Easy Like Sunday Mornings | Gordon Ramsay

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merguez and Fontina stuffed croissants okay big and bold when I was living in France I stayed there for three years once twice a week I treated myself to the most amazing bold breakfast and it started off with these Beauties here mergys cheap but incredibly tasty start off with a nice hot pan my gaze in it's a very spicy sausage doesn't need any help doesn't need any chili just a touch of salt and pepper you can smell the spice they're starting to release all that wonderful oil that flavor in there add a couple of cloves I'll finely sliced garlic spread the garlic across the pan it instantly changes color takes on this nice dark Rich golden color now take a look with the heat out for the parsley the stalks of soft herbs like parsley and coriander can be used in part flavor during cooking but the leaves should always be added just before serving to give maximum color and fragrance [Music] and then finish that off with my capers myself now take your quest on they're literally 24 hours old so they're crispy on the outside and just slice off the lid this recipe is a great way to use up any leftover croissants from the day before I used to cringe when I saw the French Cooks throw away croissants I used to cry thinking oh my God if you any idea what you're throwing away in terms of flavor whatever you do do not wipe out that pan dunk your croissants mopping up all that amazing flavor and caramelizing the inside for that beautiful don't forget the lids then get your thumbs and go inside the croissant all I want to do now is just create a little pocket and just manipulate the croissant now this is where it gets exciting mix up the Capers the garlic the sausages look at the color all that wonderful delicious flavored oil now some cheese but not just any cheese Fontina cheese is like the number one cheese for grilling and because it's a very rich cheese you shave it thinner than you would a white truffle but it gives a really nice saltiness and a light Smoky flavor Touch of Pepper with salt place these big boys on the tray literally 30 seconds on the grill here we go nice crisp packs full of Flavor now top them and that for me it's almost like being back in Paris except this time I don't have to share them with the French My ultimate big and bold breakfast mergers and Fontina stuff croissants a great way to start the day boiled eggs with a soldier that will make your taste buds stand to attention there's something quite nostalgic about a bald egg it's something that's never lost it's magic when you slice that top off and dunk that Soldier into the yolk you can't mess with a deliciously runny yolk but this is what I like to dunk in it an anchovy Soldier anchovies into pessim water no salt naturally yeah anchovies are very salty so just a touch of pepper rich in Omega-3s the amazing tinned anchovy is a natural flavor enhancer and I use it to Pepper many a Savory dish from roast lamb to the humble toasted Soldier grind them it's a really nice smooth paste the smell of that is almost like being on the seaside now get your soft butter and just put half the butter in first 50 50 is the way 50 anchovy if you send butter that way you've got that real nice salty creaminess mix that up foreign that's absolutely delicious trust me finishing that anchovy butter on a slice of grilled fish I'm in heaven the bread this is a Sourdough delicious very crusty take four nice slices now get that pan nice and hot a couple of tablespoons of that anchovy oil into the pan and then get your bread and lightly fry each side the smell of the anchovy oil is incredible take that out now bring your water up to the boil The Secret of softly boiling an egg is to place them into the water gently on a spoon in and just tilt so they don't hit the bottom nice and Light up to the ball count to five turn the gas down is it four and a half minutes is it five minutes for soft boiled egg I've cooked thousands of them and every time four and a half minutes whilst that's boiling get your bread spread that on there that is incredible chopped parsley brings that kind of freshness goes brilliantly well with the anchovies hear that crunch on in cyber I can't resist oh my God right gas off one Beauty in two I feel like a five-year-old again this is that moment when you open the vault and that little magic inside is all yours there's a great Twist on a great classic wow [Music] perfectly soft boiled eggs with dressed up anchovy butter soldiers of eggs benedict with Crispy Parma ham the secret behind a great eggs benedict is in the hollandaise so get your pan on because I'm going to cook a hollandaise over a rolling boil with a glass bowl butter just put it on to melt three egg yolks separated from the white tarragon vinegar pop that into the eggs if you can't get turkey vinegar any white wine vinegar will do just as long as you've got that acidity in there give some bite to the hollandaise put your bowl over the Rolling Water and just start whisking if the eggs had Direct contact with the gas pollen days will become scrambled egg once you've got that nice creamy texture a nice thick Sauvignon start adding your butter nice and slowly a couple of tablespoons of butter in and give that a really nice mix if you don't whisk it enough the egg yolks don't take the butter it causes it to split it's more butter using a big balloon whisk like this one makes it easier to incorporate air and helps prevent your mixture from separating all the butter in and the best way to keep hollandaise nice and warm is just leave it to sit over that nice warm water bath and it just gives it a really nice room temperature a nice pinch of salt fresh pepper and then fresh lemon juice that just really makes it vibrant exciting and you want to it's like a sort of thick custard I just want it to coat the back of the spoon so it's like you're giving the a nice glossy texture to your beautiful poached egg now as the base for the eggs benedict you cannot beat English muffins but the ham and we'll change I'm going to use the most amazing Parma ham get your pan nice and hot into the pan it's like Posh rashes of bacon beautiful [Music] ham fried nice and crisp though that is incredible beautiful in salads fantastic for eggs Benedict [Music] now keep that pan nice and hot I want all that flavor on the Parma ham left in there and rather than toast my muffins I want to put the muffins into the pan I want them sucking up all that wonderful flavor from that crispy Parma ham make sure your muffins are toasted nicely this will prevent them going soggy later look at that nice and crisp now water on to boil for the eggs nicely seasoned really important and then just a little splash of vinegar in the water that helps the set the egg white in a minute you crack it in while the water heats up in the pan there's time to get organized lay a nice slice of ham on the base now water's brought up to the ball turn it down and then spin your water around like a little whirlpool don't get a little cup so you just drop the cup in hello what happens to the egg gets caught up in the turbulence of the water the secret is not the ball the water rapidly because the strength of the ball can literally explode your egg as they start to move their way up to the top of the water that's a indication that they're cooked take off any excess little bits of egg white and then out onto a piece of tissue paper that just drains off excess water that stops your muffin from going really soggy but look they're like little beautiful mozzarella balls give them a little season left them on to a crispy Parma ham peaceful now get a nice spoon of your hollandaise glaze over try and do it in one glazing over the whole egg when I tell Jack Holly and Megan I'm Matilda that we're cooking eggs benedict for breakfast they bolt down the stairs and let's be honest who wouldn't run to sit in front of those [Music] I don't know a special occasion breakfast that would make anyone feel spoiled eggs benedict with Crispy Parma ham beauties [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,720,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, kitchen nightmares, hotel hell, the f word, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay burger, gordon ramsay steak, street food, pasta recipes, chicken recipe
Id: ftmj4O2Klig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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