3 Simple Inventions with Car Alternator

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and in this  video i will be explaining the wiring now the   connections the rpm the power rating and all  of an alternator so as you can see here this   is a 720 watts 60 amperes alternator with the  maximum voltage of 14.4 volts controlled by   the regulator at the back of it and a usual  uh low voltage of around 12 volts because   guys uh this is the place where the pulley is  mounted uh on which uh the belt is mounted okay   and if you have if you have to open it then of  course you will need a spanner and an allen key   and now for those of you have already tried to  open alternators previously would know that it's   really hard to open an alternator especially from  the police section these are really really really   tight i mean so tight that i broke my allen keys  twice so anyways for this alternator i will be   cutting the pulley and the nut here with an angle  grinder since it's not opening and i have to   modify it into a self-excited alternator generator  so starting with the connections part first   okay so all the connections are at the back of  the alternator so first is the negative output   now there are two cases for an alternator  first is the electricity that is   fed to the alternator which is going to excite  the alternator and the second is the energy   delivered or generated by the alternator that  is extracted from the alternator so first the   extraction part so for the extraction part the  entire body of an alternator is the negative   actually except for these parts okay like uh if  i want to get the negative out of an alternator   i can place uh the output for the negative  over here or here or here or even on the pulley   since it's metallic and it is connected to the  body so it is also negative now the positive   output terminal positive output terminal is  quite a unique and different from the others   the longest screw you can see the longest  screw present at the back of the alternator   is the positive terminal i mean uh the positive  output will come on this longest terminal   and the negative output will come at the back of  the alternate on the body of the alternator sorry   okay so let's say that your alternator is running  at really high rpm and you want to light up this   incandescent 12 volts bulb so what you will be  doing is you will connect one terminal of the bulb   to the positive terminal of the alternator which  is this long screw okay add the other terminal   to the body of the alternator like here or here  which is going to be the negative okay and then   your bulb will light up so this was the output  part of the alternator now an alternator has   two parts the armature and the rotor so first  the rotor part as you can see here these are   the teeth and these two are the slip rings to  which the brushes are connected now the brushes   feed electricity to this rotor or the field  and the electricity that is fed to this rotor   activates the electromagnets in between  these two sets of teeth okay the upper teeth   and the lower teeth set now let's say positive is  given here and negative is given here so let's say   that the upper set of teeth becomes the north  and the lower set of teeth becomes the south   so it is going to be somewhere like south  north south north okay so this is uh   quite an important part how beautifully the  electromagnet is magnetizing the rotor poles   the electromagnet is placed horizontally and it  is activating the magnets on the sides activating   the poles on the sides and there is another  important fact if we increase the number of   teeth here like if we are going to reduce the  size of one teeth of each teeth then we can have   more number of teaks which will mean more number  of poles more number of poles means less rpm   for the alternator to generate same amount of  voltage and current so like if your alternator   was initially working at 1400 rpm for generating  12 volts if we increase the number of teeths here   we can generate the same 12 volts at just 700 rpm  now this is the part of the rotor part which takes   in electricity from outside while the armature  that i will be sharing after this is the part   that will generate and produce electricity  that we can use to light up halogens bulbs   or recharge the connected battery that is exciting  this rotor or field so guys now comes the armature   part now the armature part of an alternator as  you can see here there is a little bit uh   there is a lot of grease over uh the armature  winding so it is barely visible i will clean it   up for you at least clean it enough so that you  can see what's i mean where's the winding okay   okay it's really greased up   now the armature winding is really thick as you  can see and it is responsible for generating large   amount of current and less voltage the voltage  maximum voltage is only 12 volts to 14.4 volts   while the maximum current is up to 60  amperes which is regulated by the regulator   at the back of the alternator the voltage the  armature winding is in three phase and it is   star connected and how i know that okay  you can see here there are three wires   this is the white wire this is the white wire  and this is the white wire these are three   now if it was delta connected it would only  be three but if there is a fourth wire like   you can see here this is the fourth white  wire which is away from these three wires   this is common of these three so a star has a  common neutral point while these three are the   phases with a phase difference of 120 degrees  now the three-phase voltage that is generated   by this alternator is rectified with help of this  three-phase rectifier ac to dc converter and also   there is voltage regulator mounted now with  this uh rectifier to prevent the voltage from   going beyond 14.4 volts which would of course  otherwise harm the battery that is connected   with the alternator since the batteries cannot go  beyond 14.4 volts otherwise they will get damaged   so for that reason it has voltage regulator and  you see this this is the slippering part of the   field winding or the rotor which i explained a  few moments back for the router and these are the   two wires you see here red and blue these feed the  brushes and the brushes are connected to the slip   rings that feed the electromagnet of the rotor  okay so guys that would be all about the rotor the   field the connections and all thank you so much  for watching this video if you have any queries   feel free to ask them in comments and uh this was  the intro video i will come up with the practical   electricity generation part in my next  video thank you so much for watching it   hey everyone welcome back to my channel  so as you can see in front of you   a car alternator this is a small one i think  it's around 250 watts and this is the label   bosch f002 g10 648 g1 s1 14 volts 20 to 43  amperes made in india 903 okay so i'm a bit   confused about its power rating since the current  rating is given as 20 to 43 amperes at 14 volts   so if it's 20 amperes then it is 280 watts but  if it's 43 amperes then it is somewhere around   600 to 700 watts and i can't see it's  possible since the generator is really small   but then it's a bosch alternator first i'm going  to show you that uh according to my calculations   this alternator is not working so i'm going to  open it up and see the problem and then correct   that problem and bring it to the working mode  again and yes i bought it very cheap for around   250 rupees that is around four  dollars okay so let's open it up   so as you can see this portion is out and  this box is for the brushes i guess   the brushes are connected to the slip rings  so if there are any brushes i mean if they   are not worn out so i'm going to check  them by connecting 15 volts dc supply   okay so i'm going to give a 15 volts dc supply  to this and this terminal to feed the brushes and   check if there is a little bit magnetic locking  on this router if the magnetic locking is present   then the alternator is working fine otherwise i  will have to take out this regulator and check   if the brushes are present at all okay so this is  the 15 volts dc supply from a laptop charger   this is one here it is parking   but no magnetic locking okay let's check here it's parking again   no locking so yeah i think there's some problem  with the regulator or the brushes are worn out   so i will have to take this out as well   so   okay so guys uh the brushes were present  this is one brush and this is the other slot   and here is the brush and the string   it was like this   yeah something like this but it's coming out  because the second one spring is very powerful   and this also looks good the slip rings  so let's check where the problem is why   the field is not getting activated okay so  guys now i am going to touch the 15 volts   terminals directly to the slip rings you can see  and then check if there is a magnetic locking   okay one second yeah connection has been made  and there is no magnetic locking at all so the   problem becomes clear that there is something  wrong with the field winding of this alternator   that is the rotor field so  let's open it up completely   but this one is not going to come out i will  have to take out the regulator first so guys   this one is an extremely jammed screw it is not  opening so let's see what i can do to open it   okay so this is a rubber strip yeah but it is too big   well i saw a video on youtube where they  opened a giant screw that was completely   worn out from the top by placing a  rubber so how i'm going to open it   well there is another way i think i don't have  to take this out i will take the head off okay   so   yeah it is coming out oh yes   so finally i have taken out the  field winding of the alternator   so guys as you can see that the  alternator is completely open now   this is the armature winding that  generates electricity okay   and this is the field winding you can see  the brush contacts the fan the pulley and   and the steep like field winding these are  actually the poles so i'm still on the issue   where the problem is with this field  winding so let's remove this   and concentrate on this one so to figure out  the problem i will have to take out this gap   let's remove it   yeah the gap is removed now from where i can see   this is one wire yeah i will bring it close   yeah so this is one wire so it is coming  from here and then behind the bearing   and this is the wire that is going to the field  let's see if it is worn out from somewhere   actually i don't think it is  this is the second wire   just going out from here  and then to the bearing   there is some problem with the winding  i will have to test the winding again   so guys this is the field winding and this is  the 15 volts dc supply from a laptop charger   i'm going to give the supply to these slip rings  and check if these uh holes get electromagnetized   okay so at present there is almost no magnetism   okay one wire is here and the other one is  here yeah it's not working which means there   is some problem with the windings of the field so i was checking the problem and then i found   there is a slight problem with this one this  wire has come out okay i will show it to you   yeah you can see this wire is out it  is not connected and there is this   the other part of it yeah i think you can see it here yeah   okay so i will just uh uh show  you that it's working otherwise   if i connect it directly from here   yeah you can see the spark which show which  means that the connection has been made   yeah you can see   so yeah uh the problem is this broken wire   so if i can rejoin it back then the field will  start working and so will the alternator so   let's see if i can do that because it is really  difficult the wire is uh barely visible and i   will have to take this off if i am not able to  solder this from here okay so let's do that   so   so   now the connection of the field winding has  been removed from the slip rings as you can see   the wire is here and this was the solder  okay so let's proceed to the next step   so   foreign   oh   so   so   bye   so   okay so guys as you can see i have  soldered this new wire yellow in color   and i'm placing back the slip rings and  every and i have placed back the bearing   this is the new wire and so is  this one both are yellow okay   now i have to place the slip ring back and  solder these two wires to the slip ring   okay so let's do that also  this wire is a shorter one   so   so   so   okay so guys i have soldered the  wires to the slip ring as you can see   this is uh the lower wire  and this is the upper wire   and now it's time to check if the connections from  the field winding are made to the slip ring   okay so this is 5 volts this is applied from a  mobile charger and let's see if there's spark   okay so as you can see that the connections are perfect   and now all i have to do is place it back in  and the alternator should start working   as us   so   so so   so so   so   so   okay so guys i placed this back as it was  before and now this should fit in easily   okay so guys it took me a lot of time to do the  repairing work for this alternator but finally i   was successful and also i didn't want to invest  any money in the repairing of this alternator   so i figured out a few shortcuts because  of which i didn't have to purchase   a new regulator or the  brushes so what i did was   these two contact points are for the brushes  and this is the red wire and this is the brief   and this is the black wire they both  are connected directly to the brushes   that are going to feed electricity to the field  winding of this alternator which is the rotor so   what i'm going to do is i'm going to give an input  supply of 5 to 15 volts on these two terminals   so these are going to directly activate  the rotor field winding of this alternator   and the field winding and the field  winding will thus be magnetized   and when i will rotate the shaft that will induce  emf of this alternator that will finally appear   on this terminal as the positive and the body  of the alternator which is the negative in the   form of voltage and current that can be  measured with the help of this multimeter   okay so first i am going to do  some multimeter test so for that   yeah i have this 5 volts mobile charge that i'm  going to use to give supply to the brushes here   so the red is for the red one   and the black is for the black one okay one more thing   you can see the spot which means the connection  is made and now there is a little bit magnetic   locking which indicates that the case that the  field winding has been successfully magnetized   okay so guys i disconnected uh one of the supply  because i had to connect the output terminals   of this alternator to the multimeter and for a  second when i will connect this terminal to the   uh to this terminal of the brush the transformer  will act like the alternator will act like a   transformer and you should see for a second some  amount of voltage indicated on the display okay   yeah you can see 0.65 volts yeah 1.53 volts and now it is zero   because uh for generation of electricity flux  needs to keep flux needs to keep on changing   okay you can see the simple hand  rotation is generating electricity 0.32   volts 0.57 0.73 and if i go a bit  harder on it 1.32 1.50 1.28 1.74   okay so it's time to do some rope testing  which i'm going to wow on this pulley   okay go   so you saw that the voltage was above six point  something volts and the voltage was low because   i'm not feeding it it's rated input voltage  which is 12 volts that is fed to our normal   car alternators that is 12 volts to 14 volts and  i'm only giving it 5 volts of supply from a mobile   charger so that's the reason so anyways now i'm  going to connect an actual 12 volts load bulb   and then we will see the test oh actually  before that i'm going to just perform the   current testing let's see how  much amps i can generate   okay so once again guys   okay yeah it was somewhere around 4.5 amperes   and the voltage was around six point something  so it's above 25 watts that i could generate   with my hand power so now i'm going  to connect an actual load ball   so   uh okay so everything has been connected   okay go   i think the wire is not connected correctly we'll have to do some improvement to that   okay so one wire to the positive  terminal and the other wire   to the body of the alternator which  is the negative now it should work   okay go yeah so we saw that the bun glue   and for the same reason it  didn't glow too bright because   the feed supply is only 5 volts from a mobile  charger so i'm going to increase the input voltage   supply to this alternator i'm going to connect  a laptop charger instead of a mobile charger   okay so guys this is a 15 volts laptop  charger toshiba and i'm going to use the   output voltage of this charger to feed the  field winding of this alternator okay   okay you should see this parking  sparking is pretty good   it's a bit improper   okay
Channel: The Professor
Views: 441,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple inventions, DC, 12v, generator, car alternator, alternator, repairing
Id: xqrlzFc0t3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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