MultiTap Delay MEGA Walkthrough #cubase #multitapdelay #stockplugins

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back dom here and on this video i'm going to take you through an in-depth walkthrough of one of the most inspiring creative and powerful plugins in cubase the multitap delay intro so in order to show you what the multi-tab delay can do for you i've prepared a couple of takes i did some guitar takes i have some vocals here very very simple stuff because i want to show you how interesting the multi-tab delay can make your material right it's one of those plugins that you can fit in the most boring material and you can come up with something that's really interesting and inspiring so i'm going to start with this very simple guitar loop very very simple so i'm going to open an instance of multi-tab delay and what i'm gonna do i'm going to try and explain as many things on the multi-tab delay it's a super super deep and sophisticated plug-in i'm blown away to be honest with you that we have this in cubase because i've spent so much time on delay plug-ins and sometimes some of the delay plugs that i bought they don't even have half of the features that the multi-tab delay has actually i don't know of any other plugin that can do all the things in one package like the multi-tab delay so the fact that it was on a 0.5 update that's really cool okay let's get started the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to play this and i'm going to try and explain the sections of the plugin right [Music] okay this is what you get when you first insert your plugin into your inserts of course you can use it as a send effect but in order to show you all the things that i want today i'm going to use it as an insert because it's going to be more manageable so what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you first this section and this section right here this is a really really important part of the delay sound that you're going to get out of the multitap delay so i'm going to go here play this back and let's try and hear what kind of delay sounds we can get before we get into the taps so what i'm going to do is i'm going to set the mix to i don't know 30 percent and let's play it [Music] now if the feedback is too much we can just reduce the feedback right here this is you know a very common parameter that you find in pretty much all delay plugins and let's uh see what we can do with this controls here okay now as you can see there are many characters for the multi-tab delay we have the digital modern we have the digital vintage the tape and crazy now all these different modes come from tweaking these parameters right here you can call them presets okay but what i would say is that if you want to get to a very very quick sound they're really really useful for example the digital modern this sounds to me like a tc2290 reverb the same with digital vintage it's kind of different variations tape it sounds like a tape delay and crazy it has a lot of modulation i'm going to show you all these things don't worry so let's see what we can do now it's a very clean sound the only thing that we have is a low cut filter and a high cut filter and we also have this damping parameter this will make the delay sound a little bit more dark okay it will remove the high end frequencies which is something that most of the times you want in a delay you don't want the repeats to be exactly the same it sounds really digital and sterile um but you might be looking for that kind of sound that's fine you have all the controls there if you want to do this so let's try the controls one by one saturation does exactly what it says it adds a little bit of saturation to the sound a little bit of warmth and it makes it sound a little bit more analog it's great if you want to achieve this kind of tape delay sound okay let's try this [Music] it's great if you use it with the damping okay so if you add a little bit of damping and you say okay i want my high cut to be around let's say i don't know 4k let's make it really dark you will hear that now the delay is going to sound a little bit more dark a little bit more analog let's try this [Music] see it doesn't sound so harsh and so bright like if you leave all these controls out now another thing that's really really cool when you create your delay sounds is these two controls here this can add a little bit of pitch modulation to your delays so that it sounds really organic again the two 290 could do this and of course if you have a tape delay it's it's a part of the sound let's try and see what sounds we can get out of this i'm going to add a little bit of width so this determines how much modulation we can get out of our delays and the frequency is how fast we're going to modulate the sound let's try it [Music] okay so you get this really interesting modulated sound now if you want to go completely nuts with it you can activate the extreme modulation here and this basically will make your sound completely psychedelic and you can create some really interesting almost synth-like textures let's let's listen to this [Music] okay you can create some really really cool stuff i like using this control subtly so that i can add a little bit of organic quality to my delays and um yes i tend to leave this off unless i want to go for a you know very specific spacey kind of effect now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a little bit of mix and turn the special control here all the way up this will make our delays wider right so let's play that see even if we haven't added any more tabs it already sounds really stereo now i'm going to show you one of my favorite things in this section and this is the sample rate reduction and what this does is basically it emulates these digital delays and to my ears what this does is emulates this sound of the digital delays of the 80s so it has a specific sound it reduces the sample rate and it sounds a little bit more gritty a little bit more 80s let's try this let's see how it sounds without it and then i'm going to compare with all three modes okay it sounds pretty clean but of course i have a little bit of high cut right there and the dumping now let's go and reduce the sample rate in half in quarter you also get these really cool effects when you switch it while it's playing let's listen to this [Music] let's listen to the delay only [Music] okay and 1 8 [Music] i don't know about you guys but i love this kind of sound it sounds really really lo-fi if you go down to 1 8 and it's it gives you a very different texture to the original sound it sounds almost like you have a separate layer and i love the fact that we have these three options again this is something that i haven't found in many delay plugins actually i cannot think of any plugin that can do this so easily and with such precision so i always welcome these controls now let's move on to this section which is basically the core of the multi-tab delay and here is when you can add your tabs when you can select your feedback you can also select your delay time you can sync it you can unsync it you can choose the output you can specialize it like i showed you before so you can make it wider you can change the mix and you can also use the docker and if you don't know what a docker is basically what it does is when let's say you have a vocal and you have a delay when your singer is singing then the delay will just go down in volume it will get compressed somehow okay the volume will go down and then when your singer is not saying the delay line will go up so that you get this nice spacious sound but at the same time your vocal remains focused and it doesn't get drowned in all those delays in my opinion every single delay should have a docker it's the most important thing in a delay i'm looking for this feature every time otherwise what you have to do is you have to add a compressor to your delay send effect and side chain into the vocal it's a little bit of a hassle and sometimes it doesn't work as well this docker works amazingly so i'm going to show you how it works let's uh take this guitar again and now let's go and add some tabs to the sound what you can do is you can activate this top rhythm here and then when you tap on this you can start creating different tabs here so the best way to do this is if you tap while the material is playing this is when you can get a real feel so let's play it so let's say i want to do something [Music] let's do it [Music] see you know if you sing it i find that it's it works better okay um and of course if you're not precise which is totally normal i wasn't very precise here at all uh you can always go and quantize check it out boom and now they're quantized in 16th notes and i can change the grid i can say i want to quantize with on eighth notes or 32nd notes and all these things so let's play it now [Music] so i can move these things around very very easily like this and i can add more manually i can say i want to add a couple more maybe here and maybe these ones i want to turn them down in level okay so let's go like this let's go like that and maybe this one i want it to be a little bit lower in level let's try this now [Music] maybe i don't want this one i'm going to turn it down or just or just remove it okay now let's try and make this a little bit more interesting let's make it a little bit more spacious i can go and click on this section right here which is the panorama section and now i can pan every tap individually this is extremely powerful let me show you so let's go here first up second third tab and let's say i want to start from the left channel the right and then go back left like this and let's listen to it now [Music] see already we have a very rhythmic effect and of course if i want to i can randomize it i can create random tabs you can also change all these settings to create some really interesting randomization effects i'm not going to go very deep into this uh you can experiment on your own now i want to talk a little bit about the docker as i said i find this a very very useful feature and in order to show you this i'm going to use a vocal because it's a little bit more obvious when it comes to vocals and let's play this i have this little word here again you can see we have this nice rhythm pattern here so what i'm going to do in order to make you understand what these controls do is i'm going to first play this vocal here okay let's play this vocal first without the docker let me pay you wanna leave this town [Music] okay i mean you can hear that it's it's really confusing when you have the vocal and then you have also the delays it's a little bit of a mess so what i can do is i can turn up the docker amount and now you will see that when the singer is singing the delays will go down let's listen to it let me pay you want to leave this town [Music] okay really really useful really straightforward how fast does it go back to normal volume you just set the release time if you want it to be a little bit slower you can set it to a higher value if you want it to be really really fast which will be a little bit unnatural but it's a special effect you can have it really really fast down to 10 milliseconds okay so let's go quite slow and let's create like this ramp where the delay goes up let's try that let me pay you wanna leave this town let me pay you wanna leave this town it works very very well it's very effective and it's great when you want to have these long tails at the end of the song or maybe at the breakdown and all these things great feature now the next two controls are really interesting this one a race delay line i find especially creative let's take this um you know what i'm going to play just this little word okay and check what happens when we use the delay the erase delay function [Music] okay so what it does is it erases the delay line and it only grabs from the point where the ducker stops working and it creates those really interesting almost stuttering effects these nice choppy vocals check it out it's really cool i mean let's try the whole vocal with this and let's see what it does let me pay you want to leave this town [Music] let me pay you wanna leave this town so as you can hear the delays don't start from the point where he says tell me babe it starts from the leave this town where the darkest star stop working now the second control what it does is it suppresses the feedback so it affects this parameter when the docker is working now let's move on to the section right here the loop effects and this is where things start to get crazy and really creative with a multi-tab delay this section allows you to add effects to your delay okay there are a few plugins in the market that do this but the flexibility that you have here is unreal let me show you let's say i want to add a little bit of distortion to just the delays of this guitar so i can click here add module and then i can add all of these effects in series okay so i can say i want to add overdrive and let's listen to how it sounds now [Music] okay just nuts let's add another effect let's add let's say a phaser [Music] now seriously for guitars the multi-tab delay is a godsend because you can have all these stompbox style effects in one plugin incredible phaser let's say i want to add maybe um i don't know like envelope [Music] filter [Music] following this i would i mean there are so many effects i'm i cannot show you all of these i mean that we have bit crusher we have pitch shifter which is super cool delay you can add delay to your delays well uh auto pan flanger vibrato filter overdrive frequency shifter reverb gate let's try a reverb in this case [Music] [Music] and with a docker let's remove the envelope filter and let's just have the reverb [Music] really nice spacious sounds okay now i want to show you something else i'm going to reserve some of this for later on but i'm going to show you the auto pan i like the auto pan a lot check it out so cool let's add a bit brad on top of this [Music] yeah i mean you can play for ages with this let's add another one let's add like a frequency [Music] shifter [Music] you can rearrange the effects you can do whatever you want you can add up to six this can be so so so much fun so what i'm gonna do now is i'm going to erase all of these and i'm going to jump to the next section okay which is the top effects now imagine the top effects is pretty much like the loop effects but they are are you ready for this per tap so which one of these tabs can have their own effects it's crazy i told you it's crazy so let's you know what to make this even more interesting i'm going to add a couple more tabs now let's get crazy let's say i want to add you know we have the modules here as well and i can say i want to add the pitch shifter okay and as you can see we have all the tabs right here but the way to access all the different tabs and to feed all those effects to the different tabs you can go to tab parameters right here and you can say okay i want to affect the pitch shifter okay and maybe i want to affect the format per tap okay so let's try and say i want to have the format on the first top like this [Music] let's take care of the detune now see all the parameters of that specific module that specific plugin that's built inside the plugin is available here in the drop-down so pitch shifter and i'm going to show you what happens when you add more pitch shifter and all the parameters of pitch shifter are there detune formant and we also have the format preservation which is right here see everything is right there so now i can say i want to change the detune for the first one maybe i want to have it like and high let's make it something completely crazy [Music] [Music] so so it can get really really crazy let's add a reverb to these and again when i add another one see now we have a drop down menu i can affect the pitch shifter or i can affect the reverb and for the reverb i want to say i want to access my time and i'm going to make the first one super long and the other one's a little bit different and maybe i want to also change the size a little bit like that maybe for the last one i'm gonna have a huge reverb and let's see what it sounds like now now let's turn the mix all the way up it's crazy and one little tip if you have a plugin that has many parameters like this one like the envelope filter you can use the parameter link here and you can change multiple tabs at the same time in different modes this one is absolute mode which means that if i have something like this they will follow exactly the same parameters all the tabs if they have this one if let's say i have something like that see they keep the relative values like this so it helps a lot when you want to program your delays like this so see that's a difference so that's relative and that's absolute okay as a last thing i'm gonna go to this vocal and i'm going to create a sound a really atmospheric background with this vocal and for this one i'm also going to add the post effects now what this does is it adds even more effects to your multi-tab delay so after the loop effects after the top effects you have the post effects that can add effects on top of everything that you've added before so there's nothing that you cannot achieve with this delay there's so much power this contains like so many algorithms in there that it's unreal so let's play this and i'm going to add some cool colors to this vocal so i think for the vocal i'm going to add a pitch shifter i'm going to add a frequency shifter and maybe a little bit of delay as well so let's try this and see how it sounds tell me babe you wanna leave this town i'm saying love it if you wanna go i'm [Music] and now let's say i want to wash all of this delays into a nice reverb i can go to my post effects go here reverb and now maybe i don't want any pre-delay i just want something long so to recap what i've done to this vocal let's forget i turned the loop effect off because it was just too much and in the top effects i've added a pitch shifter that has different parameters for the format per tap we also have a frequency shifter that has different parameters for the shift we added a delay per tap and on top of this we added a post effect which is a reverb okay so let's listen to what we have with this very simple vocal okay let's listen tell me babe you wanna leave this town [Music] i'm saying love it if you wanna go on down [Music] and why don't we try and erase the delay line when the docker hits we're going to get a more focused result now tell me babe you want to leave this town i'm saying love it if you wanna [Music] this place keeps killing our dreams this whole place behind [Music] amazing and just a fun preset that i created with the multitap delay i'm going to show you this settings as we go let's listen to [Music] this [Music] foreign [Music] i mean it cannot get any cooler than this multi-top delay if you're not using it guys i hope this video convinced you to take a look it's one of the most amazing plugins ever made period so there you go guys this is the multi-top delay this is by far one of my favorite plugins in cubase i try to show you as many things as possible this plugin is literally a program in itself and you know it's impossible to go through every little thing that we can do but i hope this gave you a good idea of what it can do for you and i hope you go to town with it so if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up it really helps subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and if you have a fellow cubase user that want to see this and you think that they would find it useful or entertaining or super geeky please feel free to share it until next time have fun and i'll see you the next one guys bye
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 16,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dom sigalas, cubase stock plugins, multitap delay cubase, multitap delay plug-in, cubase 10.5, valhalla, new features in cubase 10.5, cubase tutorial, delay, delay plugin, best delay plugin, crazy delay effects, ducking delay, tap delay, multitap delay plugin review, multitap delay, multitap delay walkthrough, soundtoys, echoboy alternative, dom sigalas cubase, music production, how to use a delay, cubase pro, Cubase 10.5 tutorial, sound design, cubase pro 10.5
Id: oiGhyuSdbfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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