3 Most Profitable AI SAAS Ideas (No-Code + AI)

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these three AI SAS ideas have huge potential and if you start one of them now you could become like one of these people who have either raised millions of dollars from investors or generated millions in Revenue but in today's video I'm not just going to be giving you these ideas I'm also going to be breaking down the tools you can use to build them as well as teaching you some tricks and tips to FasTrack your launch let's go welcome back to the lab everyone where we teach people about no code and AI tools to launch and grow your business now I came up with this first idea because I actually had the paino myself you see we talk a lot about generative AI which is to generate from scratch AI imagery text video Assets in general but what if we already know what we want and we just kind of want to clone it you see at my company we are no code we already have the full brand guidelines meaning that we know the color palette we're going to use we have a logo we have a font that we use however every time we have a new design project we need to send that brand book to a designer who has to start from scratch with ideas now the process takes a long time and designers usually get super frustrated cuz then after lots of work they bring their work to some business person who completely butchers it and usually the advice is something like can you just make it pop which is not very useful at all thank you very much so what if we had a platform where we could upload the brand guidelines we could determine the kind of thing we're doing like a flyer or potentially a post on LinkedIn we also upload a bunch of examples of how we've used this brand in the past and then once you select the kind of asset you're trying to create it would basically generate it with AI in seconds now I think this is a really good idea for three main reasons the first one is that it targets existing businesses who already have paid and invest a lot of money in their brand meaning that we could charge them anywhere from just a couple hundred to potentially a couple thousand a month to get access to this tool that is highly trained on their specific Brands the second reason is because you could use existing technology to build it so the tools you could use for this could be mid Journey for the design generation you could then use something like Cloud 2 if you needed any kind of copywriting to be done within the designs as well and you could leverage a no code drag and drop build like bubble to actually build out a more complex interface through which you'd be able to manage it now the third reason is that even if you find someone out there who's doing something kind of similar you could simply specialize in one specific thing that's costing the company lots of money so you could specialize in social media in general or print for example like flyers and things like that and although over time you might need to create a more in-depth algorithm that's becomes really really trained on this specific use case you could build a pretty good MVP with the tools I told you but to get your first five paying customers before you actually build out the full technology what you could do is that you simply have a front end where people can upload all the material once they've uploaded the assets you can tell them that it's going to take a couple hours to generate the images for them and that it'll ping them via email and then you can use these tools manually to fulfill for those first paying customers they will be happy to pay cuz all they care about is the assets you deliver and it really allows you to test whether people are willing to actually pay for this now I think I'm really on to something here let's call it design monster probably completely taken but hey a man can dream now this next idea might even be more lucrative if you execute on it properly so what is it and how does it work well at this point everyone pretty much knows that the recruitment process is a pain in the bug it makes candidates jump through so many Loops before they actually get an answer but if you think it's a pain for the candidates imagine how much of a pain it is for the companies these HR departments have to go through thousands of applications they have to select a short list of those applicants they have automatic filtering systems which sometimes misses out on the best candidates and they literally do all of this to hire one person and then they get on a first call which leads to a second call which leads to third call who even knows how many interviews you have to go through but the point is it takes so many human hours and it is widely inefficient so what if we could just take one of the steps out of the process it would save them thousands of human hours and this is where my AI recruitment sass idea comes in you see this would be a voice agent that conducts the interviews where frankly all of the same questions are asked almost every single time we then extract the findings from that we can even perform a sentiment analysis of how that actually went we can then compare that against the job description to see how well that candidate fits and we can avoid that first interview and create an additional filtering system we're going to call this startup same old questions every time recruitment facility okay maybe we don't actually give this one a name so what tools can we use to build this well there are two different platforms I would recommend the first one is called synth flow it allows you to actually create a voice agent that will do outbound calls to these individuals once you upload a lead list and then you can train it on exactly the questions you want it to ask you can extract the data you can host that in a database that could be something like air table now if you want to get fancy you could even clone your voice with a tool called 11 labs and then you could have someone with your voice call out to this person but hey that might be a bit too creepy for you now what I love about this idea again is that it is highly profitable because it could actually be compared to hiring a human and the number of hours that those people are spending on the interviews could be saved so again you could probably charge something like $2 $99 a month easily to a company who would use this or you could choose to charge per credit like most generative AI tools do either way it seems like a very profitable and useful tool to build now if you're looking to launch or grow your business but you don't necessarily have coding skills and you don't want to overwhelm your coding team then instead of going through trial and error just book a call with us at weoc could.com so now this third AI sess idea comes because when I bought my first house a couple years ago I literally walked into the process and I didn't really know what I wanted I didn't even know what I was doing and I definitely didn't know what I didn't know I mean I knew the basic budget I knew the area I wanted to live in but I didn't really understand the full process specifically cuz it was my first time so I had to depend on my agent and I remember having calls with my agent where I just basically asked him questions he's probably heard 100,000 times before and had to answer with a lot of patience by the end I felt like I was pretty much harassing him texting him at 2: in the morning no I didn't actually do that but the point is it was wildly inefficient and this is where my idea for an AI real estate Butler came in and after thinking about it this idea is actually three ideas so you're welcome the first part is an analytics platform that would basically determine the historical data on that property the prices of the area but also of the home the local schools and the ratings of those schools to see whether it's going up or down over time those actually have a huge influence on the price of properties all this empirical data that could help you make a decision from a higher level the second part of it is like an AI agent where you can get lots of actual information that's a little bit more about the lifestyle right like what are the local restaurants that are great how are they rated Parks malls entertainment all these kind of things that would basically be a chat bot that would give you this lifestyle advice about this specific property or area and the third part would be some kind of an AI educational agent now here I imagine basically someone teaching you about the process of buying from start to finish the things you have to look out for when you're actually considering a house things like how to negotiate with your realtor to get a better price loan agreements property taxes all of these smaller things that a lot of first time barriers have no idea now the tools you would need to build this would be as follows for the agents or these chat Bots that I'm talking about you could use chat base for example for the members area and the analytics platform you could use a platform like bubble and then for all of the kind of data that you needed to bring in all of that historical data you could search through Rapid API which is a platform to find where you can get that data so that you can bring it into your bubble built app which is again a no code Builder now the last question is monetization now here at first I really thought well what if we actually charge these firsttime homeowners right like they'll probably get a lot of value from this but then I realized actually the people who have the money are actually the agents or agencies themselves and you could probably charge something like $299 a month or even more to an agency now having the idea is one thing but implementing it is a different one so if you want to learn how to build out platforms with no code then I highly recommend you check out this video because I've tried more than 200 no code tools and here are the best so just find the right one for you and build it out with dragon Rob builders
Channel: WeAreNoCode
Views: 17,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yCn_jKMaJ4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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