Manifest With These 2 WORDS.. Almost Instantly!! | Use for 21 Days.. [Law of Attraction]

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the most powerful two words when it comes to manifestations and Law of Attraction the two words that will get you instantly to align and connect with the universal energies will allow you whatever you put with these two words be able to manifest it probably almost inde definitely always whatever that sentence just meant right I always use it I use it every single day you should use it in your scripting you should use it in your visualization you should use it when you're speaking every single day consciously unconsciously you should load it inside this brain so much that it becomes a part of you so in this video we're going to break it down why these two words how does it work with your chakra system how does it activate how does it open up right how does it connect and at the end of this video we're also going to break down right what practical steps you can start doing right now no matter what that goal is whether it's to do a relationship manifestation money manifestation Health manifestation you can absolutely manifest anything you want by understanding how best to implement these two words we're going to dive deep into it in this video but before we get into it Show real hit [Music] [Music] it [Music] Namaste everyone Nam Himalaya this is Shri Akash here and in this video we're going to break down for you just two words and you guys are probably thinking how on Earth are you going to make a whole video on just two words well we first of all need to understand why because if you don't understand why you're never going to really use it and you're not going to believe it if you don't believe it you're not going to manifest it right because manifestation principles is all based on belief so you need to understand it first where does it come from how does it work at the end of this video what I want you guys to leave with is exact protocol of what you can practice on a daily basis to be able to speed up your manifestations and attract anything you want in life it's really going to increase your manifestation Powers so what are these two words the two words is I am now you're probably thinking oh I am right why is it that so many affirmations videos say I am affirmations why I am right why how does it work well first of all the first thing we need to understand is I am in the English language is closest to the a what's the you probably heard certain religions Hinduism certain religions Buddhists right they do this chant the arm chanting that's probably where you seen these Mala beads before when they do 108 chanting of the the AR split into three sounds what are these three sounds when we say right I am right the similar resonance similar sound similar vibration holds so much power why because it's the exact frequency of the universe how do we align ourselves by om chanting and understanding when we use I am how what's the power it's holding well understand this if you do it with me right now you'll be able to feel it if you say ah you will feel all the way down here ah if you say ooh you feel here vibrate oo if you feel here you say m you feel this throat this head part you feel it start vibrating what does this mean well those of you who know your chakras will know this is your energy centor your lower three chakras your sacral chakra your solar plexus your root chakra it's all based here it's your dant is your energy center when you activate it because your manifestation powers are here right that sound that resonance it opens up your lower three chakras opening up your heart chakra oo up to your throat chakra up to your head you'll feel your whole head shake when you this opens up your chakra system therefore allowing your energies to be freed up and connect with the universal energy right the universe's energy is of that same tone vibration and frequency now aside from every time we say I am I am right we are seeing a very similar type of vibration so it helps us connect better and closer with the universe and the collective energies okay aside from that what is it doing you guys have probably heard me say this many many times before on many many Law of Attraction and manifestation videos and what is that we always say you do not manifest what you want we don't manifest what we want we manifest who we are so what does this mean for everybody who ever sets intentions or you write your journal or diary or you do a scripting for what you want to manifest in your life and you're writing I want this I want that I want to manifest her right this house this car I want to I want is what is that doing that is saying I don't have you see that's the energy it's taking when you say I want something or I need something you're saying I don't have that thing and you manifest the energy that you are so whenever you're scripting or whenever you're speaking right when you're speaking into existence what must you always do you must always write I am wealthy I am healthy I am rich I am receiving multiple streams of passive income I am lovable I am full of love I am loved right I am living my best life I am everything that you ever want to manifest by switching it to these two words number one it will hold resonance with the I am sound and vibration of the universe the more you say it the more you become aligned with the universe right the second thing is when you say I am you are telling every vibrational frequency and signal and cell through your body that you already have what you actually want and when that happens guess what because the universe is purely like a reflection it's like a mirror so because it sees that you are and it hears it nice and Loud because you are connected with that sound and vibration guess what happens the universe always delivers right so try to have it in this last part of it what I want to do is I want to give you guys some exercise to do for the next 21 days and what I want you guys to do I want you guys right now to save this video okay press the save button so it's you added to one of your playlists what I would like you guys to do is to remember this practice over the next 21 days and if you do this practice and you Manifest this miracle which is highly likely by the way in the next 21 days I want you to come back to this video and share your success story down below I'm going to find the biggest success story I'm going to pin your success story to the top number one you guys get to share your wins with other people meaning it can also pay it forward and help more people achieve what they want to achieve because there may be some complete Law of Attraction manifestation newbies but at the same time this is your good deed and your good karma that you're putting out there you be able to pay it forward so the energy continues to pass pass on this means more rewards will also come your way because of these karmic points but aside from that as well it also allows me to know what you guys have been up to and what you guys have been able to manifest which is always nice to know okay so make sure to save this video and I'm going to give you guys the next 21 days simple simple practice okay what is the practice every morning and every night I want you to do this practice right you already you need to know what your goals are first okay whether that be a relationship the love of your life whether that be Health whether that be Fitness whether that be money whether that be a new job a new career whether that be a pay rise okay you need to know what that is First Once you know that thing what I want you to do I want you the first thing when you what you do in the morning when you wake up is you get pen to paper so you're going to need a journal or a notebook for this and you're going to write down I am and you're going to try and write I am as many sentences sentences as you can right within 11 minutes just 11 minutes only okay see if you can commit to that once in the morning once in the evening just 11 minutes when you write I am depending on what you want right let's say for example you want to manifest money I am rich I am wealthy I am receiving multiple streams of passive income I am very successful in my career I am uh having a business that uh uh is serving a lot of people making a lot of impact I'm making a lot of money I am right I am I want you to write for full 11 minutes as much I am as possible so it's actually going to your page is going to fill quite a lot now some of you will probably think but that's a lot of work right that's a lot of work writing for 11 minutes is a long time my question to you is how much do you want this goal is it worth 22 minutes a day for the next 21 days and if it is you don't lose anything by trying so why would you not do it right let me know affirm inside the comments below if you are in say I am in right if you're in this challenge let's give it a shot let's give it a test let's put put the actual manifestation technique to test right when you write that for 11 minutes what I then want you guys to do right I want you guys to try to strike a power post like stand up nice and Tall nice and Powerful I'd like you to hold all the eye that you've written down and I'd like you to feel every energy and emotion of the I am when when you say it right whatever you've written down just read it out say I am whatever I am powerful I am confident I am an excellent Communicator I am loved I am whatever is just I am I am I am I am just all the way down the list so you feel it if you don't feel it first time around go another round go another round until you feel it through every cell of your body and emotion start arising why is this important right because your emotions amplifying means that your vibrations are aligned right I always say to people if you want to speed up manifestations take your emotions up when you take your emotions up guess what happens it speeds up your attraction because your vibrational frequency becomes bigger so until keep chanting it and saying it out loud until you feel it through every cell of your body after you feel it what should you do okay then you finish off by closing your eyes holding your hands at your palms over your heart and I'd like you just to take a few moments just to visualize you having everything that you just said and allow your emotions to go wild and feel it almost like you're living that moment right now so take maybe 5 minutes 10 minutes doing that so the total practice may be around 20 minutes or something in the morning and do it just before you sleep as well so that's two times per day over the next 21 days I really feel that before 21 days maybe some people in one week will already see certain things start manifesting in their life and I'd love to hear your success story that's what I'm saying save this video also please do hit the like button if you learn anything in this video or it just made sense or you're going to do the practice hit that like button to affirm it out to the universe put it a public declaration out there comment below let us know where you guys have tuned in from that's always nice to know and finally if you're new to this Channel and you haven't already remember remember to hit that subscribe button and the notifications button next that's a little bell sign by the way because this year we're dedicated to making daily videos to hold you accountable to make it your best year yet but for now guys we're signing out Namaste no more [Music] [Music] ler
Channel: Master Sri Akarshana
Views: 248,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manifest with these 2 words, manifest, manifestation, how to manifest, law of attraction, Master Sri Akarshana, the secret, manifest what you want, speed up law of attraction, speed up manifestation, manifest love, manifest money, why law of attraction not working, Joe Dispenza, dr joe, instant manifestation, manifest fast, attract what you want, how to attract, attract love, attract money
Id: lTcahJdtnD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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