3 Secrets to Let Go & It WILL Come [100% LOA Success]

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three secrets to let go and allow anything you want to manifest into your life to come to your life so you can attract like with this magnetic force without needing to chase for something the biggest problem is a lot of people are chasing and chasing chasing non-stop and the more they chase the further the goal is from them and how you do it is with these three things so we're gonna break it down for you and these three things by the way is done through this mastermind we've just had with hundreds of people from all around the world who are law of attraction advocates and practitioners to put this secret together for you so i'm super excited to break it down for you but before we get into it show reel get it [Music] what's up guys this is shuyo kashner here and in this video i'm gonna share with you and break down three secrets to let go and allow yourself to become the attraction of the thing you want now it doesn't matter if it's trying to attract love and relationships or it doesn't even matter if you're trying to manifest money or career right now the same principles apply and the biggest problem is most people are holding on and so attached to everything and the more control they're trying to have the further it is away have you ever had that moment before where maybe you are wanting somebody to message you so you are messaging them messaging the messenger and they're just not messaging but you're like keep looking at your phone they're not messaging you the moment you put it down and then suddenly your phone rings and you're like huh what happened right this is because when you are in control or trying to control you are actually in a lack vibration so we need to know how to shift that instantly right and when i say to people i say you got to set it and forget it people often get confused how can i set something and forget it but the secret and if you're taking notes i'd like you to write this down if you haven't got a notepad then you can type it in the comments below so the first secret is to detach from the outcome what does this mean now this is crucial because a lot of the time people are often saying they're saying how many times am i supposed to set my intentions you know do i only do it once you tell me i should forget it afterwards right you don't forget your intention you can set it as many times as you want right you can do the law of attractions as many times practices as much as you want but the secret is don't be thinking about why is it not happening yet right it's been two days already i thought this was supposed to work because the more you're thinking about the outcome the tougher it is for you to actually let go and flow with the universe and allow the energies to flow towards you okay so remember the first secret is to detach from the outcome now people often question they say okay but that's kind of tough right that's why the second secret kicks in at this point and i'd like you to write this down again or type it in the comments below and that is to live in the now now you're probably thinking this isn't law of attraction what's living in the now got to do a law of attraction well first of all i want to ask you a question when you manifest things do you manifest in the now or do you manifest later think about it if the universe was to give you a sign right now to guide you towards the things that you want to manifest right will they show you the sign now or will they show you in the future or in the past you cannot grab opportunities then the biggest problem is some people they think my opportunity is not coming my way but it's because they are thinking about why is it not happening yet they're thinking about the problems before meaning that energy is being too much consumed in the past or in the future so instead of doing that the crucial thing is to live in every now and every moment because the opportunities will arise in the moment and when you live in the now guess what you're not forward thinking you're not thinking about the future so you naturally detach from outcome by taking the actions the important actions that you're doing in every single moment right that's why it's very important to live in now now i know many of you would be questioning right now you say but how do i do it it's easier said than done well not really it's actually pretty straightforward and that's what i learned from my masters from the himalayan mountains that breath work is everything if you put it this way if you're really like doubting the future right now or you're angry about the past right now all you need to do is take a slow deep inhale and a gentle exhale the moment you do that notice how your consciousness has just settled into this moment and if you do that you set your intentions in the morning you do your law of attraction practices you do your visualization you do your vision boards after that throughout the day just keep focusing on your task in every single moment and you will naturally without even thinking about it be living in the now so that will help you let go okay now the final final final secret right because obviously when you are not letting go and why did why does it work is because it's a lack vibration you're trying to control you're you're having doubts you're having fears whether it's conscious or unconscious you're thinking why is it not happening yet or what if it doesn't happen but this mantra is something that pretty much saved my life and changed the whole way that i manifest anything into my life right and i always use this mantra whenever i'm manifesting anything it's a matter if it's career does my relationship doesn't matter what it is in life right and that is and i'd like you to write it down as well and comment below who am i not to trust i'd like you to write that down who am i not to trust and why this mantra is so powerful because it continues to remind us in that state whenever we get fearful or doubtful about the future it continues to remind us that hey you are not creating by yourself i don't know if you've thought about that before right because everything is oneness everything is energy and energy is all interconnected meaning you are one with universe meaning you are one with creator now if that's the case i want to ask you a question here think about this are you contributing to more towards your manifestation or do you think the creator is creating alongside you is it co-creation and if the answer is yes you are co-creating then my question is who are you co-creating with are you co-creating with somebody who's more or something some energy that is more powerful than you bigger than you something that is so powerful that probably even created you and every single time i use the mantra i say who am i not to trust i start to realize that i'm one with the biggest thing in the world the biggest thing in the universe the biggest thing in existence i'm one with creator and one with the universe and i'm always co-creating alongside the universe what does this mean the universe has your back so if you remind yourself with this mantra you continue to say yourself say to yourself whenever you're trying to manifest something you say who am i not to trust remind yourself whenever you're feeling doubtful say who am i not to trust remind yourself that you have something so so so much greater so so so much bigger that is working with you and if you trust then it will work for you if you don't then it's going to be a tough ride so practice these three secrets and make sure to come back make sure to save this video come back and let us know inside those comments if any of your uh success stories we always like to hear manifestation success stories and i'm sure all of these contributors that we have here today who have uh contributed towards these strategies today to share with you i would be very happy to hear your um success stories as well so finally i'd like to say if you did enjoy this video or you got anything out of it whatsoever please do hit the thumbs up hit the like button also comment below let us know where you guys have tuned in from that's always nice to know and finally if you're new to this channel and you haven't already remember remember to hit that subscribe button and the notifications button next that's a little bell sign by the way because this year i'm dedicated to making daily videos to hold you accountable to make it your best year yet but for now guys i'm signing up namaste ciao [Music] you
Channel: Master Sri Akarshana
Views: 716,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let go, letting go, how to let go, detachment, aaron doughty, raise your vibration, let go (and it will come), letting go aaron doughty, how to detach, manifest, manifest detachment, abraham hicks 2020, law of attraction let go, let go and receive it all, let go and receive, law of attraction: let go and receive it all (watch what happens), let go to receive, let go outcome, guide to letting go, let go desire, how to let go of desire, master sri akarshana, the secret
Id: BXBjJf6re3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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