30 Days Of Glory Service: 12-7-2019 | Day 6

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precious name and every believer says a powerfully that is what is thought what is thought so we can say that salvation is a teaching salvation is a teaching now we have the experience of salvation where a man is saved the word Sozo whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved that is the experience of salvation when a man is saved and has the experience he receives the gospel and he is saved much of the 16 verse 15 going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved the experience of salvation and that's what many people can relate with does they experience but there is the teaching of salvation there is the teaching of salvation and what we're dealing with is the teaching of salvation all right when the teaching of salvation is you know brought to the believer or brought in a Christian it helps the believer to understand the experience of salvation it helps the believer to understand the experience of salvation or it explains the experience of salvation so the word here is doctrine teaching or what is taught teaching or what is taught all right now there's a word also called Adachi which is a particular teaching a particular teaching the Dutchie right in a Greek where he says that they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine that is teaching the Dutchie what is taught or like you use the word the subject matter they continued steadfastly in the subject matter they had the experience of salvation but then the doctrine which is the subject matter is explained today is explained to them from the scripture so the Duchy is what is taught or dead Scalia the subject itself of salvation demands patience the subject of salvation demands patience of teaching it generally demands patience you can rush it because as a subject matter you can rush it you can you can't learn it in bits and pieces you have to learn it holistically you can't rush that subject in second Timothy chapter 2 verse 24 second Timothy chapter 2 verse 24 it for me and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men up to teach patient up to teach then patients opt to teach the word up to teach is the word able to teach able to teach then gentle to all the servant of the Lord must be gentle to all than patience that what is key patience that's even the way you yourself understand you can only understand the Scriptures taught to you by being patient so the same way it takes patience for you to understand is the way it will take patience for you to teach it thus patience required because if you are not patient you can do it well there are times people ask you questions like they do me sometimes and you will not answer them you will not answer him there are times people ask you questions and you not answer because the answers you give them may confuse them when you look at them at the level where they are it may confuse themselves better to leave them like that where they are and give them some more time to patiently grow and learn and then when they grow and learn they will find that eventually all their questions are answered by understanding are we still in the building yeah even Jesus in the book of John chapter 16 verse 12 look at the way Jesus Oh say it in John 16 twelve I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now I have many things to say not many things to know I already know but insane it to you there are things I cannot say to you now because you cannot be Adam so there are times people ask questions instead of answering their questions I will tell them get sotiria one get Soteria for they think i am looking for how to sell material no there are questions you don't just answer the person has to painstakingly go through the process of teaching he goes through the process painstakingly and patiently follow explanation upon explanation dismantling concepts rearranging them breaking down complications and simplifying them until the passing pumps into understanding it takes time it takes patience you can rush it that's why if you try to answer some people's question you will find that their questions never end they the questions will be producing questions because they lack the basic foundation from where the answer is coming so they have to if they are genuine if they are not just looking for how to make trouble or how to ferment trouble or how to just argue if they are genuinely seeking to know and you refer them to a material if they believe you could answer their question and you didn't and you refer them to a series of teaching if they are serious they should go back and sit down and follow that series there are many times people who were in a hurry to ask me questions when I add them to wait let me finish my teaching maritime I'm through with the teaching they don't have the question to acts anymore because scriptures explain scriptures are we teaching here scriptures explain scriptures why the Bible it the contextual material that has to be painstakingly studied contextually very important so Jesus steadied the way he talks in fact it shows you are up to teach when you don't answer every question it shows that you are up to teach when you don't answer every question when some questions you refer the people to detailed explanation when some questions you refer the people to detailed explanation that's if you pay attention carefully every subject we teach from this pulpit is a series every subject is a series every subject is a series we go fundamentally we deal with all the loose ends we take all they're not naughty scriptures with this and them we open we open so it takes hours that's why you see some series 26 part 1 to 40 but 1 to 60 it's not to intimidate you it is a amount of time you need to patiently follow the explanation so that you are thorough in understanding I will together in this house yeah so a teacher that is even up to teach doesn't answer every question there are questions you just refer people to go who are genuinely serious to go and look for the series and sit down and pin stick secondly learn and study being up to teach involves patience and it involves gentleness look at 2nd Timothy a-game chapter 3 verse 15 he takes second timothy 3:15 and that's from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so now if you do not study contextually you will think that Timothy just buried in the Bible understood salvation you will think that Timothy just took his Bible Saturn at home lock the door and understood salvation because he says from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make the wise on salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus but to be able to understand clearly what happened to ver verse 15 we have to read the pretext in verse 14 give me verse 14 of the second Timothy three but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them so Timothy had to be taught somebody taught him continue thou in the things which thou has learned there was a learning it's not as if Timothy used to study a lot on his own studied about nonono things you have learned the world learn is the word man ma Matano Matano in the Greek Matano used 21 times used for a disciple that is you have been disciplined you have been disciplined so continuing the things you have been discipled or discipline in that is somebody was responsible for Timothy's learning of salvation somebody was responsible Timothy didn't just carries Babu you know some like some people who who who who just speak carelessly and they just say you don't need a pastor you don't need a charge Jesus is your pastor and you are the Church of Jesus those people are Rascals they don't understand scripture there are understand Scripture somebody was responsible for Timothy's learning somebody was so continuing the things you have been discipled or disciplined in look at it first image each of the two verse 11 first Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 let the woman learn in silence with all subjection there is a word they are silenced you cannot learn with talking you cannot learn making noise you learn in silence your teacher can be talking and you're talking no somebody has to be the teacher and somebody has to be silent to hear two people can be talking at the same time and they are learning so let the woman learn in silence the word silence we're learning is concerned second Timothy 3:7 ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth so there are people who are learning forever and they have never been able to come to the knowledge of the truth but they are learning so something is wrong with their learning I know they are not silent when learning and then they are not silent when learning or they are with the wrong teacher and then the attitude to learning is wrong or the teacher teaching them doesn't have the right stuff it's one of the two titles chapter three verse four titles three four but after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared to what man appeared so when you see that terminology use it is used for someone receiving instruction now so pay attention from a child you know of whom you learned you know of whom you learned from a child the word from a child is figurative is figurative it doesn't mean as an infant no is figurative is the word proposed in the Greek b r EP h OS brephos used for baby or young child use for baby or young child you will see that word applied in Luke 141 baby look 144 baby the word brephos you will see it again in Luke 2 12 and 16 for further study look to 12 and 16 you will see in Luke 18 15 then you will see again in acts 7 19 the word brephos is for babies or young child or children infest P touch of the two of us to use it as babes so it seems to say that from a child which is spiritual even though he was a young man but from a child a spiritual child that is from F hood as a believer from infant hood as a believer you have learned the Holy Scriptures that is from the time you got born again you'll search yourself down under a teacher to teach you the Holy Scriptures from the point you were born again infant hood to maturity are we still in the building so that is what he meant from spiritual babyhood brephos news by peta infest p-touch of the two of us to brephos read for me first Peter 2:2 as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that he may grow thereby all right so he is talking about how Timothy was mentored from spiritual baby stage to majority as newbomb babes desire the sincere milk no just desire milk but desire the sincere and a qualifier the sincere milk note every milk is sincere if every milk milk is sincere he won't put the qualifier he will understood as newborn babes desire milk but he puts sincere to distinguish sincere milk from insincere milk which will mean that if what you're receiving is in sensible human group because you only milk that you grow thereby with it is sincere milk we still in the class sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby so notice when he says from when you have known the Holy Scriptures he knew the Holy Scriptures from being taught somebody talking you know same thing he told you in fact he was here again implied in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 2 and the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others all the same the same things you have a heard of me among many witnesses commit thou to faithful men who shall be ever shall be up to teach who shall be up to teach able to teach again so it's obviously something you have to learn if you are interested in teaching the Bible you have to be interested in being taught if you are interested in teaching the Bible you must be more interested in being taught because you cannot give what you don't have you cannot give what you don't have there is no competition in Bible teaching no competition and nobody owns Bible teaching no competition so don't be ashamed to teach the same things you have been taught done be ashamed as for competition the same things you have learned of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who are faithful men faithful men are not people that are looking for how to sound different faithful men are not looking for how to craft their own niche faithful men are people who are in a hurry to understand what they have been taught and carry it exactly the way it has been given to them and give to another person those are faithful men not dynamic men not charismatic men fateful reliable dependable men are those whom when you hand it over to them as soon as they understand it they handed over to others commit the same the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to honors the things you have learned how it's still in the class the things you have learned of me the same commit to faithful men so there's no competition in Bible teaching and no competition in Bible study can I hear powerful amen in this class now so we've been dealing with the death of Jesus the death of Jesus and we have come some distance but we are we are just scratching the surface now we said that the law of Moses did not require the death of Jesus did we say that is that very clear can I get some living yes in this class is that very clear all right number two we also said God did not require the death of Jesus here establish that God did not require the death of Jesus so it was not God who needed Jesus to die it was not God who needed Jesus to die God's love is unconditional Jesus is the gift of God's love Jesus is the expression of God's love Jesus is the demonstration of God's love Jesus is God's love dispensed Jesus is God's love revealed Jesus is God's love manifests Jesus is God's love to us man an expression of God's character and disposition we are mankind is concerned so Jesus is God's love made manifest to undeserving man Jesus is God's love manifests to undeserving man for God so loved the world God commanded his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners undeserving undeserving Christ died for us he does be unnoticed short but gave him up for us all gave him up betrayed him into the hands of his enemies that word gave him up is a Greek word for betrayal he handed him to his enemy gave him up to die for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things Jesus is the expression of the depths the width the length they the breadth of the love of God made manifest to an undeserving man who is still in this building so therefore Jesus is a gift of God's grace Jesus is the gift of God's grace so now look at this what is God's role in Redemption what is God's role in Redemption since God did not demand Jesus is dead jika does not meet Jesus is dead G God does not require Jesus his blood and God does not require offering and sacrifices so what is God's role in Redemption listen carefully whatever the role is in Redemption it must be in tandem it must be in synched with his character whatever role God played in Redemption it must be in tandem or in sync with his character his role cannot contradict his character and his character cannot contradict his role so his role must be consistent with his character so the role of God in attention will be will be will be unveiled via the instrumentality of his character the role of God in Redemption will be unveiled through the instrumentality of his character he can't be different we cannot have a bipolar God who has two personalities no we can't there is no shadow of turning with him he is consistently constantly constant he never changes the same yesterday today and forever so his role in Redemption must be in sync with the character revealed to us of him his role in attention must be with the character revealed to us of him remember when we looked at Isaiah Isaiah said it pleased the Lord to bruise him but in our exigencies we discover that it was not the Lord our bruising is a true it was not the Lord that bruise him and we went through several scriptures both in the Gospels in Acts and in the epistles that established that it was not the Lord that bruised Jesus all right now but you must remember of course you must remember that the Old Testament prophets because of the nature of the operation they didn't have enough light so they couldn't differentiate between man Satan and God so they jumbled everything and it affected the way their prophecies came out so that is why we where we when we are total media prophecies the word auto Tomeo means rightly divided so when we cut a path through their prophecies we sift the adults we sift Satan and then we remove God's path to decide is call rightly dividing not just divided by divided right Otto Tomeo cutting through a part so in their processes we have to rightly divide their prophecies because they had little light and we have the whole light they had little light but we have the whole light so we follow Jesus statements about his death in acts the epistles and nobody mentioned God is a true nobody so God's role therefore must be in sync with his character if Jesus says in him is light and there is no darkness at all those of you that the sciences in school you know about the Curie of absolute the theory of absolutes that when a room is absolutely cold there is no atom of heat and when a room is absolutely hard there is no atom of coldness so God is absolute light not an iota of darkness no darkness in him at our absolute in him was life and the life was the light of men and this light shines we're in darkness and the darkness could not interpret it Douglas couldn't comprehend it the darkness couldn't handle it God is absent light that is his character only life is in light in him was life and the life was the light light life no darkness no death life light no darkness no death are you still in the building no darkness no dead so God cannot be involved in Ted at all at all so his role in Redemption must be in tandem or it must be together he can't change in Redemption there must be a consistency so we must not read his role with the lenses of Moses we can't use the lenses of Moses to read God's role in Redemption because Moses had two lenses one for himself and one for others so we can use his lenses so let's look at Hebrews and do some investigation of God's character in Redemption let's look at the book of Hebrews and investigate God's character in Redemption where is the first place we will look at his role in Redemption the first place to look at God's role in Redemption will be in a character called a bell a bell in studying of course you notice Oren in discharge you take Genesis and you use the epistles to explain Genesis you take Genesis which is the mystery you use the best tools which is the apocalypsis to interpret the mysterio Romans 16:25 first let me lay that foundation Romans 16:25 read for me not to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel my gospel gone and the preaching of that piece nakai rule of Bible interpretation that is the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery the word revelation is a greek word apocalypse is the unveiling according to the unveiling so the preaching of Jesus must be according to the unveiling of the Mysterio there magan emerge again we bring apocalypsis on mysterion to uncover what is him mysterion that does that the mystery was given to cannot on cover officials chapter 3 verse 3 look at the way brother Paul who put it officials chapter 3 verse 3 how does by revelation he made known unto me the mystery so it is revelation that met mystery to be known how that by apocalypsis he made known unto me the mystery on as I wrote afore in few words whereby when you read you may understand come read in verse 4 already you may understand my knowledge in the musterion of Christ so it takes apocalypses to uncover mysterion by revelation I know mystery Old Testament mystery New Testament revelation by the deletion New Testament I know mystery Old Testament so the New Testament unveils explains and interprets the bold Testament I cannot understand the Old Testament buried in the Old Testament if I look at the Old Testament all as his mystery Jesus concealed so I look at the Old Testament we are in New Testament glasses Jesus revealed I use the reveal Jesus to all level the concealed Jesus revelation of the mystery revelation of the mystery the preaching of Jesus according to the revelation Romans 16:25 according to the revelation of the mystery now where is the mystery which was kept secret since the world began the mystery is that which was kept secret since the world began so watch this in studying you take Genesis and the epistles will explain it so in Emma's case an animal was offered please listen very well an animal was offered so we are going to hold Genesis chapter 4 and we will read Genesis chapter 4 with the Spirit of Truth in the epistles will read Genesis chapter 4 via the Spirit of Truth in the epistles so his brother killed him I mean email look at the statement made by God Genesis 4:10 give me Genesis 14 and he said what hast thou done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground what has doubt dawn the blood the voice of their brothers bro blood crieth unto me from the ground hmm now without any exigencies look at me and without any explanation is that vast literal read it again listen carefully and he said what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground with that exegesis without interpretation is that verse literal it can be literal blood does not cry from the ground so that means that vos has to be carefully studied that vos has to be carefully studied all right now if anywhere ever L went to show he went to show the moment he died he went to show he couldn't have been in the ground crying he went to show so what do you mean by the voice the word voice is a Hebrew word Kol qu l qu in the Hebrew the word ground is the same Hebrew word for Adam Adama Adama Adam means Adama Adama means earth adam Adama Cole is taking from suck suck PS a a q PS a acusa which is to appeal to add form from the ground or to add form from mankind to ask for from Adama Adama Adama mankind to ask for from Adam so the voice of the brothers bro brothers blood appeals from Adam it appeals from Adama could it be that the voice of his blood was saying kill Kane for me no that cannot be that cannot be so hold that interpretation of call an Adama keep it somewhere let's flip to Hebrews 11:4 Hebrews 11:4 by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh now you wouldn't have seen faith in Genesis chapter 4 there's no faith there it would take the best tools to see that there was faith again faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen by the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Abel offered by the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain how by the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen by faith in so you will not see reality on the scene reality happened about 6,000 years after so what will you see whatever you will see will be figurative whatever you will see will be figurative so faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen we are in ever-so in FL and I know my youngest yeah no no liébana kuratas in ml we will see a substance of things ml is open for and in evolution evidence of things not seen in email by faith by faith offering unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain of which he obtained witness of which he obtained witness that he was righteous God also testifying of his gifts and by its him being dead yes wicked we are in God testifying all right so what did God testify off Barrett or life life which life dead speakers he is not speaking as dead but as I was dead then he started speaking alive the monologue ajaja are you still in this building God testifying of his gifts halia what is in God life God testifying of his gifts L by H the gifts even though he was dead yet in the testimony of God he was speaking life life him being dead yet speaks that our life so the gift of a bell was it dead or alive okay a life his gift speaking was it dead or alive alive what he offered God was it dead or alive he offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice a more excellent service him being dead yet speaketh who died Abel who spoke who spoke his gift his gift okay in this version the sacrifice Abel offered to God was it dead or alive alive same statement why because it is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so efforts that you see it you the animal you are acting spiritually dead it was not about the animal just like it was not about Isaac bozo Guyana so it was not about the animal as much as it was not about Isaac if you are young Sunday and if you're not I get the message you know healthy because we're going to get into more of that you know God already told you that sacrifice and offerings he has no pleasure in them did we see that so look at Hebrews 12 24 now we want to look at that word speaks Hebrews 12 24 read for me and see Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel no no no are you still here and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh that words wicked is the same word for testify testify is material in the greek ma te reo material is to say or give evidence of to say or give evidence of was his animals became no so what was not seen on that scene what was not seen on that scene talk to me was the animal of a bell speaking did we see the animal the aware the sacrifice was brought was the animal seen what was on the animal that was not seen faith now faith is the substance of things the evidence of things what was on the animal that was not seen say it was gear man when I'm talking to you that our tongue because I know well ago no I forbid it you can't be in this class and be looking at me like a zombie no your eyes are enlightened receive revelation no there's enough light all it is just pay attention and make up your mind you seeds so the animal was there but there was an unseen teen on that animal which God saw what was that faith substance evidence animal not seeing failed so hold on faith is the substance of things of or evidence of things not seen so what gets substance to him was the passing of Jesus what gets substance to him was the passing of Jesus look at that Hebrews 12 24 again read it and see Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel in study in Bible study where you see a name like a bell mentioned twice in Hebrews twice until you read the second mention you may not become human you may be confused is the second mention that makes it clear for you so let's go over it Hebrews 12 24 I mean 22 staff from 22 to 24 yes but he are come unto Mount Sion and unto the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels next to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect 24 and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel let's deal with the word the blood of spring clean Leslie with that word the blood of sprinkling is from a Greek word rant isthmus rant isthmus is reh reh n t is MOS rant is moss but I used it twice after pita the only person I use it is the writer of Hebrews who used the verb the verb of rant is moss in first Peter I want to put it up first Peter I want to read for me elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied sprinkling onto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ now you know a noun from the verb so the writer of Hebrews used a fer ranty so rant is o Rh a.m. TI z o rant ezel is the verb for rant is Moses rant is o Hebrews 9 13 Hebrews 9 13 read for me for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh so now you know why we went to first Peter I want to cause he was talking about Jesus so the other person who spoke about blood of sprinkling talking about Jesus's Peter because the blood of sprinkling was under the Old Testament but this reference was in agreement who taught Peter say so look at Hebrews 9 13 again read it again for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sacrificed to the purifying of the society fire to the purifying of the flesh ranty so is to cleanse to class give me verse 19 of Hebrews 9 please pay attention 9:19 4 when Moses had spoken every precept and all the people according to the law he took the blood thousand of goats with water and Scarlett's wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people he sprinkled bought the book and all the people verse 21 now pay attention to 21 21 moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry he sprinkle blood but a tabernacle and all the vessels 22 and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission so he uses the word cleanse so we can call it the blood of cleansing is used to mean that whatever it touches is made new the blood of cleansing the blood of cleansing that speaks better things than that of Abel the blood of cleansing what is the blood of cleansing what is the blood of cleansing what blood cleanses Jesus so the blood of cleansing that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel what is that the blood of who the blood of sprinkling is the blood of cleansing is the blood of Jesus that speaks better things okay so let's look at the word better things let's look at the word better things it was also used many times in the book of Hebrews he expects you to be you see when it was using it in 1224 he expected that you shouldn't have read the book from chapter 12 the writer of Hebrews was now using it carelessly because he expected that before you arrived at chapter 12 you should have read from chapter 1 and by chapter 12 you should have understood what he means when he says better for example together are you still in the building better things in hebrews hebrews 1 for hebrews 1 for being made so much better than the angels as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than he he is made better than the angels on the land award better better than the angels why angels so much later unless you see that angels were involved in the giving of the law they were involved in the giving of the law so jesus is made better than the angels Hebrews 7 7 and without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better the less is blessed of the better on the lam better Hebrews 7 19 or the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh unto God but the brington in of a better hope on the land better you see the way he sees him better Hebrews 8:6 but now has he obtained a more excellent ministry but how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises covenant Hebrews 9 23 it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices their heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices Hebrews 10 34 for you had compassion of me in my bones and took joyfully the spoiling of your Goods knowing in yourselves that he have in heaven a better and an enduring sub a better and what made it better is that it is enduring what made it better is that it is enduring then Hebrews 11 16 but now they desire a better country that is unheavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city they desire a better country meaning now to heaven limit reality Hebrews Allah 135 women received their dead raised to life again and others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection of 10 a better resurrection meaning a spiritual resurrection Hebrews 11 40 God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect so did you see better that is very commonly used in the book of Hebrews now so when you get the word better in the book of Hebrews he expects you to have been following its usage better will be that which case that which lasts or a completion that which takes that which lasts or a completion that is something started from here but it is perfected here something started from here when it is perfected here the perfection is called better now better will be the end of another thing better will be the end of eternity because he says this was started this was concluded for lack of glamour he uses better it's not a comparison it's not a blood of Abel and the blood of Jesus which is better it's not good better best is that is a something like that good better best or better better better which was good better best so no better data better yes so is very comparison no what it means is this started this ended the priesthood this priesthood that priesthood meaning this priesthood and their dad priesthood now we communicate here that's the word better the Ministry of Jesus ends that of the Angels so in Hebrews 1 shut up and retired angels he retired them his arrival ended the ministry all right then Hina retired Moses he retired Aaron he retired the promises he ended them does the use of the world better other people used it first Peter 3:17 second Peter 2:21 first Corinthians 7 9 that one is funny brother Paul said it is better to marry than to burn so better is from one end to another better than that of Abel is not making a comparison notice better than that is italicized better than a bell better than ever is the way it is in original that of Abel is traced to Hebrews 11:4 not Genesis Hebrews 11:4 because he expects that you read Abel from Hebrews 11:4 and that is what we will do here so the word better is from the Greek word three words put together the first one is Playtone Creighton kre ITT om taking from place on KR e i SS for n then the explanatory term is Christos gratis pose care I care RM t is TOS Creighton taking from place own and the explanatory term is class this toes better is used to distinguish better by this explanatory term is used to distinguish by resume look fine because you can't distinguish a bell from Jesus so a bell state is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen which means Ethel's faith and hope Christ a bells faith and hope was Christ so in using better claisen is better explained by Pratt ystös which is to distinguish but they say better word there Dan Christo's is the word proposed crotteaus grottoes deals with achieving a desired end that is you are going to achieve a desired end better things than that of that is this one is going there the other one wants to go dia but cannot go dia but as long as if held on the other one came and retired this one and got there the blood of Abel retired the blood of Abel in shadow and God dia in substance Jesus the author in ever and the finisher in his finish work of faith am i communicating here so ever by faith offered ever by the substance of things who depended ends of things not seen are fat and animal which could not get there so Jesus the better blood this blood of sprinkling the blood of cleansing retired a bell and completed his job in the substantiation of his shadows are you understanding speak it better things than that of Abel hmm when he was going to retire the angels he said are not all these ministering spirits and for to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation was going to retire Moses he said Moses spoke of another prophets that means Moses is not the final and not that is coming if a Moses is a prophet like unto me shall the Lord your God spring and him shall you hear in all things anyone I will not hear you shall be destroyed I am a prophet but there is a better profit what he means is my prophecy is to point to the other who is the main deal I'm just a shadow of him and when he comes what he says is final so if he says anything that contradicts what I said to her where my own and take his own he is the main deal I am just a shadow are we in the building please pay attention I'm almost done for to do not with the subject we're just warming up we know so in using better he is saying this one is pointing to dear Aaron points to Jesus using better it comes from one end to another look at that what Kratos is implied in Luke 1 3 at 23 26 acts 26 25 so the blood of cleansing which speaks better things that is it is reaching an expected end the blood of cleanser the blood of Jesus then Dan Dan is a word from from is the preposition from that of a bell so from a bell we see that where they were racing towards an expected end that's why if you read Hebrews 11 39 now it makes it Clara Foss put it up and read it very loud for me Hebrews 11 39 and he's all from a bear down having obtained a good report through faith received not the problem did he receive the promise because what they had was for the real deal received not the promise so he started with Abel and his saying from the blood of Jesus is the better that started with Abel so Abel's blood is Jesus's blood so Abel's blood is Jesus's blood Jesus's blood is the better of Abel's blood Abel's blood is Jesus's blood Jesus's blood is the better of Abel's blood so Abel's blood is not the anima and as blood is faith Abel's blood is this not seeing it was not seen Jesus's blood is seen so the better of what is not seen is the blood of Jesus that is seen the better of what is not seen is Jesus's blood that is seeing is not a comparison is to measure his distance is to measure a distance that is it started here but when he got here it raised to his end is to measure a distance this is how it ended so Eva's blood and every other person ml became the beginning of that very description by faith faith in the blood of Jesus so Abel's faith was in what was not seen but Jesus blood is seen so what is better than the blood of Jesus nothing so that is the blood of Jesus in a bells faith the blood hey hey okay the blood of Jesus in a bells faith was not seen the blood of Jesus teaching good the blood of Jesus in a bells Faye it was not seen but now it is better so now you can look at Hebrews 12 24 and Hebrews 11 39 and 40 and you can say the same thing they just say in the same thing okay in closing Hebrews 11 39 read for me 39 and 40 and these all having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise they didn't receive the promise they had shadow they died without substance Abraham looked for a city whose builder and maker was God he thought it was Canaan when he came to Canaan it was not the city he died and never saw the city but you are come to Mount Zion the city the city the city the city that Abraham diabeetus seen but believed and saw afar does the city where you started is called a heavenly Jerusalem why it was authored in Abraham or taught in email finished in Christ so Christ is a substance of Abel's faith and Christ is the evidence of a best-fit not seen in the animal but in the animal was faith in Christ gave us a God which Christ today retires the animal and becomes the completion of that fish I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here so look away from Abraham look away from a bell look away from Moses look away from Isaiah look away from Jeremiah look away from David look away from Hosea look away from Amos look away from Jonah look look unto Jesus the author and finisher of faith don't forget we are still investigating God's rolling redemption we have not finished we only paused we continuous on the facade a stand of the sonographer in the service so now for Jacques le bord Agha are you standing or you're still finding it difficult to stand Hannibal I've not finished with you young woman Nando low to be Anna where's joy Reza is you see here or she's in this way you're going to read for her okay verse 14 verse 14 verse 14 he actor verse 40 okay she came back in a hurry don't leave your job until it is over it's not over until it is over my dear verse 14 God having provided some better thing what did God provide what is better permanent lasting enduring God having provided some lasting and during permanent Tim for us the day in the shadows without us in the substance should not be made perfect in Mehsana I am NOT dancing that that it does that it wants to dance the table dance I'm not praying the evidence that the Germanos are an apprentice player david wants to play a bass player there without us why we have the better what is the better the scene the scene which could not be seen India on scene faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen they didn't see we have the scene that was not seen India on scene you didn't hear what I just said so what they look for is what we have shot a mentor dad now we're going to look at ever more a little more and arrive at God's rule they will look at Noah who look at a few of them because we must we must doctrinally detailed contextually intelligently and intellectually figure out the rule of God in Redemption say here you because if it is what God has done for you you must know it very well to defend it even in the dream you must know it from every direction so that when questions come from any corner you can stand there and do exigencies I hear you shout a powerful amen and I decree and declare because you are in the real deal whatever does not look like the finished work of Christ expires right now barriers are broken obstacles are taken away in the name of Jesus sickness and disease rusticated your body is made whole your mind is renewed your spirit is retired you are equipped with lights in the name of Jesus and I declare sir a man is coming like thunder receive great grace receive grace for grace in the name of Jesus your steps are ordered by the Lord enjoy the abundance of grace enjoy the fullness of grace enjoy the fullness of grace Reina life Reina life Reina life Reina life Reina life right in Jesus precious name and every believer says that Amen on a note of finality can I get a minute Oh finally now go ahead and celebrate the better thing you have in Christ is the celebration provide that some better team for us we are not in the shadow we're in the full light glory to God I say in the full light so general support let's keep walking in the lights let's get walking in the light let's keep walking in the light let's keep walking in the light nama shadows let's get walking in the light nama shadows let's keep walking in the light somebody's shot Laura hi don't get me too happy otherwise people will not remember their way to their houses tonight I feel this you know about this bill I fill it up my legs I fill it up my I fill it up my rise somebody shot Laura a man what they look for we have the fullness of his fullness have we all received grace and for grace a man get a good offering let's give tonight and rejoice those of you watching on TV Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter wherever you're watching all our campuses grab an offering let's give in honor of what Christ has done for us amen don't put a full-stop on your note just put pause amen hallelujah father we give out of the generosity of our hearts the understanding of our minds and the willingness of our spirits we give in faith we give a joy we give with gratitude and we give out of the abundance of of our liberality tonight that our offerings rise before you a sweet smell and we thank you for the privilege of making a difference in the advancement of your kingdom on the earth every need is met in this house in Jesus precious name and every believer since a powerful amen hey guys we're living you guys now keep your own sad is going on in your homes keep celebrating and don't forget to connect with us Sunday morning facade is 8:00 a.m. GMT +1 second service 11:00 a.m. GMT +1 tomorrow there's no service we want you to go through all the teachers from last Sunday now tomorrow so that Sunday when we add on on eat you are fully ready to take the next dose but we love you guys spread the news share the videos you know tag people on do with the videos invite more people to the platforms you know create your own watch party just less less less create a buzz on the internet there are such a tease us of this conference on my Facebook page take them drop them in whatsapp groups take them throw them everywhere let the internet not just be full of negative news this is good news to get on the Internet every platform pushes out there less Raju the internet with the good news of the redemptive plan of God we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day and people as let's celebrate viewers around the world praise God [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,931
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Id: bk9UR7-YLtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 25sec (4405 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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