they are often called upon to take care of severe violations which are committed against the Yahoo race generally speaking the agents are mainly seen serving themselves in the non-active administration department while actively conserving the spiritual and hunted culture of the auja leaving a deep-seated impression may we atsu towards the end of an ancient's life he is seen choosing a successor who has given the ancient title and also handed down the former's mask yadja Apprentice in plain and simple words these are basically honorable humans who are taken by the Predators to learn their ways let us take the example of the human female machiko noguchi who post her integration into the Predator culture both lived and hunted together with ayucha clan for more than a year well technically speaking machiko was not a female yahuja for that matter she was more like this well-accepted human member of the group who went to plenty of successful hunts along with the Predators for those of you wondering who she was blooded by a yoja going by the name deshande broken Tusk did the honors on the colony plan of ryushi machiko is stated to have killed a xenomorph Queen and kept her head as a decorative trophy on her wall there is no denying that magiko chiefly used old weapons and gears that a regular Predator would such as the bio helmet body armor wrist blades plasma cutter and burner but there have been times when she has also made use of a human pistol as and when required ever since machiko's introduction as the main character in The Aliens vs Predators comic series she has been the first known human to have been marked by the Predators machiko even came close to being labeled as a bad blood Predator after she discovered that her Predator Clan had started preying upon humans naturally she betrayed her clan slaughtering several members in the process and siding with the humans that her clan had plans of hunting down Bad Blood Predator well well well speak of the devil and here he is bad Bloods are criminal Predators who have gone Rogue turned against their own kind and Gravely violated the aspects of the ayucha honor code but before we get into the details of the bad Bloods let us briefly touch upon the honor code every Hunter out there is expected to hunt and kill while strictly following a set of rules that the honor code comprises at the end of the day now if they tend to breach that code they are supposed to appear for punishment honorably but their inability to submit themselves labels ayodja as bad blood this has them excommunicated from the French society and also considered as fair game for the hunters and in no manner are the bad Bloods ever accepted back into the community a peek into the Predator justice system shows that the crime rate is very low and only about two percent of the yuja are bad Bloods these bad Bloods are usually seen as the mentally unstable ones and they happen to be quite sadistic and hostile at the end of the day they are seen resorting to the very skills that have been taught to them but making use of them in the most dishonorable fashion one that is purely for their own gain while they typically have the same Tools in terms of weapons some are reported to possess machetes there have been several references to the known bad Bloods throughout the Predator media franchise but we're not going to talk about them our focus is on the upgrade Predator seen in Shane Black's the Predator Who We Believe hail from a clan condemned as bad blood for practicing hybridization of course this is an assumption but it does lead one to wonder things and you can't deny that [Music] Elder Predator let us make this simple for you by stating that Grayback from the movie Predator 2 was an Elder Predator now that you have been able to form an idea let us get into the details of an Elder Predator the elders are accomplished old Hunters who are primarily known for their battle prowess leadership skills and unique hunting Styles many of them possess the skulls of various xenomorph Queens as part of their trophy collection and there have been instances where an Elder Predator has also jointly held the title of a clan leader thereby commanding a Mothership and leading Clans while there are Elders who have found counseling and mentoring the young Hunters there are some who are too old and honored to hunt and as a result no longer fight these are the ones who are known as retirees who form about 10 of the male yahuja and are seeing sir themselves in ways such as being ship workers as Clan leaders and Elder preter is often seen supervising the blooding ritual far away from the ships and to this monitoring the young Bloods as they become adults mind you the latter task is even at times carried out by the Ancients as mentioned before Elders also decide on the planets that the Predators will carry out their hunting activity on as well as the targets amongst a horde of other things there have been at least two instances where the elders have ended up gifting weapons to the humans they found worthy enough one such was greyback who was seen tossing a flintlock pistol to Mike Harrigan at the end of the movie clan leader Clan leaders stay true to their names they lead Clans and it is one of the highest ranks that one can attain in the yoga Society while it is true that we don't really know what a clan Leader's exact responsibilities are but having said that what is certain is that a leader has different tasks assigned to lower yet highly ranked Warriors that he usually has at his disposal some for instance are even seen commanding ancients and Elders which means that when it comes to a Leader's Clan he has full Supremacy to do whatever he wishes extremely popular in their Clans Clan leaders often have younger Hunters craving for their attention and they are often seen in parting wisdom and inspiration to them these leaders are accountable for punishing the Predators who are directly below them if the latter breaks the honor code and they are also liable for the rise of new Clans the clan leader decides where hunts should generally take place and who gets to take part in the hunts in other words he does have complete freedom and add to this discretion too as to how his clan should be operating in the first place now any Frederick for that matter can become a contender for the position of clan leader so long as they maintain the honor code this means both male and female Predators for that matter can lead Clans but so far the males clearly outnumber the female Clan leaders Clan leaders are sometimes seen wearing those long red capes which if we're being honest have only been seen being done by this particular rank client leaders mostly bother themselves with off-world matters leading the Predators to various World missions whereas the on-world issues as mentioned before are left in the hands of the matriarch Elite Predator also known as veterans and Elite is the rank of a predator who has impeccable skills and this a huge number of kills they are one of the top levels when it comes to the Predator hierarchy and also why the Predator race is seen as nearly impossible to defeat by humans a predator is only given the rank of an elite after successfully killing many worthy and dangerous praise such as the humans bad Bloods River ghosts and the deadliest strains of Xenomorphs now when we refer to the latter as deadlier we are basically pointing at the xenomorph queens praetorians and also entire hives for that matter well it is only fitting to say that these Hunters are made up of the deadliest killers of the species serving themselves as the general foundation of the Predators wolf from Alien vs Predator Requiem is an excellent example of an elite Predator one that was seen as slaughtering hordes of warrior Xenomorphs and add to this even dark from the Aliens vs Predator video game we will be citing a couple of more examples where Elite Predators have specialized in particular weapons making them their strong suit for instance a spearmaster is an expert with his Combi stick whereas a brawler is great with his wrist blades Elites and seasoned Hunters are often entrusted with unique missions including eliminating xenomorph infestations or protecting the pressure technology from falling into the wrong hands Mark our words when we say these blooded Warriors have yet to attain the Elder status enforcer Predator say hello to the ones were seen holding a rather special position in the Predator Society so in contrast to most of the other Predators who were always occupied hunting down praise that they regard as worthy enough and forces on the other hand are responsible for hunting down the bad guys which in this case happen to be the bad bloods in short the highly respected and distinguished enforcers act as a police force making sure that whoever breaks the honor code is brought down to Justice and without the slightest bit of delay we are not entirely sure if the enforcers in reality are a police cast or if they do their work simply out of personal responsibility but it does not really matter as they are mostly seen serving themselves as bounty hunters tracking down and eliminating every trace of Menace from their society Hunter predator a hunter happens to be an experienced Predator who is more than capable of being in charge of a dangerous Mission all by himself he is fine without his pack or say subordinates like the adjutants for that matter who possess good experience as well as a fair number of skills as per their roles 100 characters are simply outstanding when it comes to ambushing the prey and from a distance may we add so this naturally makes them threatening lone assassins and the ones to definitely watch out for they are in possession of these Vision mode amplifications that work wonders in their favor letting them make use of the long range of the plasma caster and shoot at Targets that are Way Beyond their usual field of vision there have been instances where these hundred Predators have also been packed leaders we have the City Hunter and the jungle Hunter serving themselves as the ideal example with highly developed skills and augmented hunting intuitiveness Hunter predators are nothing but feral deadly threats these recently blooded Predators who to be honest possess a pretty good number of kills as well as experience are often seen serving themselves under a leader accompanying him and further carrying out tasks such as piloting and ship navigation they are even seen as co-instructors when it comes to training the unpolished young hunters and making them effective Warriors at the end of the day some adjutants even function themselves as a secondary overseers and are often seen carrying their Leader's Mark of course and the judent has the right and power to rise to the position of a leader even the one who blooded the ajutant for that matter and all he has to do is challenge the current leader of the pack now at judens who are wise and admire their leaders are seen attaining leadership primarily by following their directions the list of well-known adjudents includes skemte warca and site amongst others [Music] blooded Predator about 45 of the auja are blood which is an esteemed yet common rank that the young blood Predators achieve post-hunting and slaughtering their first prey preferably a xenomorph in this case and marking themselves with its acidic blood some sources state that young Hunters are seen leaving from unblooded to blooded right after the blooding process well you do realize the significance of blooding right call it a process a coming-of-age ritual a sign or whatever you want to blooding shows that a predator can be trusted to hunt all by himself and most importantly without the aid or supervision of their superiors beloved predators are entitled to have access to far more advanced forms of Weaponry which is otherwise denied to the youngbloods as well as Hunters who happen to be less experienced beloved predators are also seen enjoying quietly privileges such as having their own Quarters on a ship having a great deal of Freedom possessing the right to settle fights in death matches and most significantly getting selected by a field Predator to have children with Young Blood Predator young Bloods form about 25 of the male yucha this means that the preacher has made no noticeable kills please note that it is only after aoja kills his first worthy Target which is usually a xenomorph and then collects its head as a trophy that he becomes blooded as for young Bloods they are generally composed of adolescents ones who are only done with their basic training regimen young Bloods are usually dispatched in a team of three or five members for their first hunt well it is only fair to State the obvious that only the strongest amongst them survives and as for the rest they end up getting killed please know that the young Bloods are given a personalized set of various hunting tools which includes the bio helmet wrist blades net gun Scimitar wrist gauntlets Combi stick plasma Caster body armor shuriken and let's not miss out on the ceremonial dagger having said that every young blood is capable of taking down an armed human effortlessly so you most certainly do not want to make the mistake of taking them lightly unblooded predator in terms of ranking these young inexperienced Hunters fall even behind a young Predator they are termed unblooded simply because they have neither finished their basic training nor have they secured a kill in the blood and ritual if we're being honest here the unblooded Predators are not even experienced enough to take part in a xenomorph hunt forget killing the alien of course they are denied the Privileges that the ones placed higher in the ranks have for starters the unblooded Predators are restricted to fewer weapons and the top things further the tools that they possess are devoid of the acid resistance that is generally found in most of the hunting weapons no wonder these predators are restless in nature and more so without a goal unlike the experienced high-ranking Predators they're seeing training in groups of 20 at times even 40 for that matter and all under the supervision of a leader as part of basic training and unblooded Predator is first seen learning hand-to-hand combat followed by blade combat post-witch the unblooded is expected to attack a seasoned Predator the training is to be continued until the teacher is contended with the progress of the unblooded mind you not all on blood approaches can make it out of the training alive some tend to lose their lives too unblooded Predators who are disobedient can also be eliminated just for stepping a bit too far out of the line usually after the completion of the hand-to-hand training these predators are transported into groups to planets that are packed with the Xenomorphs the goal is to assemble as a pack and follow the leader in order to become blooded last but not least we would also like to add this here that the training can be carried out even by the parent it does not have to be another yahucha if you happen to be even the youngest member of the auja you are bound to have a title within their hierarchy this is the case of the aotea Younglings who are basically Predator babies and toddlers the Younglings who are also known as sucklings are initially seen spending a majority of their time alongside their siblings and mother with them entering their teenage years they are seen taking their very first steps towards the Predator rank trajectory do not judge them by their size they are often seen partaking in combat and hunting trainings most of them have great observation skills and are seen having immense respect for their elders but there are also some amongst them who have an aggressive and rebellious nature looks wise they have short dreadlocks and tend to be quite lean and smaller in size the yo Jae younglings are not given any body armor and are seen depending on basic weapons for training purposes foreign well that is all for today and with this we finally come to the end of our video here so which prior to rank from the ones mentioned do you fancy the most and why we would love to know your thoughts in the comment section down below also stay tuned with us as we promise to come back with more exciting content till then goodbye and have a nice one [Music] thank you
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 29,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nq2IdnFlnD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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