Free Infinite Perpetual Energy Nonsense - FAAAAAAKE

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"Hellow doston bail iko press karey"Youtube is full of people with magnets, coils, sparkplugs, speakers and stupidity. Full of "perpetual" shit.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/poonamsurange 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Idk why this is on here. He’s just showing how it’s not possible. The videos he’s debunking seem like they’d fit better here. Good vid

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kaminaowner2 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Well damn, they managed to figure out that perpetuum mobile is not possible to create. Whatever they'll think of next?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Knight-Jack 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's up my friends welcome back today we are going to talk and also study this infinite energy nonsense and why the free energy or perpetual generators don't exist and i'm doing this video because there are a lot of misinformation videos online actually i got a little bit angry when my uncle sent me a video from this channel and in less than a month this video got up to 7 million views and the project can be any more fake usually in this kind of videos you hear stuff like no we don't create energy from nothing that will be impossible obviously we are actually generating the power from the magnet's magnetic force but how is that you also hear something like the power output of the generator is higher than the input of the motor so we can use the extra power from something else but what extra power also in these videos with just a simple car alternator you can generate thousands of watts so people are working in nuclear reactors for millions of dollars when you can just generate energy with just a simple motor and a car alternator come on so in this video i want to go step by step explaining you why these videos are fake so guys let's get started [Music] [Music] these pcbs were manufactured by pcbway and the finish quality is very good especially with these gold-plated pads if you want to finish your product faster you could also ask pcbway to make a panelized order where you receive multiple pcbs on a single panel together with this you can also order the smd stencil from pcbway and use it to add solder paste and then solder all the components at once and by that you save time and effort all the orders are high quality and you could select a lot of settings such as the thickness flexible pcbs the color of the solder mask the amount of layers the material the surface finish and more so upload the gerber files directly on and make the order in just a couple of minutes what's up my friends welcome back so let's start with a quick list of what we should go over in this video step 1 is to understand what is the magnetic induction and what kind of forces are involved so with this step we understand how a generator works and how to create electricity using magnets and copper coils and then step two is to talk about the power transfer from the generator to the motor and from the motor back to the generator and basically this will be the perpetual loop that all these fake videos are showing so we will see that as well and step 3 is to talk about power the electrical power and the mechanical power and also about power conversion is it possible to have a higher power output than the input well we will see that this step 4 is to talk about the creation of power and also about the magnets and what kind of energy they store and step 5 will be to talk about the power losses there is no generator no converter or any other device that is 100 efficient so we must talk about that and step six will be to merge everything that we have learned on these previous steps and understand why this perpetual free energy nonsense is fake so guys let's begin okay so here i have a magnet and this is a copper coil that i've took out from one transformer and i'll connect this to my oscilloscope in order to see the voltage output from this coil so as you can see if i move the magnet in front of the coil we get a voltage induced inside of that coil as you can see on the oscilloscope but if i stop we get nothing so why is that this already tells us that we are getting the energy from me moving the magnet and not from the magnet itself because it's me who's putting in the energy in order to get the voltage at the output so the theory goes like this a magnet will create a magnetic field around it and when i move this magnet in front of the coil or inside the coil the magnetic flux that's passing through the coil will change and that's what induces a current inside of this coil but this process is also vice versa and that means it could go both ways and what i mean by vice versa is that if i apply a voltage to a cup or coil it will create a magnetic field as you can see here so as you can see i'm applying voltage to this coil and it gets magnetic so basically this is vice versa because with a magnetic field you can create voltage and using voltage you can create a magnetic field but you see it's not that easy when i move the magnet in front of the coil it will apply some kind of force to the coil but then the coil will apply the same force but in the opposite direction to the magnet because that is the third law of newton to any action you get a reaction so basically the magnet will get slowed down by the induction process so basically that means that if i move the magnet in front of an open circuit coil like this one i should feel nothing but if i move it in front of a closed loop coil like this one with the load at the output i should feel some kind of force opposing to the magnets as you can see the led should turn on so this force in this case is very small but for the motors and the generators under a lot of load that force on the magnets will be a lot higher okay guys so far so good by now we should know that moving a magnet in front of a coil should induce a current into that coil so that will create a voltage at the output and that should be the gist of this part till now by the way this is called the third law of magnetic induction so let's go now to the next step and understand even more and in order to get to the next step we must know that motors and generators are working on the same principle of magnetic induction and as you can see this is an electrical motor and inside we have the copper coils and also the magnets so now we can get to the next step so here we have a brushless motor and as you can see it has a triple phase input but an electrical motor could also be a generator because if i apply voltage at the input the motor will spin but if i do the opposite if i spin the motor it will generate voltage at the output so here we have one face of this normal brushless motor connected to the oscilloscope and when i rotate it as you can see it will generate a voltage at the output so at this point you should know how this motor is able to generate voltage using its magnets and its copper coils inside and that voltage was out from just one face of this brushless motor and it's very important to mention that this is a triple phase one and that's because the first error that we can see on these fake videos is that they always use just one face from the car alternator but basically any car alternator is like a triple phase generator something like this brushless motor and triple phase is always a lot more efficient than using just one face so why not using as well a triple phase motor well their excuse is always that they don't have one but a triple phase motor usually costs pretty much the same as a normal one as a one phase motor so if you want to make a good experiment why not just use the triple phase motor as well and get higher efficiency because after all this perpetual experiment are all about efficiency the higher the better but in these fake videos they only use just one phase which is the worst decision anyway let's get back to the explanation okay so now here i couple one motor which is considered to be the generator to the other motor which will be the mechanical motor and as you can see when i rotate one the other one will also rotate and that's because the voltage that is generated here is supplying the other motor you get the idea so what they do in these fake videos is to merge the shaft from the generator with the shaft of the motor so the generator will create power we supply that power to the motor the motor will spin is connected back to the generator once again the generator will create more power once again we supply that to the motor and so on and we close this loop and this is the so called perpetual power generator so this is where we can see the second mistake of these fake videos because in order to merge the shafts of the motor they always use some kind of belt maybe a chain or gears and remember we are looking for the best efficiency scenario but using a belt would be the worst scenario because a welt is very hard to bend it will get hot and also create a lot of friction and the same goes with the chain the best scenario will be to place the motor face to face and using a coupler you can connect the shafts together because in that way you don't create friction and get the best efficiency but they never use couplers so they are using belts so why is that this is not efficient at all but anyway let's assume that there are no power losses with this system and the generator and the motor are both of let's say 800 watts and let's also assume that the entire electrical power will get transferred will get converted into mechanical power so from 800 watts of electrical power we pass to 800 watts of mechanical power which is more or less one horsepower let's assume that which is impossible but anyway let's assume that in that scenario all the power from the generator will get transferred to the motor so all the power from the motor will get transferred to the to the generator and so on and this will only close the loop but in this scenario we are not creating extra power we are only feeding the same loop which is impossible to now but let's assume that ideally this will work but the worst part of these videos is that they are getting even more power than the input how is that possible so the next level of fake of these videos is that they get more power at the output than the input so let's assume that we have a 100 efficiency system even with that you can't get more power at the output than the input in their example they're using a 2000 watts motor to spin a 3000 watts generator so magically they get 1000 watts of free energy how is that possible is this a power multiplier is this magic or what well their explanation is very easy but also very very wrong all these videos are lying to us that they get the extra power out from the magnets but how is that basically they show us how they hack the car alternator with some permanent magnets and just like that they pass from a 1000 watts generator to 3000 watts one so magically they create extra power how is that okay guys so before i explain this magnet energy nonsense another error that we have in this so-called experiment is that just because a generator could output 3000 watts that doesn't mean that it will always output that power because that will be its maximum power but in order to achieve that and assuming this is a 100 percent efficient system which by the way is impossible it will need at least 3000 watts of mechanical power at the input right but they just told us that they will use a 2000 watts motor so could a 2000 watts motor be able to supply 3000 watts of mechanical power at the generator well it can't so what it should happen is that the generator will slow down reducing the voltage reducing the current output and without reducing the power output but we don't see that in this fake videos actually the speed of the generator is always the same even if and i say even if this were true we should at least see that the generator is slowing down when they connect an extra 800 watts drill at the output how is that even possible but no the motor is always the same speed is constant so why is that anyway guys so far so good so let's get back to this magnet nonsense this here is a neodymium magnet it's very powerful so they are saying that the mat this is not magic but they get the extra 1000 watts out from these magnets because they have a lot of power so they have this energy inside that could deliver it as it would be a generator so let's talk about these magnets so magnets have potential energy but what is a potential energy well it will be something like an empty battery in order to use that energy inside of the battery you first have to charge the battery and by charge the battery in this example will be you moving the magnet so you move the magnet you charge it with energy and then the magnet will pass that energy to the coils another example will be gravity which is also potential force this object here on the table has no gravitational force why is that well because it's not moving is fixed in place on the table so it has no energy but if i use my hand and leave this object it will now have a potential energy which is gravitational and if i drop it it will convert that energy into speed but if it's fixed on the table it doesn't have any energy is me who is putting in the energy with my hand by lifting the object so the energy is not coming from the object but from me and the same will happen with the magnet so in order to get energy with these magnets i first have to move these magnets so it's not the magnet which is creating the power but me by moving it in this case by moving the motor so the magnet is only transferring that power in this case from mechanical power to electrical power inside of the coil so for this fake experiment that mechanical force is made by the motor and not by the magnets so once again we have the same problem is possible that a 2000 watts motor could create 3000 watts of mechanical power to apply to the generator well no the magnets only transfer that power from mechanical to electrical so magnets can create magic okay guys so till now we didn't take in consideration the power losses any device on this planet has power losses the wires are getting hotter and that's poor loss the friction between the belts or the chains is also power loss the inertial resistance of the motor and the shaft is also power loss the conversion from electrical to mechanical and back to electrical is also power loss actually that is very big if you take a look at the metal plate of a motor like this one here you can see something like this 2000 volts and a current consumption of 5 amps so if we make the mat that will be 1100 watts right but then we can see that the mechanical output is of 1 horsepower which converted to electrical power is only 750 watts so basically 350 watts are lost with this electrical to mechanical conversion and on top of that we add the temperature losses the friction and so on okay guys so this is the final recap all in one with everything that we have learned in these steps so by now you should know that this perpetual infinite and free energy video is fake you can't have more power at the output than the input even if the system is 100 efficient which by the way is also impossible so you can generate power out of the magnets they only store the mechanical power and pass it to the coils in a sort of speed the entire system should also react to the external power consumption of the drill and the speed should get lower and lower but we never see that in these fake videos also the triple face is a lot more efficient than only one face so why they use only one also the belts and the chains are the worst so they should use shaft to shaft couplers and last but not least the power losses are quite big with this setup so only with that you should know that this experiment is very very fake but then how do they do it well we have a lot of ways to fix such an experiment so my idea is that they are using batteries a dc motor and something like this which is an inverter so first they use a small motor something like this one here they can easily fit this inside of the other motor or inside of the car alternator so basically they take out the stator they close inside of the motor and so on and connect the small motor to the main shaft i know that that process will take a lot of time but it will be a lot easy to make if you want to fake a video right and then they will have enough space to fit a few of these batteries and this could store enough power to rotate the motor which will be connected to the generator shaft so using batteries a small dc motor we get the rotation so that's why we can see a constant speed because batteries will output a constant power but then how do they power the external drill with 220 volts ac well this here is a 12 volts inverter so basically it will create 220 volts ac from 12 volts dc this one that i have is just 200 watts but we can easily get a bigger one of maybe 800 watts and if you take the circuit out of this box you can see that the circuit is very small and it could easily fit inside of the motor or the generator as before so we supply this with more batteries or maybe the same battery pack and voila we get 220 volts ac so we can power the external drill and the few of these batteries could power the 800 watt drill for a few minutes and that's enough for them to record a fake video so that's how i think they make this experiment so guys i hope that you have learned something new i made this video because i was getting very mad to see people spreading such fake information and these people are not stupid because judging from their content they know what they are doing for sure and they know that the experiment is fake but they still decide to upload it and that video got 7 million views and if you check the comments people are believing it is more they even order the parts to make the same experiment and that makes me very upset anyway i hope that you liked this video and that you have learned something new the main idea of this video is not to trust an experiment that you can see on youtube and if you don't trust my video just take your time and check all the steps in this video and get your own opinion i've might make some small hours in this video but that's because i sometimes have a hard time expressing myself but the main idea should be quite clear anyway thanks again and see you later guys hey so one more video that ends i hope that you like it okay so listen if you want to buy my merch my t-shirts you have the links below for my shop and i promise that i will make more designs and also maybe you would comment below which one you like more and what more designs you would like to see because in that way i could start designing them and post my new t-shirts so thank you for all the support and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Electronoobs
Views: 402,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, alternator, AC, motor, generator, free, energy, perpetual, 3000W, wind, turbine, fake, infinite, magnets
Id: -vaD24Y3L5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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