BEST Way To Improve Your Vocabulary

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Hey what's up Stefanie the English coach here from recently I got a message on Instagram from a woman who is saying she is really frustrated because she can't seem to build her vocabulary and in her native language she loves having deep conversations about all kind of things her ideas her beliefs psychology etcetera but in English she feels like she can't even have this conversations because again she just doesn't have the words so in this video I'm going to give you guys one of the most powerful ways to build your vocabulary now what am I talking about? I'm talking about reading it has been proven that people who read more tend to have bigger vocabularies than people who don't read and the more you read the bigger your vocabulary so this makes a lot of sense when you are reading something there are so many words right there and you are consuming all of them and if you don't understand what something means you look it up in the dictionary so that you can understand the idea of whatever it is you are reading and then the more you read the more you encounter the same words over and over and over again until those words get stored in your long term memory remember the first time that you see a word or the second, the third, even the tenth time the word doesn't necessarily make it's way to your long term memory you have to see something and be exposed to it time and time again for you to be able to access that information just like that ok so the more you read the more words you will add to your vocabulary also another thing for you to think about is when writers are writing the only thing that they have to communicate their ideas is words on a paper they can't use their tone they can't use the volume of their voice they can't use body language so they are limited they are highly limited to that to just the words on a piece of paper so they have to be very precise with their language every sentence is measured they can't have unnecessary words there they can't have any words that are gonna confuse the reader the words have to be precise so that they say exactly what they wanna say and how they wanna say it the sentences have to be precise so that it builds the correct argument or expresses the idea accurately everything has to be logical about what they do and the more you consume this type of language professional writing written either in books novels magazines etcetera the more you are going to subconsciously incorporate that into your own language skills so again reading is one of the most powerful ways to build your vocabulary now I have more that I wanna say about this but before I do I just wanna introduce you guys to the sponsor of this video I'm really excited to share this with you because they can really help you improve your vocabulary through reading books that you enjoy so here we go Blinkist is the only app that takes the best insights from thousands of top non-fiction books and condenses them down to just 15 minutes that you can read or listen to you can get a free book every day or with their premium version you can get full access to their massive library that contains books on everything from self help and business to health and history right now for a limited time you can start a free 7 day trial using the link below the first on hundred people to take advantage of this offer will also be elegible to get 25 percent off an annual membership just go to that's Blinkist B L I N K I S T .com/TheEnglishCoach your 7 day trial is completely free and you can cancel at any time ok I really hope you enjoy that another reason why I like Blinkist so much is because it's just so convenient I wish I had more time to read but honestly I don't at the same time though I'm trying to learn as much as possible because I believe that the more I learn the more successful I can be in the things that I do so again you can get a free book every day with this app and you can just study that free book read it listen to it highlight the new words write them down start learning them and again the more you read the more vocabulary you are gonna incorporate or you can get their premium version and just have unlimited access that awesome because when I go for a walk I can listen to 4 different books and I learn so much through doing this I really love this app you guys and I would not share it with you if I didn't and with that said I just want to let you know that I have a big list of book recommendations form their app that I have already listen to and loved but a few of them are Storyworthy which is about telling stories The Art Of Public Speaking I think everyone should read that one Never Split the Difference which is about negotiations Essentialism which is about time managing really great book and then of course the book that I always recommend to everyone How to Win Friends & Influence people that is a must read so now lets talk a little about fiction versus non fiction. It's been proven that people who read more fiction tend to have a bigger vocabulary than just people who read non fiction now why is this because in fiction books the author is much more descriptive they are describing scenes they are describing events they are describing dialog it's a story so because of that fiction in general has a much wider variety of words than non fiction with that said though if you are struggling to have conversations in English I highly recommend that you start by reading lots of non fiction because in fiction authors are sometimes so descriptive that sentences sound long and poetic and the words that are used aren't always the words that people use in everyday life and if you don't know that and you start incorporating all of that into your speech you might sound a little bit awkward so I recommend that you start with non fiction read lots of non fiction about all the things you already know and enjoy and use in your native language and then you can tell other people about what you've read you can even start a book club if you want or talk to a friend talk to someone else who enjoys the same topics as you and say hey, recently I read this book about XYZ whatever it is and tell them what you've learned telling other people what you learned is one of the best ways to incorporate knowledge into you long term memory if you just read it and consume it that's not as powerful as reading it consuming it and then telling someone else about it or sharing it with someone else ok remember that so when I read books I actually tell my husband Renzo I say ok I read a book today this is what I learned and I tell him the points that I thought were really interesting to me because I know that by telling him and communicating them I'm going over them again in my mind and I'm more likely to remember them and I don't want to forget the stuff that I read because a lot of it is really really powerful so sometimes I even read the same book more than once actually I do that now that I have the Blinkist app because before this I literally did not have time and the idea of reading one book I'm also kind of a slow reader I just would avoid it completely but now that I know hey in 15 minutes I can have a book read I listen to books all the time which is good because I really am learning a lot so it's awesome ok so that pretty much covers everything that I wanted to talk about but now I wanna hear from you if you have any other ideas about why reading specifically is so powerful for building vocabulary anything aside from what I've already mentioned please share it with us in the comments I'm sure there are other studies that have been done that I don't know about that explain in even more detail why reading is so powerful for building vocabulary but yes lets discuss it in the comments and if you want more help with your English or if you want to learn about my online courses go to I would also link a guide in the comments it's a Simple Guide to Practicing Your English with Native Speakers online so that you can practice and improve your English again everything that I've mentioned in this video all the links are going to be in the description so be sure to check that out sign up for Blinkist and let me know in the comment what you think about it ok that's it and I'll see you in another video bye
Channel: The English Coach
Views: 223,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best way to improve your vocabulary, improve vocabulary in english, improve your vocabulary fast, #1 way to improve vocabulary, best way to build vocabulary, learn and remember english vocabulary, learn new words fast, best way to learn vocabulary, simplest way to build vocabulary, how to improve vocabulary, vocabulary improvement, learn vocabulary english, expand vocabulary, vocabulary tips, vocab tips in english, lack vocabulary english, learn new words in english, vocabulary
Id: 6-Kk9bib5Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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