3 effective exercises to lower blood pressure in 5 minutes | Acupressure, QiGong, 478 Breathing

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hi today we do a set of three very effective exercises which will lower your blood pressure in five minutes we will do an acupressure exercise we will do one qigong exercise to increase blood circulation and we will do a 478 breathing exercise which helps to direct our mind to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure as a bonus at the end i will show an exercise which the scientist from the university of colorado has proven to be very effective if you practice this exercise long term so let's start from doing our first acupressure exercise to do it you make a muscle on your hand and then you find a point which is located approximately halfway between the crease line at the end of the crease line and the bone which is sticking out here so it's located right there and you massage slightly this point for one minute you should not you should massage it without you feeling too much pain it should be easy but you should feel just a little bit uncomfortable let's do it together for one minute [Music] the second exercise which also takes one minute belongs to the ancient practice of qigong and it improves blood circulation which helps to calm us down and also dilate our blood vessels and lower blood pressure let's do it together for one minute the way to do it is um you make a small step forward and simultaneously raise your hands making an inhale and then you bring your hands down exhaling another step forward so let's practice this exercise for one minute doing it in a very relaxed way [Music] and the third exercise which we will do is a breathing exercise which is called 478 breathing we will inhale for four seconds hold for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds we continue this exercise for three minutes please follow our guiding cycle on screen from our mobile app breath now which will help you to complete this exercise let's do it together [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so these are the three exercises which help you to lower blood pressure in five minutes so the good idea is to take your blood pressure measurement before these exercises and after the exercises and you will see the difference for yourself you can use our blood pressure app breath now to see the dynamics of your blood pressure how it changes after the exercise mobile app includes all the exercises and many other exercises which help to lower anxiety and high blood pressure now here is the bonus exercise which helps to lower blood pressure in the long term it is based on the recent paper published by the scientists from the university of colorado and you will see the reference to this paper in the description to the video the way to do this exercise is the following you need to restrict your inhales scientists use special device to do it but we will do it ourselves with a very uh sim in a very simple way just restricting our inhales with the help of our thumbs so keep your mouth closed and then restrict airflow through your nostrils doing like this you will need to inhale for approximately eight seconds exhale freely over two seconds and repeat this exercise over five minutes you should do it daily to achieve a considerable effect for three weeks to see the difference and to learn more about this exercise please watch the video with detailed instructions at the end of our video thanks very much for watching please let me know in the comments how this exercises worked for you please subscribe to my channel have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: BreathNow_app
Views: 493,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exercise to lower blood pressure, imst breathing, acupressure for high blood pressure, 478 breathing, Dr Weil, Breathnow, breathnow blood pressure app, breathing to lower blood pressure, meditation to lower blood pressure, lower blood pressure quickly at home, breathing exercises, breathing exercises to lower blood pressure, how to lower blood pressure immeediately, breathing exercises for high blood pressure, pressure points for high blood pressure
Id: _tZJDTcZEek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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