3 Michelin Star Mashed Potatoes | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends there's mashed potato and then there's mashed potatoes three star Michelin guide restaurant mashed potatoes today I'm going to share the recipe with you they are amazing they are buttery they are smooth as silk oh you'll never eat muchh potato again the same remember if you like the video friends don't forget to give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to the shad and don't forget to ring the bell I'm glad you're here cuz I'm going to make you the best mashed potato you've ever had in your life [Applause] okay friends well let me share a secret for you okay it's very simple we are going to use a Yukon Gold potato because they are the easiest one to find everywhere the yellow potatoes um if you are in Europe you can use the rat the 2K potatoes uh Jack is going to give you the right spelling of those those are really the ultimate creamy uh potatoes but uh your yukong go does a fantastic job I'm sure where whatever country you're in you have your favorite uh potatoes those are very thin skin we are going to boil boil them in cold water it's very important with the skin the secret of it is uh it's really simple everything in cooking is very simple friends um we don't want the water inside the potatoes so if we keep the skin on it it'll avoid the water from penetrating it so we can replace the the water which we don't really like anyway uh with milk a little bit of milk and then butter there's going to be a really lot of butter in there but it's going to be delicious creamy okay friends so we put them in cold water very simple and we're going to put a lot of salt okay we want the the the the water to be nicely salted okay don't be afraid uh very little of it is going to penetrate the potatoes anyway because of the skin and we're perfectly happy with that okay we're going to bring it up we're going to bring it to boil and uh uh we'll come back and I'll show you how to peel them and how to do it uh how to process them how to make the most amazing mashed potato buttered mashed potatoes we'll be back when the potatoes are done okay friends we got them uh uh now they're not always easy to peel okay so uh they some of them come right out and some of them don't trust me when I was a kid when I started 14 years old I worked in a restaurant called l b in Le provance in the sou of France and uh and that's the way they were doing in the potatoes and when you're an apprentice you do whatever they tell you to do right do you know how many of those I ped and and I was trying to wait for for them to be not so hot do it when they're hot that's much easier yes chef so anyway you you pay them oh see this one this one is not bad this one is not bad at all sometime I'm telling you they're not they're not as easy this one it comes out pretty good you see trust me they're not always easy like that if they're not you got to cook them all the way through okay you take a toothpick and you cut them and and you you check it to make sure they peel they're cooked all the way through okay if they're not cooked all the way through ha they hot if they not cook all the way through they're not going to go to the next process good okay so uh just wait a little bit so you don't have to really really burn yourself okay try to remove as much as you can all right so step one we cook the potatoes step two we are going to put them through a potato Riser and uh and remember now like I said this is not you everyday mashed potato but no matter what if you make a mashed potato you still want to put them through a potato Riser okay this creates an amazing texture friend very simple to do you take your potatoes now this potato R is very cool because you it falls apart like you see it right there and it makes it easy to clean it plus it's got a very big mouth okay and then you put them through see look look now let me tell you something friends yeah just right there I could just take right now and put some butter and it' be great but I'm going to take to another step because what makes those mashed potatoes so amazing I'm talking amazing no exaggeration that's why I'm saying amazing friend is the texture the texture they're going to have and the texture they're going to have is going to be so smooth I know I'm like accentuating the smooth smoo amazing but that's what we should call him smooth amazing mashed potatoes what do you think of that for a name Jack smooth amazing mashed potato you have to do when you do this it should not be that hard see it's not that hard I make us look like it is but it's not see look now what I do here take this put it right in there right and do it one more time okay so now at this point like I said you could put your butter your seasoning in there and you would be perfectly fine all right you'll be perfectly fine you have a fantastic mashed potatoes but we're going to take them to the next step the next step is going to be we're going to put some uh now we want to avoid putting too much milk just a little bit of milk little bit of hot milk salt of course that's super important with that salt they not going to be any good we're going to bring this up and we're going to put some hot milk in there you don't definitely friends don't want to put any cold milk in okay hot potatoes cold milk no I don't think so it's got to be hot milk all right we're going to put it in and we're going to put just enough to make them slightly more uh appliable or more liquid if you will and then we're going to put them through a shinoa not sha a Tami this is a Tami this is a uh a strainer look if you don't have one of those I'll show you you can take cuz who's got one of those unless the professional chef they're not going to have one of those so you're not going to have one of those unless you're a professional chef you use one of those okay and and you use one of those round thing see you can do the same thing okay now this is a little thinner so you may want to go with a thinner a strainer than this okay now we got a a cup of milk in here and I'm not sure I'm going to put it all in there we're going to see oh by the way this is three pound of potatoes friends three lb of potatoes okay and I'm looking oh by the way never use a machine HH never use one of them uh blenders machine you you get your potato or gummy gummy potato oh no I don't think so I don't like potato so look this is enough right there this is 3/4 cup of milk I don't want them to be uh so uh um so liquid okay and here we have it okay now we're going to take this we're going to put it on here and then we're going to take our scraper like I said you can you can skip that that uh uh steps if you don't want to take them to the next level but I wanted to show you what it is to produce a a three star Michelin mashed potatoes and you're going to say why they going to be de the pop Catholic you see you see you see what that does friend it's a little bit of a step but you see what that does friend it transform it takes away old texture make them smooth as silk and then we're going to have the texture right from the texture we're now going to make them uh smooth as silk more by putting the butter yeah yeah put butter in there you know if we put butter in anything it going to be good right remember what I told you a long time ago friends the the texture is a conductor of flavor I promise you you take this potato right there and and and you you you eat it it's going to be delicious but now you take the one then it comes out and the KN there it's a whole different level it's another uh two star on the on the mission and guide this is how you get three star Mission and guide by doing these these crazy things and some of you are looking at me go he's are nuts but you know like I said look look look look look look let me tell you what's coming out right there friends this is heaven this is this is you see you see you see let me finish this friends because then I got to do the butter I got to show you because butter we have room temperature butter we never want to put melted butter I see people putting melted butter on the mashed potatoes don't put melted butter and don't put cold milk in your mashed potatoes friends okay so like I said this is H you really want to make a special dinner party one time and you really want to do something special then you you do you do this in advance and you can warm them up in a in a in a lasagna pan and and it'll be perfectly fine you keep them warm you a in a warming oven they' be perfectly fine you like I say now you do you don't do this if the kids are hungry okay okay unless you got very well-trained kids all right look I'm almost done and the setup is just a St and steel bowl and this is a I believe a 12 in um she um uh Tami Tami t a m i it's a Tami you can do a lot of things with this but we're going to I'm not going to complicate too many issues I don't want to make you three star M and chef but I want to teach you stuff then sometime you know it's not that complicated it's a little time consuming and uh and and you may say you know I don't have the time to do this and that's okay it's all good but I want to show you anyway so then you know at the end of the day then all of the thing that we do to make our food so special and not that complicated all right all right friends now we're going to finish them with butter we got the salt remember I put the salt already when it cooked so they got some salt we're going to finish them up and voila my friend voila I want to waste nothing put all this right there not exactly organized well let me get a another spatula and now we're going to put some butter now for those of you that on the diet I totally understand it that it might be a little too much butter for you but for those of you that are not on the diet you're going to be just fine this this is a 3/4 pound of bter for three lound of potatoes you're going to say that's crazy it's pretty uh you know it's it's a lot about no question about it but I tell you what the restaurant that we worked out they would put equal amount of butter equal amount of potatoes if you're talking about buttery potatoes I remember this uh uh a friend of mine that I had medic said man how do you make those buttery potatoes put butter in there dude how much butter as much butter as you put potatoes yeah but you're going to see look look look in a minute you're going to see you're going to go oh my God oh my Lord this is absolutely sinful beautiful look at this now my but was a little cold that I wanted by now it should have been completely completely melted it was just a little little cold so here's what I'm going to do friends I'm going to continue doing it just for a minute or so and then I'm going to get myself a bow CU I forgot I I got a beautiful bow I forgot today to take so I'm going to go continue doing this and I'm going to go get a ball and I'll be right right back okay friends it just took me a while it was not as as room temperature as I wanted but we're perfectly fine at so now you got to test the friend you got to check it to make sure these are almost sold is that salt friends you don't have a good mashed potatoes very important then we test it we put the right amount of salt and whatever you do resist the temptation of putting a machine on it okay and uh me just a little bit more it's amazing what a few grains of salt will do all it takes is just a few grains of salt sometime and you have yourself a beautiful mashed potatoes all right friends what we're going to do now we're going to put some in a bowl like this take a nice Bowl right and um and then you just make it little pretty on the top by just filled up your bowl as little or as much as you want and then you take a little spatula you make it somewhat flat with a spatula and then you finish it up this is just a little upset spatula we want to do it nice I mean since we went through all that trouble of fixing it or making a such a beautiful mashed potatoes we want to make sure when we present it to our guest it's in a beautiful ball to begin with right thank goodness I used to work on drywall I'm bringing that back again we're having fun with it now look nice and flat right flat okay so now that we have a flat surface we can take a time and we give a little design and you can see how smooth those mashed potatoes are friends by just looking at the indentation of it you can see how gorgeous that is so this my friends is a three star Michelin potatoes that is actually amazing friends I hope you make it it was a lot of fun to cooking for you remember thumbs up give us give us a thumbs up give us a thumbs up and so forget subscribe to the channel sometime I forget what I'm supposed to say at the end friends I'm glad you here it was a pleasure to cook for [Music] you fantastic let me tell you jack those mashed potatoes are going to be the best mashed potato you've ever had in your life and uh yeah need like a green thing something to pretty we got to get something for a thumbnail I could eat the whole thing and maybe I will okay let's eat
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 372,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mashed potatoes, creamy mashed potatoes, best mashed potatoes, how to make garlic mashed potatoes, easy mashed potatoes, mashed potato recipe, butter mashed potatoes, butter mashed potato, Puré de patatas, Purée de pomme de terre, Recette de purée de pommes de terre, Receta De Puré De Papas, easy mashed potatoes recipe, how to make mashed potatoes, best mashed potatoes recipe, best mashed potatoes ever, michelin star mashed potatoes, potatoes recipe, mashed potato
Id: hL2HeP6LVlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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