Man Denying Baby To End Engagement To Fiance (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Johnson v. Quintero.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Johnson, you claim you are here today with a relationship on the line. Now, you are convinced your fiancee's eight-month-old daughter, <i> Camila, was fathered by her ex-boyfriend and not you.</i> (AUDIENCE GASPS) If the DNA results prove your deepest fears are true, you say you plan to leave her and never look back. Ms. Quintero, you agree there is indeed a possibility that another man fathered your child, but say, you're hoping it's not true. You claim your fiance has been there for your daughter since day one. <i> And you believe in your heart she is his biological child.</i> Additionally, Mr. Johnson you are asking the court to award you $275 in back-child care expenses, if the results prove Camila is not your daughter, you'd like Ms. Quintero to pay you back. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Johnson, explain to the court, exactly why are you doubting the paternity of your daughter? Well, Your Honor, it starts, maybe, three years ago. I met Maria at my job, my ex-girlfriend brought her over there. The first time I seen her, I fell in love. I'm not gonna lie. AUDIENCE: Aw! She sorta had, like, a glow around her. So... She had a boyfriend at the time, and I had a girlfriend at the time. So, I never really talked to her. Few months went by, and me and my girlfriend broke up. Just so happened her and her boyfriend broke up. She invited me to some party. I never showed up because I thought my ex-girlfriend was gonna be there. So, we usually talked for months and months just through social networks, never really on the phone or anything. JUDGE LAKE: Mmm-hmm. And she... Happened to never get back with her boyfriend. So we started to talk in a relationship-wise for a few weeks. We ended up having sex. We sorta fell off after the two weeks. She ended up going back with her ex. You know, just leaving me, pretty much. I say about a year ago, we ended up talking again. Midway through March, we considered dating. Let's put it like that, we weren't really dating, but we were talking about it. JUDGE LAKE: All right. And she calls me up one day, and she's like, "Hey, you know I'm gonna go look for some apartments, you should come with." I was a little busy at the time, so told her, "No." "You know, I got stuff to do, I can't do it." I called her back later and she never picked up. She calls me up on a phone and like, "Hey! "I'm pregnant." I was at my brother's house, we were having a little get together, we were drinking. You know, just having fun. I tell her right away, "I gotta call you back." "You know, I can't talk like this right now, I'm a little drunk." I hung up the phone, talked to my brother. It just caught me so off-guard, it was really... So you say it caught you off-guard when she said she was pregnant. Did it catch you off-guard because you didn't expect her to say it? It wasn't a possibility or you didn't think you were the father? Uh, it was... I wasn't expecting her to say it, it was... We just started talking for two weeks and just like that. It was just like, "Boom, I'm pregnant." All right, so Ms. Quintero, you agree with the account of your relationship? Not completely. You don't? No. Okay, what's your take? Okay, so, yeah, the whole apartment thing, he... I didn't call him that day, we had planned to go look for apartments the day before. It was my first apartment, I was really excited about it. So, he knew that I was excited about it. So I called up the next morning, he didn't answer. So I called him twice, he didn't answer. He didn't even hit me back up. So, what I did is hit up my ex to go look for apartments. He was more than happy to go look for apartments. And then, that's when we started talking again. It's not that I was just like, "Oh, he can't come with me, let me go try him." No... That's what it seems like though, Your Honor. MS. QUINTERO: I mean... All right, so the bottom line is you had an ex you were with... Yeah. Then, you were briefly together for couple of weeks. MS. QUINTERO: Yeah. You left, went back to your ex. I wouldn't say I went back to him. We hung out for a couple of weeks. So, you hung out for a while longer. MS. QUINTERO: A little bit. Yeah. Did you hangout in the bedroom? We did have sex, yeah. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so you had sex with the ex. MS. QUINTERO: Yeah. So, during the window of conception... did you have sex with Mr. Johnson and your ex? Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So, in a nutshell, that's why we're here. So, Mr. Johnson, (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) when was your daughter born? MR. JOHNSON: <i> My daughter was born, November 6, 2013.</i> JUDGE LAKE: All right. What are you holding? Yeah, that's a calendar. Jerome, will you please hand me this calendar? It just states when Cami was born and... The two months at the top is midway when me and Maria started talking in on March and February is the month when she was with her ex. So your daughter Camila was born on the 6th of November? MR. JOHNSON: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And outlined in green is the time,</i> <i> she, Ms. Quintero, was intimate with her ex.</i> MR. JOHNSON: <i> Yes.</i> MS. QUINTERO: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And if you do the math...</i> MR. JOHNSON: <i> Yeah, it leads right to March.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And count back, it leads right to March.</i> MR. JOHNSON: <i> Yes.</i> (AUDIENCE GASPS) During the time, you say she was with... ...her ex. Right around the time she was with her ex, and right when we and her started dating. And then when you got back together... Yes. And two weeks later... Yeah. She says to you, "I'm pregnant." Exactly. So Ms. Quintero, do you believe what this calendar... ...represents? Yeah. Yes, Your Honor. And so... MS. QUINTERO: I mean... Sorry to interrupt you. Her due date was December 13th. She was born a month and a half early. JUDGE LAKE: Okay... MR. JOHNSON: Yeah. So in your estimation you feel like, if she was born around the projected due date, then that would have put the calculation back in the months when you two were back together. Pretty much, 'cause we... Our a date, official date, was March 9th. <i> We set that day as because since that day, we hung out every day.</i> <i> March 30th, Saturday, is when I found out I was pregnant.</i> And I called him. I mean I didn't call my ex, I called him. And I told him, he was just like, "Let me call you back." And then he called me back like about a minute later. And... MR. JOHNSON: You see, Your Honor, uh... I used a condom when we had sex, and... That was one of the things that was puzzling me around the whole pregnancy thing. 'Cause it was so close... MS. QUINTERO: He didn't use a condom every time we had sex. 'Cause we'd drink, forget to use a condom, and I mean... It goes from there. So, during this whole pregnancy, during this whole time, is Mr. Johnson with you? MS. QUINTERO: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so you participated... MR. JOHNSON: Yes. And you were there for the birth? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Did you sign the birth certificate? Yes, Your Honor. In your mind during this time, you said to yourself, "I'm gonna take on this responsibility, I believe this baby is mine." Or, "I'm just gonna hold off and request a DNA test when the baby is born." Well, when she admitted to me that she and her ex had something going on, part of me was very, very upset, like, very, very upset. But the fact that she was able to admit to me I sorta pushed it aside. <i> And the fact that it was so close</i> that me and her had just had sex recently, was like, I just needed to know afterwards. I didn't wanna sit here and waste my time judging Ms. Quintero. <i> Instead of sitting there going to my doctor's appointments,</i> <i> being there for the child because what if later on I'd...</i> Later on, if I had, you know, if I missed all of that... If two years from now... JUDGE LAKE: Right. MS. QUINTERO: I told him since day one, you can take a DNA test, since day one. I've told him, since I got pregnant, I was like, "You wanna take one, go ahead." You wait till now, why? I don't know. I feel like it's because he just wants to know if it's his or hers, so he could start going doing his own thing. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) Oh, you feel like he's trying to use it to get off the hook from the whole relationship. Pretty much. JUDGE LAKE: Oh. So... At some point you all decided to get engaged, right? Yes, well, I decided to engage her. MS. QUINTERO: Yeah! If that make any sense. JUDGE LAKE: And so... If you ask her to marry you, it seems like you decided to put this behind you. That you were gonna move forward and you were gonna accept Camila as your daughter. Yes... I mean I would think so. Up until recently... Yeah. I'm at work and I have people coming up to me like, "Hey, you know, you know, hey... "Your girlfriend was with this guy at this time..." Why do people at work know about your business? Oh, well, we... I publicly display my daughter <i> and everybody in our community pretty much knows,</i> <i> Maria was with that other guy a long time.</i> So they sorta look at it as, uh... And he's... But I was with him for three years and never got pregnant. Yeah, but it doesn't mean it can't happen... So it's just like the time I get with him for about two to three weeks I get pregnant? But yet, me and you just got together and I get pregnant, so it's like... Really, honestly, I have doubts, yes, I do. <i> But I feel like it's more towards him, to be honest with you.</i> He even like, I mean I have here papers that show him saying he can't deny that it's his. And he says she doesn't look... Jerome, let me see that evidence, please. JEROME: Yeah. When she was younger, when she was like new-born, she looked a lot like him. 'Cause even his friends told him, she looked a lot like him. Probably now... And so, what is this you submitted, Ms. Quintero? It's onus that he says "You know, I can't deny it. She looks just like me." This is a post. BOTH: Yeah! <i> "Look at the mouth, laugh out loud, dats u all day bro."</i> MR. JOHNSON: Yes, that's my sister. (LAUGHS) (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And then, you write back, "Wow, well, I can't deny it, laugh out loud." MS. QUINTERO: <i> That's when she was a lot younger.</i> MR. JOHNSON: <i> Oh, yes that was</i> MR. JOHNSON: a month after she was born. And now... She's starting to look like... If you see the other evidence, she looks a lot like me. These are photos that you submitted to the court... MS. QUINTERO: Yeah. And on the left side is Camila. She's absolutely adorable. MS. QUINTERO: Thank you. And on the right side is a picture of you, <i> when you were about her age.</i> <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> <i> And she looks just like me. Her nose. I mean, now maybe...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Very much like her mom, yes.</i> MS. QUINTERO: <i> Yeah.</i> So, it's like he said, "She has silky hair like mine." I mean like, good for her, you know what I mean, it's just like... She's looking a lot like me. Your Honor, I just don't see any comparison with me at all. MS. QUINTERO: I mean not now. At all like anything. But she did. I mean... JUDGE LAKE: You don't see any resemblance? Any comparison. No, at all. She doesn't look like family. MR. JOHNSON: No. Your sister? Nothing. No, no. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And that makes you doubt? Which is why would he care for us? Yes, that's exactly... That makes me doubt, and that and the time frame. Now, you say you signed the birth certificate, though. MR. JOHNSON: Yes. So do you regret signing the birth certificate before you knew whether or not she was your biological child? No, I don't. One, because of the fact like I stated, I would hated to have missed that on that, being there all that time. And two, me and Ms. Quintero actually spoke about it before <i> the lady came in with the birth certificate.</i> <i> So, and I told her that I was willing to sign it.</i> So, then no, I don't really regret that at all. JUDGE LAKE: All right. I mean I just don't understand why he was there for me, and Camila all these times. Like, he was there through my pregnancy like, I had a C-section, so I had to be at the hospital. <i> They said I'd be there for a month. I was only there for a week.</i> <i> He was there every single night. He didn't leave that hospital... Not one time.</i> My mom would bring us clothes. So, the fact that he was there through everything, moved out to Orlando with me and my parents so he can help them out and all that. But yet, you're doubting it? Why would you doubt it and do all this for us? <i> I mean, yeah, I haven't had a job for a year, he's been working,</i> since before, even a little bit before I was pregnant. But, it's just why take care of us if you have doubts? Why don't you take a DNA test when...the day she was born? I'm sure it'd appear to you with all of that effort and level of commitment, <i> that he had accepted, Camila, and you all were gonna be a family.</i> MS. QUINTERO: Yeah. And yet standing in this courtroom today, Mr. Johnson, you made it clear that if Camila's not your biological child then you plan on calling the wedding off. Yes, Ma'am, yes. He just denies her, usually he denies her when we are arguing, that's what I feel like. When we are arguing about him talking to other girls. He denies her, it's just like, "You did wrong." So you're trying to, are you trying to just push it on me like, "Oh, she might... She might not be mine." Because you just got caught talking to another girl. MR. JOHNSON: Your Honor... Okay, so hold on, what you're saying is, when you have relationship issues... MS. QUINTERO: Yeah. ...and he gets caught talking to girls or anything like that he'll throw this up in your face. Yeah. Oh, Your Honor, it's not like that all the time. I have brought it up like at the times. What is it like? I've brought it up plenty of times. They'll just be times I'm like holding her and I'm just like, "Eh, you just don't look like me." There's no resemblance. "You are too pretty to be mine." "You are too pretty to be mine." That means she's beautiful. Yeah. As far as the other girls go, I was sort of just... Using a plan B. I mean I may sound a little rude and come off a little wrong. But it was like she kept jumping back and forth from me to her ex. So it was like what am I supposed to do? I took my engagement ring off because we've been having a lot of issues lately of him talking to other girls. It's just like, what it was... Not a couple of days ago that he was, I caught him talking to another girl telling her that he doesn't know about him and me anymore. Why would he tell another girl that? Like, really and then he'll tell me like, "What do I get out of being with you?" Who... You know you don't tell that to someone you're supposedly in love with. Exactly. So, Mr. Johnson, you know... As I'm listening to this testimony, sounded like you are pretty stand-up guy. AUDIENCE: Yeah, yeah. JUDGE LAKE: And yet, it does seem a little bit like, you're holding this doubt it's like a pawn in the game. What do you want out of this relationship? I just wanna know if Camila is mine. <i> That's what I really wanna know. Out of the relationship...</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Because in your mind</i> this entire relationship, marriage, situation, and life depends on whether this child is yours. Yes, yes, Your Honor. MS. QUINTERO: I don't expect him to be with me... Those are some pretty heavy stakes. AUDIENCE: Mmm-hmm. You also add and Ms. Quintero has said it explicitly that you're the one taking care of her and the baby. Yeah. She's not working and you are. Yes. And you provide the support, so this is a perfect time to deal with your arbitration, you say you've paid $275 in baby expenses. MR. JOHNSON: Yes. Do you have any proof of that? I couldn't get the receipts for 'em or the bank statements because I was using like a prepaid debit card. So I couldn't get those for 'em. I can vouch for him, he has paid for everything. I'm not saying he hasn't. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so if I say the plaintiff contends he's paid, $275 in baby expenses. $100 in diapers, $75 in clothes, and food, it's approximately $100. Do you believe that it's true? Um, I'm pretty sure it's more than that. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Yeah. So, the $275 is agreed upon. MS. QUINTERO: Yes, Your Honor. And you're asking if this child is not yours, you want your money back. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) I think it's time for the results. Jerome? JUDGE LAKE: These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Johnson v. Quintero,</i> when it comes to eight-month-old Camila Johnson, Mr. Johnson... In the case of<i> Johnson v. Quintero,</i> when it comes to eight-month-old Camila Johnson, Mr. Johnson... You are her father. (LAUGHING) Oh, man! Can I get a hug? BOTH: (LAUGHING) MR. JOHNSON: I'm sorry. (CHUCKLES) AUDIENCE: (APPLAUDING) How do you feel, Ms. Quintero? It's a relief, it's like, now we can go back to planning for our wedding. And I feel like now, the whole him talking to the girls should stop. And, we're gonna move on from this. JUDGE LAKE: And now, since you've arrived at the point, where you know that this child is yours. There's no more question. Right? BOTH: Yes. What we can do now is take the past, let it be the past. And the only plan B should be 'plan baby'. Okay. Does that sound like a good plan? Sounds like an amazing plan. And just remember, when you have problems it's better to just work it out between the two of you. I always say, "Don't seek counsel under the covers "with someone else." (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I'm so very happy for you. Thank you. JUDGE LAKE: And finally, Mr. Johnson, in light of these results, your claim is dismissed. Court is adjourned. MS. QUINTERO: Thank you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Judge Lake has opened my eyes, no more plan B's for me. (BABY COOS) No more plan B's. No more. I mean, I, honestly, I just feel like we can move on from this. And we can finally start a family. Just us three. No more...other people in our relationship. I'm sorry. It's okay. I'm so sorry. It's okay. Okay.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: 28MJD0PkBwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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