6 ways to rig a worm

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hey youtubers Roland Martin here it's time for another YouTube adventure and today we're gonna talk about the number one bachelor in the whole entire world the plastic worm you know the plastic worm there's just a lot of ways to fishing that's we're going to talk about today I'm basically a power fisherman because I use heavy tackle and heavy cover but I'm going to take you down into the Clearwater area I'm going to show you some finesse tackle I'm going to show you a lot of different ways efficient a plastic worm not just for heavy tackle but for just all over the country okay let's start off my number one one of the favorite worm that I like the best and there's a lot of different worms is the 5 inch sinker this 5 inch Cinco has outsold all the plastic worms and they'll have a whole entire world for 25-30 years now it's been the number one plastic worm and I've been working with Gary Yamamoto for a long long time and so that's gonna be my my warm of choice but you can use any plastic worm but let's just start off with the plastic worm the number one way of fishing a plastic worm ever ever ever out of the five or six ways that I'm going to show you is this Texas rig just a standard Texas rig and we're not I have here this is about a thirty pound braid because again I like the heavy cover song about a thirty pound braid you could use a 1214 pound monofilament if you had open water to deal with but I'm kind of probably fishing Lake Okeechobee here and some of the heavy parts in the Everglades were a lot of weeds so I'm going to take a thirty pound braid I'm going to take a four odd ewg hook that's the hook of choice it's a it's a super line hook and this one happens to be a thicker hook now if you use lighter line you can go to the next size you don't have to use a super line hook the super line hook is only for using for heavy braid because it's a bigger stronger hook but it's for on ewg that's extra wide gap ewg okay I come through the head of the worm and this is gonna I'm gonna start off fishing this weightless I'm not going to even put a weight on this one rod because the number one way to fish a cinco if the winds not blowing is weightless so I'm gonna have a thirty pound line I like a fairly long rod so I cast it a long ways this is a favorite rod it has a long handle it's a seven foot kind of medium action rod I can throw it a long ways and with braids you can get by with a little bit less strength in your rod in other words a medium action in braids is more like a heavy action with monofilament so so anyway a medium action with braids is what I like okay I'm going to take you down to the dock in a minute I'm going to show you some of these applications throwing it out on the water but for right now I'm just gonna line these rods up and show you what my choices are I told you I was a power fisherman let's go to the same plastic worm let's go to the the Texas rig and let's talk about some power fishing for a second let's talk about throwing it into the lily pads the same the same setup basically a little bit stronger rod I'm heating a 50 pound braid instead of a 30 pound braid I'm using a quarter ounce weight instead of no weight I'm using that same ewg super line hook and I'm using a gannis a 5 inch sink oh okay now here's the deal here and I'll have to show you it when I get down to the water I can pitch it and flip it in some heavy cover and it sinks to the bottom and now I mean I'm using it I'm not casting it so much with this lighter weight ride with almost no weight or no weight at all I was casting it with this rod I kind of pitch it and flip it again I'm gonna take you to the doctor I'm gonna show you how to do that okay okay so that's that's my Texas rig now a second way of fishing a plastic worm is the Carolina rig let me show you my Carolina rig system this works from Connecticut Connecticut to California all the Carolina rig is is really the same cinco on an e WG hook just like we had before and this happens to be a 14 pound test fluorocarbon leader to a swivel in this whole setup is for deep water I'm now bouncing this big heavy half ounce weight down on the bottom 10 15 20 foot of water possibly the edges of grass lines up out the edge of the channel of on sandbars it's just all over the the structure area of the lake or river and this is on the bottom and then this kind of just kind of dragging along how to floating around the current and being almost a finesse II kind of thing but actually it's a deep-water way of fishing a plastic worm is very very effective and again I'm going to take you to the dock and show you how it all works but for this kind of combination for a Carolina rig I like to start off with a braid on this and on the real side I come in with a say a 30 to 50 pound braid on a casting rod and reel and this is a seven-foot actually it's almost a seven and a half foot rod because sometimes when you throw in a Carolina rig you have a long leader and this is just a medium size leader here but some places like a fish Clarks Hill Reservoir they like five and six foot long leaders and to cast them you need a long rod because you got to come up you can't just cast you have to just love it out there so the longer the rod the better it handles a longer leader so I like a long leader occasion and I like a long rod to throw a Carolina rig with at least a seven foot in this case is seven and a half foot rod for my Carolina rig okay so that's my Carolina rig my third way of fishing a plastic worm is the wacky rig now the wacky rig in this case I have it rigged up on a spinning rod and it's a thirty pound braid again I'm a power fisherman next week I'm gonna go to Minnesota and we're going to skip these worms wacky style underneath the boat docks for a big smallmouth and a largemouth up north in the Clearwater hey but you can get away with it underneath the dock some of this heavy liner you can use a leader if you want but basically what I have here on this one Louis worm rig is a little o-ring and that o-ring is around the worm and I have a little tool that I put it on with and I'm in this case since I'm in heavy cover I'm going to take that weedless hook and I'm going to bury it just underneath the the o-ring and I'm gonna widen that little thing or something that I want to tell you about it wide this out widen that little weed guard out because sometimes if you don't widen it it'll turn sideways and catch catch on the hook thirty pound test line hey I'm gonna you down to the dock in a minute I'm going to show you how this thing skips really well skipping it underneath the dock is a major major deal now you can use the same rig in much clearer water and wacky style and say Clearwater Lakes like Lake Mead and all these nice places thrown up in the in the rocks and ultra clear water let it sink down again that's a great technique for both largemouth and smallmouth in clear water with open water now go down all the way down the 6-pound line eight-pound line here are some different fluorocarbon lines that are really light and I just can put that on and for a real clear water I'm gonna use this wacky rig possibly with a down to 6 pound fluorocarbon hey you catch a lot of nice fish on that ok that's that's a good choice ok let me show you my fourth way of fishing a plastic worm okay this is a shaky head now what's a shaky head well let me just show you what a shaky head is it is a little jig head kind of thing and I'll put a smaller worm on it like this little California roll it's just not as big a body to worm and say a sink oh and I'm gonna put that on and see it's a skinnier worm ok now it's a kind of a different deal this is a completely different thing it's this it's like a jig thing and I screw it in his little screw deal here this is a Nathan I eighth of an ounce shaky head I'm screwing it on here just like this I screw it right on the on the hole on the jig okay let's all screw it in I can bear the hook and just skin hook it if I just have open water and that what that does my friends is that it actually stands up that's a stand-up shaky head made by bobby Urich and the megastrike company and I'll show you that down at the dock in a minute how this this whole rig kind of stands up in the air so that's a shaky head that we use for a plastic worm and particularly with spinning tackle in particularly in clear water this is a accountable finesse kind of a bait and it works extremely well and save the Appalachian Lakes of the mid-south and it's just a very very good reservoir situation for 10 15 even 20 feet of water here we are this is one of the last applications I have for fish in a plastic worm this is the drop shot rig again this is a finesse rig I'm a power fisherman but hey I'm good a drop shot I'm good at fish nose clear water legs I just preferred to fish the weaves and heavy cover and fish the heavy tackle but I can fish like tackle just as well as anybody and this is a my set up here for what would they call the drop shot now what the drop shot is is basically and hit a lot of the key to it is is your suspending a worm a small worm it could be could be something like this California roll roll one and I can take and cut a little bit of that off okay in a drop shot is basically taking a octopus hook which I really like that's the number one octopus hook it's tied on a special way you notice that the hook point is faced up and now I'm nosed hooking that that portion of the worm just knows hooking it like that and that is the drop shot rig and there's a whole variety of small plastic worms if you use as a drop shot rig now here's one of the big secrets is adjusting the whole weight so it comes to the bottom at the right height from the bottom so now that's adjustable what this is is a pineapple weight and this pineapple weight if you pull the line down down a little ways the line can slide right up I can make that as short as I want pull it back up into that crevice and now the weights just six inches from from the worm or I can pull it back down again out of that crease pull it right out the end pull it up now now its foot in half now from from the from the worm okay the secret of a of a drop shot is this I'm going to back up just a little bit I'm going to show you what my rod tip does you drop it down to the bottom it could be 10 or 15 feet of water when it finally hits the bottom they get the rod kind of parallel and most the guys are kind of shaking it like this they're kind of shaking it just a little teeny witty shakin so I like a long rod and with Gary Yamamoto recommends at least a seven foot rod this is a seven foot three medium action rod nice long handle it's lightweight and I could shake it just a little bit and what that does it just makes that drop shot just just dance in other words I'm going to pull it off the bottom and show you if I just do that it did the drop shot is now in the water this is dancing I'll show you down in the water off the dock how how it dances when I just when I just drop that tip like this well that's almost all the ways to fish a plastic worm there's one other way that I fish it's um it's not a way that I fish it a lot I do fish it's um and it's what they call the split shot rig now all the split shot rig is is taking a worm like I had before like I think I had a I hit the regular worm like this one I had this regular sicko before and I had no weight on it right I started off by saying this is am i right Texas rig will wait with no warm with no weight does it a split shot rig all you basically do is take a split shot I take that split shot and now for a split shot rig udemy really put the squish out on the hook now I like I like it at least a foot above maybe 18 inches above the worm and basically we're in fishing it and Clearwater so basically we're gonna use light line I'm gonna take the split shot clamp it on now it changes the whole worm the way it works in the water it's a hundred percent different than it was when it was weightless and with the split shot on it about a foot or so up from the hook he's a little bit like a Carolina rig but he does different things in a Carolina rig a Carolina rig stays completely on the bottom a split shot rig kind of swims through the air and does kind of a funny loop-d-loop thing as you retrieve it back so it split split shot is a little bit different than a Carolina rig but it's the same basic idea the weight is just above the hook well okay folks let's go down to the dock and I'm going to show you how these things work well the first thing I wanted to do is show you these regular Texas rig like I use starting off with the weightless worm I'm going to take this this regular 5 inch sink oh and I'm gonna show you what it looks like in the water right here the thing is so cool it's hard to see it but it just barely sinks if you can just see it it's just it goes flat when it sinks it's just it's not a very good deal you can't but if it if it sinks it sinks horizontal it goes down it goes down horizontal and it goes it just kind of vibrates as it sinks it's this isn't it's not clear clear enough to see but anyway I throw it out there make a nice long cast and I just when you're fishing it with no weight you really have to fish it slow it easy and you have to be a line watcher so you know you really have to be do things real slow and easy and and it's in your fishing unweighted Cinco you kind of swimming it along you holding the rod high you just barely moving it okay that's that's the number one plastic worm in the world the sink oh okay let's get another one go on I'll show you the heavy cover one it's the same plastic worm it's the same sink oh but now I haven't set up on fifty pound braid and I'm going to flip it in the heaviest cover I can find in the lily pads underneath is dr. here's a good spot for example if I were out in the boat and I wanted to fish something I would take it and I would flip it right there and all that pile the junk right there by the dock I don't know there's not a there's a bass in there probably not but the point is that's the kind of place you throw it and you get up and down in that heavy cover again you're not really casting it so much you kind of flipping it and pitching it in the heavy cover it's a way to fish heavy heavy cover with plastic worm very effective okay the third thing is the wacky rig okay this rocky rig is set up now I like the heavy cover really a really a lot and for what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take you out on the dock for a second and I'm going to show you this this wacky rig and what it does I'm gonna take the the weed guard I'm going to put it down on the hook and watch when I when I hold it low to the water watch how it skips see how it skipped it's just skipped way back now there was no dock there and there's no overhanging trees much there but that's the kind of thing you do if you're trying to skip it underneath the docks or underneath the overhanging limbs you just skip it along the water and that's works so so so well so skipping the worm again you can skip it like in that little place there you can skip it right in there I just skipped it way up under the bank right here that's the kind of place you'd fish it okay that's the wacky rig a great great way of skipping ormm okay my next my next worm application is the Carolina rig the Carolina rig is set up for deepwater it's set up for like out in the middle of this canal as rocks is about ten feet deep and what I do here is I would throw it out there on the edge of the drop-off on the edge of the rock piles on the edge of the underwater islands on the edge of the grass lines and I make a nice long cast with it okay now it's a plastic worm so again when you're fishing a plastic worm you got to hold your rod high you got to just ease it along with my rod high haha remember this is braid here so it's very sensitive I can feel the bottom and I'll feel the weight coming across the rocks I could feel it really coming across the rocks I can tell if it's rock bottom I can tell if it's mud bottom I can tell everything in the world about it and then when I set the hook when I feel something of a lot of resistance I just drop my rod boom set the hook and I've got them okay that's kind of what I'm doing right now there's a bunch of stuff on the bottom of the canal but that is such a effective way of fishing deep water it's the number one way if I think of fish in deep water well that that in the drop shot okay and that that's the next thing what is the next way of fishing a deep water well the portal would be a drop shot let's talk about a drop shot let's talk about the drop shot because the drop shot it's really a big deal the drop shot is again a finesse way you know I'm not a finesse fisherman so much I can fish finesse wound up I'm going out to Las Vegas and and place real real high in the tournament's second place is in fact and things like that made a lot of money out there fishing that deep clear water fishing finesse worms finesse tackle fishy drop shots so I can do it it's just that I not what I like to do I can do this and what once again with the drop shot I was going to show you say pretend like this is in deep water I'm gonna drop that down and say and say the worm was just under the water I can see the worm right now and and the rod tips right here but but but if you just wiggle the worm you can see how that worms just dancing around it's just dancing around because I'm just jigging it so that's out in deep water it really makes a difference again you can't see what's going on but again you just barely move it just barely move it like this and again you nose hook your nose hook those little small worms so that the hook itself is up you notice the hook point is up the line facing up the line and they come along and get that thing and believe it or not they get it in the front every time and they you don't miss hardly anything and that's a that's a one a number one octopus hook I really like the octopus style hooks plenty strong it has just the right amount of gap everything is fine with it again the drop shot is a great deepwater technique as well anyway that's six or seven ways of fishing the almighty plastic worm let's face it if that's all you had to fish with the plastic worm would catch you more fish than anything else period hey folks we post every Wednesday about six o'clock and we post another YouTube every Sunday about six o'clock so uh please Grob I really I really need your support and I just love doing these videos but I need your support to do it so thanks again and I enjoy doing this thing I hope you watch it
Channel: Roland Martin Outdoors
Views: 173,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, Roland Martin Outdoors, Fishing with Roland Martin, Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, Jimmy Houston, Bill Dance, Bass Pro, Bass Pro Shops, Tracker Marine, Nitro Z21, Favorite Rods, Fish Brain, Flying Fisherman Eyewear, Yamamoto Custom Baits, Power Pole, Spike It, Frogg Toggs, Mega Strike, Swim Bait, Worm Fishing, Fishing, Bass Fishing, Lunker, Knot Tying, Fishing Knots, B.A.S.S., FLW, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Senko
Id: rlUggX29uT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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