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hi guys this what you see is a sieving machine  motor this one and this knob that you see these   are for the brushes which ensures that this one is  either a dc motor or a universal motor because of   the presence of brushes and commutation let's open  it and see you can see that the brush is healthy   let's check the other one hey i forgot if you  are new to this channel subscribe it now for   awesome content and videos like these yeah this  one too and obviously the length of both of them   are almost identical considering the fact  that both of them were of an equal time period   and guys after removing this  final piece it becomes clear   that yes it's a universal motor so guys this is an  indian made motor and comes by the name of tulupum   okay i have something here that fell out  just fell out okay yeah the base push   well i never like motors with bushes but uh this  one has pushes so i'm stuck with it the armature   for universal motor is almost similar to that of  a dc motor now comes the field winding so yeah   this is the field winding what we have here is i  think a dead spider yeah well maybe i'll look its   skeleton under a microscope or something  yeah and share an image with you guys too   okay cool let's keep it aside too now in close  up here as you can see it is printed type ac as   well as dc stating that it's a universal motor  made in varanasi india well guys let's clean   everything up using this wd-40 can link for  which will be provided in the description   after placing everything back as it was before  let's check the motor if it is working or not   now guys i am going to use this 60 volts   dc power supply from an e-bike charger as you  can see that it is flashing 56 volts dc   sparking is there and yes it is running super  smooth very nice very smooth operation   yeah well guys the torque is also pretty good   difficult to stop well guys now i'm going to run  it at 220 volts uh i mean within the voltage range   dc from 70 to 220 volts and see how much rpm i  can obtain and i will have to hold this motor   because of which i'm wearing rubber gloves let's  see and after that we're going to measure the rpm   okay time to turn on the supply you can see that  it has started running let's increase the speed   increasing the speed   increasing the speed now   more more   more more   more more   reducing well guys here i'm placing this drill  check to measure the rpm with help of a tachometer   let's do the rpm measurement as you can see  that the machine has started and it is stating   3000 rpm somewhere around 3 000 3000  rpm pretty fixed let's increase it   well we have easily achieved 4 200  rpm let's go a little further   again easily achieved 5500 rpm okay   doing close to 7000 rpm let's take  it a little bit more further   8 000 rpm more than thousand eight  thousand three hundred more   ten thousand rpm guys ten thousand  rpm more let's go a little more   i'm doing here close to 11 000 rpm   let's try a little more   stopping it now now guys in one of my previous  videos that i made on a self-excitation of a   universal motor from a washing machine i showed  you its excitation the easiest way possible so for   that i'm going to use this 12 volts ups battery  next what you have to do is run this motor with   a dc source not an ac but a dc source okay you can  see that it has started running initially when it   was running on ac the residual magnetism was zero  because of changing magnetic poles the pole which   was initially north became south and then again  north but now that i've fed a dc source to it   the pools have a residual magnetism now using that  residual magnetism i am going to self-excite it   without any external source this is a bulb you see  in ganderson bulb okay let's connect its terminals   now let's turn the supply on and  see if it gets self-excited okay   you see that it is self-excited now   cool right okay so starting the test now   as you can see the bulb is not glowing now let's  choose the previous method of battery excitation   now let's try this way   still not working trying with two batteries  in series making it seven volts battery has   been connected and guys as you can see  that the resistance of this motor is   so high that this bulb is  not even glowing a little bit   well this type of motor is super bad  for generating electricity unless   we force excite the field winding of the motor and  get electricity from its armature or vice versa   this what you see is a 12 volts  55 watts car headlamp bulb   okay 12 volts 55 watts h3 and these  two are from a 12 volts adapter   yeah supplies on now this what you see is a  pin from soldering iron holding iron tip   and guys this what you see is a  power transistor okay you see mj1309   it's a dead power transistor not working okay so  let's check that first if it is dead or not so   let's first check if it is dead or not so guys the  easiest method to check a transistor if it is dead   or it's working is by connecting uh the collector  and emitter to the power supply and see if it's a   closed circuit or not so uh emitter means this one  will be connected to the negative of the supply   done and the one terminal to the bulb and this  terminal to the bulb you see it's lighting   up this indicates that even though i have not  given any supply to the collector with the base   which is the basic for starting or powering or  switching on the power transistor it is still   turning on which means it's a short circuit there  is a little delay but still it's a short circuit   you see it's lighting up equally well with the  base terminal what about the collector and the   base okay it's again short and base again short so  the power transistor is completely dead and short   so let's try and make a soldering iron with it   now guys after inserting the soldering iron tip  and the whole of the power transistor we have to   find out the maximum resistance terminals okay so  let's check the resistance between this and this   it's 21 ohms now base and emitter again 21  and collector and emitter it is 0.6 ohms   so we have to go for the maximum either go  for collector and base or base and emitter   now let's cut off this unwanted terminal   and now i'm going to do the temperature check  on the soldering iron okay temperature   yeah done now the temperature should rise  see it's rising rapidly well guys there was   a little change of plan this was the initial  soldering iron that i was making you see   it was working but i had to wait really long to  get it heated up so i decided why not connect it   directly and you see here you will see that  i tested it before i am going to show to you   that uh the soldering occurred at the tip  of the power transistor so guys the first   part is to extend the wires with these 12  volts clips okay let's keep this one aside   okay and this one is base and this one is emitter  so yeah this one is base so base is positive   and emitter is negative so i will connect  positive to the base and then now emitter   done yeah and this is done all right  for positive and black for negative   well guys here as you can see that  i have connected it to a 12 volt 7 8   ups battery okay and that's the  wires and that's my soldering iron   you see   uh   hey i forgot if you are hey i forgot if you  are new to this channel subscribe it now for   hi guys you are watching channel mr electron   and in this video i'm going to make  a high current 300 amps diode   this can of course is a part of this project  here as you can see that there are 50 diodes   in this strip of mic with a single diode rating  of 400 volts max and 6 amperes continuous   maximum and one single diode can carry  a high current pulse of up to 400   amperes obviously for a very short duration but  yes it can here as you can see that i'm cleaning   the ends of the positive and negative terminals  of each and every diode that is because the ends   were stuck to the paper with a glue which might  have some insulation and create a problem during   soldering and guys this cleaning is also going  to remove the oxide covering on the terminals   so after completing the cleaning process which  i did with the sandpaper let's proceed further   now guys here as you can see that i'm gluing the  diodes together to create one set of 25 diodes   and in total i have 50 diodes so there is going to  be another set a second set which is also going to   contain 25 diodes so two sets with 25 diodes each  with the current carrying capability of each set   being 150 amps and peak of 10 000 amps now comes  the connection part with a peak value of up to 20   000 amperes and an avalanche breakdown voltage of  up to 400 volts so guys for doing the connections   first we have to bend the terminals of all  the diodes to bring them together to the   center terminal for the diode in the center so  that it forms a pyramid and then solder them   properly without leaving out a single terminal  so that all diodes are in contact for completing   our target 300 ampere diode set and guys note that  the pyramid side is the positive side of the diode   for both the sets so guys here as you can see  that the soldering part has completed the positive   terminals of all the diodes are under a short  circuit now the negative part is left and the   wiring of course that is also left so let's move  on to that part and guys now comes the part of   shorting all the negative terminals of the diodes  i mean two sets of the diodes together negative to   negative and this shorted part will create one  overall negative terminal okay so what i will   do is i will use little soldering on the outer  section and on the inner section i will place   bare copper wire to connect the terminals and i  have to connect each and every single terminal   so guys the soldering for all diode terminals is  fully complete except for the three terminals in   the middle you see you see the two in the middle  those two are not connected similarly there is   another piece yeah i think yeah now you can see  that's the second yeah that's the third okay   so leaving out the three all of them have been  connected perfectly with help of the soldering   iron but don't you worry because i am going  to connect those three as well not with the   soldering iron but with a copper wire and then  i'm going to use that copper wire to connect   all the terminals together by winding it around  these terminals well guys here as you can see   that i have perfectly completed the shorting part  of the common negative terminals of all the diodes   now let's place this hot glue okay so let's  cover it with this insulation tape because   it can create contact with the aluminum  boundary and thus create a short circuit   so guys this terminal that you see is the final  overall output negative terminal of this diode   now i have to think about the positive  and uh this is one positive and this is   the other positive and they have to be  joined together as one with this wire   well guys it's time to place this  high amp diode inside this can okay   well guys here as you can see that i have  covered this part with dave to protect   any short circuit condition because there is going  to be high current which might even burn the can   because it is aluminium and this is the cap  i'm also going to place some insulated tape   on this on the sides of this okay yeah so the  short circuit protection has been completed   all i have to do is place it in well guys  our high current diode is fully complete now   it's time for us to test it so guys first  i'm going to check the forward bias voltage   okay well this multimeter can also check the  diodes you see the diode sign okay so red is   positive and positive is uh the black side and  negative is for the silver side or gray side okay   and here as you can see that it's showing 0.458  volts forward voltage drop okay and in the reverse   you can see that it is showing open circuit in  the reverse price condition okay so guys link   for this product will be in the description  if you want to buy it just in case and guys   a few days back you saw me make this variable 24  volts power supply 24 to 48 or 49 volts dc so i'm   going to test this high current diode with this  power supply so guys this side of the drive is   positive and this terminal from the power supply  is also positive and red indicates positive so   let's connect it okay positive terminal has been  connected and guys this is as you can see a 24   volts dc 500 watts output with a current rating of  around 27 amperes dc motor that i have for e-bikes   well i'm going to test this diode performance  with this motor first okay so yeah this one   black one is negative okay and the positive will  be connected to this terminal at present i haven't   given any power supply to the uh to this power  supply circuit board so let's do that well guys   the power supply has been turned on yes so turn  turning the knob yeah around 80 of the power   you see   hmm   you see how great the power supply is working  well guys this is the forward bias voltage okay   let's reverse it   to ensure that there is no short circuit inside   and as you can see that in the reverse  bias condition it is not working   the diode is working just as any other diode and  one more thing guys that the high current diodes   are very expensive if you have to buy and this one  went a really cheap now guys i'm going to run this   pump this is a dc shunt motor and it is going  to uh like this power supply is going to feed   this pump to both field winding and the rotor  winding because it does not has any permanent   magnets and that is why it is going to draw huge  current well guys i'm going to measure the voltage   that this power supply is producing which as  you can see is around 37 volts so obviously   this motor is going to draw even more current  because of more voltage being fed to it   yeah one terminal is connected now the  other one okay you see so much spark   so the diode is working pretty good guys  now let's move on to the final starter motor   bike starter motor that i have you all know okay  so that's the final before ending the video   see it's almost a short circuit   so guys yes indeed this diode is working  really good and it is also super good if you   want to use it in car alternators because  the car alternators generate huge current   at less voltage and this diode  of course can withstand it   so guys this what you see is a mixer motor  it's in a pretty bad condition you can see that   the wiring and the winding  has been burned out at least   for the router although the brushes can be reused  so let's open it up without any further delay   yeah this looks good can be put to some good  use let's keep it aside and so are these   now comes the removal of the top head   done again   now comes the brush tapping removal this portion  is keeping this strip in its place so we will   have to push it okay once again yeah got it  out and we have a full good condition brush   that we can put to good use in some motor  so now we can remove the stator at least   yeah here we have a stator which seems like  it's fine but to be sure about it we will have   to put it to resistance check that's the rotor  pretty bad condition yeah not good at all   well guys i just forgot that i also needed this  metal base from this so obviously i will have   to remove this cooling fan and it does jam pretty  good you see completely rusted over here and the   legendary wd-40 as you can see that i've removed  the fan and all i have to do is remove this   yeah done washers   and the armature is now completely separate  so guys finally it's time to do the resistance   check for each of the two poles and you see that  this pole has three wires so uh we will have to   figure out the maximum resistance wires and then  leave out the third wire so first confirming   the resistance with the pole with two wires and  what we have here is 2.1 ohms so the resistance   is quite low for so many turns so but still  let's check for the other one okay yeah you see   the resistance for this one is around 4 ohms what  about this that is 6.3 ohms what about these two   three ohms so guys the bad news is that  i think there is some shorting in this   winding because the pole resistances don't match  so there is going to be imbalance but guys i was   lucky enough to find an identical core identical  in diameter but it is much more powerful with   thicker copper windings you see and it also  has these spin outs for easy connection which   was not the case with this cheap one and this  was also lying around and it fits perfectly so   i thought why not use it you see this was  for this piece it fits perfectly here   and this piece fits perfectly here   okay perfect and the only difference is the core  thickness core thickness of 26.2 mm okay 26.2 for   that one now comes this one this one is 20 mm   now guys this was the armature of that universal  motor from a mixer and i have chipped away these   two sides to place the magnets and i'm going  to use the perfect concave magnets okay you   see how it fits over here yeah and same for  the other one and it's something like this   perfect well now it's finally time to assemble all  of them together and check how much electricity   it can generate so base comes here done now goes in the field or rotor   initially it was armature but now it does field  or you can say rotor and then the top head   well guys here on the shaft you can see  that i have placed a wd-40 to make it   work smooth and a same for the base there are  no brushes and uh you can see the magnet okay   also the air gap is maintained as very less  so uh the magnets are going to induce huge emf   on the field poles so let's measure  the voltage generated by one pole   well here i've pointed the meter towards ac  ac voltage because it is going to produce ac   you can see simple rotation and it  is generating around 2.5 volts ac   3.3 yeah 3.5 volts for one single pole with  hand rotation imagine guys when i connect   both the poles in series then obviously the  hand rotation voltage is going to go around   seven or eight volts and with rope rotation  testing and like if i run this motor with this   drill machine and all then obviously the voltage  will easily reach around 12 volts and also if   you see the thickness of the copper winding  it is good enough to produce good current   so guys today we are going to do the performance  and a generation power testing of this   modified mixer motor to dynamo i have  added this drill check at the back   because it was moving up and down a lot and  also it is easier to rotate it like this with   this chuck and uh now comes the important  part this coil has these two terminals and   this coil has these two terminals and we  have to connect both the coils together   in series in such a way that the voltage gets  doubled when i rotate the shaft with this okay so   initially it was generating in my previous video  which you saw was generating around 3.5 volts   ac so our target is to achieve around 6.527 volts  with hand rotation so i have connected one pin   over here and the other one i will connect over  here well right now i'm doing just hit and try   one terminal connected now the terminals that  are left out are one terminal is this and the   other one is this so to this terminal i will add  this done so now in total i have two terminals so   to these two terminals i will connect a multimeter  and then measure the voltage i am achieving   now let's rotate the shaft and  see if the voltage has increased   you see the truth is the voltage has decreased  so this means that the connection i have made are   just the opposite of what i needed okay so i will  have to change that and now the voltage generated   should be higher you see the voltage has increased  this means the connection are correct now   simple rotation and easily 1.5 volts  let's go a little higher six volts   whoa and i think i will be doing the test with  this drill machine okay it's easier to do that   but before that let's connect this  black tape on this wire okay   yeah okay see for the voltage over there   why is it not measuring voltage beyond   7 volts so 10 volts was the max i could  get with this drill machine again   yeah 10.32 volts well guys now i'm going to repeat   this very test with a bigger 350 watts drill  machine with an even higher rpm and torque   let's see how much sorry it's going to be ac volts  let's see how much ac voltage it generates okay   22 volts   around a 24 or 23 volts pretty good voltage for ac  so guys now i'm going to connect this car headlamp   bulb okay and since it's a dc lamp so i am using  a rectifier 35 amperes bridge rectifier okay   well there's a lot of lighting in the room  let's turn it off and then do this test again   pretty good   although guys are the ac was not  completely purified because i didn't add   any additional condenser capacitor to  these two dc terminals to pure the dc   line because of which there was a lot of  flickering in its operation see a lot of   flickering which would not be the case if i  had connected a capacitor so let's do that   and then check out the results so guys this  is a 7 000 micro farad 40 volts dc capacitor   so i'm going to connect it to this and  i hope for better output results   you see the lighting is much more better  there is very less flickering now   well guys now to the output terminal i have  connected this 220 volts transformer so   uh i'm going to boost the voltage from  24 volts yeah it is generating 24 volts   to 220 volts maybe even more  let's see how much voltage it   produces at the output connections  have completed let's turn it on   so as you saw that it is generating pretty  good voltage and transforming it then to 256   or 260 volts which is exactly what we get  here in india in our ac sockets well guys   this one what you see is my cordless trail  battery charger okay see 48 volts and uh   i'm using this instead of a mobile phone charging  demonstration because this one has this uh   led light indicator and it is two-way red and  green so uh i can do good demonstration with it   and this is my 48 volts lithium ion battery pack  that this charger is going to charge okay   yeah connections have been made  that's the indicator remember okay   it has start charging   well the generator here as you can see  is connected to the drill machine and   to the transformer and to my night bulb okay   hi guys welcome back to my channel mr electron  and in this video i am going to teach you   how to convert a dc motor toy dc motor into a 220  volts to 12 volts transformer so guys for this we   don't need these two only we need is armature now  guys the first step is to take off the armature   winding if you look closely you will see that  this one was wounded the first this one the second   and this one the third so the third one  is the one that has to be taken out   first   as you can see guys the first one has been  removed now comes the second one which is   this one   so guys as you can see that the two pole wires  have been completely removed and only one remains   and this last one will not be removed okay because  this is going to be our high voltage input 220   volts so guys now comes the part of measuring the  resistance of the winding that remains this one   as you can see that the resistance is 12  ohms let's measure the thickness of the wires   bound on this armature it is 0.16   and here i'm going to use this one let us  point three four yeah now guys i actually   do not know the number of turns given per pole so  i will have to calibrate the number of turns   well guys let's test it how much voltage  it is producing at the output these two   thicker wire terminals when we give  220 volts input through these two   so guys before we can connect this to the supply  220 volts we will have to close the magnetic   circuit using this okay   so this part is done now we can test it so guys  the pins of the multimeter will be connected   to the copper wires which are the output wires  in this case at present as you can see that it   is displaying zero now the two white wires  are the 220 volts high voltage winding wires   to which i will connect 220 volts supply so let's  do that and then check what happens okay so guys   now i'm going to turn on the supply you see  that it is showing somewhere around 13.5 volts   ac well i actually hoped for 12 volts because  when i'm going to connect the bridge rectifier   the voltage is going to shoot to somewhere around  18 or 19 volts so guys here i'm going to use this   kvpc 3510 bridge rectifier this is the ac terminal  the yellow wires so i will have to connect them   to these two copper wires the supply has been  turned off it was not showing any voltage   and because the project is very risky and i would  recommend you not to try it at home if you don't   know much about electricity it does super risky  project if there is a short circuit or if there   is a insulation problem in the wires then also  there is going to be a lot of problem so guys   here as you can see that this time i have pointed  the meter towards a dc voltage measurement mode   let's turn on the supply at present it is showing  12.46 here as you can see that i have a 50 volts   capacitor 5000 microfarad that i'm going to  use over here as you can see guys the voltage   has increased from 12 volts to 17 volts that is  exactly what happens when you connect a capacitor   because a capacitor does not charges at an  average value but at the peak value of ac pulses   so guys this is a 35 watts car headlamp bulb based  on led smd led so it is 35 watts i'm going to   try it with this works on 10 volts to 32 volts dc  okay oh it is glowing pretty good oh super bright   nice well guys now i have turned off the lights  uh my lab lights let's see how it performs now   you see super bright cool right let's test this dc  motor now this is a high current type of dc motor   not a low current type you can see the thickness  of the winding used here okay it's from a vacuum   cleaner car vacuum cleaner well there is a  possibility that this might not be able to run it   anyways whoa   oh working pretty good guys   cool right   nice some charge must still be left in the  capacitor you can see one terminal has been   removed see well guys you see what has happened  well the project was successful until now   when in some time this happened and this entire  thing just got destroyed maybe there was a little   bit heating issue or whatnot something melted  over here and roll over this and it raised at this   point yeah well that's uh disaster pretty good  so now you can see how dangerous this project was   and guys when i looked closely over here i  found this copper ball okay maybe a little   piece got melted and it came over here rolling  and rolling you see and this is what it did   and look at its tracks how it bounced  evenly from one point to the other   and then created its path like this and finally  came over here so guys that's all for today's   video i hope you enjoyed it don't forget  to subscribe my channel and hit that bell   icon and i also have a hindi channel if you are  interested in link will be in the description   videos related link description
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 332,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr electron, mr. electron, dc motor, motor man, motor, dc, awesome life hacks, hacks, life hacks, motor hacks, 5 awesome, life hack, 5 hacks
Id: VyERe575_gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 57sec (2817 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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