Bobby Flay's TOP 10 Brunch Recipes | Brunch @ Bobby's | Food Network

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[Music] we're gonna start by cooking some hickory smoked bacon let the bacon cook and we'll keep the bacon fat and we'll cook some other things in the bacon fat we're gonna let that go this is actually gonna be creme fraiche Dijon mustard and a little bit of hot sauce well you get a little creaminess there a little bit of spiciness this is gonna be our condiment for our french toast now we're gonna make the custard that we're going to actually soak the bread in so it's gonna be three eggs in an egg yolk [Music] there's some half-and-half grated Parmesan Reggiano let's flip our bacon nice and crispy and we're gonna get our bacon out of the pan we're gonna keep that beautiful bacon fat and we're gonna cook the red onions with some mustard greens talk to regulate onions right into the bacon fat here are the mustard greens and they should just they should really just kind of wilt just a splash of cider vinegar down will splash a honey there mustard greens and red onions so have a pen to me which is basically a fancy French phrase for good-quality white bread we're gonna start by smearing a little bit of Dijon mustard and creme fraiche and the hot sauce mixture a couple of pieces of cheese some Gruyere cheese - Swiss cheese and then some crispy bacon then we have our mustard greens with our red onions and a little bit of cider vinegar I'm gonna close this bad boy up and then we're gonna soak it for about 30 seconds on each side all right so I'm gonna turn this over and let the other side so it's gonna take a little canola oil and just a little bit of butter so you know here's the key you want a custard cook inside the bread and at the same time you want all the other greens to kind of warm through they're all cooked ready we just need the cheese to melt a little bit gorgeous really strong robust flavors smoked bacon that's sort of spicy mustard green and then the Gruyere cheese just a little sharp kind of brings it all together eggs benedict with apple sausage I'm gonna grate some onions and the Apple and I'm gonna add a little garlic and we're gonna saute that for our sausage you know we want to get a lot of flavor into our ground pork so I'm gonna saute these vegetables but a little bit of canola oil you know while we're at it we'll just do the apples little cook too it's really easy to make your own breakfast sausage you just take your ground pork and just season it a little bit of cayenne some salt and pepper some sage some fresh thyme and then I can take my onions garlic an apple a little bit of maple syrup I want to put this back in the refrigerator but all these flavors kind of get together I'm gonna take three eggs three egg yolks I like to cook my eggs right on top of the stove in a metal bowl obviously they get nice and light we want to create a ribbon when we do that so that it all stays together now I'm gonna take some clarified butter we're gonna slowly add to the cooked egg yolks so that they emulsify if you add it too quickly it's gonna separate and really get have to start over add a little bit of lemon juice little hot sauce some Dijon mustard and some whole-grain mustard for a little bit of texture the mustard is also gonna thicken the holiday stuff a little bit we'll salt and pepper we're gonna make our patties these are probably gonna take about three minutes on one side and a couple minutes on the other let's get the English muffins in the toaster and then we'll talk about the poached eggs you have some water that's steaming and then you take some distilled vinegar and that's gonna actually help the poached eggs coagulate it's gonna use a little ramekin just in case I break the egg I'm not gonna have to fish it out of the water I'm gonna take a couple of English muffins some of our pork and apple sausage right on top and I'm gonna take a couple of eggs a beautiful poached eggs and then some hollandaise sauce but a little bit right on top [Music] we're gonna make a serie with the mangos and the pineapples and then we're going to just dice this up now it doesn't have to be that uniform because we're gonna puree this anyway so I'm just gonna kind of coarsely chop up the mangos and the pineapples so the pineapple I'll cut this off you want to cut the eyes on the pineapple that pom-pom pose who a Corky chopped it up pancakes is just a vehicle for lots of different options when it comes to fruits so a couple cups of water about one and a half cups of sugar this is gonna make our tropical food syrup alright I'll let that all cook together we're gonna make some pancakes it's gonna be one and a half cups of flour two tablespoons of sugar a tablespoon a light brown sugar just gonna give it a little bit of that rich molasses flavor then a teaspoon of baking powder and a half a teaspoon of baking soda there's a salt and just gonna mix this up with a fork okay the wedding read a couple of eggs one and a half cups of buttermilk some vanilla extract and then three tablespoons of unsalted butter it's melted so it will incorporate it to the wet ingredients okay so I'm gonna add we went into the dry just until it gets to that point where it's mixed there's a few lumps in there it's okay and we will let this sit for a little while so now that our syrup has sort of incorporated with our fruits and the fruits are now a little bit soft we're actually going to just puree the pineapples and the mangos as best we can just be careful when you use this because it's very very hot liquid especially the fact that this sugar in here nothing gets hotter than sugar and a little bit of honey to this because the honey will actually bring out the natural flavors of the pineapple in the mango and also give it a little bit of that syrupy consistency as well we're gonna let the seer cook for a little bit longer about 15 more minutes so we're gonna make a mascarpone whipped cream to go on top of the tropical pancakes alright so we're gonna start with some mascarpone cheese a little bit of heavy cream and it some confectioner sugar let's see it's getting nice and thick you see that that's perfect and just splashed vanilla okay so we're gonna make silver thought okay kick now you can make bigger pancakes if you like when there's lots of bubbles you know there's a chance it's time to turn them over you can cheat and paint a little bit I'm gonna actually strain this ear because there's lots of fibers and the mangoes and the pineapples you just want a finer syrup a little bit of orange zest and just a slice of lemon juice to kind of freshen it up some mangos and the pineapples do a little texture we have our pancakes take our syrup powdered sugar you get our marscapone whipped cream I'm gonna put it around the outside because otherwise hot serum you sit and melt it [Music] okay so what we're gonna do first is gonna take some hot sausage and some sweet sausage and then we're gonna also need some onions and some garlic crush our garlic up you want to crush this very well then we're gonna take our sausage I'm gonna take it out of the casing I'm gonna take a little bit of butter then our onions garlic I'm gonna take some sweet red and yellow peppers dice these up as well and these are raw so we want to cook it a little bit then we're gonna take our sausage I'm going to saute my sausage right the onions the garlic and the peppers this is where a lot of the flavors in it now you can use Idaho potatoes if you wanted to new potatoes fingerling potatoes any kind of potatoes you want but what I suggest is that you cook them first you can either boil them in water which is what we did here or you can roast them or bake them in the oven and then what I like to do is just kind of dice them like this because I want to get as much surface area of the potato exposed to the griddle so we get a nice sort of crusty texture I'm gonna season this with some salt and pepper and then some paprika as well I mean of course you shot some flat-leaf Italian parsley I'm gonna use a little bit of rosemary as well you know rosemary is a very strong flavor you always hear me say like always add the fresh herbs at the very end the one exception might be rosemary this because it's not a bad idea to kind of let the rosemary cook get a little softer and also kind of melon flavor just a little bit so I'm gonna put a little bit of the rosemary in right now and we'll save the other parsley for the very end okay so if you notice I have a really touched this yet because I really want the potatoes and the onions and the sausage to really you know sort of get a a really nice crust on the outside and if I keep moving it around that's not gonna happen you can see some of the potatoes are starting to get a really good crust on the outside it smells amazing see how nice and crusty it's getting on the underside so now we try to flip the potatoes that have not been flipped on this side and we do the same thing on the other side and if the potatoes start to break up a little bit that's good I don't want al dente home fries no interest so we're gonna put some parsley on top and we're just gonna fold this in and then we're done you see the parsley at the very end just adds with a really nice hint of freshness okay gorgeous maybe just like a little sort of splattering of extra-virgin olive oil so you like french toast right I love bread all right so we got some sugar here you know a bean let's do it and then some arms of pork please a little bit of orange zest so this challah bread has been toasted in oven 350 degrees dry it out a little bit well what are you doing we're gonna pour it right over it oh this is different what do you mean we usually do the doc method you're just gonna I wanted to soak because I wanted to get all the way through yeah never seen this before so it's just gonna soak it up it's gonna soak it up flip it I'm gonna flip it in about 15 minutes so butter and brown sugar and a little bit of water let that melt away and then we're gonna make some drunken strawberries what are we doing a remastering these joints come in half those user opens up the juice a little bit and we're gonna add some orange liqueur sugar and sugar will dissolve you want to flip these for me and we're gonna let that sit for another 30 minutes hey check this out I'm gonna take our caramel our brown sugar caramel put on a Silpat here so walk me through this so this is gonna be the bottom well this will be the top when we flip it exactly exactly alright so basically the creme brulee you know obviously creme is the cream so that would be a is the stat torch well the brulees it means burnt Queen so yeah so this would be the short for the sugar or the brulee part and this is obviously the customer the cream part I really love your technique here I've never made french toast like this we're first I'm soaking it in a pan a set up doing the flip game exactly and then I'm placing it on top of the most sweet cushiest bottom ever which is caramel sauce this is gonna be really cool I'm excited rich delicious all right 375 425 I'm really excited about this because I mean I've had french toast my whole life but I love it when it's made differently now I might go into my kitchen try this and actually like making it in the oven like this actually makes it even a little bit easier my god look at that it's puffed up with perfection Bobby oh yeah nice and custody anything get all that goodness all right I'm gonna take our strawberries you know you go miss okay I'm height oh yeah oh the orange liqueur actually happened [Music] hollow out the bread I'm gonna take the top right off I'm just gonna pull all the inside of the bread out just brush the olive oil and just a little bit on it on the on the edges of the bread as well and even this I put a little salt and pepper put the bread the oven 350 degrees and just let it get nice and toasty we're gonna start by cooking some sweet Italian sausage out of the casing with a little bit of canola oil let's crack some eggs you're gonna crack about I don't know ten eggs or so slice up some onions with a julienned the peppers now these are these are red and green bell peppers so I'm gonna get our sausage out lifter our onions and peppers in here right into the fat from the UH from the sweet Italian sausage and we just want to soften you know the peppers and the onions we have some parsley I'm gonna grab some basil as well because of how the basil is nice and leafy it's better just to kind of tear it we just want it to be a little bit crunchy exactly that's perfect okay so we have our Calabrian chilies and I'm only gonna take like two chilies they're fairly spicy just chop them up all right so look to our sausage in there let's throw our chilies and you want to make sure that you chop them very fine but they could be very hot and then some provolone cheese okay we're gonna throw our eggs right in here and then parsley the fresh basil a little bit of the provolone kind of mix this together it's pretty doesn't just until the eggs begin to cook so now we're gonna put this in our toasted bread bowl a little bit of provolone on top and there's some grated Parmesan as well we're gonna put this in the broiler so that the heat comes from the top and just basically melt the cheese creating a nice little crust on top kind of like a giant free-form sandwich in a way all right let's make some cheddar and bacon twists little Dijon flashing water salt and pepper and now we're gonna take some puff pastry so we're just gonna roll this out a little bit but it's actually pretty good with here I'm gonna grate some white cheddar cheese and I'm gonna put it on half of the puff pastry little salt and pepper okay so we're gonna fold this over so that the cheese is inside this make sure it's nice and flat and even all right then we're gonna make cuts and then we're gonna twist the bacon onto the pastry this is hickory smoked bacon apple smoke will work as well so we're gonna take our egg wash just paint our twists a little bit of crunch here some sesame seeds poppy seeds and the egg wash will help hold that together 375 degrees for about 20 minutes so we're taking some eggs and we're gonna put it in some water that just came to a boil gently drop them in there for a soft cooked egg we actually put it in water that's hot and ran to a boil and then let it cook for five and a half minutes [Music] so I'm gonna take these over to the sink to pour out a lot of the water the pour some cold water over the egg so it stops it cooking take an egg topper it actually makes sort of an indentation of the egg there and it should just come right off beautiful and if you don't have an egg topper just use a spoon you know crack around the egg won't be perfect but you'll get the other top of the egg off and then you can reach into the yolk yeah so the egg is still very runny and the white is cooked and then we're gonna do if the cheese and bacon twists right into the egg you have the cheddar running through there the crispy bacon crustiness stuff that light pastry a little bit of those seeds on the outside gives it a really nice color any ten of these a cup of flour teaspoon baking powder I have teaspoon of baking soda little salt three tablespoons of sugar these are our dry ingredients and went to a thirds cup of buttermilk one egg a little bit of vanilla extract melted butter and then a little bit of orange zest all right so now I'm gonna put the wet to the dry [Music] this is like a pancake batter spray that with a little canola oil and we're gonna use tiny little ice cream scoop fill our muffin measure that perfectly let's get these in the oven okay 350 degrees and these are gonna take only about 10 or 12 minutes because they're so small all right so we're gonna brush the tops of our muffins with a little bit of butter I'm just gonna make some cinnamon sugar you know the recipe cinnamon and sugar and then we're just gonna roll our muffins as they cool this cinnamon sugar and we're gonna be good to go so let's drop our muffins into the cinnamon sugar just give them a roll we need one and a half cups of all-purpose flour a little bit of salt one teaspoon of baking soda an eighth of a teaspoon of cinnamon those are our dry ingredients for the wet ingredients coordinated sugar and a quarter cup of light brown sugar one egg [Music] and then a little toasty coconut as well it's about 1/4 of cup I'm going to smash up some very ripe bananas you really want to crush them very well like I said the riper the better so we're gonna put the the wet ingredients all together here and I'm gonna put the brown butter into this which is 5 tablespoons of unsalted butter that's been melted and browned and then we're gonna put the wet to the dry a little nonstick spray so that it doesn't stick so 350 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes you're gonna make a Bananas Foster sauce and we're gonna start by putting a whole stick of butter in our pan 3/4 of a cup of brown sugar this is gonna make a beautiful caramel and of course bananas Foster's won't be bananas Foster's without bananas so now we can slice up our bread the banana bread should be about about an inch and a half thick and I'm gonna take some melted butter and then a little bit of rum you know you can use any one you want but I think a dark room is probably a better idea here we go get some flames going but the alcohol cook off we want to let these cook for five six minutes and I just want to kind of hold it down cuz it's not gonna get that crispy but I want that indentation from the waffles I'm gonna add a little cream to our sauce here or caramel how good is that look then of course our bananas you sure they're nice and coated take it off the heat let's check on our waffles oh yeah is it great [Music] the sponsor sauce right on top picture sugar [Music] sweet potato has been graded and I've soaked it in salted water for about 15 to 20 minutes and now I'm gonna drain it out in a colander there's gonna be a lot of water in here okay so and then I'm gonna take some cheesecloth as well which is sort of the old-school way to strain things I'm gonna take some of our sweet potatoes and actually drain them even more watch how much water comes out of there we want to dry out these sweet potatoes as much as possible all right then they crack two eggs all right so let's see put some egg in there a little bit of flour I'm gonna grate a little bit of onion in there and then some green onions as well salt and pepper all right let's see what this looks like touch more flour all right these looked good now we're gonna use a cast iron pan or you can use a nonstick pan as well and then some butter little canola oil so the butter is gonna give it that sort of nice nutty flavor as the butter grounds in the pan and the canola oil has a has a higher burning point than say butter all right take a little batch and then press it down in the pan to form the pancake so it's nice and level and you don't want to crowd the pan I think we could do like maybe three of these at a time you don't want to make a block is too thick cause you want them to get crispy but you also want the potatoes to cook through and then you basically only want to turn them one time so we're gonna wait until they get sort of crusty around the edges before we start thinking about giving them a turn look at that that's perfect nice and crispy alright so we're gonna put these in the oven alright I'm gonna poach an egg or two a lot of people ask me the key to poaching eggs properly basically it's one ingredient vinegar and that's gonna actually help the egg coagulate so that will actually come together as opposed to like the white and the yellow sort of separating Wow while it actually cooks some thin slices of ham and I really want to slice this very thinly because we want to taste the sweet potato pancake we know what the ham to overwhelm it all right I should do it and what I like to do with my poached egg is I want to get the water out so if I just put it on a paper towel and let them drain just for a second and we can start plating I'm gonna start by taking my sweet potato pancakes which I'm on a plate I'm gonna take some of the ham and then some of my jelly my newly found hot pepper jelly spread a little bit on top of the ham and then our poached egg little fresh cracked pepper a little salt if you wants you can actually make some sweet potato sandwiches out of it I think that kind of looks pretty good [Music] you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 867,057
Rating: 4.8723841 out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, cooking, recipe, how-to, how to make, tutorial, show, tv, cook, chef, fn, directions, ingredients, bobby flay, bobby, brunch at bobbys, brunch, breakfast, eggs, french toast, pancakes, waffles, sandwich, sweet potato, brunch recipes, party, what to make for brunch, weekend, breakfast ideas, banana bread, muffins, bread bowl, egg recipes, soft boiled, bacon, creme brulee, home fries, potatoes, eggs benedictfood network, eat, recipes, easy recipes, easy recipe, food network recipes
Id: UNfPyh69cDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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