TOP 10 BLENDER ANIMATION TIPS | to help you Animate Faster!

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welcome to the three animation hub my name is brian and today i'm going to be sharing with you 10 blender animation tips that'll make your life just that much better now if your body is ready let's hop in all right we're gonna start this one off with something that i've become numb to this was something that i learned about a little bit too late and it would have saved me a lot of headache and probably a lot of time saving your workspace and have it stay even if you're opening someone else's shot i've made an entire video on this i'll have a card on the top right show up for you so i won't go into the details of making the space itself but i'll show you how to save it so once you watch that video and you've set up your workspace or you know set it up however you'd like you go to edit preferences save and load you make sure to uncheck load ui and what this means is if you open someone else's shot it will not load their ui it will not load their workspace so it will keep the original workspace that you created and not change it and this is the key part i would always set my workspace and then it wouldn't stay and i would wonder why this is why you want to come to save and load uncheck load ui once you've done this you come to file go down to defaults and save startup file again if you haven't watched my video on how to do this you should probably go ahead and watch that video because it is a little bit complicated it's not so easy so go give that a watch but with that said let's jump to number two so number two for me is individual origins now usually when you open blender uh you get something like this here let's select these three and let's rotate these yeah so i selected all these all three controllers and in maya what what would happen is all of them would start rotating from their own origins so for us to get that same effect in blender you want to come up here in between the magnet and the global there's this button right here i'm going to change this to individual origins now when i rotate the fingers start rotating from their own origins and this will save you a lot of headaches so you don't have to start rotating controls one by one just to get what you're looking for you can just select all of them and rotate all them at the same time so number three for me would be control tab now usually if you're working with multiple characters you're constantly going in and out of object mode and pose mode and so what control tab does is instead of you going up here for example right now i can't move this rig i can't actually touch any of the controls because we're in object mode so normally you would have to come up here change pose mode and then go back here and now you can control it and then if i want to click another rig or another object i can't because we're in pose mode so again you got to come up here go to object mode uncheck that click this now i can move this but then again i can't move this anymore so the magic key to keep going between these is ctrl tab in the viewport so you have your cursor in the viewport i press ctrl tab boom i'm in pose mode control tab again i'm selecting this i'm selecting that whatever else is there control tab instant it saves you so much time if you're working with multiple characters it's ridiculous number four number four for me is simplify this is something to make your scene a little bit lighter make it run a little bit smoother you have to come here to the renders properties you make your way down to simplify check that and you want to make sure that the maximum subdivision in the viewport is set to zero but the the render maximum subdivision is set to six so this just means that in the viewport it won't calculate as many subdivisions as it will in the render which it doesn't matter as much in the render because you know we want it to be a good quality but in the viewport we care about speed so set viewport to zero maximum subdivision to six and this should speed up your scene a lot more number five so number five is control middle mouse to scale your graph editor if you need to zoom in somewhere or for example let's say the curve you're looking at isn't big enough for you to see the difference you can always hold ctrl and middle mouse to scale it up and now you can see that curve a lot better and you have a lot more control over it so you can hold ctrl middle mouse and go up and down vertically and it'll stretch vertically go left and right and it'll start stretching horizontally and this gives you a lot more control over how you want to see the curve so you can control the curves better number six this one's really useful when you want to bring an object to a certain place and for example let's say this box right here is i don't know a sword and let's say this sword is i don't know all the way over there maybe it's loaded over there but i need that sword to be inside this hand now instead of trying to move it across and bring it up to the hand and try and get it in position god knows how far away it might be what we're going to do instead is i'm going to select the hand here press shift s and i'm going to click cursor to select it and that brought the 3d cursor to our hand next thing i'm going to do is select our sword and press shift s again this time i'm going to click selection to cursor and now look at that exactly where we want it well almost exactly where we want it and this is actually handy because when you ship when you do shift s and you bring the cursor to select it whatever else you load into the scene will load where the 3d cursor is so if you haven't loaded the sword in and you want to store you want you want to load inside a character's hand instead of you know wherever else maybe it's a really big scene you know and i've had i have had that issue and this is something that i wish i knew earlier so instead of that i can just set the cursor to the character's hand wherever my character is and load that object in and the object will load in the character's hand so there's no trying to find it and move it and it just saves you a lot of time and so that's number six for me number seven so before we just covered the 3d cursor and now i would like to cover the 2d cursor with you guys so uh in the graph editor let's say i want to scale my keys from here where my uh where my time bar is so i'm gonna press s and i'm gonna press x and i start scaling it that's not quite what happens uh it just starts scaling from i don't know which point but i wanted to start uh scaling from where i have my time bar so what i'm going to do is so i'm going to do is come here and we're going to select 2d cursor and now when i press sx it starts scaling from that point from where my time bar is so everything before and after moves where my time bar is those keys stay number eight all right this one's actually the most important one so i want you to take notes so for this step you have to absolutely annihilate the like button for the youtube algorithm god guys my videos have been slacking all right last few videos haven't been getting a lot of views we need the love come on all right no but uh number eight is shift e i i hope you already knew this one but if you didn't shift e is essentially uh a tweener and so if if you use maya you're familiar with what a tweener is but let's put press shift e here between this pose and this pose so we're looking at the character uh we're gonna come to the middle and we're gonna press shift e and now i can drag and say you know what i want this frame to be very close to the next frame and so your viewport here is essentially from 0 to 100 so i brought it here and it's so that's essentially like 90 of the next pose so now when we play this it reaches that pose and it kind of settles in so this could be a really use really useful tool to make some quick settles and whatnot and so now let's say i want this frame to actually be so again pressing shift here i want this frame to be very close to the first frame so the frame before it so now she kind of slows out of that pose tip number nine this one is going to be motion trails they're very very helpful tool uh to see if you have arcs going on in your animation if something's looking jaggedy and you have to fix it it'll help keep your animation clean so once you're in the polishing stage usually you can turn on the motion trail by going to pose motion paths and calculate and here it's asking you where you want to start where you want to end so i'm going i'm going to say end it by frame 40. so start at 1 and at 40 and okay and now we have the motion trail for the for the cog the center of gravity and so it's showing us that we're in this pose right here and so if we move this you can actually see the motion trail move as well so you can adjust accordingly to create a nice arc this is obviously a terrible arc but i i didn't really make an animation here i just made two poses so motion trills are very very helpful track your arcs with motion trail and last but not least tip 10 this one is i'm hoping it'll be a life changer if you're working in very very heavy scenes if you have multiple characters and sets and everything so what we're going to do is come up here and i'm going to create a new scene so again if you if you missed it we came up to where it said scene we clicked on the two papers and create created a new scene so we're gonna name this character okay done now let's go back to our original scene i'm going to select my rig i'm going to select my character by holding shift now i'm pressing ctrl l that means i'm creating a copy of a link essentially i'm trying to link the character into our new scene so i'm going to go over here and press uh character which is the new scene we made this is just saying where do you want to link your character to so i want to link it to the new scene which is named character linked and now when we go to uh our other scene that we created we can see our character here there's no box there is nothing else in that other scene except what we selected which is our character and the cool thing is as i mentioned earlier this is linked so if we come here and change either change this or let's i don't know let's move the character all over here and oh we gotta have this on to set keys make sure to turn on auto key again then i'm going to come to frame 60 move the character here and now if we go back to our other scene and we play this the animation actually applied here so everything we do in the other scene gets mimicked here as well uh except the benefit is when you're in this scene you'll be working a lot faster because none of the other stuff not the background none of the other characters in the scene will be here so this had been an absolute lifesaver for me uh in my last production i learned about it near the end unfortunately as as i did most things but i hope this has been helpful to you if you need if you know any tips that have saved you time while animating definitely drop a comment down below let us know share with the rest of the class with that said i'd like to give a huge thank you to my beautiful patrons thank you guys so much for your continued support and with all that out of the way happy animating and please sign up if you're interested in the extensive plunder animation course we're working on and i'll see you guys in the next video link for that down below bye [Music] oh you
Channel: BrianKouhi
Views: 66,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 blender animation tips, blender animation tips, how to animate in blender, 10 animation tips, toanimate, blender animation, Brian Kouhi, 3D Animation Hub, animation tips,
Id: C19o9fO62mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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