Reduce your Blood Pressure with this home workout

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my first follow-along workout video to help lower blood pressure has had almost 2 million views in the last two years so this video is a new version for you to try [Music] everyone and welcome to exercise for health and today we are doing another workout video to help you manage your blood pressure as with the first one you will only need a small amount of space to move around in an armchair to rest your hands on and some hand weights or resistance bands for some of the exercises the program is a similar format to the first version with four groups of three exercises that will work lots of muscles to keep the heart rate up with the minute rest after each group two of the three exercises will be done with a higher Tempo to gain more of a cardio effect and the middle exercise will be done at a slower control pace for more of a muscle condition and effect I will offer alternative easier variations with some of the exercises in case you need it but as with all my workout videos please take it at a pace that feels right for you and rest when needed this isn't recommended for people with a heart condition and providing your resting blood pressure does not exceed 180 over 100 then this routine should be safe and effective for you right have a drink of water handy and let's go okay let's start this warm up then with a gentle walk on the spot so as we're walking just make sure we lift the knees up a little bit get a good swing of the arm so make it a bit more of a March and we'll just gradually build the heart rate up through this warm up we're going to do a number of exercises in this which will take about five to six minutes before we then go into the main part of the program good so what we're going to do from there is we're going to do some side steps but we're going to make them really wide so side to side big steps as you move one side to the other but really focus on driving off that outside foot to move yourself across from side to side if you want to add a little bit of arm work into it just swing the arms from side to side as well you're more than welcome to a big movement that's it good [Music] excellent okay so the next one's going to be we're going to step out to the side as we do that we're going to reach the arm over the head so bringing the feet back together in the middle and then reach across over the head as you do that step out to the side good keep that going just a nice steady tempo for this warm-up so you're not trying to go too fast yet okay the next one we're going to do is we're going to do a step back and then reach the arms overhead so both arms are coming up as we do a step back try not to lean the body back too much because what we don't want to do is we want to compress the spine so it's just a step back keep the body upright raising the arms up over the head just work on your range of movement through your shoulders as you step back good okay the next one's going to be knee raises up to the front as we do that you just bring your fingertips by this idea temples and we're going to twist towards that knee so as the left knee comes up and twists in the upper body to the left the right knee comes up a Twist to the right [Music] good so keep that movement going into those core muscles just start to feel your breathing rates coming up by now okay let's go into a box that now so visualize a square shape on the floor and all you're doing is just step in To Each corner of that square so go forwards forwards back back forwards forward back back so as we get to the front we're going to do a sidearm raise so from there raise the arms out to the side and then back down so when you're at the front arm should be up at the side and then you step back again [Music] nice steady movement with the arms okay the next bit still kind of a similar movement to this it's going to get your brains working a bit so what we're going to do now is step with one heel raise back back forwards Hill Race we're only doing three steps this time which means you should be alternating the feet with the heel raise so when you step forwards you're going to lift the heel up as the arms go out to the side step back step back step forwards heel raise back back forwards heel raise good right let's go into a toe tap to the bag with an arm extension to the back so keep the elbows up high squeeze the shoulder blades together as you tap the foot back behind you you'll straightening the elbows getting the arms straight activate those muscles on the top of the arm good next one so now we're gonna reach across as we skip over reach across to the opposite side if you don't want to do the skip in motion you can just do this as a step and reach across step and reach Skip and Skip across good right last one we're going to do the icky shuffle so this is that one two three knee raise one two three knee raise so you're going from one side to the other side one two three one two three let's keep that movement going just a few more seconds should be feeling a lot warmer by now okay good right just March that out so in about 25 seconds we're gonna start the main part of the workout let me explain the first exercise it's a Mexican wave swap so what we're going to do is do a squat where your hands go down towards the floor and then as we shift across the opposite side we do a Mexican wave movement and then swap back down you don't have to do the woohoo bit that's optional so this is the movement get yourself ready off we go so squat down skip across squat down skip across now you don't have to do the skip you can step it if you prefer this way to make it slightly easier but if you can put the skip in that will add to the cardio effect make the heart rate go up higher so your arm raise allows you to skip across doing that Mexican wave movement with the arms and get a nice low squat keep the upper body upright as you're squatting down so you just work to your range of movement with your squat make sure you're balancing the middle you don't have to get your fingers to touch the floor so don't worry about that just go down as low as you feel comfortable good keep that movement going last few seconds on this one you might be filling this in the quads and the muscles in the front of the thighs good Well Done Right grab your hand weights or your resistance band so we're going to do front raises for the next one we're going to slow the tempo right down if you're using a resistance band use your front foot to step on the resistance band and then from there you're going to step back as you raise your arms to the front step back slow arm raise to the front if you're using the hand weights like me we can alternate with the feet but if you've got the band keep the front foot where it is off we go so real slow with this one because we're doing more of a condition and effect with these middle exercises we're working into the muscles and the shoulders and you'll probably find your breathing will start to recover a little bit from the first one so slow and steady we're only aiming for about 10 to 15 reps at the most within the minute so it's a lot slower tempo good we're halfway through make sure you're breathing out as you lift the weights up breathe in as it comes back down just taking that little step back if you've got the resistance band and you want to switch your feet over you can do that slow and steady though [Music] good last 10 seconds on this one notice I've got thumbs coming up if I extend my thumbs good okay pop the wait till the resistance band down so next one we're going to do a knee thrusts so what we do is we start off with our arms in front just higher than about shoulder height and then from there with the back leg we're going to do a knee thrust as we pull the hands down tap it back second time third time at that point we switch and go on the opposite side one two three switch okay so get yourself ready and off we go so we're back into a Tempo again one two three switch one two three switch so you work at a pace that feels right for you okay you can go faster if you want to because this is one done at a faster tempo make sure you really pulling those hands down either side of the knee as you drive that knee up so that knee thrust arms come down either side okay this is the third of the first group of three so after this we're gonna get an extra long break we get a minute and also we can grab a drink last few seconds on this one keep it going hold that Tempo if you can good well done right you've got 60 seconds rest grab yourself a drink thank you heart rate should be up a bit now [Music] okay while you're recovering I'm going to introduce you to the next exercise for the next group of three we're going to do a hamstring curl with the bicep curl so we're going to be moving laterally as we do the hamstring curl trying to get the heel up as close you can to your bottom but don't let the knee come forward so keep the knee back behind you as you get that heel flick at the same time fists come to shoulders let the elbows stay tucked in so we're going to be moving side to side you can make it a smaller movement to make it easier bigger movement more of a cardio get yourself ready off we go so moving side to side get the heel of that foot up as close you can to your bottom so working those muscles on the back of the legs also working the muscles on the front of the arms a little bit and we're doing it with Tempo so you do at a pace that you can you can manage slow it down if you need to shorten the movement that'll make it easier bigger movement faster movement makes it harder good keep it going you might feel that on the back of the legs a bit so make sure you keep that knee back behind you don't lift the knee up in front as you're bending it so we're trying to keep that knee back last 10 seconds on this one well done good grab your hand weights or your band so we're going to do a hip hinge with our arm row so if you've got a resistance band you're going to actually stand on the resistance band itself and then the movement is to hinge at the hip so I'm keeping my lower back flat as I go forward keeping my head and my chest up at that point I'm going to do the arm row so I'm trying to lift the weights up close to the side of the pelvis drop the weights down and then stand back up slower temp on this one so feet shoulder with wide get yourself ready off you go so hip hinge row lower stand back up and again hip hinge hold that position row lower stand back up so again slower Tempo on this one because we're really trying to work into those muscles allowing the heart rate and the breathing to recover a little bit on this middle exercise good so you should feel the muscles on the back of the legs at that point there where you're trying to hold it while you do the row before you stand as you're lifting the weights up squeeze those shoulder blades together really try and activate all the muscles on the top of the back for this one all those muscles that help with your posture good nice and steady again we should only be able to do about between 10 and 15 reps within the minute on this one if we're doing it at the right speed [Music] good Well Done Right pop your weight so your band down so the next one we're now going to go into lateral ski jumps so for this one we're gonna have to feet together imagine like you're skiing but what we do is we're going to jump to one side and twist some semi-squat position as we do the ski movement jump and twist ski ski ski now if you don't want to do the jump what you can do is just do a step over squat step over squat to make it slightly easier get yourself ready off we go it's a little squat position jump over and twist at the top arms come up as you jump good [Music] it's only a small little heart as you move across so it's not a big jump and we're not squatting down too far we're just allowing the hips to bend keep the knees slightly bent as you go down but trying to keep the feet and the knees relatively close together As you move side to side if you want to step over make it easier again if you want to do it faster that's going to increase the cardio effect so faster it's harder so try and work at a Tempo that you can manage for the minute keep the oxygen going in but he needs it last 10 seconds on this one and then we've got that extra long break coming up good well done grab yourself a drink minute rest foreign about you [Music] okay while you're having a breather let me introduce you to the next exercise so the first one is the third group of three so we're gonna do a reverse lunge with a rotation of the Torso so this basically means start with your feet shoulders wide just bring your hands in front if I take my left leg back to do the lunge I'm going to rotate towards my right as I lunge down come forwards and then this other leg goes back so I'm rotating towards this front leg as I lunge back knee only needs to bend as much as you're comfortable with it so if you don't feel that you want to go too low don't go too low ready off we go so step back lunge and rotate forward step back lunge and rotate so again this is a cardio one so we're trying to work with tempo as best you can and only go as low as you feel comfortable when you do that lunge so the front foot should be flat on the floor the back one should be up on the ball of the foot [Music] keep that movement going if you can remember to make it easier don't go quite Zillow just step and bend the knee a little bit and rotate so you're not going down anywhere near as low that'll make it easier [Music] good hopefully you're feeling as breathless as I am the last few seconds on this one [Music] good okay right we don't need the hand weights for the next one but you do need your support so I'm gonna use the edge of my sofa here hands on the support a bit wider than my shoulders beat behind keep the body in a straight line we're going to do a press up as soon as we come up and lift one knee up towards the opposite elbow and then the other knee comes up towards the opposite elbow step back then I start the Press up again make sure you keep the body straight as you're going up and down get yourself ready and off we go so press up knee to Elbow knee to Elbow start again press up slow and steady so this is that slower Tempo exercise where we're really working into those muscles on this one on the chest and the back of the arms and the shoulders of it so keep it slow keep it controlled we're only aiming to do about 10 to 15 within the minute good [Music] [Music] depend on your Mobility will depend on how high you can get your knee towards the opposite elbow so just work to your range also as you bend the elbows make sure we're not taking them out to the side bend them so they're close to your waist before you push back up good okay so next one we're gonna do knee raise out to the side towards your elbow so we're gonna have fingertips by the side of the temple and basically from there we're going to be lifting the knee out to the side but we're also going to do this movement of the spine where we're going to laterally flex the spine so the elbow ends up meeting the knee out to the side so it's a bit of a cool one this one like the last one was with the twist so get yourself ready and off we go so lift that knee out to the side and then laterally flex the spine so basically we'll lean into the side so the elbow touches the knee if you can't get it to touch because of your Mobility that's fine just aim to go towards it don't have to physically touch it but again because there's a cardio one do this a Tempo that you can manage the faster the better keep the option going in [Music] good last 20 seconds on this one then we're going to get another 60 second rest where you can get a drink [Music] last 10 seconds [Music] good work right 60 seconds rest grab a drink I didn't realize there was this much water in my body and that was coming out okay quick drink and I'll introduce you to the next one [Music] so we've got another 30 seconds before you restart so this next one's called crossovers before we do a start with our hands out to the side feet shoulder it's wide and we cross the feet at the same time we take one arm up over the head the other one comes down we go back to that start and then we cross the other way so the other arm comes up over the head so that's this movement takes a bit of coordination if you find that too much then you can basically step over this way moving from side to side off we go let's cross over at the front cross over cross over so it's a little bit like jumping jacks but you've got the arm going over the one I'm going over the head I'm crossing the feet in the middle of the front keep that movement going so if you need to remember you can always step in this way move side to side just step into it that's an easy one easier version but still try and get the tempo so it makes it aerobic so do it as quick as you can last 10 seconds foreign well done grab your hand weights or your band okay so we're gonna do sumo squat with an upright row so feet are going about really wide for this one hand with the weights or the bands obviously betrayed on the band with your feet but if you're using the weights keep their hands quite wide we're going to sumo squat come up upright row sumo squat row slow on this one get yourself ready off we go so go as low as you can on the sumo squat just lift the weights up to about as high as the chest so the elbows are out to the side back down start the squat again so as you bend the knees they should be going outwards to the side so the knees are bending or they're tracking the alignment of the toes because your toes should be turned out a little bit [Music] so that's what's called sumo squat have feet a bit wider knees going out to the side don't have to lift the weights up too high I only come up as high as the chest elbows no hiding shoulder height and then back down keep the weights all the bands the same width as your shoulders throughout the movement good again rolling to do about 10 or 15 to these so nice slow and steady last couple of seconds good right pop your weight through band to one side we've got one more exercise left in this main part that's what we're going to do a step up kick and then back into a floor touch so I'll turn to the side to show you so basically we're starting here we're going to step up kick with the other leg spot that foot down step back reach down towards the floor Step Up kick with the front leg spot down step back when we get halfway I'll get you to switch your feet so get yourself ready off we go Step Up kick down step back step up kick down step back so you don't have to get this hand to touch the floor but you're reaching towards it even if you just get it to like close to your knee or your shin that's fine but just reaching down towards the floor it's the same leg that's doing the kick until we swap sides you don't have to kick very high so just kick to your range movement the kick is just flicking out in front down here that's absolutely fine let's switch sides opposite leg Step Up kick down step back as you step back reach down with that hand towards the front foot good again it's faster Tempo that you can manage this is the last one after this it's all downhill nice easy cool down and stretch last few seconds keep it going [Music] well done grab a quick drink only 30 seconds for a quick recovery because we're going to go straight into a cool down now anyway [Music] so once you've had a drink just find a space start with a gentle walk on the spot so we're going to the cooldown now so the aim of this is to allow the heart rate and the blood pressure come down gradually so we want to stop dead because that'll throw your blood pressure around so nice gradual reduction in the intensity of what you're doing which allow the heart rate and the blood pressure to gradually reduce okay so we're going to do from there is do a side step touch just a small movement now not loaded in the warm-up where we're going really wide so nice and relaxed just listen to your breathing start to come back down and come back to normal good brilliant okay let's go back into a walk again a little bit slower now so the fitter you get you'll find the quicker your heart rate and your breathing rate will recover so I'm still slightly breathless after that if you've recovered already that's a really good sign that you've got a good level of fitness so if it's taking you a bit longer and you do this workout again the aim is then you try and recover faster okay good gradually bring the feet down to a standstill have your feet about shoulder width wide place the hands on the hips we're going to keep the hips moving as we move them left and right so you're trying to keep your head still where it is like your feet are still on the floor and that's just your hips that are moving in the middle from one side to the other side as you do that listen to your breathing start to come back down hopefully by the time you finish the stretches at the end of this cool down it just starts to be back to normal by then right let's make circles with the hips so you're going to circle the hips from one side to the front to the other side to the back so go around one way foreign Direction so rotate the other way around brilliant okay bring it back to the middle what we're going to do now is we're going to rotate the hips allowing the back foot to come up on the toes so the back foot's pivoting as I twist one way and the other way if you then relax your arms let them just swing around your body so it should feel like quite a relaxing movement as you rotate good and then come back to the middle right then let's do a few stretches to finish if you place one hand on top of the other roll the shoulders forwards and then push your arms out straight in front of you so you can feel that stretch around the sides and the top of the back slow gentle breathing now really trying to get the heart rate to come back to normal feel that stretch around the top of the back okay release that let's take the hands behind you in the lower part of the back and then from there you're going to squeeze the elbows back like you're trying to pinch the shoulder blades back together so you can feel it open up the muscles across the front good and release let's do a back of the arm stretch so hand to shoulder Bend in the elbow and then lift the elbow up and back as far as you can like you're trying to get your hand to creep down your spine you can use your other hand to assist it by pushing the elbow further back if you need it but once you feel the stretch just hold it there for a bit again focus on relaxing your breathing now try and get it to come back down to normal good switch over the same on the other side brilliant right take your feet out a little bit wider for the next one what I want you to do from there is Bend one knee of one leg just a little bit with the other leg just straight place your hand on the side of that straight leg lean towards it so we get a stretch on the inner thigh good and then switch over good okay bring the feet back in we're going to do a hamstring one next so one foot a short distance in front of the other keep this front leg straight the knee with the hands on the back leg you're going to push the bottom up in the air behind you as you take the Torso down and then lift the forefoot and the toes of that front foot back towards you so you can feel the stretch all the way down the back of that leg good and then switch over so it makes you pushing that bottom up in the air behind you make sure this knee stays straight the front leg lift the toes of that foot back towards you so you come right up onto the heel so you can feel it in the cuff and the hamstrings all right good okay last stretch then it's a front thigh one you might want to hold on to something for support for this one but we're going to take hold of one foot get the heel of that foot up as close you can to your bottom and bring that knee in and back pushing the hips forwards to get the stretch on the front of the thigh good and then switch over same on the other side so heel up as close as you can to your bottom pull the knee back hips push forwards good give yourself flat on a bag because now you're finished well done if you made it to the end and I hope you enjoyed your workout today if so please give it a like by clicking the Thumbs Up Button below and consider subscribing if you haven't already I will leave links in the description below for some other videos that may benefit you but thank you so much for watching and remember to stay active and keep moving to feel better oh
Channel: Exercise For Health
Views: 21,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Exercise For Health, Blood Pressure, Exercise Workout, Health Workout, Lower blood pressure, Reduce blood pressure, Exercise is medicine, Hypertension, High blood pressure
Id: xNKNrEdlys4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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