3 Facts About Money that Could Make You Wealthy

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[Music] [Music] it's Friday Grant Cardone here in the cardones zone I come to you every day Monday through Friday to share with you what I'm learning about and especially for today on Fridays at the cardones own career finance and Mullah ha I say moolah ha money dinero pesos a pound owes euros what else is there what other kind of money is there Gold Middies rubes a card oh nice money money money money I need that money song Pink Floyd used to play money is a crime is it I'm gonna tell you what I think a damn crime is what's going on in America okay listen to this this is out USA Today published this yesterday a whopping I can't say the word whopping without thinking about McDonald's makes me want to go get a whopper is it Burger King state branding branding okay a whopper got me a Big Mac okay whopping 62 percent of jobs in America don't support do not support a middle-class life hope you guys listen to this hope you guys are paying attention particularly people close to me you guys say I'm your your uncle you guys did like come up to me oh man dude I read your book I read this I hope you guys are listening to what I'm saying ladies a whopping 62 percent of men and women in America cannot support a middle-class life you guys that are thinking about getting married you're out dating you're gonna have babies you need to pay attention to reality 62% of jobs don't support a middle-class life after accounting for what is called cost of living okay right here in the in the United States of America let's just figure average American makes fifty nine thousand dollars a year before taxes okay 19000 coming off for the taxes I mean that's if you play all the tricks and I know them all I mean almost all of them okay I mean you got to live on forty thousand that's thirty what thirty seven fifty a month I don't I don't need to go into food and housing and groceries and Netflix and oh oh oh the kids wanted a Halloween costume I don't know what we spent on Halloween costumes but it was stupid and by the way all of you on Instagram you posted your pictures of you being a pumpkin and and a stripper and Michael Jackson I know that cost you some money 200 hundred not to mention the time and energy on shopping looking on the internet going out and doing it then doing the deal and then getting drunk paying for the DUI see the cost of living stuff none of it includes any of the emergencies of life do you understand cost of living cost of living is what home car what food utilities dude I'm just trying to stay warm okay this does it don't it doesn't include the kiddos when a Halloween kiddos want some new sneakers Nike shoes at 120 my little girl found these blue jeans and the blue jeans are like $79 I'm like dude I ain't buying you $79 pants I don't even buy myself $79 jeans I got these diesels own right now and I'll guarantee you I didn't pay more than 70 bucks for them I ain't given I ain't giving a kid this tall okay I'm not gonna spend more on her jeans tonight now Elena is cuz none of this includes your spouse going behind your back and buying stuff with your money and you know Elena is gonna give Sabrina whatever the hell she wants cuz she can't say no 62% of jobs don't support middle-class life okay why am I doing this show for you okay you're like man don't give me the bad news dude it's Friday to get me ready for the weekend okay I want to give you some tips why these people while 62% of Americans in the richest country supposedly in the world which I doubt by the way is true more false stuffs that were we're told the reason you don't have money number one reason you don't have money is you have the wrong information don't get all down on yourself okay you need to undo the data you have because it's wrong if you don't have money and you live in the richest country on this planet not true okay but you do live in America it's a pretty cool place man like you can at least go get whatever job you want nobody's gonna throw you in jail for working too hard nobody's gonna throw you in jail cuz you made too much money you-you-you don't have to know the president to get rich in this country okay in Iraq you probably have to know the president in order to get rich I don't know that that's true either I'm just speculating I know this in Venezuela in Cuba in in in Grenada in North Korea you better know the guy in charge to have a chance it ever being in charge or did he even have a charge card let's keep it real okay okay look money money here's the deal you have the wrong data okay I'll just tell you this not only is the data wrong it's false you have so much false data it's unbelievable this is the number one reason people don't have money it's not because you're not motivated it's not because you're not hungry it's not because you're not willing to hustle it's now because you're not willing to grind it's not because you don't work hard I know a lot of people that work hard by the way most of these people work hard until they don't they're like I'm done working hard man it's not paying off that happens to a lot of people comment below how many of you know somebody that quit working hard that had great work ethic that had the grind that had the drive in the desire and after years of doing that they said hey this isn't even worth doing I lost my dad over the grind my dad was grinding so hard but he had the wrong data okay you have some false data save your money it's wrong you do not save money money is useless until it is used I take money if you want to send your money to the Graveyard send it to the bank money will die it is a it's money in a casket dying at the bank Bank of America benefits you know well Spargo benefits you don't that's why they offer you a free checking account hey it's free man bring it in anything a bank offers you is not good for you it's like the casino man it's like the casino it's like a lap dance how is a lap dance good for you it's stupid man you know you're in trouble anything offered to you considered our table for free look we're gonna give you two cards okay when Las Vegas offers you chips don't take them okay the data you have is false it was offered to you for free by the way by the school system save your money a penny saved is a penny earned it's not true a penny saved is a penny my name is Grant Cardone and we're getting you ready for the weekend we're gonna get your money right before I'm done with you you have to quit on me because I won't quit on you don't go away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] best conference ever ever been to worth every single cent every [Music] anybody contend extra company in here I think this is the place to get the tools the training all the resources you need and I think those who don't 10x by this time next year you just didn't try hard enough [Music] in the fastest growing e-commerce platform in the fitness face gym food store comm dr. David Carley is a Harvard trained m.d. entrepreneur and specialist in rehabilitation and regenerative medicine along with Zoe Bedford experience and distribution and product development bring you an online store interested in optimizing your health gym food stores your online marketplace for nutritional and sports supplementation all things health gym food stores here to help you identify and validate product selection learn more at gym food store calm that's gym food store calm right now knowing your future protecting your past JD frosted company P LLC is a public accounting firm offers a variety of assurance and tax resistant businesses and individuals in the Chattanooga and surrounding areas we focus on construction and manufacturing industries our primary objective is client satisfaction through excellent customer service work with the best we are accredited by the BBB this is JD frost and company for a full suite of taxes surance and management accounting services visit us right now at Frost CPAs comm Chris root of hustle wholesaling chris is in the interesting real estate space but he's figured out a little niche heaven flipping deals but he calls Hotel and wholesaling I want to show you how to get into real estate without making all the mistakes I have he actually doesn't own the real estate what he does is he buys a contract he basically you don't actually buy the contract you control the cons are correct visit Chris recom to book a call right now [Music] like I said I won't quit on you okay I never will that's a good uncle we'll stick it out he will stick it out he was stick with you he was staying with you I'm getting you ready for the weekends and that's why we're doing the 10x growth Conference in February so you guys have something to look forward to so I have something to look forward to more than just what they make up what they make up is false Christmas Thanksgiving Halloween what are you doing all those events you spend money these events are made so you have time off okay give me some time off what do you do when you have time off watch this is what the average American lives on after taxes 3,500 bucks a month I know this because I ran apartments to most these people okay $49 a month is gonna go to rent $300 is gonna go to a car $100 gonna go to insurance foods gonna cost you 700 if you starve 100 bucks for utilities clothes if you only spend 200 bucks a month on clothes not not a lot of money okay it's a polo shirt it's gonna cost you 70 bucks you get three of these a month I don't need that yet bought jeans headin bought underwear hadn't bought shoes hadn't bought socks hadn't bought a jacket winter's coming oh okay what is this two three a thousand eleven hundred fourteen hundred twenty-eight hundred okay I have five hundred dollars left over I am and going to a ballgame I haven't bought Netflix I haven't downloaded one song I haven't bought the next level a candy crush because it's just crushed me over and over am I giving that Nexus phone Oh two phones 200 bucks a month 100 bucks a month how about internet how about I haven't bought a computer yet okay I haven't crashed the window on my phone and had to go to the shop and spend one hundred and ten dollars haven't bought a Halloween costume so I can look like add my letter oh I didn't get a trainer no trainer included man I'm spending 500 a week on a trainer by the way and I tell you what it's worth every penny of it because my body's not hurting anymore none of this includes medication okay none of this includes one bottle of advil no golf okay I'm making you guys sick you haven't taken one trip anywhere in the United States you haven't you haven't gotten on a plane at any fair getting gotten a 10x flag yet man and you guys wonder man where's my purpose do your purpose got flushed cuz you ain't got any money see another Foss thing that you're told you're told oh don't put money don't put money first money money is not why you should do something Steve Jobs is famous for saying look do something you love not don't do it for the money he said that after he was loaded of course dude it's easy for me to say yeah man you know huh follow your dream dude follow your dream dude I'm follow my dreams in a Gulfstream ok you can't go you can't go to these people and say hey dude the dreams get bigger and better with the money folks don't know your people are telling you Oh money doesn't matter it matters it just don't matter to him cuz he gave up just like I did I quit on money I've quit number a numerous time some money because what people told me about money was false they said it doesn't matter yes it matters it's gonna matter when your mom and dad calls up and says I got an issue I went to the doctor today and I found out and I'm not covered and you're gonna be like how much is the operation and you're gonna you're not gonna have the money so you know what you're gonna do because you care enough you're gonna go borrow the money you're gonna take out a loan none of this by the way none of that thirty five hundred down that I took down none of it included any debt okay 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight okay first of all what you've learned is false number two I want you to know this if you don't use money you will lose money use it or lose it listen to what I'm telling you use the money or lose it money is useless until and by the way money has no value no value until it is used okay and the fourth thing is don't spend it what you want to do is invest it now the question is what are you invested in you should not be investing first you should not invest your money early you should not like Wall Street says start when your kid start him young start him young that's what the pharmaceutical companies say to start him young get them on the a DD pill early you know Toyota says listen let's drop driver's license from like 15 down to five why because they want to sell them cars sooner let's get them started early of course that's what the banks are gonna tell you start investing money earlier no do not invest money and stocks are real estate early invest in yourself first okay when you start investing this is what you should spend your last pennies on oh by the way none of this included self-improvement none of this includes an investment none of this includes retirement money which by the way it's just another big lie nobody should be saving money for retirement you should be saving money to invest the only reason to save money is to invest the banks tell you to save money why because they want you to turn your money over after taxes you put you did the work you paid the taxes they're like whatever's left over dudes send to us we'll take care of it ah okay 305 eight six five eight six six eight this is what you should invest in and in this order and then I'm gonna take a caller okay today I'm gonna keep it tight today I'm gonna keep it tight you know why because look I'm dropping I'm dropping so hard on you right now you need to share this with your spouse number one in you the first thing you should be investing is not your children it's not your parents it's not the banks it's not stocks it's not 401k it's in you you got to make you bet bigger better okay second thing you need to invest in is your brand okay if you have a business it's in your business it's your brand who is Francisco who is Grant Cardone you should go into debt for the first two things I don't care if I have money sitting around okay what's yes I take this whatever this is 450 bucks sitting in my pocket I can leave it here for 50 years and I'll promise you I'll come back I'll put it in a box put it in the ground come back 5,000 years from now and I'll guarantee you it will not it will not be more it will be less however if I take this $450 that invested in myself and connecting with the right people getting known that money that money even though that money went away okay what I put inside of me my self-improvement the book I read the conference I went to the connections I made building my brand that will never go away all advertising and branding works by the way as long as you don't quit on it the third thing you should invest in is then outside of you and your business okay all my money goes into real estate this is three things that I invest in my personal my personal sense of self okay my confidence my superpowers my spirituality my self-improvement everything right here okay second thing is hey how do I build the grant cardone name out Jeff Foxworthy said nobody knew his name until he was doing 200 radio interviews a year okay I'm sorry 700 radio interviews here we got somebody on the phones look I'm gonna come back and take their call or do y'all want to just take the call yep huh-huh-huh let's do it hold on one second I'll be right back give me one minute [Music] [Applause] I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget wealth dynamics believes everyone has the god-given right to own their potential most of us don't because we spend 40 hours for reserving the 40 year to life sentence turning our precious time for worthless paper called money we live on an economic planet and time and money do need to be exchanged but it doesn't need to be your time or your money we teach our clients to secure income producing assets that make the time and money change for you so you can buy your freedom back and live a life of abundance and prosperity to get there we must know how to make money how to keep it in how to multiply it wealth dynamics provides coaching education accountability and community to help you build wealth join our coaching program get educated on the wealth dynamics university and begin networking with the wealth dynamics mastermind group today to get started go to wealth dynamics calm and leaving voicemails for prospects is no way to grow a business we both know that what would 50 100 or 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and energy through automation improve reply rates see how it can work for you try it completely free for two weeks no credit card requires hey welcome back to the car down zone folks if you make twenty six thousand dollars a year it is considered hardship hardship is hard you know what hard is living wage if you make seven twenty six thousand and seventy one dollars you are no longer in hardship you're now living wage one more dollar this is the kind of check this out middle class if you make between forty four grand and seventy nine thousand you are automatically considered in the middle class dude I know people to make 80 grand a year that if I looked at their entire financial situation I would find out that there that they have only they've contemplated suicide on a regular basis because they have considered bankruptcy it's an alternative I know people make 80 grand I know people to make 180 grand a year don't have any money you're broke professional you're a professional wage earner in America if you make more than seventy nine thousand dollars a year I'm sorry seventy-nine thousand eighty six dollars can you imagine makin seventy nine grand and living in New York City all you gotta do is go to fifth avenue dude walking in any Starbucks and you're gonna see most the people walking in there oh by the way you remember the money we spent right here by the way by the way by the way by the way we did a by the way you don't need a body weight thing right you remember this guy right here okay this guy right here this did not include one trip to Starbucks or McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts which is now going to be Dunkin they drop into doughnuts money money is useless until it's used fact money is useless cash is trash it is not King you've been told that you ain't got money because what the information you have about money is incorrect let's talk to our callers I'm telling you what you guys should be doing to get out of this situation I grew up with no money 25 years old I had less money than I had when I was ten how is that even possible how is it possible for a ten-year-old kid I got sabrina and scarlett have more money than some adults - how is it possible for a ten-year-old to have more money than a 25 year old what happened to the kid same kid okay I'm flying this plane now okay ten years ago I wasn't flying the plane my dad never thought about flying his own plane it's it's hey man can I think different can I get rid of some of this data my dad bought a house he thought that that was the big deal it wasn't he shouldn't have bought the house he should have had that money working for him not him working to pay for a house see the difference I want that house to pay me I don't want to pay for it and that's why I say look invest in you invest in you get new data if my dad would have met with Warren Buffett my dick my Warren Buffett and said don't buy that house man invest money invest money get that money - to promulgate is that a word get it to get it to have babies get it that to be like a leg like that like I'm turning into a village let's talk to that guy Joe what's up man hey Joel I'm sending you a flag right now man I'm sitting your @nx flag cuz I want you to 10x your money okay I want the big one there this is as big as they get all right great Oh grant thanks for taking me where you live man where you live I'm in Iowa City I do dude one of my best friends is from Sioux City when you take a picture with like what's the what's the image what's the that's the state image or the city image or something - Sioux City what's your landmark your landmark what's the landmark other than crack cocaine the landmark you know the corn I guess I mean there you just go into a cornfield dude go into a cornfield and hold take a picture with it okay I'm gonna send it to you send it to my friend okay okay what's your comment a question I really wanted to make a statement because I got on the stream here and notice that she was talking about money and you did shows a wild bag talking about he wasn't trying to scare people but you wanted to put the fear of money in them just like what happened to you in 2008 yeah when everything collapsed okay it took me a while to register that but when I finally got it and I realized how much money that I didn't have even know that I was busting you know my ass trying to provide for my family it still wasn't enough and I think that's what a lot of people are missing right now and you deliver it so well that they need to keep buying your your stuff so that way you can click in their mind and they can start you know making more than what they know that they need yeah anyway yeah yeah exactly hey did and I'm gonna tell you the people I every single day we hear somebody says you know man I've been watching you for two years and it just click you know I watch I've been in your cart on University down for three months and it just clicked I got your playbook to millions program and after listening to it for the third time it clicked the reason that happens is because you all of us for hundreds of years we have been taught save your money penny saved is a penny earned money doesn't grow on trees it's hard to get work hard save you money like nobody was telling us man invest all your money in yourself borrow money borrow money to be faster and better okay okay brand yourself spend money on advertising spend money on branding borrow money to brand yourself cuz look if nobody knows you nobody's gonna buy anything from you anyway won't matter you don't become more valuable if people don't know you you become less valuable and then once you got money coming in from different sources by the way who taught us how to create three or four or seven or ten or seventeen different sources of money see the goal is the goal is thank you for calling by the way make sure you get to fly okay the goal this is how most people work most people work like this they want high income they want to get their savings up okay they want to get their their their liabilities down and they want to get their net worth that most people don't even think about network this is what I want okay if this is the income levels I want my income to be as low as possible I mean really the goal is I want one dollar of income a year that's all I want I don't want to make money I don't want I don't want to pay taxes I'm like yeah I'm gonna pay 50% on my taxes I'm a baby I'm gonna give you fifty cents okay I don't really want any income I don't really want any savings I definitely want liabilities and I want a net worth way out here how do I do that you got to add one line invest okay I want no income no savings lots of investments some liabilities and these two without those will drive this thing off the chart what I want is that exploding out the top I want an explosion at the top of my net worth because my net worth will live longer than my body will okay I don't want this this is tax heavy right here savings I don't want money dying in the bank why would I want money down in the bank as soon as I get money first thing I want to do how can I get rid of it every day I get a financial statement one statement every day how much liquid cash do I have today because I'm worried about it going away I know I look at my I look at my refrigerator or I look at my cabinet the bread which what's the problem with that bread it'll get all my older your mo so I got to eat the bread before the bread goes bad same thing with cash it going to get the mole you want to use it invest in yourself first because if you don't have confidence in you I've spent millions of dollars on my personal confidence I know that's crazy like dude what do you mean I've spent millions of dollars making sure I had the wrong day to stripped away from me that's what makes you not confident that's what makes you not sure how about this one go slow take baby steps it's run fly okay don't take on too much too fast you could go bankrupt might be the best thing that ever happens to you okay man you guys shouldn't go for the bankrupt Kim I'd rather be bankrupt and poor I'd rather I'd rather make it and lose it then never make it okay let's talk to somebody come Kimberly Kimberly what's up comment/question what's going on breathing the world she's breaking up hard okay next caller Scott what's going on Scott and George how you doing man how you doing pal okay next caller okay hey I tell you what I call my damn self okay I'll call my damn self I wanted to give some flags out I'm giving flags out by the way you guys don't even have to buy two flags from me come to the 10x growth conference I'll get you a flag more importantly I'm gonna get you connected pointer Today Show is this okay you that's what you spend money on okay branding why would I give wells-fargo money when I could invest the money in me and my brand why would I give the Bank of America Northern Trust city national fidelity Merrill Lynch why would I put money in a retirement account that I might be able to get when I'm 80 when I haven't even invested in me and my brand that's just stupid it's good for fidelity though that's why I put the 10x Rose conference on folks 10x Rose Conference right now you can get two seats for the price of what 297 go to go to 10x Roche con-com for slash deal 10x cookin calm Ford / deal you want to back out show them this can't see it okay okay two hundred and seventy two hundred and ninety seven dollars two seats oh by the way those seats are $5,500 you can get them for 279 today that's an investment in you that's an investment in your brand by the way you can't just keep invested in you and not go out you have to go out so people can meet you as you get better and more confident you must meet people people have to people have to know who are you people buy and do business with people they know they do business with people they recognize they do business with people they've been around they do business with people they've had experiences with the 10x growth conference 35,000 people are coming to an event to get to know one another everybody that's come in when they come in and share their seat their ticket with the front desk with the registration when you go through okay they're gonna ask you are you here to meet people well well no then leave dude leave here's your money back everybody that's coming will agree to meet people they don't know okay I'm putting 35,000 people in an environment for three days right here in Miami February first second third it will be sold out by Christmas if you're gonna grab a ticket grab it now I'm making it really easy right now for you to buy a $5,000 seat I'm gonna give you the second one free two hundred ninety seven dollars bring somebody with you and if you don't want to bring them with you then leave them at home and I ain't giving you the money back for the second ticket because you didn't pay anything for it so don't be a fool invest in you and invest in your brand name one day you're gonna add some money left over because you're gonna get faster better more confident more people will know you they're gonna give you more money and then you'll have leftover money to buy stuff with and a plane won't be the first thing okay my name is Grant Cardone this is the cardones own every day every day every day every day every day every damn day Tim story is hustlin and every day I'm doing a show for you thank you for watching [Music] well [Music] [Applause] best conference ever ever been to worth every single cent every [Music] anybody can 10x our company in year I think this is the place to get the tools the training all the resources you need and I think that those who don't 10x by this time next year you just didn't try hard enough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 28,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales, banks, how much does the middle class make, middle class earning, middle class, investing, success, economics, middle class income, grantcardone, middle class earnings, work, money, wealth, business, income, grant cardone, economic condition, economy, yt:cc=on
Id: SxpXFbaZC3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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