$2 Million in Cash or $4,000 a Month FOR LIFE? Cardone Zone

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[Applause] [Music] you want to meet a mentor you want me to show you how to become a millionaire look at my eyes I'll show you exactly what I did I'm gonna show you step-by-step exactly how I became a millionaire where I started how I started from zero how I handled debt this is definitely not about getting rich quick I don't believe in get rich quick so I'll see you guys at webinar [Music] hey grant cardone here welcome to the cardones own every Friday we come to you to talk about your money your career your finances I answer your questions you can call me 3:05 I mean this show is so hot we almost don't even have to tell people the phone number before the lines are filled up my cup runneth over and I will share my wisdom with you so that we can get you wherever you are today into the next better place because I assure you ladies and gentlemen my friends my nephews and my niece's there is a better place wait shoo okay question of the week from Mary and Williamson ask me on Instagram Oh Gemma where every week I say eight ask me anything question of the week from Marianne was grant would you take two million in cash or four thousand dollars a month forever now I don't know how long forever is okay yeah bang in a little closer man let's just make this thing look as big as it is what would you rather do grant would you take the 4 K or the 2 million right now now we're going to assume the 2 million is a non-taxable event after taxes 2 million or 4 grand I'm going to show you today what I would do now if you don't know what to do with the 2 mil then you're probably going to take the 4 K and that would be the biggest single mistake of your entire lifetime but I know what you would do it you would do it because you're like because the way you've been brought up ok this is why I'm doing a a webinar Monday night Tuesday night I'm doing a webinar on on how to become a millionaire to make those decisions if you get lucky enough to win a two million dollars or if you in a position in your lifetime to earn two million dollars by the way everybody watching this listen to what I'm about to tell you everyone watching this will earn two million dollars in your life it's almost impossible not to earn two million dollars okay even lower middle class people earn two million dollars in our lifetime so if you're lucky enough aware enough knowledgeable enough know what to do with money enough look what you know will determine where you go check it out man throw me up on Twitter what you know will determine where you go knowledge is is the the knowledge I don't mean information by the way I mean knowledge I know I know know is different than Intel Intel is information and intelligence intelligence doesn't mean I know something it means I have a piece of data when I know something I know so I know which one which which hands right I know my right hand that's my right in I don't have to be like okay wait a minute let me go back and look at the theory of hands right left which one is it okay dude I know my right in this is my right in I know how to drive a car now okay remember when you were driving a car you get a lot of information about driving a car the brake the clutch back in my day okay the gear shifts okay now the accelerator the turns parallel parking you had information you did not have knowledge knowledge as I know I am competent with the data and the intelligence so today I'm gonna take on my favorite topic Oh my favorite topic is money my boy my boy my boy Tim Grover last night says man congratulations take that out congratulations cuz everybody heard about our big announcement yesterday thousand a thousand policemen military people Air Force Navy Marines Coast Guard nurses and teachers are gonna be sitting right here are gonna be sitting right here to watch the 10x growth conference that's on me by the way I'm taking care of your ticket and the admission and transaction fees all owe me a thousand first thousand hit grant cardone com4 slash hero hero or heroes either one a work ambassadors is almost sold out Tim Grover wrote me and said man do congratulations Oh you grant only you he's like of all the people I've met in my damn life he's like you're the only guy that would take a stadium with 35,000 seats and say we're gonna sell it out he's like man you're awesome I said you don't make me like you Tim Grover don't make me like he's like let's be honest grant you don't like anybody but Ben Franklin Ben Franklin is your only friend I said no no that's not true dude I like to help people otherwise I wouldn't do a show on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday wouldn't do it all I would do is buy real estate and he's like well you know what I mean I said no I don't know what you mean dude I like helping people otherwise all I would do if Ben Franklin was my best friend all I would do is real estate you now if you just said Tim 10 million Ben Franklin's then then I said yeah I got to tell you that is my best friend and he says you need to think bigger than that grant cuz he went into his coaching mode you need to think bigger than that you need to start thinking in billions I said Tim you need a new set of glasses and a calculator 10 million $100 bills is 1 billion dollars ok all right now I'm going to teach you something about money today to answer Mary Ann's question would you take two million dollars we're just gonna call that the 2 million or would you take four grand a month now for those of you who would take two the two million okay now I'm gonna ask you a question or four thousand a month okay or or would you take ten thousand a month so cuz some of you're like oh I definitely take the two million but what about ten thousand a month okay at what point would you say no no dude I'm taking the income if you don't know your guests okay if you don't know you're gonna guess it looks crooked dude is it crooked okay if you don't know you're gonna guess now I'm gonna do the math because I understand math would you take two million dollars two million dollars or four thousand dollars a month let's just do the math on that okay now if you don't know guess what you're gonna guess that's what the card about it's about giving you the knowingness the confidence the assurance I don't want to guess I actually don't even want information I just have to I have to I need informations like purgatory okay I was a bad boy I might have to sit there for a while and wait to get into the pearly gates information is the gateway okay when I come back from the break I'm gonna share with you why you would never want to take the four okay if you knew what to do I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget introducing the fastest growing e-commerce platform in the fitness face gym food store calm dr. David Carley is a Harvard trained MD entrepreneur and specialist in rehabilitation regenerative medicine along with Zoe Bedford experience and distribution and product development bring you an online store interested in optimizing your help Jim food stores your online marketplace for nutritional and sports supplementation all things health gym food stores here to help you identify and validate product selection learn more at gym food store calm that's gym food store calm during your future protecting your past J defrosted company P LLC is a public accounting firm offers a variety of assurance and tax resistant businesses and individuals the Chattanooga and surrounding areas we focus on construction and manufacturing industries our primary objective is client satisfaction through excellent customer service work with the best we are accredited by the BBB this is JD frost and company for a full suite of taxes surance and management accounting services visit us right now at Frost CPAs comm Chris root of hustle wholesaling chris is in the interesting real estate space but he's figured out a little niche Evan flipping deals what he calls hotel and wholesaling I want to show you how to get into real estate without making all the mistakes I have he actually doesn't own the real estate what he does is he buys a contract he basically you don't actually buy the contract you control the cars are correct visit Chris route comm to book a call right now hey welcome back Grant Cardone here in the cardones zone today we're talking about my favorite topic money money because that's the way I can help you guys the most okay let's get your money right 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck 54% of Americans have no money in savings that means that they had a $300 emergency they would literally lose their mind and consider suicide as a better option okay just kidding there I got a little carried away it's Friday it's my favorite day of the week three oh five eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight what would you do I want to know two million dollars or four grand let me help you out here four thousand dollars for 25 years every month would be 1.2 million dollars that means if you are Johnny how old are you Johnny's 28 years old Johnny would be a millionaire at 43 53 years old okay now I'm gonna show you what I would do this I may use this is 25 years I'm gonna use 7 year increments to show you what I would do with this money I would take this money and I'm first of all remember what's the rough first rule of investing no you aren't you you you 1/2 million now don't lose it don't lose money 2nd rule don't lose root money third rule don't lose money ever okay so the only way not to lose money is to put it in something that you know can't go away that means a real asset a real asset it means something real three oh five eight six five eight six six eight call me I want to go through this math with you if I'm wrong tell me okay if I can get this money if I can go into a real asset into a real asset and Ernst even only 6% a year okay my average real estate today earns way more than 6% a year even as 6% a year okay in seven years I would live earned eighty four thousand dollars it's twelve thousand dollars no no no it's six percent of two millions how much times 0.06 hundred one hundred twenty thousand dollars a year in cash tinta six percent no no it's twelve thousand bucks six percent times two thousand two million dollars oh no it's 120 thousand so I'm already earning more money you see what I'm saying so I'm already on a ten thousand a month right here in year one this is a no-brainer but you'd have to use the money okay now this is what would happen I expect that money right there because I didn't lose money and because I bought an asset that should go up in value as time goes on a real asset not an asset I'm having to pay down that asset if I paid cash for it by the way would be worth six million dollars on the way out so in year 7 okay we started in 2000 what year we in 2008 year in the year 2020 and five my two million dollars is worth six million dollars and now it earns six percent and that's three hundred and sixty thousand a year or thirty thousand a month okay and I'm gonna do that for seven years let me see what that is seven years seven years is 84 months 84 months times thirty thousand a month that's a two point five million two hundred thousand dollars oh but watch what happens in the year 2030 and two if I 3x my deal the way I always do my deals that 6 million is now worth 18 million dollars and I'm gonna roll it again and now watch what happens now we start getting rich okay this is what I've done over the last 25 years this one nobody knew what I was doing they're like dude how did you buy a jet you can't sell you can't sell like thirty thousand dollars speaking gigs and $30 books and buy jet there's no I mean I might be the only speaker in the world maybe me and Tony they don't air own jet okay so how do you do this because in the in in the third time I make a move here what is this money worth now fifty four million dollars but what's an earning okay that's earning six times eighteen what's that number six times eighteen seven point five million dollars a year seven hundred grants six hundred grand a month now what would you rather I at four thousand dollars let me go back to the montfort my second question would you rather for grant or ten grand a month two million or hey how about twenty grand a month you can't keep up with what I'm doing the point of this exercise is what you want to multiply money okay when you get money there's two things you must do with money once you get money okay number one don't lose it I could tell you that over and over and over again don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it but when you're done with the list and you're like okay I'm not going to lose it I'm not going to lose it by the way if you put it in the bank you're losing it because it's going down in value if you buy toys with it or calculators you're losing it okay the only way you don't lose it is you buy a piece of inventory with it that's going to be up go up and value or you can go out into the market places sell second thing you have to do and I talked about this in the in the millionaire booklet you've got to learn how to multiply man your mommy and daddy taught you how to add and most of you're better at subtracting than you are adding and what they should have been teaching is how to multiply I don't need algebra dude I just need to know how do I multiply money so that I can actually take care of my church take care of my community I can hire people I can advertise I can get known I can like I can give a thousand seats away in a growth conference I can spend ten million dollars okay rent a facility out advertise it to the world and bring people together it takes money to multiply money but you got to know what you're doing dude and you got to have vehicles okay let's take some calls three oh five eight six five eight six six eight nobody else is teaching this I know because I went to college I finished college I got a good business degree it's an accounting degree I searched for all the classes unless you're going to come hang out with me in my office and shadow me everyday or you're gonna come to this company and work for me like Jared does the only other way you can do this has come to conferences come to my webinars get on my program you need to get around people they're talking about multiplication not contraction Dave Ramsey is a contraction artist okay Suze Orman is all into contraction don't spend it okay while she rut drives her freakin Bentley around and shows off with her freaking all her special stuff but you see she's got a job people there's very few people that ever get a high paying job to get rich if you're not going to get rich because you're on TV and somebody's throwing money at you and you're Steve Harvey look how many people do you know on TV that go broke how many ballplayers you know they got this big salary and never knew what to do with it ameno I heard a manager I got an agent yeah but you don't know dude if you don't know Kevin Hart controls his own multiplication LeBron James controls his multiplication with a high school degrees like hey I've seen enough to know a manager can't help me multiply LeBron James into an empire okay my name is Grant Cardone you are now in the cardones own by the way the last day to get your 10x Ruth Conference ticket for free on me I take care of everything but the transaction fee transaction fees 3.8% on $2,500 get you a general admission ticket for 97 bucks or something if you're a policeman or Marine Air Force Coast Guard a spy teacher or a nurse okay if you work in it for Putin but you're really working for us do you can come to my conference for free I have you on stage I'm gonna rappel in from a helicopter we've written Blackhawks I might jump the second day from a Blue Angel okay okay 10x growth can calm 10x growth can calm this thing's gonna sell out and you need to be there you wanna leave me to mentor you want me to show you how to become a millionaire look in my eyes I'll show you exactly what I did I'm going to show you step by step exactly how I became a millionaire where I started how I started from zero how I handled debt this is definitely not about get rich quick I don't believe in get rich quick Sasa you guys in webinar right [Music] wealth dynamics believes everyone has the god-given right to own their potential most of us don't because we spend 40 hours per week serving the 40 year to life sentence treading our precious time for worthless paper called money we live on an economic planet and time and money do need to be exchanged but it doesn't need to be your time or your money we teach our clients to secure income producing assets that make the time and money change for you so you can buy your freedom back and live a life of abundance and prosperity to get there we must know how to make money how to keep it now to multiply it wall dynamics provides coaching education accountability and community to help you build wealth join our coaching program get educated on the wealth dynamics university and begin networking with the wealth dynamics mastermind group today to get started go to wealth dynamics dot-com Marco Santorelli of nerado real estate is the foremost expert in getting your money to work for you at Nerada most people do not have the time to investor through the work it takes to grow their wealth Marco and his team will handle it working in 16 markets nationwide Marco and his team will help set up a strategy to take you through step by step how to invest your money the right way and get you earning 8% returns from day one if you need financing we have it handy the inspection for your property if you need titles done we have it handle this is a one-stop shop to get you involved in the real estate game nerado real estate Marco Sanchez relly will ensure that you have what you need to start investing the right way to learn more visit nerado realestate.com that's Nerada real estate doctor Jacksonville Florida this family-owned husband-and-wife team of realtor is there to serve you track every process step by step gets you from contract into your new home or out of your current home sold and on the market Chad and sandy Neumann will take you market your home and make sure that you will receive the best customer they're gonna sell your property above market value in 30 days or less with over 12 years of experience this team is there for you to learn more go to Chad and sandy com that's Chad and sandy calm right now hey welcome back to the car down zone the lines are full hey do you know how to multiply money if you don't you need to learn the game okay there's only a handful of assets on this planet that you that that literally will cover rule number one don't lose money Ford Motor Company stock if you bought that five years ago it's sixteen dollars you would be losing seven dollars a share if you bought General Electric six or seven years ago you will be losing money almost fifty percent of your money if you bought Twitter stock six or seven years ago actually five and a half years ago you would have lost eighty percent of your investment if you bought snapchat when it came out see this is what they don't tell you on Wall Street they don't report to you all the stocks that go down in value every day it's not in their best interest invest in things that will not go down in value okay that would be you first second your business the third would be hard assets hard assets that can multiply over time because of inflation and location and time okay the clock tick tock tick tock as time goes on I get richer time creates wealth in the right assets okay so I just showed you the math if I took this out if I took this out one two three cycles only 21 years okay two million dollars would be worth eighty four million dollars if I did my math right I'm sorry fifty four million dollars fifty four million dollars fifty four million dollars okay so I made a thirty million dollar mistake fifty four million dollars okay so what number do you want to pick 20 grand a month you win the lottery okay why do people take that freaking monthly cuz they're stupid that's why okay a little bit of taxes pay the taxes get your freaking big slab and find somebody like me that you can invest with and says protect my money don't lose my money to lose my money and get it to start paying me every month by the way this formula that I gave you only works because I have a multiplier and because I have passive income I'm going to be sharing this with you and talking about these strategies Tuesday night at Grant Cardone com4 slash Millions Grant Cardone com4 slash Millions this is a nineteen hundred dollar program you can you can grab it before I produce it for 49 bucks Tuesday night if you can't watch it live you can watch it after the fact okay it's only 49 bucks register I think we're almost sold out on it's gonna be awesome about two and a half hours again if you can't watch it Tuesday night because you're busy working Neil's doing whatever maybe you're with the kids something goes on you can watch it later after the fact it's 49 bucks two and a half hours I deliver the entire content okay the next time you'll be able to do something like this it's going to be right next door behind me because we're building a school here in my office to fit about a hundred and fifty people so you guys are better come to school here every week we're gonna have a school sales follow up money finance real estate you're going to be able to come to Miami visit with us spend time in our school spend time with an instructor get all your questions answered and kind of shadow what we got going on up here the next best thing is the 10x growth conference Cade this will be a sold-out epic event let's talk to our callers Tommy Grenada by the way big apology - apology - not the Grenadians but to everybody the granite grant onehans that that have bought my real estate book we miss calibrated how many people were going to buy the book by about 20,000 people so 10,000 people got delivered the book in four days and we have 20,000 on backorder okay I just reordered 20,000 to fulfill those and I got another 50,000 coming behind that so if you haven't gotten your book it's coming it's not a poor service issue it's we're out of books don't blame that on me blame it on when you got in line okay same thing for the growth conference same things gonna happen okay so we will sell that a bit out Tim Grover said there's no doubt you will sell it out I've never seen somebody as determined as you in my damn life short of Michael Jordan okay let's roll talk to me Grenada hey uncle G my man my man my little my man what's happening oh good man life is great in the Caribbean hope you can come at sunshine here too sure I will sure I will what's your question okay let's do some math here right okay okay so one u.s. dollar in my country right is two dollars and seventy cents here okay okay so and I make roughly in a good one I'm still doing sales at Mitsubishi here yeah Lee small island so we do about two cars from one so how much God call it sixteen seventeen hundred us yeah in a good month right yeah now what I was thinking I would like to get to minimum a hundred US dollars per day okay okay so I was thinking about either doing a ciliate marketing with your company with your products okay or doing Shopify now which direction should I try to tackle both or should I just do what you wanna do so so look this is what I would do first of all okay you you want it you wanna be it you're right now you're making 1,700 bucks a month us yeah that's about 50 100 bucks Grenadian what what is your dollar called what was the money they're called Eastern Caribbean dollars whoo so it's um a group of countries that use the same currency yeah what's the currency though what's it called Eastern Caribbean dollars okay the ACCC dollar the EC dollar so oh you know it what no no oh yeah the EC it's called the EC man so check it out so I mean bro look you got to think different okay like you got you got you got it you got it you gotta set a different target here now the reason you're setting these targets is because you like others no money you have to change see if you just do this game which is just a double that's all that is you're just going to keep hitting up against the same problems you have you don't find the solutions to problems in that neighborhood ok listen to what I'm telling you right now okay so I'm gonna camp this before you you you can't solve your problems if your problem is right here right you can't and that's 1700 a month yeah that is my problem you you're not gonna expand it by but you're not gonna solve your problem by going to the next neighborhood over it's contaminated too like you got it you got to think out here so first thing we got to do is bro we got to get you to 10 grand a month that's us dollars what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be like no no let's quit thinking about this edition let's quit thinking about oh I'm gonna move to here I mean really what I would be talking about is 1700 based on the 10x rule is what 17,000 okay how could you make so I would ask is there $17,000 on planet Earth okay oh yeah there is if I live in is there anybody in the East Caribbean in Grenada on your country in your space that makes seventeen grandma accompany a person or individual whatever yeah I few people I sure you I don't care I don't care how few it is dude all I need to know is one of them is doing it is there somebody in Argentina Venezuela uh uh in some mountain in Iran or Pakistan is there somebody in some country worst off than your country yes and by the way who says you got a state er no I don't want to stay here actually but then leave then leave then so is then you answer the question how to get there don't don't try to solve this problem this problem does not solve your problem it only gives you another similar problem you want a completely new set of problems okay hope that helps man right it's all over the place by the way you could affiliate with you could be an affiliate 4:30 or 5:00 people what would it take to do this you could work with am you like like hey how do I collect 17,000 how do I collect 1700 bucks a day you know in this case I think he needs what 400 bucks a day it is so easy man I got I can go bag for 400 bucks a day right here in Miami and maybe he needs to move to Miami I'm probably not gonna go to Haiti and try to do it I love the Haiti shion's but I'm not gonna go there right now they got problems right I'm probably not gonna go to Instanbul with people you know you got got issues going on over there I'm not going to Turkey right now they got it why would I go somewhere where there's nothing but could be opportunity but but but why don't I just go where it's a little easier next caller hey Rick Rick and Malaysia would you take four grand a month right now if I gave you like five seconds to make a decision two million dollars one-time or four grand a month forever give me one okay building we did buy some pretty steep yeah you would take you would take another option you would take the cash right yeah yeah what's the last thing yeah okay okay I'll give you 100 I'll take the million and yeah just give me 100k and then what I'll do is I'll see you I'll see you in 21 years and I'll have a little gift for you okay all right man we got people coming in from all over the world man we just heard up and we hung up on Turkey because we couldn't understand a guy that was a malaysia right there that dudes awesome okay I just made one point nine million dollars reaching the world folks Richard in the Los Angeles you want to talk about crazy people we got grande night Grenada we got freakin Malaysia and now we got the fruits and the nuts what's that made are you how you doing brother yes sir ai I've been listening to you for the past five years and I gotta tell you man you've consistently produced results for me as far as mentorship I really appreciate everything you do and I respect everything you do and I admire all of your hard efforts now in your growth oh thank you so much thank you for recognizing I've had a little growth along the way I gotta tell you man I'm one of the few in California that things differently I'll tell you that right now I'm a monster you know the jungle but what can I do I'm stuck here you can leave you're not stuck anywhere you're not a treadmill you're right I had four oak trees here in my office and I didn't like them they weren't even stuck and they thought they were yes sir okay move yourself before you get cut down man they're gonna cut you down over there yes sir yes sir the reason for my call to didn't because actually you know in my career don't pay from selling luxury vehicles into a different space into commercial real estate to be honest with you and and then it's extremely difficult and frustrating but I'm pushing my way through it and I feel that you know I can see the others at the end of the tunnel so to speak yeah and right now I'm like I said into commercial real estate I've been transitioned I got my license I worked for I got a gig at a pretty big corporation and managed about a ha in properties throughout Calif what's the question what's your question man see that's it that's the problem with you LA people man is like my damn the script goes on for two hours most movies I walk out on I'm like okay yeah yeah I got I know who dies I know who's the killer who'd like one y'all just tell me that in the trailer [ __ ] I knew that in a damn trailer okay what's your question absolutely come on I Love You Man what's your question how so I moved out that movie like I can't I can't hear them let's go to the next color I'm sorry dude sorry I love you brother bye brother in my nephew Peter Peter in Haiti man we got the Haitian finally Colin what's going on in a 80 yes we're good you're good man you know we are trying to see how we can help those people out man likes to say so we had problems Haiti but me hydration you know United States and then we I know so I'm with legal [ __ ] and then I will see you and I spit so the best things I want to do I want to participate and then telling you so I will take do for this two million dollars now I'm saying thank you Hades taking two mil to Millie now but the question is guys now I know what you would do you would take the 2 mil question now is what are you gonna do because I'll tell you what 90% of the people if I give them two million dollars they're gonna blow - 2 million you gonna put it in the bank check this out check this little math class out right here all right you're going to go to the bank you're going to put two million dollars in a bank account you're going to earn one to two percent right now but let's say you negotiate a deal with them and they give you a half of 1% that's a half of one okay inflation is almost three percent in this country right now could be over that actually we don't think we're getting the right data I know rent inflation by itself has been over three percent a year what they do is they take out most stuff they take out fuel they take out housing they take out a lot of stuff wages are flat okay money is being destroyed at 3% a year and you're only earning a half that means that two million dollars was two million times two and a half percent yeah it's 50 grand a year I think 50 grand a year I'm sorry guys okay okay forty years you'll be broke if you didn't have inflation on top of inflation because remember it's three percent this year's three percent of the three percent next year three percent of the three percent the second year and on and on and on so this thing this is why our house goes from being worth twenty five thousand dollars from my mama bought it towards sixty grand she's like we made money no you didn't know you didn't make money okay if you take the inflation out of the costs rise of that house you did not make money okay in fact if you take a home in this country and you took two million dollars and you invested two million dollars into a house if you took that over the last 30 or 40 years at home only will only earn 1% per year and never paid you any income okay this again is what I'm telling you number one don't lose money number one don't lose money if you don't use the money you lose the money don't lose money okay listen to what I'm telling you if you don't use it you lose it you know just like a skill or an ability or a talent if you don't use it you lose it man if you don't use money this is why people lose money man they're like I got my money at the bank yeah but you won't spend any you're you're terrified your entire life you're terrified why cuz there's no money coming back in this is what I learned when I was ten years old my mom had some money we think she had like a hundred grand from my dad's death she would not spend in either hundred because she was worried about no money coming back in okay so she didn't use it and guess what if you don't use it you lose it so the goal next goal is you got to put it to use in order to multiply it okay that would not be a house it would not be a car it would not be kids closed even though you have to buy those things the third thing is you have to get p.i going you got to get passive income this is why little Jarrod glamp back here who works with me by the way he's got the benefit of working here there's there's been another eighty people come and go through here by the way that worked right next to me they didn't take advantage of what Jared did he's one guy that took advantage so if we did a test we'd be like yeah jarett jarett's an exception yeah Jared listened okay he quit smoking weed he learned how to do this dumbass terrible job that I gave him okay making sales calls banked his money and when he banked it when he started when he got good a good skill and started banking enough I said don't lose money to put it in a vehicle that multiplies it three let's set it up to where you get passive income Jared this month will get I think about $10,000 in passive income I don't know ask him later today what it is I know it's at least 10 yes 14 thousand dollars a month my sister 60 years old started investing with me she had money sitting in an IRA and in a retirement account she had a she had accumulated that money over years of deprivation basically saving conserving discipline not spending money on fancy stuff and investing in a retirement account and it sat there and died and she worried about it every day why because it wasn't replenishing itself you didn't have a flow right what happens to water when it sits in one place too long huh or it goes bad sometimes you like man you go go put some go put some water in your tub let it sit there for about a month before it leaves this going it's going green you could have [ __ ] growing on it man you're gonna be like oh my god man it's a sewer right it contaminates the space it goes down in value the water loses its value can't drink it can't use it can't bathe in it right maybe it evaporates one day so you got to get them you get the the water has to flow to stay clean money has to keep moving and recycling you have to number one don't lose that number two you got to keep it moving keep the flow going and number three it has to create babies it needs to this is what I was saying yesterday on the on the on the live call we did about civilizations that don't continue to populate what's it called when you reproduce you don't reproduce dude you cease to exist bottom line that's that's the way it is I know some groups don't like to hear this message right if you are a group okay if you're a group that is not uh uh if you ain't doing it if you ain't doing the reproduction process your group will cease to exist it's just math you cannot live without multiplication that's the point of today's show don't lose it and multiply don't lose it and multiply don't lose it and multiply it that means you can't put it in something this risky okay stocks will go down and value I can give you lists and lists just go on the internet today and say every major company that's lost value General Electric is one of the greatest countries that ever existed in America okay they're not even on the sp500 anymore this is the little trick that Wall Street does when the stock doesn't perform they replace it with a performer and don't report on it anymore all right the mutual funds let me tell you what the mutual funds do a mutual fund like a fidelity will take their mutual fund listen let's say it's called mutual fund growth okay and you look at them they're like 27% you know what they did this is what they did they took their entire account their their their schedule okay they put it in a calculator and said what will show us a 27 give me the dates that will show us they asked the computer what dates will show us a 27 percent return well if we did it at 11:31 on October 11th 2007 till this date and that all being the fine print oh right right at 10:13 that morning boom we get a 27 if they did ago them one minute over here or one minute over here that freaking that return could have been 6% they give you some freaking contrived calculated [ __ ] it's true by the way if you would read all that ask just take take five people in your life and ask them if they invest in the stock market good tell me about every loser that you had and tell about every winter and I'll bet you money you're gonna talk to five people that got more losers than they got winners go to go to Las Vegas you want to see the same phenomenon in Las Vegas ask people what they lost you got people walking out of Vegas I think I broke even man nah didn't lose much minute but all you hear is people bragging about I won 500 I won 5,000 boy I killed him tonight yeah how many times you've been here dude when people get their brains beat in there in the elevator oh yeah hey how'd you do that all right they don't even tell their spouse how much they lost okay the only person who knows how much they lost is that pit boss you walk away they know exactly to the frickin dollar what you lost cuz they got a place to pay for okay see if you're gonna have a casino own that thing don't play in it okay my name is Grant Cardone we're in the car down zone we got one more caller we let's see let's see if we got somebody from another country I don't even have America calling me anymore by the way la is not part of America APA is definitely America we in the heart now we back with the people man Joshua's calling from a coal mine in Pennsylvania yeah just right here how you doing grandpa let's go know what's going on man how many let me ask you how many coal miners do you have in your in your in your uh no no no no in your family well no coal mine is that you know we had quite a few people a few generations ago in the oil most of them just factory workers waverer actions exact nature yeah that's awesome what's your question my friend preciate you calling well you know when you were asking about the two million versus the four thousand yeah you know I'm very inexperienced of investing I don't know much about investing I've in the network marketing for around three years really found a good company just a couple months ago and stuff but you know for the people to moguls people like yourself that I've been learning from two million hands down there's just so much you can do with it there's so many different places you can invest it you know and that's pretty much a direction that house kind of leaning forward it's far as a question if I can ask a question that'd be great yeah you know how do you as far as you know the the crickets market and how that's growing well look look that you know again I'm gonna go back to my rules don't lose money number two got a multiply money three I need passive income so if I if that's too complicated don't lose money and create passive income by that definition I would not touch a crypto because a Bitcoin give me income a lot of people are getting interested in the crypto mining situation you know investing the machinery for us mining the crypto holding these transactions and stuff of that nature any advice in that area yeah well I mean I I don't you know I'm not a miner I was a miner once I don't want to be a miner interesting than we're talking about coal mining and he's telling about crypto mining see I just picked up when I knew he had miners in his freaking blood and in his heritage right so dude look look this what I'm doing you you started with one question what's interesting there are so many different places to invest see there's not for me there's not so many places I am NOT I am like I ain't losing money so by that very nature okay like I'm not gonna go mine cryptocurrency you know if I want money I'm gonna go out to that street corner and what I'm gonna walk up to somebody say hey man how about a honey why would I do that I need a honey I need some help bro all I got to do is talk to ten or twelve people somebody gonna give me a hundred dollars like last thing I would do is go learn a skill sketch all I got to do is ask somebody give me a damn hey man how about one hundred man what do I get flag see I'm just gonna go ask somebody for money see what I do is I get an idea I need some money my whole life I've done this I need some money I got to find somebody's got some money and I connected to who's got what I want that's where that saying came from who's got my money who's got my shoes I don't want to pay for the shoes man who's got my workout right so if I need a coach a trainer who can help me and who could pay for it my name is Grant Cardone you're in the cardones on every Monday every Friday every day every day every day every day I come to you uncle G year man anything I can do to you guys I'm always promoting some I'm always marketing something people like men you always market something that's right because let me just show you on the scale if we talk in bidness I've been trying to teach Christmas and I don't know that I can okay no matter what you think your job is the first five things you need to do to move yourself up in life is number one promote you guys like man you promote so much man you always got some promote yeah that's because I'm always doing the first thing number two thing also starts with a PE promote number three promote number four promote number five you need to promote because nothing else matters man if you guys don't promote nobody will know what you're doing if you're in a charity you're philanthropic you're trying to change the world you better learn to do these five [ __ ] steps every day every way every five seconds until you're like dude I'm a promotion machine cuz I don't know you I won't flow you okay I can't bother you away I can't promote people off my list they're like oh man what happens to you guys as people far get you that's why businesses fail I forgot you dude you're not even relevant so you guys like why you do a stream every day because I'm promoting something the way I believe the way I think I want to expand my I want to expand my circle I want to multiply how do I multiply I got to convince people that my way of thinking is correct otherwise I can't have a group because everybody in my group wants to 10x everybody in my group wants to survive everybody in my group wants to multiply we got ambassadors mentors heroes network marketers real estate agents real estate investors insurance agents real estate salesman do we want to multiply you want to be part of my gig then you got to multiply I don't need you to add and subtract [ __ ] I can get a calculator to do that okay I need think multiplication okay go down south man go look at Venezuela look at Argentina man these are countries that did not multiply look at Cuba what are they doing that stagnant little island just sitting there okay not letting anybody in or anybody out you know what happens they die man okay look at parent France France would not have a damn economy if it was not for people coming in America grows because we let people come into this country okay Venezuela I just talked about Venezuela okay so you guys got to get somewhere where to where the tide comes in and it goes out you got to get into the flow man I would tell you to get into the global flow and get off that little island that you're sitting on to the man in Grenada to my friend and Malaysia to my friend in Haiti to my buddy up there in Pennsylvania and the dude stuck in lost angels to get off your island okay Los Angeles is an island no bigger than Haiti don't kid yourself Oh Los Angeles big so many opportunities in Los Angeles no man that's a little freaking island compared to the rest of the planet okay so two-thirds of this planet requires that you swim or have a boat one-third of it requires you make contact with other human beings my name is Grant Cardone I'm here with you every day sooner or later I will break you into this 10x thing the question is will you come easy or will you resist me all the way okay I'd like to have you be one of the heroes a policeman a marine Navy only got a thousand each they're gonna go away in the next 24 hours so if you're gonna grab that fill out the landing page grant cardone comm 4/0 if you're not going to come all three days do not take the seat okay I'm giving you those as a way to pay back to the military policemen and firemen nurses and teachers okay I'd love for you to dress in your uniform when you come that would be cool teachers short skirts the boots you know the librarian look I need that whole librarian look principles not allow anywhere near my Stadium I hate principals okay nurses network marketers if you guys have a big network marketing team you know you got a team of 100 200 300 people what I'll do is I'll mark off and make this your section okay so if you want to do that reach out to my office if you're part of the Ambassador Program every Tuesday I'd love to move that Tuesday noon thing to Tuesday at night we have a 24 week program for our mentor to ambassador okay I work with you every week we have a group of people they're gonna sit right here best seats in the house I'm Ambassador Program Grant Cardone comm forward slash ambassador you get a handout you get support 24 weeks my team and myself come to you once a week once a week and you get card on University included in that offer dude I got something for you man okay I got calls out right now to gz g g DJ carnage come on man let's go man my boy off set okay Will Smith got his agent wrote me back this morning Diplo I'd love to have you rock we already got a call out to the rock to be there huh Mark Wahlberg mark I got to have you dude okay okay Tom Cruise Ethan Hawke I don't want Tom showing up about that I need Eaton Hawk to show up okay hey my name is Grant Cardone thank you for showing up today the mission is not impossible by the way because there's too many of us making an impossible mission possible I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 26,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: training, money, coaching, income, marketing, increase your income, grantcardone, yt:cc=on, real estate, investing, money and investments, grant cardone, grow your income
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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