3 Simple Inventions with DC Motor

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so   so   so   so   so   so guys here as you can see  that i have used these two   single strand copper wires uh to hold the brushes  back in their place because they were not allowing   the commutator to get in this slot before i do  that i will also have to place it in this   yeah now it's gone and now i can take  it out this one as well as this one   that's in contact with the brushes now it's time  finally to place the rotor back in the field   well it's not very smooth seems like there is  some problem with the bushes of the armature   so guys from the previous video your question  for today is what was the maximum weight that   i pulled with the photocopy machine motor so guys the motor was not working properly you see   this piece this was connected here to the shaft  at the back and there was another piece but it   was missing in the motor from the beginning so i  had to make this other workpiece and uh this piece   is like perfect for this and uh all the dimensions  are matching hundred percent you see that plastic   board and that i have to place this back of  the shaft with that holder so let's do that   nice fit now let's tighten up the  screws and see how it performs   so now the motor was lying around  and not working like thrown away   and it also had two missing screws which  means that it had been opened initially and uh   during the repairing the repair person lost to  the beast so guys the motor is fully complete   now and you can see that i've placed two  more screws you see a little different   but yeah they fit perfectly and uh now it is  running pretty good let's test it with a 12 volts   battery and guys now i have another  beautiful motor in my collection   pretty good performance   running really nice   so   so do   so   so   uh   uh   so   so   hey   so guys your hidden question  from the previous video   is which transistor did i use to reduce  the base current of the giant transistor   so guys after installing the gearbox and placing  it on the vice i have replaced the batteries these   batteries are 12 volts each 7 amps and this is the  bldc motor speed controller link will be provided   in the description you can increase the speed  and decrease it with this knob and uh this is the   anti-clockwise and clockwise moving switch and the  red wire indicates the positive which is still not   connected to this one so let's connect it and   you can see that it has started running dock is  very high almost unstoppable ah 200 kg centimeter   now let's increase the speed further it is 24 volts   more full speed that's the full speed   yeah i cannot stop it 200 kg  centimeter pretty good talk   now let's move it to anti-clockwise starting it   so guys there as you can see that i've coupled a   heavy water pump with that motor and i'm going  to turn it on and see how powerful the motor   is if it can pull it towards itself and uh  at the same time i will also have to hold   uh the motor itself because there could be a  counteraction the weight is too heavy this might   get pulled towards that and this entire setup  might go under a short circuit so let's start   well guys this time i have connected a  20 kg load with this roof to the motor   okay and i have tied up the motor with another  rope so that i don't have to hold it okay   pretty good right   so guys today in this video i'm  going to convert it into a short   compact and portable battery operated dc pump  now guys the first thing that you will notice   is the exceptionally large shaft so to make it  compact i will have to cut it a little bit   now guys this what you see is a heavy duty  abs plastic case in which i am planning on   installing the 12 volts ups battery the 12 volts  dc motor and the pump itself now guys this is an   unwanted plastic projection that is  getting in the way of pump insertion   so guys i'm going to cut it off  with the help of my drill press   i am going to bore an even  bigger hole than this one   so that the extra part cuts off automatically   so   so guys here as you can see that i've placed the  pump like this with the strip and it is rigid and   strong and the shaft is also moving pretty good  now comes the part of connecting the dc motor   to the shaft and i have already cared about the  alignment you can see there are some cushioning   provided to bring the shaft to the height of the  motor slot okay you see it's almost identical   but before connecting the motor to the pump  itself i will have to take care for the motor   itself because uh there is a possibility that the  water leaks from the pump with time and it like   rusts the clutch system or anything so i have to  take care about that problem if it drives in the   future so starting with this this is this thick  foam okay and size is going to be this much   and i will have to place it like this   so   after doing all that comes  the part of placing this pvc   sheet on this battery because you see  these slots when the battery charges   bubbles come out from the water or the dilute  sulfuric acid inside which pushes the cap   upwards and there is some leakage of the acid  so to prevent that i will be placing this pvc   sheet it will allow air to escape but also  prevent the caps from flying out like a rocket   now guys after completing the process of taping of  the battery for protection from the acid leaking   comes the part of keeping the motor in place  with the help of aluminium strip sheet   uh   so   so let's give it a spin and  see how it is working   okay see pretty good   so guys here as you can see that i have taken  one wire from the dc motor the black one and i   have connected it to the switch over here okay  and the second wire is not connected anywhere   except to this clip which will be connected  directly to the 12 volt 7 h battery okay   now there's one more terminal left on  the switch and to this terminal i will   connect this yellow wire which will again be  connected from this side to the 7 h battery   so guys after doing all this firing  it's finally time to connect the battery   okay so this is the battery   so yes the battery has also been placed now guys  this yellow wire i will connect it to the negative   terminal first okay   that's the negative terminal now comes the  positive wire the only left out wire yeah so   let's connect this one too okay yeah so this one  is also connected now let's turn on the switch   you see it's working this what you see guys is a   usb port which i'm going to use to charge  this 12 volts battery although this board   is used usually for 5 volts as you have seen  in mobile charging systems and chargers   here as you can see i've also placed hot glue  so that it fixes strongly and rigidly and this   is the usb cable and it is going to be something  like this and this red led is going to indicate   the starting of charging of the battery when i  connect the usb cable over here now guys this is   one kilo ohm resistor which i'm going to connect  with this led in series to limit the current flow   this black wire from the usb port is going  to be connected to this resistor okay   so   you see it is glowing so to  prevent that i am going to use this   six amperes diode okay and this  is the positive side of the diode   which will be connected to the led over here  and the negative to this white terminal   okay you see now the light bulb is not glowing and  that's done so diver has been connected charging   cable has been connected everything done now  comes the testing part and also the back cover   so guys here as you can see  that the charging system   at the pump the motor as well as the battery  all have been placed and this is the main switch   okay and this red led you see it  was going to uh indicate uh when   the charger is connected to this setup  let's turn it on and see how it works   see it's working well guys this plastic piece  you see this is going to be the cover of the   water pump and here as you can see i have  made a mark where i'm going to drill a hole   and this part was a little cracked so  i've used very quick to fix it again   so it's finally time to cover the head   uh here as you can see guys i've placed seven  screws this this this then two on this side and   then again two on this side together seven screws  holding the two cases strongly this is the cover   and a lower piece is the one holding the battery  motor and the pump along with all the remaining   circuitry and guys now comes the part of placing  the handle you can see that i have given a curve   over here that is going to be placed like this  let's drill a hole over here for placing a bolt   so guys this one that you see is the hole that i  bought and this piece i have made the marking at   the back and i have to cut off this piece from  here so that it can be placed here like this   now guys this what you see is a 15 volts 3 amperes  laptop charger as i have already showed you in   many of my previous videos i have cut off its main  cable and connected this usb cable that i showed   you at the beginning of this water pump video now  when i'm going to connect this over here you have   seen the red led so this is going to  indicate if it has started charging or not   and as you can see that the led has started  glowing indicating that the charging part has   started so leave it for a few hours and also the  charging is under protection i'm using a 15 volts   charger but i've connected a diode in series  so the diode is going to cut off the 15 volts   to around 14.3 volts which is ideally needed for  charging the 12 volts ups battery here as you can   see this is the pressure i'm getting from the  tap water you see slow pressure so this is the   extension pipe that goes to the booster pump  and here this actual pipe connects to this   that's the normal pressure let's  boost it okay with this switch   it's filling up really fast   okay so this is the normal pressure  that we get now let's boost it   oh   you
Channel: The Professor
Views: 353,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 simple inventions, inventions, 12v, dc motor, water pump, brushless dc motor
Id: mdLM5Rmn6FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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