4 Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure | How to Control Blood Pressure Fast!

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hi i'm dr khan in this video i want to talk about four techniques bio hacks and tricks that you can do right now yourself to lower your blood pressure on your body without any pills without anything else you can lower your blood pressure in a few seconds two minutes now these are techniques that especially work if you have high blood pressure most likely due to stress induced hypertension stress induced high blood pressure a lot of people have it we have stresses all over the place in the news at our work the boss the kids you name it we have stress all over now what are these techniques these are techniques that you can do immediately you can do right now this will lower our high blood pressure number one technique is going to be something called the carotid sinus massage this is actually very neat ingenious you can biohack your own body what you do is you find the corroded artery the big vessel in your neck and you can of course feel your pulse there too and this is what we're going to do right now you're going to go at the angle of your jaw you're going to come down you're going to feel the prominence of your pulse you're gonna go slightly outward you're gonna go slightly outwards and you're gonna massage there for five to ten seconds gently does it it can lower your blood pressure as well as your heart rate what happens in stress your heart rate goes high and your blood pressure goes high with carotid sinus massage you do this a few times you will definitely lower your blood pressure as well as lower your heart rate as well now why this happens because in the carotid sinus this is where your body also checks its own blood pressure now when you press on it gently it goes to show the body that your pressure is high in the body itself deactivates the high blood pressure reduces the high blood pressure this is a sure shot means of lowering your heart rate as well as lowering your high blood pressure next thing i'm going to talk about is the valsalla maneuver what is this val salva yes this is neat this works this is another body hack that you can try on yourself and this definitely works now what do you do with the balsamic version you take a deep breath in through your nose and then you're going to pinch your nose and then you're going to blow against your nose make sure you do not defecate as well because when you do increase the pressure hold your bowl so when you apply this pressure on your nose you maintain this pressure for about five to ten seconds and then slowly release this out let me just demonstrate this to you right now do this a couple of times you will feel relaxed as well as lower your heart rate as well as you will be lowering your high blood pressure this definitely works guys so try it out next number three is going to be some breathing technique that is going to be essential and breathing is everything guys life is breathing your life comes in with breathing your life goes out with breathing so keep this in mind so breathing is essential once you're especially stressed your heart rate is high your blood pressure is high sit down and do these quick breathing exercises and these will surely help what you're going to do is you're going to breathe in through your nose okay this is going to be quick then you're going to hold your breath for about three to five seconds and then you're going to release this slowly and you're going to do this for at least about 5 to 10 times and you will feel the lightness that your body develops you will feel your blood pressure and your heart rate going down so let's try this right now i think i'm feeling relaxed already so do this five to ten times this will lower your blood pressure as well as lower your heart rate now this is again an excellent technique you can try and all these techniques have to do with something called the vagus nerve and your parasympathetic nervous system what the vagus nerve does is it when stimulated comes from the brain and it slows down your heart as well as your blood pressure the biggest nerve is your friend in this situation now the next and the fourth and the last maneuver i'm going to be talking about is called the dive reflex it is similar to when divers dive into cold waters the body actually feels that we need to conserve energy we need to conserve oxygen let's not be pumping out blood too fast and too quickly and let's reduce our blood pressure let's reduce our heart rate so this is what happens with divers when they jump into cold water you can do the same thing if your blood pressure is high your heart rate is high what you can do is take a bucket of cold water and put your face into it for a couple of moments 10 15 seconds hold your breath a little bit this will tell your body oh are you diving this is sort of a biohack that you can apply to yourself at home so guys this is similar to when somebody says okay you're stressed out splash some cold water onto your face so when you splash some cold water onto your face you feel relaxed your blood pressure also goes down a little bit your heart rate also goes down a little bit this definitely happens you can do this dive reflex get a bucket of water cold chilled water put your face into it for a little bit you will feel nice you will feel relaxed your blood pressure will go down your heart rate will go down one thing i gotta tell you guys about all of these four techniques the karate sinus massage uh the valsalla maneuver the breathing technique as well as the dive reflex technique is that check with your physician especially with something like the carotid sinus massage because it definitely works but it could have some side effects it could have some problems with it as well so make sure check with your doctor take these four points ask your doctor about these four points if they're right for you for majority of the people it is fairly safe but some people it may not be because of your particular situation so check with your doctor before you apply any of these techniques i wanted to share these techniques with you but one thing we have to remember we have to do the basics right we have to control our weight we have to try to reduce our stress in other means try to avoid our triggers if we notice any trigger that is happening try to keep calm don't get excited don't get worked up at that moment try to relax let it go think about it later let it go that is one of the most important way of dealing with stress is learn to let it all go let go relax don't worry about it eat right avoid processed foods avoid refined carbohydrates avoid bad fats all of these improvements combine lead to a more healthier and happier life that we all wish to attain let me know what you guys think also let me know where are you guys from let me know comments below where is my audience i definitely always want to know and guys if you think these videos are helpful and useful let me know in the comments below do subscribe like and share these videos definitely helps out share with your family share with your friends have you tried any of these techniques in the past let me know comments below i will talk to you guys soon in the next video thank you so much bye
Channel: Dr Khan Show - Blood Pressure BOSS !
Views: 3,099,101
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Keywords: how to reduce high blood pressure, how to reduce high blood pressure naturally, How to lower blood pressure, how to lower blood pressure naturally, how to prevent high blood pressure, how to prevent high blood pressure naturally, How to lower high blood pressure, how to lower high blood pressure naturally, how to reduce high blood pressure immediately, how to prevent high blood pressure with lifestyle, blood pressure control, lower blood pressure instantly
Id: vaHx2IUDfWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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