30 Day Women’s Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Challenge (Full Meal Plan & Guide)

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this time it's time for a women's challenge and i wanted to focus on intermittent fasting for women because so many questions come up and there's just not a lot of information out there for women that want to intermittent fast so let's do this as a challenge together this way i can provide live coaching throughout the month we can make it really fun so just so you know if you're coming to this video later you can still follow along you don't have to do the challenge during the month of september 2020 like this is going live you can do this whenever okay but for those of you that are watching right now we're going to have live coaching broadcasts that go along with this meal plan on september 7th september 14th september 21st and september 28th those are all mondays okay so the time isn't determined just yet but the point is those days we'll have live broadcasts that you can always view as a replay later okay so what we're going to do here is we're going to cover four different phases of fasting and the reason that i've done this is because if you're new to fasting you should indoctrinate yourself in a little bit easier especially as a female just because you have to be a little bit more cautious with specific hormones and things like that so we'll touch on that a little bit later i'm going to keep the science a little bit out of this video i know everyone likes it but i don't want to make this too dense and i don't want it to be a very very long video i do recommend that you get some of your fasting essentials from thrive market they help help sponsor this challenge as well so there's a link that you'll see down below in the description that's underneath this video that'll take you to thrive market they're an online membership-based grocery store so you can get my fasting essentials i have a fasting box a keto box and all that stuff and you can get groceries delivered right to your doorstep and some of the snacks that you will find useful during this challenge as well as the bone broth that i recommend you break a fast with you don't have to use them but i do recommend because they're great prices and they're a big supporter of this channel so check them out after you watch this video to make it a little bit easier but before we get into anything if you're new to this channel please please do hit that red subscribe button and then please do hit the bell icon to turn on notifications the internet's leading intermittent fasting channel and we've got new videos dropping daily so don't miss out all right i will start with a little bit of science just because i want to outline why fasting actually works very very well for women so if you're on the fence this might help may push you over a little bit okay the journal of applied physiology published a study that showed that women are more sensitive to what are called the lipolytic effects of adrenaline when you are fasting the primary way that you're burning fat is via the activation of adrenaline okay it's your fight-or-flight response because you're in a stressed situation because you're not eating turns out that that adrenaline really revs up fat burning it just turns out that women are more responsive to the specific fat-burning effects of adrenaline so hey who would have thought right so very very good women also have what is called a higher intramuscular triglyceride content which means that they have fatty acids that are readily available for energy more so than men meaning men have to go through another stage of sort of transition before the fats are ready to burn whereas women have them essentially ready to burn and have a higher plasma level of fatty acids circulating at any given time so women are primed for fasting the thing is we don't want to fast too long too early out the gate so what i have here i have four phases of fasting okay so week one we'll be doing a little bit more frequent fasting but with short fasts normally not a fan of frequent fasting but these are so short it's okay we're gonna do five 14-hour fasts in week one then in week two we're gonna taper down we're gonna go down to four 16-hour fasts and then we're gonna push the envelope a little bit more in week three we're gonna do three 18-hour fasts and then week four we're going for the gusto with alternate day fasting where you're going to fast every other day and i'll explain this this is going to be a very effective program if at any point you feel like it's too much feel free to back off i'm not a doctor this is for informational purposes only this is for you to experiment with always consult a physician if you are concerned or you're questioning anything okay so let's go ahead and jump into week one okay you're gonna do five 14-hour fast it doesn't sound like a long fast because it's not but we're introducing you to it so you're gonna stop eating at eight pm and then your first meal would effectively be at 10 am that's 14 hours i want you to work out as close to the end of your fast as you possibly can so if you can work out at 9am and be done at 10am and then eat all the best that would be the best i want you to break your fast with the following four ounces of a low fat protein at this rate it can be any kind of low-fat protein i'm really okay with i'm okay with chicken i'm okay with lean turkey lean beef lean fish any lean protein the alternative would be one scoop of pea protein powder with almond or coconut milk unsweetened please okay so that's how you break your fast but it's not a long fast so we don't need to be super granular with it one hour or 90 minutes later somewhere in there you're gonna have a larger meal now listen to me very very carefully here this meal i'm keeping low carb but this is not a low carb protocol and i'll explain more it's not a low carb protocol you don't have to be low carb to do this but i am keeping this meal low carb because what it's going to do is it's going to allow us to have a carryover effect from the fast the fast gets us into that fat burning mode if we don't spike our insulin a whole lot we actually can carry some of that fat burning mode over into our eating window as well okay so four to six ounces of lean protein i don't care which kind of lean protein it is try to go for high quality though half of a medium avocado uh one cup of cruciferous vegetables so we're looking broccoli we're looking uh cauliflower we're looking bok choy brussels sprouts okay one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil on top of the vegetables this is not going to be the most exciting meal but it's going to be effective okay then i recommend seaweed snacks for women because it's going to get you some of the iodine that you need okay iodine is going to help support the thyroid and if we're starting to do some fasting we don't want to stress the thyroid three hours later an optional snack preferred low carb any of the snacks that i recommend from thrive market that are in my box would be perfect seaweed snacks anything like that just no more than 200 calories please uh 6 p.m dinner 4 to 6 ounces of a fattier fish now it doesn't need to be high calorie super high fat by fatty fish i just mean like a sockeye salmon or maybe a halibut that has a good amount of fat in it maybe a chilean sea bass you could also go for some shrimp okay shrimp is going to be very very good because shellfish is going to have the zinc it's going to have the manganese it's going to have the phosphorus it's going to have the minerals that you need that you sometimes get depleted with with fasting 67 ounces red potatoes hey what do you know see when i'm not doing low carb i typically get most of my carbs from potatoes okay i like them they don't affect my stomach bad they're not a grain which can seem to have different effects there's no gluten in them i like sweet potatoes red potatoes white potatoes in this case red potatoes taste really good with fish season them up with oregano some thyme whatever then mixed greens do not add a bunch of salad dressing to the mixed greens i'm okay with a tiny bit of oil and vinegar but i'm not a big fan of mixing a bunch of starches and fats at eight pm you're gonna love this dish i'm gonna explain it once and then you can use it any night throughout okay at eight pm you're gonna take almond milk you're gonna warm it up and you're gonna add one to two tablespoons of unsweetened baking cocoa like just straight baking cocoa powder okay and then you add two tablespoons of coconut cream or coconut milk out of a can the high fat stuff and a little bit of stevia and you warm that sucker up and you've got a hot chocolate that is actually pretty high calorie the reason i have the calories in there is because i want to bring the fats back in i don't want your calories to be too low because this is relatively low calorie overall now let's move into week two okay so by the time you've done this for seven days you'll move into this and the nice thing is we'll have live broadcasts that you can ask questions about each given week it's going to be great and very systematized that way and if you're coming back to this video later on you can check in the description and we'll post the links to the live broadcasts so that you can see the updated information as we go through this challenge okay four 16-hour fasts so effectively you'll probably have two days that are back-to-back and the other days can be staggered however you want to sequence it just please do not do four days in a row i don't recommend that okay you're going to stop eating at 8 pm your first meal is going to be at 12 p.m black coffee tea is okay at any time during your fasting period with any of these okay work out any time in the morning it doesn't have to be at the end of your fast as i know you can't necessarily work out at 11. it's the middle of the day but if you can great break fast with the following five to six ounces a little bit more protein five to six ounces of lean protein 1.2 or 1.25 scoops of p protein we're adding a little more protein plus i recommend bone broth you don't have to but i do recommend it it does help the gut it does help draw some of the water into the gut to help the digestion then one hour later versus 90 minutes okay you're gonna have a nice juicy good tasting burger if that's what you want okay a large lettuce wrap burger enjoy it two tablespoons of mayo but i said non-soy don't get low quality best food stuff that's made with soy get a good one like sir kensington's or primal kitchen also stuff that you can get on thrive okay a quarter of an avocado a little bit of the good fats there guess what you can do two slices of organic good quality bacon if you want it enjoy it have the burger then greens of choice okay so a little salad on the side maybe some broccoli whatever two hours later a 200 calorie snack of your choice if it wants to have carbs in it have carbs not gonna stop you okay the big thing here is we're shrinking the time in which we're eating time restricted feeding i'm not too worried if you want to have a little bit of some carbohydrates there if you want to have some crackers or something that are clean as long as they don't have gluten in them i'm not going to stop you okay 5 30 to 7 pm anywhere in that window you're going to have dinner in this case you're gonna make a bolognese or a scampi okay so you could do uh six to eight ounces of ground chicken or ground beef uh and then you do one cup of what i would prefer to be lentil pasta or chickpea pasta if you can't get your hands on that regular gluten-free brown rice pasta will be fine one cup cooked not one cup raw optional you can make a scampi so you just sub that out for six ounces of shrimp and maybe use a little bit of garlic instead of the marinara and things like that then any amount of zucchini or portobello mushroom on the side go to town on it you're not going to hurt my feelings if you want to have it because you're already having carbs 8 pm mummus which is that beverage or fat snacks cookies or some kind of low carb treat that doesn't have sugar in it fat snacks are good cookies just because they're technically keto friendly and you're going to eat a couple of them you'll get a couple hundred calories and you'll feel like you're having a good treat all right now we're moving into week three okay we'll have again a live broadcast with that but now you're only fasting three times per week now let me back up for one second what are you supposed to do on the days you're not fasting this is very important right on the days you're not fasting here's the cool thing just eat as you normally would i know it sounds weird but the thing is i want these strict days to do the work and i want you to have sustainability with this i do not want you to go and indulge in a bunch of ice cream and a bunch of sugary treats i think you know better than that but relax a little bit if you want to have a little bit of gluten-free pizza or something like that i'm not going to stop you the point is i want these days to do the work we're working with the benefits of fasting now i know and i say in my videos yes you should be eating clean on your non-fasting days okay but i want you to remember this as being something that was effective and sustainable okay so week three you're only fasting for three days but they're more aggressive fast with a very clean protocol on the days you're not fasting go ahead and let your hair down a little bit but still work out still be clean you're going to stop at 8 pm your first meal is going to be all the way at 2 p.m long fast right coffee tea okay you're going to break your fast like this 1 cup of bone broth if you can't afford bone broth because i know it's not always the cheapest thing it is the most effective in my opinion you could sip on a little bit of regular broth okay 15 minutes later after you have the broth five to six ounces of lean poultry not fish not beef in this case i want thiamine which is going to be in poultry it's going to help you out with overall glucose uptake later on so just trust me on that poultry or you could still do the pea protein again optional one to two teaspoons of bee pollen relatively new research in a video i put out basically it can help support the immune system but it can also help support and replenish the b vitamins you lose during a fast so a little bit of bee pollen is a good good call here's the thing no snacks on this day okay so you break your fast okay then you're just going all the way until dinner you can see we're only doing it three days a week but it's aggressive okay it's much more intense because you're breaking your fast at two but then you have to go a few hours and then you have dinner okay it's tough but it's only three days out of the week the other days you can relax okay eight ounces of lean protein do it cobb salad style have some fun three slices of bacon on that sucker two good old-fashioned eggs bump it up to three if you really want a handful of goat or feta cheese you can do another cheese if you really want to but these are going to be the lowest impact in terms of the best quality casein proteins one ounce of macadamia nuts crushed on the salad trust me it tastes good or you can try peely nuts which i highly recommend three tablespoons of a good quality ranch again primal kitchen or one of these brands that isn't using a bunch of soybean oil look on the label and avoid the soybean oil all right then we go to 8 pm you get to have dessert okay one of my little tricks uh you're gonna take six to eight ounces of unsweetened greek or bulgarian yogurt unsweetened no flavoring and you're to add a scoop of your favorite protein i don't care if it's whey protein i don't care if it's pea protein in this case not as big of a deal a little bit of stevia make it a sweet treat that is your high protein meal before bed not right before bed but at least later in the day i know it seems like a late time to eat but there are some interesting studies that show that protein synthesis does seem to increase if you have a little bit of protein before bed so i'm all for that okay remember the next day you're going to be eating ad libitum pretty much as you normally would now we get in to the fun day week four is intense okay but it's effective and now we've incrementally improved your ability to fast all the way to week four where we do alternate day fasting just like the name implies fasting pretty aggressively one day then eating the next day fasting eating fasting eating it's a great pattern to be completely honest alternate day fasting you're going to stop your eating the day before between six and seven pm this time okay six and seven pm you're stopping eating a little bit earlier have a little bit earlier dinner then you're gonna fast all the way until dinner the next day okay so it's going to look something like a 22 to 24 hour fast pretty long so how you break the fast is going to be important in a minute you're going to eat ad libitum okay the other days eat as much as you want eat what you want but come on don't do what i know you're thinking you could probably get away with okay be responsible it's just when you look at the study models you look at how effective it is add limits of eating they usually don't end up eating as much as people think they would work out as close to dinner as you can because i want you to try to be super fasted okay i know it's not always possible if you have to work out in the morning that's fine but if you can work out towards the end of your fast in the afternoon during this week wow you're going to see some cool results there on non-fasted days still try to work out early in the morning in a fasted state so break breaking your fast excuse me one cup of broth plus the bee pollen which is optional 15 minutes later you're gonna have a protein shake probably just pee protein okay don't do the lean protein because you're about to roll right into dinner in a minute so just do a little bit of protein i just want you to break your fat strategically get the gastric juices going so the idea here is broth then a small amount of protein just to get the gastric juices going before you have a larger meal so you don't have gastric upset okay so then 30 minutes later you get a mix and match okay you can pick any of these and have some fun with it you can make a salad you can do whatever okay eight ounces of either chicken turkey or beef seven ounces of either salmon halibut or cod uh seven ounces of shellfish so shrimp scallops whatever or ten ounces of greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder in it your fats you can choose from any of these two ounces of macadamia nuts or peeling nuts one whole avocado five big slices of juicy bacon 15 pork rinds three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or three tablespoons of ghee not all of these you mix and match pick one or pick half of each one and kind of mix and match okay it doesn't sound that glamorous and it's really not but this is your aggressive day you fast it all day eat clean and guess what tomorrow you can enjoy some more food okay you're kind of going back and forth a little bit fasting aggressively with some good intense good clean measures and then the next day relax okay dessert on this day you can do the fat snacks cookies that i talked about or you could do the yogurt treat that i talked about plain and simple and by the end of this trust me you will feel good you will have gone from a 14 hour fast all the way into training yourself to do alternate day fasting it's perfect i think it's really going to work well for you but again this is for informational purposes only i look forward to seeing you at the first live broadcast where we can ask questions and i can answer them straight up in front of you live but even if you're not live you'll still get the benefit out of it so excited for this challenge let's make it happen this september and really rock and roll and get in the best shape of our lives don't forget to check out thrive market down below in the description and i'll see you tomorrow for another video
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 121,817
Rating: 4.9612699 out of 5
Keywords: intermittent fasting, fasting, fasting challenge, fasting for women, women fasting, intermittent fasting women's hormones, fasting women's hormones, intermittent fasting women, fasting women's health, fasting for females, intermittent fasting challenge, how to fast, how long to fast, when to fast, thomas delauer, fat loss, weight loss
Id: W_4qYZvgSTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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