5 Blender Tips That Have Saved Me 100+ Hours

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rendering is one of the last things you do in 3D and most of the time it looks like this it's slow expensive and can actually ruin your PC from this definitely legitimate graph of stats that's why massive Studios dedicate literal warehouses to the task of rendering but for us we need to make do with what we've got so in this video I'm going to show you five ways to increase your render speed and take the total time from this to this noise threshold is not only one of the most powerful ways to increase your render speed but it's also one of the simplest this setting is available for all blender builds after 3.0 and can be found under the render properties render tab here you'll have the default settings applied but I want to show you something super cool this noise threshold slider is like magic and just by changing these values slightly we get a wildly different render speed increasing this number from the default to 0.1 gives us a render time of 8 Seconds now for comparison the default settings had this render at about 1 minute and 20 seconds so that's already a huge timetable now that's great for Speed but this introduces another pretty big problem here and you can probably already see it that is noise you can clearly see a ton of it here and mostly in the darker areas of the image it's a byproduct of using this method and overall it's just disgusting to look so to fix this we need to move on to the second method and that is today we've had a national tragedy dragons have invaded denoising this is pretty standard and comes enabled by default with blender it's one of those things that's been around for a while but it's been getting better and better with each blender update essentially it's a method in which any noise in the render is completely removed using our good friend Ai and honestly there's almost no artifacts using this method unless of course you're like a psychopath and rendered with one sample so to get this image looking good there's two methods of denoising to choose from and this ultimately depends on your Hardware you've got open MSD noise and Optics the first option is incredible and depending on how much noise is in your scene I would almost always use this option it's enabled by default and the results speak for themselves it's based off of your CPU so pretty much everyone should have access to this objects on the other hand is specifically designed for NVIDIA gpus now the average smooth brain would say GPU good Optics good but upon closer inspection I gotta say in all honesty um it's the biggest piece of dog in all seriousness test both of these methods out you might find that one works better than the other because it's all relative to the scene that you're working on so once you've chosen your method make sure this denoise checkbox is enabled hit that render button and in a few seconds you'll have yourself this now both these methods have made our render time significantly faster but there's still some insanely good ways to improve this starting with method three this is one of those sleeper methods wherein the optimization is kind of insane if you're working on large scale scenes like this one for example where we have a dense forest most of these trees will immediately start to chug your PC after a certain amount just one of these has about a million polygons and the moment I duplicate this one of two things will happen either your overall scene memory will double or blendable crash both are not ideal and this is where instancing comes in instead of pressing shift d to duplicate an object we can press alt D and I want you to pay attention to the poly card when I do this did you catch that I've done this over 10 times now but the polycat has not changed this is because all the objects here have been instanced meaning every single tree you see is using the exact same data as the first tree so now I can create a huge dense forest and not Chuck the performance of blender or my GPU because it's essentially one tree if we did this the traditional way or God forbid render an entire animation each frame our GPU would need to load in the millions of polygons compile all the shaders build out the bvh construction Ray Trace shade the pixels it's a lot and to truly understand rendering or even how it works you need to know a bunch of pretty complex math I mean just look at this that's why I've partnered up with brilliant.org for this video because they make the whole process way easier to understand with their app there's literally thousands of lessons here ranging from math Basics all the way to the more complex stuff like vectors and dude even astrophysics are in here they add new lessons each month and I'm using brilliant to touch up on the basics there's a great course in here that I'd recommend it's called Everyday Math it's pretty short keeps you on your toes and just shows you basic math foundations In a Different Light I've been using brilliant for a while now and genuinely I am so happy they're sponsoring these videos because I think at a certain point math becomes this like uncool thing to be passionate about and if my YouTube analytics are correct you're like me you're a 20 plus year old guy you love Video Games memes 3D but you probably haven't touched math in a while but that's even remotely close to you please click the link in the description because this app was made for people like us it's gamified learning with the satisfying elements of completing tasks and getting XP all while sharpening your mind and leveling up your learning head to brilliant.org forward slash me to get your 30 day free trial and the first 200 people to do that will get 20 off their annual subscription click the link and thank you brilliant for sponsoring this video foreign is one of the most important aspects of 3D and oftentimes a render can be chugging for hours simply due to bad light optimization depending on the placement intensity and scene in general it can add a ton of time to your renders this is simply due to the complexity of light paths and how they're calculated to fix that we can literally click a switch and make the whole process way easier to render in the render tab come down here to light paths and click on Max bounces there's a few options to fiddle with here but you really only need to worry about one and that is the total changing this to something like eight heck even four could give you some pretty amazing results but it is something you've got to feel out for your scene it's all relative for example shop an interior shot being lit through a window you probably want to get as many bounces in there as possible because there's so much more work the light needs to do in order to light up that scene but if you're rendering literally anything else maybe like a desert floor you can experiment with a super small amount of bounces if you're not sure what to choose there's even a little hamburger menu here with presets to find out what works best for your scene this is a super powerful method of speeding up our renders but there's still one more trick that I Think You're Gonna Love this last trick is actually a combination of three methods that I wish I knew when starting out so let's run through these one at a time decimation if you have an insanely dense model it's probably a good idea to decimate this or reduce the polygap there's a modifier that does all this work for you which you can find here and it basically just simplifies the model and removes all the unnecessary details that it might have to use it just play with the ratio here until you get to a reasonable polygon obviously don't go crazy with this because you might end up making some nightmare Fuel and ruin your model texture optimization this one is a no-brainer if your scene is packed with 8K textures you're gonna have a bad time it's more information to add during the render process and everything adds up pretty quickly I would ask do I really need this much detail for the pebble way back in my shot the answer is probably no so just optimize your textures and and use the heavy duty stuff for the main subject of the shop imposters these are a fantastic way to optimize your scene while still keeping all the detail it's a technique that's used heavily in video games and honestly it's pretty simple to set up essentially if you have a dense model like this tree and it's super far away from your camera you don't need to render all that geometry instead you can render out a flat plane image of the tree bake the normal data into it and have it always facing the camera this means you're cutting the polygon count from 1 million all the way down to one while keeping the detail intact and honestly you probably wouldn't even notice now even though these five tricks have made out overall render times significantly faster they're kind of useless if you don't know how to make high quality materials to use them with and that's why this is the video you want to watch next because it'll teach you exactly that
Channel: Smeaf
Views: 58,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d, blender render cycles fast, how to render faster with Cycles, Blender cycles Fast Render hack, fast rendering with Blender Cycles, How to render 300% faster with Blender cycles, How to render anything FAST with Blender cycles, How to render quick with cycles Blender, blender cycles, how to render FAST, Fast rendering with Blender cycles, blender 3.6 cycles, blender cycles best settings, best cycles render settings, fastest render settings blender
Id: VoHZ8lemEtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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