3 Blender Camera Tricks To KILLER Animations

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you need to up your camera work if you want your blender animations to stand out in this video I will show you three killer tricks that will make your blender projects look one step closer to a Hollywood movie but none of that would be possible without a Target camera which is what you may ask well let me explain in the most simple form animation is moving an object from point A to B the speed of Animation is expressed by frames and in general the more frames it takes for an object to move the slower the animation but why I'm telling you this well if you want to animate a camera we not only move it from point A to B but also rotate it so it stays focused on the target which is a real pain in the but praise the Lord for the Target camera because it's the perfect solution to our problem with Target camera you will no longer have to worry about objects getting out of frame it will always stay focused and all you have to do is animating the camera position creating a Target camera is super easy press shift a and start by adding a new camera to your blender scene move it to the side and now add an empty object select the camera again and go to the object constraints where you choose the track to constraint now with the eyedropper tool select the empty object now learning how to use Target camera is one thing but are there any actual secrets that experience 3D artists use to always nail a perfect look in their projects I've spent over 10 years working as a 3D artist and it almost always comes down to three things about image composition that might surprise you aren't really that hard to learn but first let's look how you can use the target camera the first example looks instantly cool and there are countless scenarios where you can use it it's a simple camera rotation around the Target and now let's learn how to do it place the camera in a starting location now press the I key to add a keyframe and choose location move the timeline a number of frames depending on how long you want the animation to be and place the camera in a new location now press the I key again and choose location again with the camera selected go to view cameras and choose select active object as camera you can also see the keyboard shortcuts listed on the right now press spacebar to preview the animation as you can see it takes some time for a camera to accelerate and it also slows down by the end so let's change it I want my motion to be linear throughout the entire animation with the camera selected move the mouse cursor over the timeline and press a this will select all keyframes now press V and choose the vector handle type when we Now launch the animation you can see the camera moving with a constant speed from start to the end so what are the composition Secrets I've recorded over four hours four hours of videos on that topic which can be found in my art of rendering Master Class Linked In the video description but the first tip that will make your composition instantly more dramatic is simply rolling the camera sideways The Horizon and all corresponding lines become now much more dramatic and engaging to the viewer however how do we do with a Target camera that is already bind to an empty object the solution is not that hard add another empty object and move it aside it will be used as a rotation controller select the camera and add the copy rotation constraint with the eyedropper tool clicked on the newly added empty object and change the mix mode to after original all you have to do now is rotating the empty in the z-axis to roll the camera the second example is the Classic Hollywood Effect called the dolly Zoom mostly known from movies such as vertigo and Jaws it's actually quite simple to achieve both with the traditional and 3D cameras all you have to do is follow this formula and voila nah just kidding actually all you have to do is zooming into the target while moving the camera back or zooming out of the target while moving the camera forward to do it in blender place the empty object around the Target and move the camera to the starting position with camera selected and the location keyframe and zoom into the Target by increasing the focal length by pressing the I key again we'll add a keyframe that will allow us animating the zoom effect move to the last frame and bring the camera forward decrease the focal length value to the point where your target is more or less of the same size as in the first frame add keyframes to the camera's new position and reduce focal length value and to make the effect even more dramatic enable the motion blur increase the shutter value to at least 2 and in Eve you can also try increasing the max blur volume now the vertigo effect is obviously not the only way to make your image more engaging and before we jump into the last Target camera technique the second composition secret is organizing your image into three plans the background Center and foreground of the image have to be carefully planned so they complement each other instead of fighting and bringing chaos the vertigo effect would lose all its power if we didn't have objects in the background that get blurry and help the viewer to fully focus on the target the final example and my personal favorite is camera following the target it can be used for any Dynamic animation such as car chase or something more static whenever you want to save time and be sure your moving Target always stays in frame so how do we do it well there are two ways in the first one place the empty object near your target before it starts moving and press the I key to add a location keyframe jump to the last frame where your target will and its motion and place the empty object there add another location keyframe and you're done but remember you can add more keyframes in between and also animate the camera movement for more action the second way is by parenting the empty object place it in your Target and now select the empty object first and then your target the order of selection here is important press Ctrl p and choose the first option the empty is now glued or parented to the Target and will follow it all the time so what is the final tip that will make your images look better it's hidden behind the magic word of Storytelling which is not magic at all and comes down to simply asking yourself a question what do I want the viewer to feel when looking at my image and answering this question is easier than you may think but requires some practice when working on your next project simply think if you can include some small bits of story that will make it more in interesting when creating let's say a 3D kitchen adding a bottle and glass of red wine will trigger different emotions than a can of Monster Energy drink and a pizza box you get the idea and if you want to learn more about stuff like that another Shameless plug check out my master class also make sure you check out this video over here I've put a ton of work into making it and I'm sure you're gonna love it thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: chocofur
Views: 244,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender 3d tutorial, chocofur, chocofur blender, animation, blender animation, blender animation tutorial, blender tutorial, 3d animation, 3d, blender easy tutorial, blender beginner, tutorial
Id: xuTCEslkEUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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