3 Ways to create the AUTOTUNE vocal effect in Cubase - "Play" your voice LIVE on the πŸŽΉπŸŽ™πŸŽ™πŸŽ™

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[Music] [Music] pitch pen just works oh yeah oh yeah hello everyone and welcome back on this video i'm going to show you how to create the famous autotune share t-pain hartoon vocal effect in cubase and i'm going to show you three ways that you can do this very easily and i'm going to show you how you can also do this in real time while you sing on your microphone and you're playing the notes on your keyboard like you saw at the beginning coming up [Music] [Music] let me show you the first way i have a vocal right here yeah baby i'm there [Music] but tonight just for tonight okay now before we do anything you know what i want to do i want to lay down some music very quickly i have backbone here and i have a nice sub bass [Music] okay so let's create some nice music so that we can hear this in context right [Music] and now maybe some nice roads with vibrant [Music] i mean you know let's have some nice music to play on top of and now i'm going to show you the first way that you can do this okay so let me explain a little bit what is autotune autochin basically was created by a company called antares they created the first auto-tune plug-in and the original reason why you would use this plug-in would be to correct vocals okay if something was a little bit out of tune it would bring it to the correct note but quite a few producers started using this effect creatively so they used a really hard tune effect with really fast transitions so that you don't have any space between the two pitches you know so if you sing something in between b and a there's nothing in between if you're in a minor for example so you get this really robotic cartoon effect that everybody knows by now so let me show you how you can do this in cubase way number one you can use a plugin for this and the plugin that we have in cubase that allows you to do this very easily is called pitch correct and this is the one i'm going to show you what are the correct settings so that you can get this effect so let's say i want to create this autotune effect with pitch correct all you need to do is make sure that your speed is at a hundred so all the way up and tolerance is at zero why do we need to do this because speed determines how fast the transition between nodes is going to be what tolerance does is it changes the sensitivity of the analysis which means that if you have a very low tolerance it won't take into account small fluctuations in pitch like vibrato or some bands now with tolerance you can maybe play a little bit around and see what sounds best to you because it might have some interesting effects if you just move this slider up and down but what is even more effective is if you change the scale source from chromatic to an actual key so if you know the key that's very easy if you don't know the key you can still try out the notes and see what works for you in this case i know this is in a minor so in this case i can go minor and a and as you can see i have some notes here now i know already that this is not going to work because this note she doesn't hit those notes let me show you [Music] okay so that's not quite right so instead what i can do instead of going minor a i can go custom and now i can say okay let me show you custom and now what i can do is i can select the notes that i want to hit the only note that i allow this vocal to hit so i'm going to go like this [Music] and if you hear that a note is not right try adding it for example this f i didn't add it but i need to add it because it wasn't right [Music] okay so you can play by ear even if you don't know about scales or music theory you can come up with the right notes if you just listen okay now the other thing that you can do is you can change the format preservation here now if you want a very synthetic sound you can turn this off and this will give you an even more kind of synthetic uh you know autotune effects [Music] another thing that you can do if you want to create this really kind of synthetic effect is play with a shift parameter here check it out [Music] okay so that's how you can set up pitch correct to do the autotune effect it's very very simple and actually what i do is i save this as a presets you know you can go here save this as a preset and then you can use it and reuse it again if you want to get this sound the next way that you can do this is by using vario audio so let me show you let's get this vocal i'm going to deactivate pitch correct now and let's go to vary audio and activate it okay so we click on this and now we have all the notes now there are two things that you need to do in order to get this effect it's very very easy with vari audio okay you select everything control a or command a if you're on a mac and then you go quantize pitch okay this will bring all the pictures to the correct place then you just need to use the straighten curve slider and go all the way up see how these become from these nice natural pitches you go to straight lines okay and then if you play it back [Music] let's do this one as well very quickly i'm gonna do exactly the same thing see super simple super easy you don't even have to sweat [Music] see if you want to correct that it's very easy just go here and now all i need to do is just go to the bottom here see my cursor becomes a scissors tool you just click on this and then maybe here and this was like a e-f-e-f-e okay okay and now i can do this and of course with various you can do all crazy things that you want okay so you can instead of f you can go you know i can go g instead [Music] you can do whatever you want and you can of course change the format as well for all these notes separately so you can go to the bottom left corner and then change the format okay and let's do something like this and you will see that we're going to get a very interesting effect now [Music] you know we can completely transform this vocal and it's so so simple so easy and so fast now i'm going to show you how you can do all these things that i showed you in real time while you're singing with pitch correct okay let's go here i have a little bit of a different arrangement here [Music] and let's say now that i want to do this audition thing live while i'm singing in the microphone and you don't need to be a singer to do this actually which is really fun so i'm going to have a vocal and i'm going to add pitch correct okay there we go now here's the trick in order to set this up you do exactly the same thing that i showed you before so speed 100 tolerance zero but here you set your scale source to midi note external midi note okay this is very important you do this and you're done half of the job is done now the second part that you have to do is you want to create a midi channel okay this is one of the things that you need to have a midi channel instead of an instrument channel okay they still have uses you know so let's go midi okay we got a midi track and this i'm going to call it pitch correct control okay now you need to select the right effect okay in this case i have my vox live channel and i have the pitch correct plugin and it's this one see i have quite a few of them but this is the one so that's what i want to control and i'm showing you something that's a little bit more intense most of the times you'll have one option there but here i have quite a few because i've added quite a few effects like this and now all i need to do is record enable enable monitor control and now every node i play here it's going to control my voice so let's listen to this so this is how it sounds without me playing on the keyboard okay now i'm going to record enable my midi track and there we go we're in business oh yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah baby you know how it goes it's that sound you know if you want that sound you can get it so what you need to do is you need to record enable your midi track and then you need to activate the monitor button for your vocal channel okay where you're going to record your vocal yeah yeah you can do the [Music] that autotune you can do everything you want even the pitch pen just works oh yeah oh yeah you can do some soloing with your voice oh yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] yeah yeah let's change the form and preservation off and see how this makes the sound it's so different you can make it like a [Music] chunk [Music] of course all these you can do while recording as well let's do it now [Music] okay and now that i've done this i can even edit the notes after the fact let's listen to it [Music] so now if i want to change the notes check it out okay let's say i want to make this a [Music] you know and you can do whatever you want with this you can even have multiple tracks you can duplicate them and have harmonies so you know there are quite a few ways that you can do this and i love the fact that this is all built in i don't have to worry about loading an external editor or doing anything weird in order to get this going this is so fast so if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and subscribe subscribe subscribe [Music] thank you for watching for watching i'm sure you can do it better than me [Music] [Music] see you on the guys one see you on the next one
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 41,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autotune in cubase, autotune in cubase 10, pitch correction, vocal processing, hardtuned vocals, vocal processing plugins, trap rap autotune live vocals, autotune trap vocals, auto tune trap vocals, auto tune trap vocals cubase, auto-tune, auto-tune effect, auto-tuned sound, auto-tuned vocals, auto-tuning, t-pain, t-pain effect, t-pain sound, t-pain vocals, realtime vocals autotune, dom sigalas, dom sigalas cubase, dom sigalas cubase tutorial, vocal production techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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