3 PokeTubers Try to Beat 1 Nuzlocke... Sorta

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can three poketubers be a randomized version of pokemon platinum probably and so far so good as i did receive the file from purplecliff he told me he beat the third gem i see three badges on the screen so i'm gonna be going forward with this file trying to beat the fourth gem and just like last episode which you should check out if you haven't already after i beat the fourth gem i'll be passing this file onto m jtv to beat the fifth gem and then he will pass it on to jack to beat the sixth gem none of us know what happened in the previous parts so i need to see what the team looks like and i'm a little worried but mostly excited caught flareon beat rachel so we have a flareon which is pretty exciting what are we talking about jack no no no no no no wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa jack jack jack jack jack jack jack jack okay the flareon's pretty good but but houndoom's right next to it so it kind of cancels so that what happened what happened what happened where's the death box wait what happened jack mikey i stink horn stone still fine in the death box but what happened man most of the people that watch my content are actually unsubscribed and if you watch the last episode apparently you watched either mikey or most likely jack decimate all of the pokemon that i worked hard to catch so the least anyone can do is if you enjoy this stuff subscribe to me it helps me out immensely and i guess subscribe to mikey and jack too i should go over the rules that i'm gonna be using in today's episode all three of us get to pick our own rules and i'm just gonna go with what i used last time so nuzlocke rules are all enabled i do have to use the set battle style no healing items in battle and i'm not allowed to level up any of my pokemon above the next gym leader's highest level pokemon which is thankfully and scarily 32 so we have a lot of breathing room here but this is the team they left me with no no no no no oh come on why am i starting with a rival battle this is chaos yeah they are going to taunt me with one of my favorite pokemon why does your starter have level 25 what is happening here they missed every single glare oh my god okay i i don't know what's going on i think we have the luck of the dawn sparse on our side i'm fine with it i will take anything that i can get and that is one of the worst things we could have possibly seen sacrifice death head to the gods so that might have to be the play here because it's not going to get hit by ground moves and he goes for the yawn okay big brain plays they're not gonna go for double yawn that was not the right play i could not have handled this worse jack what have you done to me oh disabled i do okay we disabled his takedown oh my god never mind okay the sandstorm is going to keep going but i don't know what other attacking moves have had on has it's pretty early into the run we might have saved ourselves there let's just go for waterfall c oh my god we might be able to do this we might be able to do this no duck god you gave it your best shot buddy bug bite should do an amount of damage that was certainly an amount of damage and god duck gets to do one last thing level 27 no no no no no i think that's illegal unless this is hidden power grass it's not hidden power grass die through a hail mary and it did not work we we need the poison that did some damage that did some real damage beedrill bee drill you did it i'm not feeling super good about this but we lived we're fine okay does it die to the poison [Music] you don't you wouldn't heal would you no he would not and that's it okay a few things went wrong there we are one rock pokemon away or even ground pokemon away from losing everything that is precious and matters to me but we didn't lose the entire run on the first battle and that's something to celebrate brand new route have to catch this pokemon really doesn't matter what it is i desperately need it and i will take that we need a water type so badly crabby you could be the little crab that could okay i just need you to not die maybe this is the start of a turnaround a comeback when the boys strike big and don't have another death this episode i just wanted to train up hope the crabby why did this battle happen it worked and that's all that matters all right what else could this person possibly have like this is crazy but toxic spikes that that could change everything for us if we can keep bee drill alive and set up toxic spikes in all of these future gym battles that could really change the trajectory of this playthrough i just can't communicate with mikey or jack and i have to rely on both of them which includes jack to use toxic spikes and value a bee drill do you give me an egg you do oh you just give me an eevee oh i didn't even realize you gave me a pokemon oh my god and it's a clay doll if you can find wild pokemon here i'm i'm going to just decide that yes this is a new encounter i need it and i will absolutely take a sharpedo are you kidding me hey there we go the one netballer save the day and we got a full team of six again this is the floor this is where i'm gonna get an awesome pokemon i know it's that's pretty sweet wait level 29 wait why is this level 29 how is that level 29 i don't even have to train this thing up let's go already level 29 we even put one of them ons on the team in the daycare and another brand new pokemon can go on the squad come on ma while is pretty interesting it's obviously not fairy type in this game but a steel pokemon is pretty great and we for one reason or another don't currently have a steel pokemon so this would be uh this would be pretty nice brand new route brand new pokemon and you know what i'm calling my shot brand new legendary legendary oh my god yes oh my god it worked i don't care that it's a mythical if you say mythical in the comments i'm not gonna do anything about it i think if you comment it helps the algorithm and people find the video and then i'd be happy but it's all mythical mew this is all that actually matters with metronome no i really don't want to talk about it it's time to settle this once and for all what are you leading with glayly i don't even care i have brat i have the strategy i have the high ground and this should be an easy dub for the squad never gonna get frozen in my life but i'm a man who takes risks okay i take risks and you know what i got out of here scot-free some would say but this glaily isn't poisoned and if i know anything about brats the bee drill won it will live despite damage rolls and two guaranteed poison guaranteed poison we could also let them waste a potion but maybe maybe we just maybe we just take the glaily out and hope that ember unfrosts us no way no i thought ember would unfrost me oh this is bad this is really bad this is so bad but that's okay too that works i nope yeah i'm i'm completely fine with this turn of events okay glayly [Music] what's next oh no okay hope we gotta get you out of here buddy we do have a ground pokemon thankfully it's no gastrodon it's no gale but that's okay i'm getting an omni boost i'm getting an omni boost in less oh yes give me the omni boost give me the omni boost why not why not us right why not ah it's fine we still got the kill one pokemon left vileplume but our houndhood was frozen we don't really have any options here our best two pokemon to deal with it are both almost dead we have an omni boost but we have sai beam i completely forgot that was a thing i think we're fine i completely just my mind went blank i think we have it you are in a bind because [Music] because it doesn't matter down goes the vile plume and thus starts the reign of hope the kingler greetings boogie fans michael here and it's time for my segment i have not seen john's segment the segment most previous to this but i have seen the first three segments that were in the first public video so john's starting the game my segment of course and then jack's segment if you google image search best pokemon player ever jack's face is the first result misinformation is rampant on the internet kids jack very well might be the worst pokemon battler of all people who play pokemon games as their job i i wrote a list of the things and this isn't even all of them thought houndoom resisted fighting did not go for a ground move on toxic rock he used the water move on gastrodon instead and toxic road can have dry skin he brought in a gastrodon against a jump bluff he thought peck was a priority move and he brought of swine in on a finion in the rain and went for an ice move instead of a neutral ground move was it funny and entertaining admittedly yes but since i'm a part of this playthrough it is much more frustrating for me but the worst thing he did and i know a lot of you feel the same is he released the scissor the really cool scissor very powerful had false swipe amazing for catching pokemon and john had named it please don't kill and jax like they'll tell me what to do and released it here is my response to that we made it up we made this one up it's a made-up tale it's a total fabrication it never happened it never happened this one was invented by a writer i have brought the scissor back as its death was unjust and unfair it is named lazarus after lazarus from the biblical story you may remember that lazarus was raised from the dead by jesus and i changed its name to lazarus because it's a scizor so i am obviously using this pokemon because i love this scissor and i'm sure as heck gonna use it this is the squad and b drill is probably the weakest link here the beetroot that i caught wow it's still alive but jack killed everything i left there we go get that back to shift and let's get the frame back to the fun christmas frame aha i found him i found him porygon yes oh crap all right i accepted it yes it's a sunflora stink horn too oh it does still learn quite a few level up moves okay well that's nice maybe they'll actually use the sun flora all right it is finally time finally time to head south venture into the unknown and immediately fight a trainer oh god it's minimizing oh my god oh my god this is the most annoying i hate minimization giratina you've got to be joking oh crap there's the omnibus but it's fine if this bite hits it's over why is the photo to surface latitudes are there wild pokemon in here yes there are oh it's a polywrath oh wait it has submission oh my god i totally it has recoil it does a recoil move crap i forgot oh no i don't have a ghost type please catch please catch and we're good look at me should be some grass down here all right let's get our next encounter [Music] i'm going to try to avoid the trainers that i can oh i find states put aha i'm a master of disguise valor lakefront another encounter well we got an eight chimps hm pokemon all right i made it to pastoria city i avoided basically every trainer most every trainer uh like i said i want to get as many encounters as i can before going back and then finding them all in one go so i now get an encounter in the great marsh that's dupes claws i just caught a paris oh my god why are we just getting weak gentoo grass types and i don't even think it can learn fly eventually oh my god it took me 19 pokeballs to catch this all right so the encounter we have here is that's dupes club jesus this is the fourth one where's the other ones lantern oh let's go i love lantern oh no what why do you have a recoil move okay we have scissor here we have scissor doesn't take any barely any damage let's go okay so i just went to the wikipedia page for angler fish and apparently they are fish of the telly also order loafy forms which i think loafy's a fun name oh i didn't get my route 213 encounter oh i thought that was just still the valor lake front well i need to go back and get that but i okay i'm not wasting my time going this way though because i do know that there's the trophy guard which i think has wild pokemon in it at this point in the game something good something good something good what is with all the beasts in the barrel today this is ridiculous this is this is this is an outrage oh come on no why did it have to be slugman okay route two on three thought this was just a continuation of the valor lakefront so i do get an encounter here this will be the last one that i should get this episode and then once i know that i'm gonna fight all the trainers and make us a lot of money and uh and win the gym battle some good please obviously that's pretty good and i'm looking up to see if it has a recoil move this time i've made that mistake twice this video so far first ball oh my gosh that's awesome oh this is so cool i know it's another water type but like it's a kingdra it has one weakness in this game all right look at what's on my screen i've been i beat all the trainers i've been grinding for a bit got everybody at 34 except tekko the grove oh i'm going to get a little past that so i could use the sceptile for a little bit before jack inevitably kills it because that's what he does but i will get to enjoy this for a little bit oh beautiful all right now let's go beat the gym trainers oh i completely forgot about this battle and that finishes off not subbed not subbed as the enemy those who are not subbed all the enemy don't forget to subscribe let's do this crash awake or whatever you're called crusher florentine florentino oh it cut off the oh all right all right together not too bad so far led with taco not the best pokemon for tekko because it resists but it's fine that is not a problem signal beam oh okay uh sure we'll get rid of water gun gardevoir that obviously we go to our dark type oh we got the flinch let's go we will finish this reception taco use leaf blade yeah you know fun fact i'm not doing my segments as a nuzlocke but even if i was i had no deaths like i know john's probably gonna cut out most of the traitor battles but i promise i did not i did not have a single pokemon faint once my entire segment now i know i just beat the gym but there is one more thing i have to do before i sign off so i have brought us here to salesy on town because i know if jack sees this scissor he's gonna release it because like i defied him or something stupid like that so i'm gonna hide it from him and yeah he won't be able to use it but if i put it in the daycare that means he's very unlikely to come over here and check and maybe i'll tell john maybe i'll tell john that it's here certainly not telling jack so i at the very least should still be able to use it during my next segment which is my last segment wait there are pokemon in here john put pokemon in the daycare all right bruce and sub 2pm7 what are either of these oh it's flareon okay all right i am back in the pastoria city pokemon center lazarus is safe hiding away in the daycare and now my part is done it's time for jack to hopefully not screw everything up this time ah pastoria city a wonderful wonderful land with many pokemon to not kill the problem with pokemon platinum is you don't really get any encounters at this point of the game sub to i think that says m j tv but it was scribbled out and it says purple cliff that's so kind of you mikey i will make you click the sub button here we go what pokemons he got a raichu oh mikey overleveled so much yeah he really doesn't want me killing his pokemon sub to pm7 he changed the name wait a minute do we not have a single pokemon that can learn fly jack that's just mean hey psyducks do your little dancy dance uh-oh well hey looks like wow this this must be an encounter i i it would really suck if this were not an encounter but good thing it is let's lower its health let's lower itself this shouldn't do much damage okay i tank this i don't tank this this twister should get it into one percent range okay we have an ultra ball come on zapdos one eternity later well good thing that wasn't an encounter ah i don't want to battle you two i don't want to battle you either hey look to the right free ice cream baited there was no ice cream did they teach nada did they even use hms in their part come on hey brat yep you have all my hms except for fly come on you have wings you should be able to fly i gotta battle him wait a minute i forgot about this oh am i healed just don't have anything just don't have anything big oh abilities aren't randomized oh i was scared for nothing all right hit him head on boom bye bye i wasted a what else do you have what why is your whole team good oh come on toxic heal order that worked oh stop toxicing everything cyprus you were easy is that surf is that surf all my pokemon are learning this well i need a pokemon that can learn fly and i don't think this route has had any [Music] come on don't play with my emotions like this okay we're gonna catch this one we only have five pokeballs left [Music] please one two three maybe this premiere ball's the lucky one come on okay spam the b button raises the chance of catching please one two please please please yes [Music] oh my god we did it [Music] we ah sub two purple cliff yes give me all of your ultra balls please [Music] i didn't mean to buy 99. um well good thing we are prepared for our next encounter don't tell mikey or john that i wasted all our money on ultra balls well our encounter is [Music] whalmer we're naming this thing quarantine because i'm pretty sure everybody in the world kind of feels like a whale right now no come on i'm never prepared for these things well done mikey you taught your pokemon well the gym leader oh i need to go on the ship oh riley where wait i get an encounter here [Music] okay welcome all right riley i was hoping you would hit the one that hits me for super effect riley what are you doing well i'm gonna kill that one oh okay thank you riley for killing the one percent really helps okay we're switching we're gonna do what's called a uh i don't wanna die die please die please okay yeah riley you're really good at doing one percent damage huh even though you know you hit the other one for weakness okay oh that thing a speed boost oh he has two times attacking speed oh good thing yeah bye bye blastoise bye bye riley while i would love that egg i can't take it wait did i not have to do any of that was that all optional all right it's gym time i did it okay hold up hold up you know what nope we're just going for it show me what you've got pansy all right just have three wormpoles please you know that's fine i'm not i'm not overleveled in the slightest i don't know why anybody would be able to say that i i was okay well are you all just rhinos i don't like that oh i really don't like that okay tempest okay tempest you've got this one why does that what is this nidoran it's a god all right nitto ran down what pokemon's next primate level 41. okay wait a minute wait a minute we can weaken we can win this switch to lo-fi he missed okay confused right bruh i'm i'm not about to be doing this this stupid confused back and forth battle with you i didn't mean to use signal beam come on survive just survive lo-fi please okay good good good good now boom i think that resists yeah i meant to use spark okay you hit through confusion nice and then i'll hit through confusion and smack you in the face all right let's heal let's why do we not have healing well we need to do a little slippy swap right here into my boy uh teddy yeah yeah yeah yeah all right good good good good now he'll hit himself in confusion [Music] we tell john okay um this is very much not looking good i could fly no no no no tank this a critical hit i just need you to crit kill this thing in one shot so you don't take poison damage now i don't take poison damage right please i did it i did it teddy sub to purple cliff i'm sorry please detach the ball capsule i'm too lazy to do that we'll at least get rid of this one i'm sorry that i accidentally murdered you i would not have been able to beat that gym if it weren't for your sacrifices thank you so much godspeed teddy you survived this time just because you i i don't know how to take ball capsules off okay you know what hey teddy's back alive teddy didn't i'll just leave him like that thanks for watching make sure to like subscribe and comment
Channel: PokeMEN7 Plays
Views: 244,196
Rating: 4.9510226 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, purplecliffe, pokemon challenge, pokemen7 and mandjtv, pokemen7 purplecliffe, mandjtv purplecliffe, pokemen7 mandjtv purplecliffe, poketubers try to beat pokemon, 3 poketubers try to beat 1 pokemon game, pokemon nuzlocke, can you beat pokemon, pokemon platinum, pokemon randomizer, pokemen7 nuzlocke, mandjtv nuzlocke, purplecliffe nuzlocke, pokemon relay, poketubers, can you beat, nuzlocke, challenge run, pokemen7 mandjtv
Id: 8tF0sq2j7Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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