5 Ways To Widen Your Vocals | Cubase Secrets with Dom

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hello everyone dom here in this video i'm going to show you five ways five techniques to make your vocals wide in cubase even if you only have one single vocal available let's get started so let's get started i'm going to use a single vocal take and i'm going to assume that we don't have any backing vocals or any alternative takes to make this take wider so let's have a listen stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now okay this sounds good obviously it's completely mono let's say i want to make this wider the first technique that i'm going to use we've already talked about in the previous video and that's the hass effect so what i'm doing let me open my channel settings is i'm adding a stereo delay plugin on the channel and i'm using these settings so what am i doing here the left channel remains untouched so it's all the way to dry and the right channel has 25 milliseconds of delay it's all the way to it feedback to zero and panning all the way to the right so let's have a listen stay with me all night i wanna know your inside touch on me now stay with me all night i wanna know you inside touch on me now so as you can hear the vocal now completely pops out of the speakers it's super wide to be honest with you i would use this effect sparingly in pop tracks if i wanted to highlight some phrases you know when you have a single vocal in the middle and then a specific phrase spread out so that it pops out maybe this shouldn't be used in the lead vocal as a rule but it's great if you want to make some parts of the vocal shine so maybe you can duplicate the track that has the lead vocal and on the second track you can add this effect and only use it when you want to let's move on to the second way that you can make your vocals wide and this is using a reverb with early reflections ambience so let's listen to this i have my vocal right here and i'm sending this as you can see to three different sound effects in this case we're going to check out the vocal widener so this is just an effects channel in cubase stereo and i'm using the revelation reverb so let's have a listen and i'm going to pull my fader up so that we can hear what happens when i start introducing it stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now so what i'm doing here is i have this revelation reverb all the way almost all the way to early reflections i have a very very short pre-delay and i'm using this to add this sense of width to my vocal now in order to make this work even better what i'm doing is i have some eq settings on my channel settings here so what i would do is i would probably filter this i'm removing some of the low mids and some of the mids here so that the frequencies don't clash with each other with my lead vocal but i'm also adding quite a bit of top end i'm going to add this effect sparingly to make this vocal super wide so again let's play it and let's see how it sounds stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch so you hear the vocal sounds really spacious and wide but you can't really put your finger on what is it exactly that makes it wide it doesn't sound like a reverb because it's just early reflections but we're using the width of these early reflections to incorporate a little bit of whiteness to our vocals now another thing that you can do is you can add a stereo enhancer after the reverb to make this effect even more pronounced stay with me all night i wanna know you inside touch on me now stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now now let's listen to it in the context of a mix [Music] touch on me now [Music] so you can hear it's a big difference and it gives you this typical pop vocal sound so that's the second way let's move on to the third way that you can make your vocals wide and that's a plugin that we have in cubase called cloner and this is a really powerful plugin it allows you to have variations it allows you to duplicate the signal and you can have it spread across the panorama you can detune it you can delay it so you can get the sound multiplied but you can also have an incredible spread so let's have a listen i'm using this on this vocal now as an insert effect but i like using it as a scent effect as well so let's have a listen first let's listen without it stay with me all night i wanna know you inside touch on me now and now with it stay with me i wanna know you inside touch on me now so this sounds a little bit like an echo most of the times i like playing with the delay values here and coming up with different sounds on me now stay with me all night and as you can see here i'm using just two duplicates of my voice you can add up to four let's have a listen i wanna know you inside touch on me now stay with me all night i wanna know you inside touch on me now so you can tell it's a really really powerful tool and all you need to do is just experiment with the detuning the delay the humanized values here you can also have a dry and wet mix of course if i use it as a scent effect i like to go all the way wet so that i don't have the original signal in there but even as an insert it works really nicely today would be [Applause] so it can give you a completely different flavor compared to the hass effect now let's move on to the next technique which is really really interesting really simple and this is by duplicating your vocal channel a couple of times so as you can see here i have the original vocal and then i just duplicate it a couple of times if you want to duplicate any channel in cubase all you need to do is right click and just hit duplicate tracks so now i have three copies of the same track now check what i do here first of all i'm going to emulate the hass effect so for the first channel i'm panning it all the way to the left okay and for the second channel i'm panning it all the way to the right so for this one maybe i want to have a delay of 30 milliseconds and you can set the delay per channel here in the inspector really powerful too and you can miss it very easily then if i go here i can have 25 milliseconds of delay so let's have a listen stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now now one of the things that i like to do is add a little bit of eq different types of eq on the left and right duplicated channels and this will also give you like a pseudo stereo effect but another thing that i like to do which is really fun is i like to create this modern pop style effect with this duplicated channel so what i do is i add a pitch correct instance on each one of these channels and then i transpose one down one octave and i shift it a little bit and for the other one i transpose one octave higher and then i'm shifting a little bit as well so now let's listen to how this sounds and you can have multiple variations of this effect you can use pitch shifting you can use compression you can use eq you can use all sorts of effects to create interesting results let's have a listen stay with me all night wanna know you inside touch on me now stay with me all night and this i keep low in the mix i don't want this to be too obvious let's have a listen [Music] you know maybe a little bit of distortion maybe a little bit of reverb to these vocals you can come up with some really really cool stuff now the fifth and last way that i want to show you today to widen your vocals is use modulation effects as effects channels so as scent effects so i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to pull down these faders and then i'm going to go to my vocal and i'm sending this to this effects channel here and as you can see i have several effects here i have an auto pan i have the cloner i have the phaser but in this case i'm going to use the auto pan a little bit let's listen to how this sounds i'm going to pull this fader up and we can hear how this sounds with the autopan effect as a scent effect this time [Music] again this is taking the vocal and it's moving it left and right i wouldn't use this all the time for my vocal because it can be a little bit annoying but for some interesting effects you can turn the raid up and you can create some really interesting almost like rotary effects so let's have a listen [Music] [Music] so you can see the sound goes left and right and that's in addition to the lead vocal it gives you this kind of strange effect i wouldn't use it all the time i would use it sparingly i would just use it as a synthrow but you can also turn up the rate and you can use it for more choppy more rhythmic effects let's have a listen [Music] again because you can automate this fader here this you can use it sparingly when you see fit i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to turn off autopan now and i'm going to do the same with the phaser and this can also add a little bit of movement and a little bit of interest to your vocals make them white at the same time [Music] [Music] and of course if you want to use the phaser make sure that the special control here is turned all the way up so that you can get this width for your vocals so these are five ways to make your vocals wide in cubase there are way more but i think that with these you can create a really wide range of special effects even if you have just a single vocal to work on i hope you enjoyed this and i hope i see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 20,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vocals, 5 ways to widen your vocals, Cubase secrets with, vocal recording, vocal production, producing vocals in Cubase, improving your vocal production, single vocal recording, making a mono vocal recording sound wider, mono vocal recording to stereo, Cubase, DAW, music production software, music recording software
Id: Sx4Ufn38CTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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