3 Easy Fishing Knots ( loop knot, palomar knot, uni knot )

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[Music] alright guys so today we are going to be talking knots we are going to be showing you three of my favourite knots that is gonna be the loop knot which is my favorite knot of all we are gonna be talking about the Palomar knot and we're also gonna be talking about the Union on which is a knot that you can use to tie your hooks your weights your swivels anything like that as well as line to line doesn't matter what line combinations you're using it'll work for that so we'll stick around guys if you're not subscribed please hit that subscribe button and the Bell notifications so they're notified whenever a new video goes up and leave a like in the comment below if you have any questions you can shoot that down in the comments and I'll go ahead and answer as quickly as I can guys let's get into it alright guys so the first note we're gonna start with is going to be the loop knot this is the knot that I use the most and it's going to have a space in between the hook I and the actual not so it's not going to be a snug fit this is good for moving Bates Bates that you want a little bit more free movement on this is really good for Bates that you would normally use like a split ring or something like that and you don't have one on there or you don't prefer to use split rings this is a good knot to use so what we're gonna do to start is we're gonna go ahead and grab our line and we're gonna go ahead and make an overhand knot and create a loop like that once we have that loop we're gonna go ahead and thread the tag end through the eye of the hook just like that and then you're going to come over and then through that loop I like to keep [Music] the tech head going in and out of the same of the loops so for this one here it is coming out of the top side of that loop in the back it's going around through the eye and it's going in through the top and out the bottom then you're gonna go ahead and pull this up to the eye of the hook and it's going to slide that loop down the size of that loop is going to be more or less the size of the loop that you're going to have between your eye and your not so then you're gonna go ahead and pinch that there you're gonna go ahead and go around one two three four five and then once you've done that like I said the line went out on the bottom of that loop and out the top so this time we're gonna go ahead and come through the bottom here of that loop so just so that you guys can see that better it's coming through the bottom through both loops but from the back there so once you have that you will go ahead and pull that snug there up to the eye of the hook as far as you want that loop to be once you have that you can go ahead and pull it snug and there you go so one thing that I really like about this knot is its versatility I like the fact that I can use this pretty much for any application I like to go ahead and pull this end snug as I can once I'm done with that and then what that will do with this knot the one thing I like the most is that you create sort of a ramp with that tag end so it's not sticking straight out towards the front of the eye so when it's pulling through a cover it'll kind of go over that easier and it won't get a snag does any other not there well then once we have that go ahead and trim our tag with the tag on this you can trim it as close as you want to have any space I've never had any issues with the not coming loose on that there's your loop not simple very easy to do very easy to remember all right so let's move on to our second knot alright guys so the second knot we are going to do I'm gonna go ahead and go with the Palomar knot first because the uni knot has multiple different applications I want to go ahead and show you that at the end so as opposed to the loop knot where it's a loose fitting not the Palomar knot is going to be a tight fitting not so it's going to be snug on the eye of the hook this is good for applications where you need the hook to be tight on there and not move so for the Palomar knot there's two different ways that you can do it it depends it all depends on the eye of the hook and what you can get through the eye of the hook alright guys so as I mentioned there's two different ways that you can start the Palomar knot the first way like I said is to go ahead and make a loop and stick that loop through the eye of the hook and then start your knot the other way that you can do it and its really useful if it's a hook where you have limited space or your line you don't want to kink it because you're using mono so what you do is you stick your tag in through the hook I and then pull it out and then go ahead and stick it right back through that way you make your loop and you don't have to kink your line and then like in the other video you just take your line like this flip it around like that you would pull this snug on there and then you would take this loop end everyone your hook in through it you would then go ahead and start cinching down on you're not always what you're not at this point and what I usually do is I start with D tag end and then I'll grab both ends and I'll pull tight there you go you have your Palomar knot and then once again we'll go ahead and clip that tag end here so this is this is what I was saying with the other not with this knot if you're using mono or something with braid it's not that much of a difference because it's pretty simple and it bends back but it does catch right there you can see it'll catch right there with the other nine that makes almost like a ramp and the tagging is almost always facing straight back alright so let's move on to our next knot all right guys so for our third and final knot we are going to be using the uni knot and like I said the uni knot is a good knot for almost the same application as the Palomar knot where you have a knot that has to be cinched down to the eye of the hook and as well as if you're doing a line to line tie whether it be fluoro two mono mono to braid floral braid braid to braid really doesn't matter it works for all applications so what we're gonna do for the uni knot is we're gonna go ahead and take our tag and we're gonna go ahead and pass it through the eye of the hook once we have it pass through the eye of the hook we're gonna go ahead and hold those two lines parallel to each other and then with your tag end just gonna be the short in here we're gonna go ahead and make a loop just like that and then those two essentially stay parallel to each other and then what we do is we go ahead and go around both lines through the loop so we'll go one three four will do is will take the tag in there as you can see well I didn't get a little closer we've gone around both lines through the loop go ahead and pull on that tag end till we get a snug fit there and then once we have that we can go ahead and snug it up so we'll take our line go ahead this is a really useful tool guys if you don't have one of these I'll go ahead and link it in the description I believe I got this one on Amazon then what you do is go ahead and grab your mainline and your hook you go ahead and snug it up and once you have that and cut this tag end off you can go relatively close with this not only if I am using a line to line tie do I ever leave a little bit of line there but essentially that's what you have it's almost like a noose this one just as well as the Palomar knot has the line facing the outside of the ILA hook so this does tend to snag some things and here and there mainly I'm fishing freshwater so I'm fishing ponds and things like that so this is a knot that I don't normally use on once it's to tie my lines together but there it is there is your uni knot let's move on to the line-to-line alright guys so for the uni knot if you're going to go line to line we're gonna take these two lines here essentially you're gonna do the same exact thing that you did when you ran the line through the eye of the hook so you're gonna take your two tags you're gonna put them parallel to each other I'm gonna go ahead and pull on your tag end and make a loop and once you have that loop you're gonna go ahead and go around both of the lines through the loop so you're gonna go one two [Music] three four and five and normally with this I use you know five or six I mean depending on you know how I'm feeling at the moment basically but then we'll go ahead and hold that snug don't tighten it all the way down yet because you want to go ahead and get this other end situated before you go ahead and snug them together once you have that you'll go ahead and move over to the other side and essentially you will do the same exact thing go ahead and make a loop with the tech end coming this line over here just like that and then you can the same thing go ahead and pull this out so we have a little bit more room to work with you guys can see better then once you have it over and up or up and over you're gonna go ahead and go one two three four and five on this one there and then the same thing with this knot you can go ahead and pull on the tag end you don't have to do this fast let's do it nice and slow so it boils up nice and even and once you have those two what I usually like to do is I like to grab all four ends like this one one side and like this on the other and kind of pull them snug then once I do that then I'll wet everything down and then you can bring those two nuts together once you've done that you can go ahead and cinch that knockdown then once that not cinched down you can go ahead and clip the tag ends like I said for the Palomar I for the uni knot I had and if it's line to line I like to leave just a little bit of line right there on each of the tag ends and then I'll show you why once we get these all cut up here now you want to be very careful when you're doing this and then I only recommend doing this with the mono side with the bright side what I usually do is I'll just fluff this side up here so there's some give there in case your line is going to go through your guides it's not a harsh just bond bond there you know kind of just if you can see it kind of just glide over it like that and then let's just kind of take this one as the exit being the fluoro or mono end what I do is I give it a little bit of heat right here with the lighter and then I'll go ahead and tap down so that it's nice and snug on there and it has some kind of base there to hold if D not were to slip a little bit go ahead and show you that let me go ahead and get a lighter alright guys so what I do is I just take that tag in there and I don't put the flame right up to it I kind of just hold it a little bit away from it so it kind of goes back like that and then it'll create a sort of ball and normally like I said because I'm doing this on the mono side it's not gonna go through the guides this way because the mono side is gonna be on the essentially essentially the mono is gonna be the tag that after the knot is tied so always make sure that you're not casting when you're tagged and when you're not is in your guides to prevent any damage to your guides obviously when you're bringing it in like I said you have the braids end there and there is you're not and with this I mean if you want to go ahead and cinch those both you can do that like you can see I'm not putting the fire on the actual line I'm holding it away from it just to get the heat to kind of shrink that that braid down or that model down and there's your nut and that's it pretty easy there alright guys that is it for today's video I hope that you liked this instructional video if you want more of this type of content please leave a like and a comment below with anything that you would like to see in my next video and I'll do my best to go ahead and make those requests possible thank you for sticking around thank you for watching my videos thank you for the support see you on another episode of twin hooks outdoors [Music]
Channel: Twin Hooks Outdoors
Views: 97,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing knots, fishing, knots, palomar knot, uni knot, loop knot, hot to tie fishing knots, 3 easy fishing knots
Id: JFWA--CP0f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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