The Best Shoe Brands in 2019 (part 2)
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Views: 256,327
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Keywords: Meccariello, Santoni, Scafora, Paolo Scafora, JM Weston, Weston, Norman Vilalta, Gaziano & Girling, Saint Crispin's, bontoni, Stefano Bemer, Edward Green, John Lobb, corthay, Shoe selection, best shoes, shoemaker, luxury, style, men's style, elegance, dress well, Sartorial Talks, Hugo Jacomet, Hugo, Sonya Glyn, ST, The shoe review, part 2, antonio Meccariello, sartoria, sartorial, paolo scafora, Naples, Napoli, Parisian Gentleman, PG, review
Id: wWg2S5zNGP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I can't afford any of these shoes but I'll listen to Hugo talk about anything
The second and final installment of the series, now focusing on more high end / luxury shoe brands in the range of $600 - $2000.
The shoes are mad af. Its amazing what this brands can accomplish when budget is not a restriction
i could listen to Hugo for hours. i dont even have any opportunities to dress smart but he's just so entertaining
George Bruno has a similar ability to make you want to listen to him. check out his vids about pipe smoking, coffee and spirits. I challenge you to listen to him talk about pipes for 20 minutes and NOT buy one
The shoes from the thumbnail look beautiful. What is their name?
Part 1 was great and part 2 out side my budget but many will be my dream shoes. I wished he had included berluti but it seems he really stayed away from big shoe corporations.
Cool Review, but my budget right now bro!