Use a Knife Like a Chef | Chef Jean-Pierre

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foreign hello there friends a video you've been asking me for a long time how to handle or to take care of your knife and how to handle correctly we will do another video when I had a sharpen tonight because that's going to take a whole new video it takes a long time to really do it correctly but today I'm going to show you how to use it correctly because I've seen so many wrong advice out there I'm going to give you good advice all right friends first of all let's talk really quickly about what knife do we need you know I see some knife sets out there that have 27 net 27 knife you don't need 27 nights as far as I'm concerned you really need about five knives let's talk about them really quick slicer and must have a slicer they're thin all the way through they're great to slice your turkey to slice your beef to slice it's a must-have slicer so uh we're gonna put them in here a some kind of a serrated knife for your bread for your if your chef's knife is not up to Parliament need something serrated to do your tomatoes and certain things but this is really a bread knife so important to us a chef's knife obviously the tool we're going to use the most is your chef's knife they come anywhere from six inch to I think 14 or 15 way too big professional chef at home student at the school loved the Sixth Sense ladies with a small hand loved it better six inch but eight to ten inch sixth okay why don't we say six to 12 inch to 10 inch Mama me I can't get my size straight today uh six to ten inches the average size this is an eight inch it's very comfortable for me some men with a bigger hand like maybe a 10 inch it's really up to you all right we'll talk about this in a minute also how to pick a good one uh boning knife boning knife is a must my friend it's very difficult for you to debone a piece of chicken the bone a leg of lamb debone anything getting close to the bone with this guy right there it's too big it's too wide it's too long it's too difficult to get far away so a boning knife is a must must have in your knife collection friends and a berry knife I love this one it's a Serrata Perry knife when I first saw when it first came out when wistoff made this very nice that's ridiculous with only teeth in a very knife friends I have many many many knife I have a beautiful knife collection I have one two three four five six paring knife the one I grabbed the most the one that I put right here at the end is my cereal night I love it it's wonderful so if you have an opportunity ready to step a serrated knife because why not it's fabulous for fruit and vegetables okay then still we'll talk about it still in a minute two kind of Steel you can really get the groove Steels and the Ceramics still we'll talk about this later on a little bit because like I said this is not a sharpening video this is mostly how to handle a knife correctly how to cut how to use it correctly and uh so it's not about sharpening but I'm still going to tell you a little bit about how to maintain and you must have this this is part of your knife collection friends scraper don't be scraping with a with a knife myself and I do it don't do it don't do it if you're gonna do the back of the knife don't do it with the with that with the sharp head unless maybe you're picking up some fresh herbs or something otherwise don't do it this is great friends ten dollar whatever they cost you must have a cutting board if when you buy one buy as big as you can counter with allow because it's fun to have you try to get one with a Groove you see this one right here and like and a deep Groove it's very important because when you're cutting a rose when you're cutting a chicken when you connect a turkey all that juices is going to go in there but that's the only time I need is only when I'm gonna cut something then it's going to release some juice that's the only time I need a Groove otherwise I have a cutting ball that has both sides you see both sides so one side no glue because that's 99 of the time you use you don't need it in juice so the other side is only otherwise it's a pain if you're cutting things then on your own and and vegetables and all of a sudden they go in the crack that is very difficult to clean this is only for juices okay you see a lot of people didn't tell you how do you put it on the counter so it doesn't move to put a wet paper towel big No-No don't put a wet paper towel and so many people are there are telling you to put a wet paper towel moisture is not good to leave moisture in your caliber at all time this is wood friends as much as you need mineral oil to keep up with it we're going to do a video on your own on on cutting board because there's so much to do but don't put it with it you know what I do look friends I put these guys right there you get this at the at a grocery not a grocery store you know like a Target or whatever they call them Stores um Walmart Target those things have it this is just people put dishes on there and this let me tell you this is fantastic friends you see look I tell you what my cutting board's not going nowhere it's nice it's very important then you're cutting board doesn't slide all over everybody and then you know what I do I take my scraper and I put it here so I'm always ready to go boom I also get myself ready oh Mom I'm here I was noisy a garbage Bowl so you have it right there instead of going to garbage every time it's much easier to put your garbage Bowl butter everybody's World we're wondering you're not going to use butter today right you're going to show people how to use a knife first of all this is mental support very important but most of all you see this first thing I take out in the morning like I mean in my kitchen I know I'm gonna need it so I don't like it when it's hot so I take it out of the fridge I leave it on the counter and I'll use it trust me I'll use it all right so um I want to make sure I don't forget nothing you know what I do friends when I do videos like that I don't want to forget nothing so I just want to make sure I got it correctly okay let's talk now about uh handling the knife correctly the the knife I'm really going to show you today how to use correctly is you said use chef's knife this is the knife you're going to use the most often when you buy one of those friends buy one then you're very comfortable using the Ultimate Knife for me is in the blade is the same weight as the handle the perfect Point balance for me to use is the middle of it and you notice that belly right here we're gonna you see that belly right here we're going to show you how to use the belly correctly so when you hold the knife you have a lot of people to do that you have I remember a lot of my students they would start like this and every time I would say get that finger out of there so you you don't want to do that it's not good first of all you get really tired of it and it's terrible way to handle your night you want to grab it grab the blade and don't be like squeezing it to that you want to be very comfortable with it so just grab it be comfortable don't let any finger come out okay no no finger come on it's got to be like no no no none of this going on okay right there the left finger is hiding ready and you want to be comfortable with you want to be able to go like this you see like this you're comfortable you're like oh whoa now you want to be very comfortable with it okay and relax because if you're going to cut vegetables for a couple of hours and you're not relaxed you're tense it's going to be very difficult my friends all right I want to show you now knife if we were to look at it in the microscope you would see microscopic teeth more of those teeth you have smaller they are and sharper your knife is going to be uh I'll talk about that in the how to sharpen the Night video but I want to explain you really really quick if you were to take when you sharpen the knife friends you take it only a sharpening stone which is like sandpaper just imagine sandpaper and you're scraping it on a sandpaper to scrape the metal until it gets to a point and finally the Sandpaper is and finally The Edge is going to be and smaller the the teeth microscopic teeth are going to be more of those we have smaller they are and sharper the knife is going to be but when we use a knife I'm going to demonstrate with an onion let's do that first of all we're going to do you know I like to use the berry knife to remove the roots and and I know I'm going to hear some people said oh don't remove the roots you're going to cry I don't know where they got that idea from you're gonna cry if you are sensitive to the gas then it's coming out because it's reacting with the water so what we do we're going to cut the onion before you can take it after it doesn't matter I like to demonstrate with them because everybody uses onion right I want to demonstrate something to you really really cool all right so you'll understand the the power of using those teeth remember now we have millions of teeth Millions literally of teeth then are ready to go through whatever it is you're cutting I'm going to show you something really interesting first of all well I'm not going to do another onion video really quick but I want to I'm just gonna cut really quick and then I'll talk a little bit about the clock in a minute also okay there's so many misinformations out there that that right there that um perpendicular what do you call a horizontal don't do any of that that's ridiculous okay I'm not going to go through the audio again but you see the onion is already cut for you so you don't need to go like this whenever you see when you ever put this come back over here you whenever you see uh somebody doing this right there you're on another Channel okay that's not good you don't need to do that I promise you see the onion is already cut for you in Julian all you gotta do is cut it this way I wanted to show you the power and when I add my cooking school I would demonstrate and all my students when they would do it they would go wow I got it because I'm going to show you what it is okay now you're gonna notice when I do when I move my knife I kind of give it a motion remember now we have a microscopic teeth we want to activate those fees think about it when you're using your soul and you're cutting a tree when you're cutting a tree you're moving back and forth to do what to activate the teeth I I want you to I'm not I'm not sure you guys going to be able to hear the sound of it because I don't know if my microphone is going to catch it but I wanna I wanna do to to demonstrate to you what happened if I don't use my teeth and the reason why I'm doing that is because I want to show you the power of using your teeth motion motion motion okay look we're gonna go straight down now my knife is super sharp it's probably going to go down pretty easy but I wanted to show you that however no matter how sharp it is how it resists okay so look I'm gonna go down you see you can hear I hope you can hear right I hope you can hear look and you see and I'm pressing okay I'm going through yeah okay now I want you to see what happened when I use my motion okay look instead of going straight down I'm going to use my motion you see look I don't even feel it going through I don't even feel it you see no let's do it again really quick okay so you understand the power of moving forward or backward it's very important look look we're going to go down again okay listen to this you don't even feel it do this at home friends do this I'm just going to take this out of the way right now because this is not like I said this is not today's video so I'm just gonna remove this and the reason why I showed you this I'll cut this side later you know I don't throw nothing away I use everything all right and the reason why I wanted to show you these friends it was because it's very important whatever you cut whatever you you cut you're gonna need to activate the teeth now another thing that I see a lot of people do is um uh a claw oh everything make a claw make a claw the claw I saw the other day this lady she's cutting a salary she says always make a claw so they go going over there and the people are so uncomfortable making a clock because they don't really understand what it is and she's cutting like this a whole thing of celery roughly cut the thing a salary with a claw that is so dangerous you're cutting something rough you hold the celery at the end friends okay this is how you cut it at the end for always give it a motion though remember not like this I mean you can do this but look not much easier if you go forward or backward but give it a motion all right so you know what I'm gonna need another ball all right let me grab this bowl hey let me take this out of the way okay again the clock let's explain the claw what's the whole what's the whole deal about making the clock very important but only when you need it so let me grab uh let me grab a piece of celery right there and let's talk about that claw really important to get that close I promise you but why is it important let's cut this out boom all right what does a claw dude The Claw is only to be used my friends when you are making small cuts and you want to be very precise of him and you and like you're cutting mushroom you're cutting onion you're getting celery it doesn't matter what it is you cut when you want them to be small not when you're chopping roughing that's it you don't use the claw you only use the claw when this is the car okay and the car is very simple to understand friend it's this knock all the way there is bent okay so what happened is the knife is against the the knife is against and if you notice as long as I go up now your professional chef will tell you often they cut themselves here because they're not paying attention they're talking and all of a sudden they go a little too high and they cut themselves but that's if the secret is to feel the cold of the knife and going up and down so your hand you can do this way or you can do this way and I'm in the end slightly move and you see the finger the finger I'm sorry the knife is always on the first knuckle it stays on the first knuckle the whole time this is how you use the cloth very simple you see so let's do a live one now a live one we're gonna go in and we're gonna go look and now you notice my thumb pushes my thumb pushes but you notice the whole time the whole time my knife is on the knuckle so unless you are able to do this friends unless you are able to you can do it so many different ways but the whole idea is to make sure you know sometimes I talk and I don't look what I'm doing and people go oh my God you're going to cut yourself no as long as I feel the cold on my knuckle I know I cannot hurt myself that's the only time then claw makes sense to use friends so don't go out there and cut everything I always showing somebody cutting a rough on you with a claw on it you don't need it okay try to make it simple for you guys all right let me remove more stuff out of The Cutting Board okay so far you're good right so the the Clone let's talk a little bit real quick again about that clothing that clothing uh you see like right here this is about as big as I can handle with the clock comfortably otherwise you'll have to just fly and as a professional chef you'll end up flying you don't hold it anymore your Claw is on top of your food but you never never never let go so I like it better when I can push with the thumb um and you never never never never let go out of the contact of the knife because otherwise you don't know where you are and that's when you hurt yourself all right friends I think I hope that I clarify a few things about the clock and um and that's basically it friends um when you have a tomato then you have a trouble cutting okay one quick little trick we're going to go in let's put this right here and if you notice same deal as before when you take the Tomato if you're trying to slice it it doesn't slide too good just move forward you see look forward backward forward backward forward backward you see as long as you move it as long as you give it a motion you're good to go it's really not difficult I promise you but be disciplined every time you do it friends all right now one more thing very important one more thing we're going to show you how to use the steel now what happened is when you are sharpening your knife now remember sharpening your knife at home with a stone if your knife is dull could take you 45 minutes 30 to 45 minutes if you're not willing to spend the time to do it and it's not that easy I promise you when I do my knife I do that maybe twice a year three times a year sharpen them otherwise I just use my Steel if you don't want to spend the time doing it in every city in a world there is some men out there that is talented enough then can sharpen your knife go see a professional drop the knife pick them up the next day you got beautiful knife all you need to do at that point is maintain them you want to sharpen them at home you get the stone you want to commit 30 to 45 minutes to do all of your knife go right ahead and do it in the meantime remember now we have microscopic teeth and what happened when we do this to active they Bend they Bend they Bend they bend on one way or another if we do not realign those teeth if we do not realign them straight they're going to bend Bend bend it they're going to break and what's gonna happen now we're gonna have a round Edge we're gonna have eliminate the point and now we have a round Edge and we bring it back now if we have a round Edge you can use this steel all day long it's not going to do anything that's why it's most important every time you put your knife down 10 15 times get you still and do it gently so at home if comfortable okay this is a ceramic steel ceramic you have to be very gentle with it because it will remove teeth and not just realign let me remove them if you do it too hard so my friend is very important if you have one of those if you have a standard one unless you really really abuse and you use it to her this is safer if you have one of those ceramic ones be careful or Diamond one they're very very sharp friend and they will remove metal so the right way to use to take them the knife by the bolster all the way down to the tip most knife I have an average of uh 15 to 22 24 Edge so 90 degrees 45 degrees 20 degrees somewhere around 20. you're never going to be quite exact the right way to do these friends is to take the knife to the at the bolster and go and pull it but pulls the shoulder say look I'm pulling the shoulder I'm not using this guy right there this guy that'd be the elbow I'm moving the shoulder so I'm keeping the angle straight see I go like this use your shoulder and go all the way down to the end and then do the same on the other side see one two one one one one one one very simple you do this a few times friends every time and I promise you you feel the knife The Edge comes right back okay so very simple right now when you see some chefs going like this they're just trying to show up as long as they do it very gently they're not showing up they just do it because they want to do it fast the secret is to be very look I'm barely holding my knife barely holding it very regently nothing wrong with doing it like that as long as you're gentle now you see some guy doing this so hard they're destroying their knife friends I know there's a lot more to tell you about knife but I wanted to make it as short as I possibly could remember very important we use the motion that's why when you're using the rocking motion right there you're using the teeth you see you're using the teeth and this is my favorite type of night the European knife but you can use whatever you want my friend this is I love that this is a western design if you will and I love it it's very comfortable to use just learn to use it this way and I hope you'll enjoy it friends I hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching we'll see you in the next few days another fantastic video foreign [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 951,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to use a knife, knife skills, basic knife skills, how to chop, knife, how to hold a knife, how to use a knife safely, how to use a chef knife, chef knife skills, chefs knife, knife skills chef, knife skills tutorial, kitchen knife skills, how to use a kitchen knife, amazing knife skills, knife skills 101, knife tips, chef knife, guide to using a knife, how to hold a chef knife, hot to cut food with a knife, cutting skills, kitchen knife, chef's knife, kitchen skills
Id: os8xnwxcHg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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