5 Unusual Ways to Talk to The Universe [These Really Work!]

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Namaste everyone today we have a very special video where we are going to be covering the five unusual ways for you to be able to talk to the universe now some of you may be thinking why on Earth do you want to talk to the universe well some of you may have manifestations that you want may have prayers that you want to be heard or may even have questions that you have to get more clarity and what if I was tell you that if you use the right methods actually if if you go deep enough you will actually receive the message even hearing the voice deep inside your soul to receive the big answer that you've been seeking for for a long time in this video we're going to break down the five unusual ways and the final final way is probably the toughest way but it's most effective to actually get the full picture and full response so make sure to stay till the end but before we get into it Show real hit it [Music] [Music] Namaste everyone this is Shri aashna here and in this video I'm going to break down for you five unusual ways to talk to the universe so you may be somebody who believes in law of attraction believes in manifestation or maybe has a slightly higher level of Consciousness and wants to be able to dive deeper with your practices with your meditations to be able to get that connection with the Divine with the universe with God and if you would like that then these five things I think will really really be able to help you as it has helped me and thousands of other people that I've shared these methods with around the world and these are methods also that some of them I learned from my spiritual Master on my journey up in the Himalayas when I was going through the pilgrimage and the initiation so we're going to break it down with the first unusual way is starting off with heart chakra Activation so why is this such an important thing well first of all we need to understand this okay if you take your palm please do it with me now you take your left palm place it over your heart center and take your right palm place it over your left and I'd like you just to hold it there and bring your Consciousness and awareness at your heart as you inhale exhale Just Breathe Into Your Heart exhale visualize your heart chakra actually activating okay while you are inhaling exhaling and focusing on this I want you to ask yourself the question do you feel a little bit of pressure building up at the heart Senter right now right maybe it can feel a little bit like something's blocking you from making your breathing a little uh more shallow than usual a little harder to breathe or maybe you're feeling some uncomfortable feeling there right if you are this is already showing signs that you are activating your heart chakra now why is it important for us to do this because when we activate our heart chakra what happens is it helps open up the energies it it's like waking up the energies and when it wakes up the energies the energies want to move now some energies will move out so there'll be a release some of you may even start crying or feel emotional but that's good just release and allow that to go once you have placed your palms there and you've come to peace with this energy meaning that it's no longer feeling pressurizing or uncomfortable it's past the chaos phase and it's now has a new order then we are now into the calm when you're into the calm that is your connection your Blissful feeling with you and the universe now how do we understand this well first of all um if we if if you watched any of my other videos before you will know that we always say emotions is energy in motion whenever you feel emotions or heart AE or any type of emotions you usually feel it here or in your gut feeling you call it and this is where we feel it it's predominent in this area here from your energy center to your heart chakra now energy and motion means when you place your palms here and you've cleared and cleansed all the pressure after the activation whatever you say because the energy is in motion the emotion whatever you feel is in the highest connectivity with the Divine energies with the collective Universal energies and that's why it's the best time to actually set your intentions or say your prayers or what you want after that Activation so that is Method number one now moving into method number two we have shasana some of you may have done uh some yoga practice with us before if you haven't joined us in any of the Yoga practices by the way you can click on the first link inside the description because we actually are running a free uh 11 day yoga for manifestation challenge right now and it's free for everybody to join you just click on the link uh below to be able to register for it now what is shavasana some of you will just call it laying down right it's also known as Corpse pose so it's when you just lie down your back is on the ground your head is on the ground your palms are upwards facing you're just lying flat okay now when you are lying in shavasana and if you bring your presence of mind and your focus here now what you're going to find is that there is a grounding and healing process just by laying there whether it's out in nature on the Solid Ground you will feel at peace you'll feel relaxed and if you really bring your consciousness towards what you are feeling in the present moment what you're going to realize is it feels almost like Mother Earth is wrapping her arms around you and hugging you you feel the natural forces or the natural pull of gravity the gravitational force that will pull you into the ground it's almost like you're melting and being protected this a very good way to connect and allow yourself to talk to the universe once you feel that connection why because your energies are being grounded through Mother Earth it connects with the whole earth energies and the whole Universal energies so when you feel that grounding and when you feel that relaxation at that moment in time whatever you want to say or pray for to the universe that is the best time to do it and it will be at the highest connectivity now the third unusual way to be able to speak to the universe is through tree hugging now probably not just how you know it as Tree Huggers people see like a lot of hippies going out there just hugging random trees and saying what that's speaking to the universe that's so woo woo so crazy okay but actually if you actually take the time I know may sound weird so to those of you who' never tree huged before by the way those of you who have tree huged before it would be nice for you guys to leave a comment below to at least educate the people a little bit the newbies who are feeling this is a little bit weird I don't know if I should do this or not and let them know your feelings and your experience of it because I remember my first tree hug it was a crazy crazy experience because I used to hear all these hippies do it and people do and I thought that's so weird why would you go hug a tree and then I remember there's one day I actually went to a park H this was in my early 20s and then I I heard people talk about it and then nobody was around so when I see nobody was around I thought hey you know why don't I just go and try and see what the whole deal is about you know so anyway I sneaked up to the tree and then I gave it a hug and you will never guess that energy I still remember till today it was so powerful I was astonished I just huged the tree and I felt like it was like whoo this surge of energy just come through me you know now I don't know if you guys know this but there's been a lot of research especially now um as technology advances now there's a lot of people who actually take uh and they can connect uh a monitor to the trees and you can feel there's a heartbeat there's a pulse so it shows the living organism of a tree and it shows also the emotional waves of the tree the energy in motion and so we know there's energy there but the powerful thing about a tree is if you hold it and just hold it and be present in a moment don't think about anything else but if you allow yourself that presence of Mind in that moment what you are going to realize is you're going to feel protected you're going to feel safe some of you will even receive healing from this practice you'll feel healed and grounded but also what it gives you it gives you strength and it gives you courage you know trees how strong they are how powerful they are they can go for thousands or even millions of years and the roots are drawn into the core of the Earth this energy surge moves all the way through this whole Cosmos and this whole planet and this whole universe and it's all connected that's why when you allow yourself to feel that connectivity allow the healing to happen allow the strength and courage to Surge through you but beyond that while you feel that connection allow yourself to take time to speak to the Universe through the tree speak to the tree and allow the tree to pass the message through its deeply roots to out into the cosmos into the core of the earth and out into the cosmos it's a very very powerful way also to manifest and set intentions now moving on to unusual way number four is ocean meditation now some of you probably seen if you are following the Instagram uh Channel by the way if you aren't following it make sure to follow it because I get to take you guys along my journey um there and you get to see the stories and what's going on and daily habits and daily rituals and things like that which will help you along your journey too okay I'm going to put the link for the Instagram somewhere around this video or inside the description so some of you may have seen on the Instagram channel uh around a month ago uh we had a light waria program where we had 100 plus uh members from all around the world powerful Souls come together for a one month intensive spiritual and mental physical training and during that one month what we did was we actually took the whole group out for ocean meditation we were doing mantras we were doing chants and we were connecting deep with the ocean okay in a lot of uh uh cultures or religions you'll see a lot of people do a lot of work with water praying with water but there's nothing more powerful than ocean because it's all connected I hope you're getting this from all of the points that we're saying right now that ocean when you go into the ocean it will give you cleansing it will give you healing but aside from that when you are in the ocean and you again allow your heart chakra to open up there and feel don't think right always remember your mind when it's consumed it stops the energy flowing when your mind is calm and there's no thoughts the energy gates open and everything is in flow so surrender your thoughts that's why in meditation we always surrender our thoughts no thinking and just allow yourself to witness the connection from your heart chakra through your whole energy body and the ocean become one with the ocean once you become one with the ocean again allow yourself at that moment in time to have the full conversation with the universe and you will be astonished by a lot of these Ways by the way because why because when you start asking questions you'll find that aners start coming when you start thinking about things you will find that inspiration and download start receiving these are all very powerful ways to help you have full conversations with the universe and if at those moments in time you ask then you shall receive the final method which is probably the toughest method of all but it's very very rewarding if you know how to do it properly is connecting or speaking through dream meditation or dream in general now this will uh require you to bring your Consciousness into dream now you're probably wondering what does that mean well I'm sure you guys have had at least one time before where you are in dream you are enjoying the dream and at the same time you know it's a dream but you are consciously staying there right you probably had a glimpse of a moment like that before that moment might have been an accident for you right you don't know how you got there but that's when you brought your Consciousness into dream now the most powerful thing when it comes to dream is when we do a Galaxy dream meditation right how does a Galaxy dream meditation work U today we're not going to cover the whole thing otherwise it's going to take a few hours just to explain it but like I said if you want to join the 11-day yoga for manifestation Journey it's the first link inside description again it's free for everybody to join I most likely will explain that during the end few days the last few days of the 11-day challenge which is still running right now okay but how in general it works is you allow yourself to visualize G Galaxy and as if you're moving very very fast through the galaxy in the universe right and then you fall asleep on that and you will continue to move but you need to make sure to bring an intention with you at the same time so that you receive the answers through dream so that you receive the rewards through dream so these concluded are the five unusual ways to be able to speak connect talk to the universe to ask for whatever you want or to ask for protection or to pray for others who are in need thank you guys so much for tuning in if you enjoyed this video please do hit the thumbs up hit the like button also comment below let us know where you guys have tuned in from that's always nice to know or any methods that you already have tried before and share your experiences that's always nice to hear too and finally if you're new to this Channel and you haven't already remember remember to hit that subscribe button and the notifications button next to that's a little bell sign by the way because this year we're dedicated to making daily videos hold you accountable to make it your best year yet but for now guys we are signing out Namaste [Music] [Music] Hima
Channel: Master Sri Akarshana
Views: 43,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, how to manifest, how to talk to the universe, how to speak to the universe, how to communicate with the universe, how to speak to the universe and manifest what you want, the secret, powerful techniques, unlocking the universe, cosmic connections, universe communication, spiritual awakening, cosmic wisdom, universal truths, cosmic interactions, universal language, energy, enlightenment, personal development, spiritual growth, master sri akarshana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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