Perfect 3D Geometry in 50 Seconds

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how to turn this mess and a nightmare into a 3D geometry using blender and just a single add-in all in under 30 minutes I mean one minute under one minute Ready set go I'm selecting the object entering the edit mode and enabling statistics here so I know how many faces we have now I'm going to press the end key and use the quad remaster and then I'm gonna talk about it a bit later so don't worry I'm gonna type in more or less the amount of faces that we see in the statistics and I'm gonna press remesh and that's already done to be honest but to make it perfect I'm gonna select one of those highlighted edges then shift G sharpness and Ctrl B to add a very nice bevel here in the bevel settings I'm gonna add one more segment and change the shape to one now exit the edit mode right click shade smooth and to make sure it all looks perfect I'm gonna press Ctrl 1 which will add subdivision surface modifier and look at that isn't it beautiful so let's see if that technique works on a bit more complex shapes because if it does I think it will be a lifesaver to many of you as you can see I'm using the default Suzanne in blender and four spheres two of those spheres are actually modified slightly to make things a little bit harder and what's really great about the add-in is that we don't even have to merge those modifiers I can just go ahead and press the remesh button I'm gonna dig into the add-on settings later in the video but for now just look at the hat and tell me just tell me how much time would it take you to do this manually because um I know it would be at least day for me and what I just have to do is selecting those sharp edges again beveling them slightly and double checking in the object mode if everything looks correctly with the subdivision surface modifier and it does and it's really so nice to look at so what is the sorcery the quad remaster addon has been available for blender for quite a while now but it was mainly used for geometric Cleanup in 3D scans and sculpting well as you could see turns out it's pretty damn good for hard surface modeling as well but here's the question why would you even want your 3D mesh to be nice and clean in the first place first of all it shows you don't suck at 3D modeling and at least have the basic understanding of what you're doing second just look at this 3D mesh isn't it simply nice to look at but on the serious note first the better shading if you plan using subdivision surface modifiers or smooth shading in general clean 3D geometry is the only way to go second it always works no matter better if you plan using your 3D model in blender or any other application the correct clean 3D geometry will never have any bugs and will always look correctly today tomorrow basically forever and third the texturing with correct 3D mesh it's 10 times 10 000 times 100 times easier to create seams for UV mapping which is something that every 3D artist loves right so this is where addon's like quad remaster come into play it was developed by Maxim who's a CG developer and also the creator of Z remaster tool firstly introduced in zbrush you can get the quad remaster blender addon for free and use it for a month but I would strongly encourage you to buy it it's really not that expensive and you get a lot of value for your money the add-in installation is pretty straightforward so I won't be covering it in the video but now let's jump into a few tips that I really want to share tip number one the addend does a pretty good job with just the default settings for example you can have a very dense 3D mesh and reduce the face amount to the value typed in here and to preserve the smaller details all you have to do is adjusting this slider to 100 by unchecking this box this is tip number two the addon will usually add less faces to the number you've typed in and by keeping it checked it will try to keep all the curvatures from the original mesh so it will add a few more faces tip number three try to prevent very spiky geometry the edit May sometimes have problems with detecting The Edge loops around these areas you know that happened if the edges of the rematched model are not marked as sharp just like in this area here so one of the fixes this is tip number four maybe cleaning up the Boolean geometry before you remesh it just in those areas that are causing the problems the other solution tip number five is feeding the addon with more information about the 3D Shape you're working on so just make the base geometry much denser you will reduce the amount of faces later with the add-in anyway tip number six if you want to keep symmetry of your geometry simply delete half of it before rematching the add-on won't break anything and all you have to do is simply mirroring the geometry you have right now removing the duplicated vertices and flipping all the normals outside and finally tip number seven if you want to support my channel check out the choco4 store maybe you need some 3D models for blender or check out my blender courses maybe you want to learn a thing or two and now when you have the knowledge on how to create a perfect 3D geometry check out my next video where I share over 20 tips on how to make your renderings instantly better enjoy
Channel: chocofur
Views: 136,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender 3d tutorial, chocofur, chocofur blender, blender tutorial, 3d, blender easy tutorial, blender beginner, tutorial, 3d topology, 3d modeling, modeling tutorial blender, how to retopologize blender, blender retopology, retopology, retopo, remesher, quad remesher, quad remesher blender
Id: mnf1A_sq0JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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