10 More Scary TRUE Stories from Around the Internet

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didn't  have anywhere to set up camp and a storm was   approaching we hiked to the nearest exit point on  the trail met our pickup guy and he drove us a few   miles to the nearest campsite we were familiar  with and that we could basically drive up to   it was a long logging path pretty deep in the  mountains that we'd all hiked in the previous   years so we were kind of familiar with the area  anyways we hop out the van and it's pitch black   outside no moon it's april in the mountains  and still pretty chilly we're cold hungry and   exhausted that's when we notice a man staring  at us from behind a tree i know this sounds   like a no sleep story but it's a hundred percent  true and probably the most scared i've ever been   we noticed this guy no headlamp no equipment  no backpack he's just standing there   one of our group a former marine yells at  him to come out and explain what his deal is   this guy walks a few feet out from behind  the tree and we all shine our lights on him   and i kid you not this dude's white t-shirt  is covered in what looks like blood smears   he's pretty rough looking long hair long beard   crazy eyes and he was wearing a red smeared  t-shirt and shorts in one degree weather at night   we're all pretty freaked out and this is an  experienced hiking group who've all seen some   stuff we asked this guy what his deal is and he  simply says we can't camp here well we tell him   that's exactly what we plan to do and he says  i don't think that's a good idea for any of you   we kind of turn to discuss as a group and when  we look back he's hidden back behind the tree   as a group we basically decide none of us are  getting any sleep that night if we stay there   so we pack up the van and leave as we were pulling  out this guy pulled out one of those red filtered   flashlights and ran after our van i'm not kidding  he followed us for at least a quarter mile on pert   he was fast as all hell we passed a park ranger  on the road and flagged him down to tell him how   weird this dude was acting he said he'd go and  investigate i didn't hear anything else about it   for five years for the longest time i thought he  was probably a moonshiner who was just living in   the woods and didn't want us near his still people  hunt out there all the time which could maybe   explain the blood smears a little bit but i was  recently at an event with some of those guys again   for the first time in years and that creepy dude  from the woods got brought up in conversation   one of them who still lives nearby brought out  his phone and said oh i forgot to tell you guys   i saw him again he pulls up a news article  and there he was so obviously the same guy   he'd been arrested for murdering some poor  girl on that trail timelines didn't match   up so i fully believe we saw this guy shortly  after he had murdered someone else he hasn't   been charged with anything else as far as i'm  aware i'm not backpacking without a gun anymore i was dating this guy for about two  months it was just another friday night   i ordered a pizza and went into his  bedroom to watch tv while i waited for it   he was on his laptop in the dining area he  started acting odd kept saying that he wanted   to cage fight my ex-husband who had never met  i remember getting and paying for the pizza   then he asks me what did you do that for  i had no idea what he was talking about   he proceeds to attack me he pins me to the ground  and begins choking me well i was sure he was going   to kill me i managed to reach out between his  legs and grabbed and twisted as hard as i could   he rolled me over bit my shoulder then let me  go i still have the scar from that bite i ran   to his bedroom looking for my phone this was  back before most phones had screen locks but   i was in such a panic i didn't realize  i could call for help with his phone   i made the mistake of telling him i was calling  the cops but still hadn't found my phone yet   he struggled with me then  stopped and went into his closet   i managed to find my phone by that  point but didn't get a chance to call   he came out with my ex-husband's  gun that he had stolen from my house   he struggled with me on the bed i  thought for sure i was dead at that point   then he abruptly gets up and stands at the foot  of the bed one second he's standing there the   next he's gone apparently i totally blocked out  the part where he put a round through his head   i finally managed to call 9-1-1 but i didn't know  his address the cops finally showed up but he was   already dead by then he was a bodybuilder turns  out he bought some illegal roids off the internet   the presumption was he either took  too many or had a bad reaction   that caused him to blip out i haven't thought  about that whole incident for a long time   this happened 14 years ago and retelling it has  had an effect that i didn't know was still there i was home alone one evening  since my wife was working late   she's a doctor at a local hospital and late nights  are a common occurrence i'd recently been working   on my baking skills and thought i'd surprise her  by baking her an apple pie for when she got home   i took it out of the oven and set  it on the kitchen counter to rest   then went into the living room  to watch tv and wait for my wife   we live in a safe neighborhood so i  had left the back door unlocked for her   that way she could get in through the house's  side gate and enter directly into the kitchen   it was around 10 p.m when i heard her come in  through the back door i shouted a hello from   the comfort of the living room weird thing was  she didn't shout high back i heard her moving   about in the kitchen and yelled for her to take  some pie if she wanted some but she still didn't   say a word back to me or even come in to say hi  must have been a hard night or something after   a few minutes the show ends and i get up and  walk into the kitchen to see what she's doing   she's not there i look at the pile on the counter  and see that a single slice has been cut out   she obviously hadn't taken a plate because  there were crumbs all over the floor   leading into the adjoining dining room she  must have gone in there to eat at the table   but the lights were off and the dining room  was pitch black i asked if she was in there   but again didn't get anything back maybe  she'd gone upstairs and i hadn't heard her   i decided to go up and check but first went to  cut myself a slice of the pie i'd made now it   cooled down i reach for the knife but that's when  i realize it's missing the large carving blade we   keep in the block on the counter it was gone i  get a weird feeling that something isn't right   and turn back to look into the pitch black dining  room i stare into the blackness focusing my eyes   and in the black i can make out a sort of  outline right at the back of the room like   i could see something but couldn't at the  same time a black figure in a black space   it wasn't moving and there weren't any sounds but  i couldn't shake the feeling that something was   in there and that it was looking right at me i was  too scared to turn on the dining room light or get   any closer to the possible figure in the shadows  so in a frozen state of panic i took my phone out   of my pocket planning to keep my distance turn  on the flashlight and shine it into the room   as my thumb ran over the screen i saw that i had  a message it was from my wife sent 10 minutes ago   hey busy night i won't be home for a couple  of hours don't wait up i looked at the still   motionless figure in the darkness the outline was  clear now and i realized it was because it had   gotten closer this wasn't my mind playing tricks  on me someone really was there and whoever it was   it wasn't my wife i turned on the flashlight  and shone it directly into the dining room   there was someone standing there it was  a man the light illuminated him and he   lifted one of his hands to shield his eyes the  light glinted off the blade in his other hand   i realized he was in midstep and moving towards me  i almost dropped my phone out of fear but instead   managed to make a beeline for the back door i ran  outside and got a safe distance from the house   not hearing any footsteps behind me i  turned back to look the man was standing   on the perimeter of my property staring at me  with wide eyes the kitchen blade still in his   hand i continued to put distance between myself  and him all the while calling the authorities   when they finally arrived they found the man  inside my house still clenching the blade   turns out this guy was one of my wife's patients  he had some serious issues had stopped taking his   meds and was going through an episode when  he snuck into our home he thought it was my   wife home alone that night when asked what  he was planning on doing he remained silent   i looked on as they took him away his  eyes were still bulging but otherwise   his face was blank and expressionless last  i heard he'd been committed to a psych ward   i hope he gets the help he needs and i really  hope he doesn't try and pay us a visit if he   ever gets out i don't know exactly what his plan  was that night but i know it involved my wife   and you can best believe we don't keep our  door unlocked anymore i'm just thankful that   it really wasn't my wife home alone that  night who knows what might have happened this was maybe 20 years ago in manila  philippines there was a dead body on the   side of the street with a sign around its neck  saying i'm a cell phone thief don't be like me i was 17 coming home from my girlfriend's  house at around 3 or 4 in the am   i live in an apartment and would  regularly jump my backyard fence   climb up the second floor and come down the stairs  to climb through my window on the first floor   didn't want to wake the parents i get to the  fence hear a car screeching its tyres i get   to the top of the fence and as i turn back to  land i hear footsteps running towards where i am   i'm called off guard because no one should be  back there at that time i land and turn around   to see who it is it's a neighbor who lives in the  building a 32 year old gangster cholo and frequent   substance user i felt relief because we were on  decent terms and he knew who i was growing up   but then i noticed the uzi in his hand he  half points it at me shaking as he does so   i nearly crap myself but he lowers it  realizing who i am i say hey what's up   he was obviously on something i  could tell by the way he was talking   he asked me to hold his gun so he could go and  take a piss pushing it into my chest as he did so   i could feel him shaking from  adrenaline or whatever he was wired on   i look at it and it's just cold  hard steel in the shape of a gun   it looked like death i felt  like i didn't have a choice   i was stuck for a second but i managed to take a  step back raise my hands and say nah bro i can't   he says it's all good use your shirt to  hold it just real quick while i take a piss   i repeat nah i can't put it on the floor and do  what you got to do i'll keep watch he proceeds   to take a leak turning my way every other second  because his loaded gun is on the floor between us   i look the other way trying not to make  him any more nervous i look into the sky   and hear a helicopter approaching it's low  and its searchlight is scanning the area   i tell him yo i gotta go he asks if i have  keys to the backyard door i nervously pull   them out and say yeah i do but let's go though  i hardly run to the door and open it for us   he lives on the first floor as well and we go  our opposite ways a huge relief i have to jump   through my window still i can barely manage to  get the screen off because i'm shaking so much   10 seconds later i'm in and nervous from  what's just happened i wash my face change   my clothes get ready for bed i put adult swim  on to try and relax and drift off to sleep   20 minutes later as i'm drifting off i see a red  laser being pointed through my curtains i nearly   shat myself as my bed was visible through the  curtains and the dot seemed like it was shaky   and searching my only thought was that my  neighbor had gone and got more high thought   about what had happened and decided i'd seen too  much i'm literally hugging my wall standing on my   bed to avoid the laser beam i thought i was dead  then the red light shuts off and flicks on and off   a couple of times and i notice the angle isn't  floor level it's coming from the second floor   a neighbor girl i used to talk to had two younger  sisters and their window was across from mine   but on the second floor most likely they  saw me jumping in through the window   and decided it was a good idea that night to  shine a laser beam into my room i was furious and   sent her sister a few texts blowing up about them  shining the laser into my room that late at night   she understood without me having to explain and  they stopped immediately but damn the thoughts   that were running through my head i didn't know  whether to laugh or cry about the situation this next story is narrated  by my friend sound fiction   he's new on youtube and an excellent  storyteller so make sure to check out   his channel via the link in the  description box after this video i used to work night shifts at a convenience  store that stayed open until 3 a.m   the place was in the middle of nowhere which was  great for me because after 11 pm there were rarely   any customers even before 11 things were usually  quiet some shifts went by without a single person   stepping foot inside the store that basically  meant i could treat work like paid personal time   i'd often play music and zone out behind the  counter or finish up some college assignments   that were due i only worked there twice a week so  staying up into the early hours wasn't a big deal   most college students stay up half  the night on weekends anyway right   the store had two security cameras on the  ceiling one position behind the counter   which basically covered half the store and the  camera at the back that covered the other half   we could keep an eye on things from the back  office where the monitor was located well   one night i was working the night shift alone as  per usual it was just after three in the morning   closing time i was counting some money  in the back office when i got this weird   feeling that something was off and i looked  up toward the cctv monitor there was a man   standing in the middle of the store big guy by the  looks of it very tall but otherwise normal looking   strange thing was he was staring  directly into the overhead camera   and he wasn't moving an inch like a stiff piece  of cardboard not looking around or approaching   the counter or anything strangely i hadn't  heard the bell at the entrance go off either   it automatically chimed whenever anyone comes into  the store thinking i must have just not heard it   i walked out to tell the guy we were closed but  when i got to the counter there was nobody there   only one door separates the back office from  the store so it's not like he could have run   anywhere in the few seconds it took for me to  move between rooms i went to check the store   entrance which i'd already locked yep still locked  nobody outside either i went back into the office   to make sure the camera was working properly sure  enough the feed was live and operating normally   i figured it must have been a glitch some old  footage probably got cut into the feed somehow   i'm no technical whiz kid so i thought that  explained it then i got back to counting   the money maybe a minute passed when my eyes  were again drawn to something on the monitor   my heart nearly sank into my stomach when  i saw the same tall man on the screen   now standing at the back of the store pressed  up against the fridge arms at his sides his   back turned to the camera i grabbed one of the  metal poles we used to unhook ceiling latches   and open the door to the main store hello  i shouted out i'm sorry but we're closed   no reply i looked up and down each aisle and turn  but saw nobody the man was nowhere to be found   and with the entrance locked there was nowhere  for him to have gone i bolted back into the   safety of the office as soon as i'd locked  the door behind me i looked at the monitor   and there he was pressed up close against  the office door that i just ran through   staring through the small window my  eyes darted to that window in the door   and there was nobody there no face or anything  but there he was on the live footage clear his day   i grabbed my bag and scrambled out the back  door of the office that led into the parking lot   after locking the back door i got into my car  and drove a few minutes before pulling over i   toyed with the idea of calling the cops but  instead called up my boss to tell him someone was   in the store knowing he'd be annoyed that i woke  him up but not knowing what else to do he was sort   of a big brother figure to me a mentor the kind  of guy who had a tough start in life and wasn't   afraid of anything i at least knew he'd help  me out my boss groggily answered his phone and   i told him the situation he asked me what the guy  looked like and i described him as best as i could   i know the guy you're talking about and yeah he  scares me too my boss came down to the store about   a half hour later and we went back in together  to finish counting the money and to take a look   around we checked the video from that night but  there was no trace of the man in the footage   my boss didn't call me crazy or get  angry at me for wasting his time though   he seemed to understand completely thought  i was the only one who saw him he said to me   but if i told you before would you have believed  me according to my boss he'd seen a large man on   the monitor about three times over two years who  vanished whenever he went to look at him in person   he just said i got unlucky that shift i want to  chalk this experience up to me hallucinating or my   mind playing tricks on me in the early hours but  the fact my boss said he'd seen the same figure   well either he was screwing with me and swapped  out the footage or there really was something   unexplainable going on in the store thing  is my boss wasn't one for screwing around   from then on we always had at least  two people working the night shifts   but i didn't stay working  there for long after that this happened a few years ago a couple of  weeks before christmas my husband works for   a finance company and every year they throw a  big christmas party for all of the employees   hubby isn't one for large social  gatherings but he felt obliged to turn   up and stay for the whole event that meant  he wouldn't get home until after midnight   i honestly quite looked forward to those  annual nights at home by myself that night   just like all the years before i ordered some  takeout and binged watched my favorite tv shows   come 10 p.m i was already half asleep and my  husband had told me not to wait up for him so   i threw on my pjs got into bed and quickly fell  asleep i don't know what time it was but i was   awoken by my husband kissing me on the cheek and  then running his hands affectionately down my body   i was too tired to open my eyes or even speak so  i just let out a groan to acknowledge his presence   as he kissed me i noticed the unmistakable  smell of whiskey on his breath   it was rare for him to drink but it was christmas  after all i heard him leave the bedroom and head   back downstairs then heard him rummaging  around probably making a nighttime snack   or getting some work things organized i didn't  think much of it and fell back into a deep sleep   i was again awoken by my husband finally  getting into bed and snuggling up beside   me the next morning when i woke up i turned to  my husband and asked him what time he got home   he said around 1 30 am i then asked him  how many drinks he had had he replied none   i laughed and called him a liar said i smelled the  whiskey on his breath last night when he came home   he said he'd maybe brought the smell of  the party back on his clothes or something   i told him no it was definitely on his breath  when he kissed me he said he hadn't kissed me   we checked downstairs there was food missing from  our fridge that neither i nor my husband had eaten   as well as a used plate on the table nothing of  value had been taken but a framed photo of me   was missing from the living room police  said there was no sign of a break-in   we have no idea how whoever this was got in in the  first place but someone other than my husband had   gotten inside during that small window of time i  was alone in sleeping and my husband was still out   how he knew to come at exactly  that moment i have no idea   we went to stay with my family until  we found another place to move to the blue ring octopus has a venom that causes  paralysis causing people to die of cardiac arrest   or because of hypoxia there's no antidote the only  cure is cpr or life support for the hour or so it   takes for the venom to leave your body there was  a man who was bitten by a blurring octopus as the   lifeguard was performing cpr he was lying on his  back on the beach facing the sky eyes frozen open   unable to close his eyes or communicate  with the others he lied there   as the sun slowly burnt out his  retinas he became permanently blind i went onto the verruckt waterslide at the  schlitterbahn if that sounds familiar it was the   tallest waterslide in 2014 and was also the same  waterslide that a young boy died from decapitation   i went on this ride a month before the boy died so  the ride had a narrow raft that had three seats in   a single row i remember sitting at the back of the  raft and looking for a seatbelt or safety harness   only to find out the only thing strapping you in  was a velcro strap that went over one shoulder   that was it and as soon as it went down the first  drop the velcro strap instantly came undone and i   started to feel myself lift out of my seat it  felt as if time moved slowly as i grabbed onto   these loose cheap nylon straps that were supposed  to pass as handles but they were so loose i ended   up gripping onto the inner material of the raft  as hard as i could and agonized over the fact i   had to go through another drop the ride itself was  less than a minute long but it felt so much longer   once we reached the bottom of the slide i sat  there momentarily stunned about what had just   happened and the rest of my family that were  waiting at the end of the slide came up to me   and were shocked when they saw me still sitting  in the raft trembling with tears streaming down   my face when i told my family what had happened  they informed the lifeguard that was monitoring at   the bottom of the slide and they said they would  report and inspect the raft i'd been riding on   i was in shock the rest of the time we were at the  water park and didn't go on any of the other rides   i told as many people as i could about the  lack safety precautions that the ride had   and then a month later i saw the  incident with the death of the boy   on the same ride and instantly got chills it  sunk in that i really could have died the same   way that poor boy did if i wouldn't have  had a death grip on the sides of that raft my mum always told us her dead twin sister follows  her her sister died at a young age i always called   bull because what's she wearing how did she  follow you from the caribbean where she died   one day at work my mum came to drop off my lunch  that i forgot after she dropped it off she went   to say hello to the guy playing music at the  back a customer she walked past stopped turned   and went to kiss his knees and did the holy cross  i asked him if he's okay and he stared at my mum   and said a woman is following that lady over there  my stomach crunched because it was too random a huge shout out to sound fiction if you enjoyed  his narration please make sure to check out the   description box below and go and visit his  channel just before we end the video i'd like   to say a huge thank you to all of my supporters  here on youtube and over on patreon especially   my biggest supporters thomas the handsome  alex greensaul azrael warakai charlie lackey   connor lothan crawford k mcdonald event horizon  records gina valera grace archie infamous empappy   leonardo martinez mackenzie griffin maria mendez  mira lancaster monica mendoza natalie escobedo   palmeira peter lolgerage philip westra  procupadineta ronnie franklin cilla skeist   sloan crawford taylor and monica gruink the  only dorita zane miss crypto damian bennett   hungry and hammered the deck of cards  tns mum hamish k the nuongoam 24 bowmew38   and lydia glassley thank you guys so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   well that wraps things up for this one guys be  sure to smash that like button or i'll smash   you make sure you're subscribed and the bell  icon's clicked and you'll be hearing from me   again very soon until then you all stay spooky  and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 795,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, missing, chills, scary true stories, before bed, real scary
Id: OKqnrl_vKOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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