3 Warning Signs From The Divine | Universe is Always Speaking to You [DO NOT IGNORE!!]

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so every day the universe is speaking to you or at least trying to speak to you in that busy mind that you have in the busy schedule and usually it's either giving you a sign for something that's about to happen which is good or it's a warning sign that you need to be careful of and today we're going to uncover three of the most common key warning signs that you don't want to ignore but before we get into it show reel hit it [Music] what's up guys this is shirya kashner here namaste to all of you and in this video i want to break down for you the three key warning signs that the universe will send to you if you are not on the right path to getting to where you want to be right or maybe what the universe has planned for you and we're going to dive straight into it the first thing is through animals now you're probably thinking what does that mean through animals when you start seeing the step one the step two and the step three the three key signs you'll start seeing that it gets more and more intense usually it will start off with light um signs so it's almost like imagine a parent to a kid is like uh god to his child is like universe to you so in the same way if your kid does something wrong and you're trying to warn them you say hey don't do that and then the next thing is don't do it right and then if they keep doing it you probably run over and grab them and stop them from doing it so the three signs work in sequence that way the first sign is that um you may find for example it's very common that flies will fly around bees will come around and they just keep circulating uh going going around in a circular motion and going around you and they just won't leave and they just won't leave and you don't know why certain insects or if you go out onto the street one day you'll just have a random cat that walks towards you and starts following you or doug starts following you or something like that when animals come towards you and they won't stay away from you usually they're trying to get some attention to warn you of something because the universe or god cannot just come down and say hey by the way i'm god so it has to channel its energies through and usually it uses animals so that's the first sign the second sign is through obstructions so what that means is let's say for example you have your day planned out and you were going to do uh at 9am you're going to do this 10 then you're going to do this there 12 you're going to do that and then you keep getting obstructed and you don't know why then what happens is you rearrange your schedule you say okay let's do it tomorrow instead then when tomorrow happens another obstruction comes in then you say okay it's all right maybe we do it on monday next week instead and when monday comes another thing comes in place at that time you already know that you shouldn't actually reschedule for another meeting because it's that obstruction they keep getting in the way to try and stop it for you to try and protect you then moving on to the third thing which is probably the most dramatic thing of all is accidents now obviously nobody wants this to happen that's why it's very important when you start reading the first signs the second signs that you respond to it you don't just ignore the signs because if you keep ignoring the science and it gets to that time where the universe really needs to have your back and protect you it will need to create some accidents so maybe and we won't focus on this but just for an example um maybe you will injure your leg maybe you will fall over maybe you will maybe you maybe there's um some traffic accident maybe there's certain accidents that happen within you or the people around you and usually you'll see these things happen in sequence and if it comes to that point and you are still being stubborn and still being with your ego saying no i want to make this happen understand one thing you're trying to fight the universe at that point so if i was you with the creator the power of the creator that created us i wouldn't really fight it that's why it's very important to learn to just trust and flow with the universe that is the path of least resistance and you will always get to your destiny your calling in the simplest most efficient way so guys hope this video has been of use to it if it has please do hit the thumbs up hit the like button also comment below let us know where you guys have tuned in from that's always nice to know and finally if you're new to this channel and you haven't already remember remember to hit that subscribe button and the notifications button next to it that's a little ball sign by the way because this year i'm dedicated to making daily videos to hold you accountable to make it your best year yet but for now guys i'm signing out namaste ciao [Music] you
Channel: Master Sri Akarshana
Views: 475,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: signs from the universe, law of attraction, universe signs, the universe, law of attraction signs, warning signs from the universe, signs the universe is testing you, pay attention to the signs of the universe, raise your vibration today, signs of the universe, the secret, signs the universe is guiding you, manifestation signs, how to speak to the universe, universe is speaking to you, connect with the divine, speak to god, connect with god, master sri akarshana
Id: psHlTTf1bZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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