12V Car Alternator to Brushless Generator Self Excited - Amazing Idea DIY

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hi guys welcome back to my channel mister electron  and in this video I am going to teach you how to   convert a dead car alternative into a permanent  magnet generator so this is the rotor and this is   the armature winding now the plan is to modify  the ruler winding with neodymium magnets and   the armature brushes are all worn off so it was  already useless so that's why I am modifying this   video is sponsored by Jael CPCB to order upload  java files from your computer after checking the   details and price on the next page save to cart  and then check out securely also every customer   will care dollar 7 and dollar 8 3 engineering  fee for SMT assembly orders so guys as you can   see that the top portion of this armature  winding is clean but the lower portion is   still pretty bad so it can be cleaned only after  I remove the base so let's proceed with that you   can see that the cleaning has got a pretty good  effect on the windings let's open it from below   so guys here as you can see all the screws  nuts and bolts have been removed and now   the armature winding is out from the rectifier  and at the base of the halter neato you see ya   so guys as you can see that it is all greased  up so the first thing is to clean it up ok ok   so guys here as you can see that I cleaned  it up as much as I could and now comes the   part of the route oh you see it's much cleaner  than before yeah so guys here what you see are   the five important parts of the alternator  all have been opened and separated from each   other so this is the top head that holds the  shaft of the rotor this is the rotor these   are the teeth slip rings bearings ok yeah  bearings are working fine now this one is   what holds the brushes you can see there are  no brushes inside the brushes are completely   worn off so I'm going to remove this since I'm  going to make it a brushless generator this of   course we all know is the armature winding and  this is the back cover of this entire setup   okay so guys as you can see that I have drilled  holes on all the teeth of the router two holes   on each teeth yeah the holes are perfect yeah  the bearing is also nice now comes the part in   which I'm going to mount the magnets according to  the polls and then fix them with an adhesive okay   so guys these are the neodymium magnets that I'm  going to use to fix on these grooves so I'm going   to use north north on this south south on this and  then again north north on this and accordingly and   then fix them with this bond sticky bond okay  so first thing is to find out the poles if   it is north or it is south so guys the method  is simple all you got to do is understand the   magnetic field now this is north then the lower  portion of it is going to be south and then this   upper portion of this magnet is again going to be  north so the upper one is north I'm going to place   it like this yeah okay then again in the same  way for this one so North has been pleased or   not now comes the south okay so first I'm going  to place north or north and then south south   you see the magnets for the north  have been already pleased now come   to the South so starting from this side  salt will be the opposite this side   yeah this one is quite unfit I will have  to increase the size of the hole here   yeah so guys all the magnets have been placed on  the rotor now it's time to place glue on them okay   so guys here as you can see that I have evenly  placed all the magnets now comes the part of   placing adhesive so that they can stick in there  properly okay so yeah but before I do that first   I'm going to confirm that all the magnets are  pleased evenly and properly like this is not   then this is solved and again this is north so  let's do that jack force so guys checking that   is simple all you need is another magnet set and  one pole should repel and the other pole should   attract okay attracting attracting repelling  repelling attracting attracting repelling   repelling attracting a attracting or repelling  repelling attracting attracting repelling   repelling so all the magnets are placed properly  now it's time to place the glue on them okay   okay so this process is complete now okay so guys  let's place this inside and check if there is no   projection and it goes smoothly in yeah as you  can see that it is going really smooth it's fit   so the first part is to place the head on the  shaft here as you can see that the shaft and   the rotor has got in the head and it's working  pretty smooth now comes on the base so this is   the base and this is the armature winding so  I'm going to choose this slot for the wires   yeah let's choose this one and see if it fits  yeah if it's good enough you see here and fits   perfectly and now here goes this now I will have  to hammer it so that it fixes really nice so let's   do that okay so guys now it's time to place  back the final long screws okay let's see if   it is rotating freely or not yeah it's running okay okay so guys the placing and installation of   the rotor the armature winding and the casing  has completed and as you can see that it is   running really smooth you see very smooth and  the smoothness can be judged if I rotate it and   then it continues to rotate see smooth so guys now  I'm going to measure the output voltage generated   voltage and current of this alternative with help  of this multimeter so yeah this is the multimeter   that I got from Bangor's link to buy this will  be provided in the description Auto power on ok   so I present it as an and the voltage mode  so let me show you one thing first here as   you can see there are three terminals 1 2 and  this one smaller one is 3 so these 3 terminals   are the 3 phases of this alternator but since  these multimeters have only 2 terminals and can   measure only single-phase EC so I will use only  two of the three terminals provided here to just   measure the phase voltage because the voltage of  the single phase is equivalent to the voltage of   the 3 phase so guys taking any of the two wires  two wires have been connected the middle one is   left out let's rotate the shaft and see how much  voltage I can get to be displayed over here okay   so I'm going to start with the rope rotation  testing that rope has been wound on the shaft   now it's time to pull it you can see voltage being  displayed because of the minor movements okay   once again for the maximum voltage I could  achieve with hand rotation was around 1.6   volts now let's go a little further so guys  it seems like the measurement delay voltage   display measurement delay is a little bit  longer for this multimeter so I'm going to   use the traditional cheap multimeter yellow  multimeter for testing the generators yeah   pointing it towards 200 volts AC mode so guys  thread has been bound meter has been connected   pointing towards EC mode 200 volts keep watching  the display screen as I pull the thread   yeah you saw it generated around five  point five volts AC let's go a little   hard on it and see how much more I can  generate okay as far as be involved go   six-point-three hand rotation voltage nice  okay so guys this is a car indicator ball   that I'm going to connect and test with  this alternator being used as a generator   so guys as you can see the bulb has been  connected it's time to wound that's right   you can see that it is glowing now let's  turn off the lights and see how much it is   illuminating you
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 2,120,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr electron, Alternator to Brushless Generator, alternator idea, alternator generator, 12v idea, self excited alternator, 12v alternator, Brushless Generator, brushless, alternator, self excited, 12v, generator, amazing idea, diy, amazing diy, diy amazing, idea diy, diy idea, alternator to generator, 12v generator, 12v car, self excite
Id: aeqy-OE5ZIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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