3 Baked Potato Recipes Compared (20 mins vs 45 mins vs 2 hours!?)

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hey welcome to sorted we're a bunch of mates in London looking for exceptional things in the food world that will help make our and your life that little bit better between stick to each other up and all the innuendos now be warned we have three chefs so we give them a limited air times and we make sure all of our ideas start with a suggestion from you hey everybody I'm Mike this is Ben welcome to sorted yeah and today we're doing another one of these in front of us we have three incredible baked potato recipes each one takes a little bit longer than the one previous and we're gonna eat them and see if it's worth the extra effort and time yeah but before we eat them we're also going to show you exactly how to make each and every one let's start with the 20-minute baked potato not only that but we're only making an unbelievable tuna Mayo within that same 20 minutes here's what we're going to use to baking potatoes unbaked for the Mayo we're using yogurt Mayo celery capers lemon zest and juice dill parsley ocean skipjack tuna in spring water but now out of spring water and then we're going to garnish the whole thing with watercress and just when you thought that recipe sounds too simple for two people well we're making it even easier by using this bad boy [Music] take those from unbaked debate I will by putting them in a microwave for 10 minutes or until they're soft all the way through it's dependent on what wattage now that these are cooked all the way through we know that because they're nice and squidgy we're going to cover them in oil then put them in an oven which has been preheated to 220 degrees for 10 minutes with the potatoes in the oven for 10 minutes it gives us the perfect amount of time to make the Mayo for our tuna Mayo and for this we're going to put the Mayo and all of the other ingredients for the Mayo into a chopper and blend them up [Music] don't forget season it that goes without saying you could just chop everything up and mix it together but by putting it in the chopper if then gets so small that actually all the flavors combined yes very true it's very balanced so very very fresh and light because if the yogurt and the lemon should we put some children yes if you're happy with the consistency of your tuna Mayo who might have some left like we do this is amazing with salads and with fish fingers fish nuggets or fish Pujols skinned baked potatoes my friend all the stuffs do cut the potatoes in half nearly all the way through fork up a little bit the inside this is butter add on the topping bit of watercress impress everyone [Music] - the jacket takes me back to my childhood but Mike's gonna come over here and we're going to show you how to make a baked sweet potato it's exactly the same but you just swap out the white potato for a sweet no because this one has no cheese it also looks like a hot mess you are a hot mess and here is all the stuff we're using to sweet potatoes and some vegetable oil for a refried beans onion garlic jalapeno and pinto beans and we're topping it all off with sour cream feta and fresh Alabama like the last recipe we are using this with added puree measure [Music] this is easy as pre-heat your oven to 180 feet sweet potatoes cover them in oil season with salt and pepper whack them in the oven for 45 minutes our refried beans starts with a paste and that paste is made of a trio of delicious things onion jalapeno garlic roughly chopped them get them into the chopper and blend to pasty I'm gonna give mrs. Wu Zhu's Michael [Music] the pace gets fried off in a dollop of butter for several minutes and now traditionally this would be large but we're trying to keep this one vegetarian so if you've got large use it if not butter or even oil we're giving that ten minutes at medium heat to fry off and then we're adding some drained pinto beans and a tiny pinch of chili powder because our jalapenos are really really spicy with the beans in there cooks you'll eat you just want to warm them through and a little splash of water stops them from drying up to get our refried bean consistency we're gonna take half of it out into a small bowl splash in a little extra water ripping some coriander and mash what's left in the pan and to do that we can use the puree oh look at that and then we combined it all back together there and you get that beneath policy texture and then you can stir through the whole one so we left out [Music] [Applause] I'm going to say it before the comment do not the most attractive looking food but if you could smell this now Wow scatter over some crumbled queso or an our case for using feta much easier to get hold up I come over here because this is what happens when two chefs get together for two hours then how are we going to make baked potatoes sheffy where is comfort food so we're just gonna double the stuff twice baked it four cheese's I'm glad some herbs and pancetta flats so what the first recipe we're using two baking potatoes then the flavors we're going to pile inside is smoked pancetta and four different cheeses goat cheese pizza mozzarella cheddar and Parmesan and some rosemary thyme too and we'll also be put to good use I am baking the potatoes from scratch this time it's an hour and a half at 180 degrees I'm just gonna oil them with salt and pepper flavor number one for our potatoes pancetta fry the cubes in a dry pan till it goes crispy on the outside but still slightly chewy on the inside well that's cooking off more Italian flavors fresh thyme and rosemary finely chop those and we're gonna grate our cheese cheddar mozzarella parmesan and then it won't be grating for also adding in some goat cheese now basically you want to get the cheese fine enough so it melts in the heat of the potato flesh once we scoop it out so the coarse grating disc is going to do that that saves a bit of this here that that's the advantage of a 90 minute bake rather than microwave and then bake I love this this is my final slice off a lid scoop out the filling into a bowl and mash with milk butter egg yolk to enrich the chopped herbs pancetta and cheese you can drain the fat from the pancetta if you want to labor but we're gonna add it all in it's good right and then you have beautiful crispy shells that can be refilled and they will mound slightly top at the goats cheese and back in the oven oh my goodness that's so good crispy lids just next to them and then back into the oven same temperature at 180 15 20 minutes until they are bubbly and golden on top [Music] and well let's eat some stuff starting with this one yes oh is it just me or is there something really nice about the hot/cold combination of awesome jacket and then a cold topic yeah definitely Cheers Oh Jamie it's very very very well done us that is good that's no average tuna Mayo the Tang from the capers the deal yogurt the lemon YUM I I have a problem because the tuner is so good it's almost kind of taking away from the main event a little bit which is supposed to be the potato but they work so well together yes I think that is a key point slightly changing the definition about potato by changing the potato this one has me intrigued or baked potato yeah did you know I'd say this one's not really a looker but how old boy does it taste good change are you comparing me to this jato don't you do today oh that takes you places my goodness sweet potato changes finish everything though it's so different but that topping would work just as well on a standard baked potato but because it's been baked all the way through you get this really soft middle and also that crispy the season skin that's a winter warm-up and end there have been two very good potatoes so far oh dear AFL be roasting hot noodle you know there's certain dishes like a like a suddenly roast that just hit your comforts pot oh wow girls go ahead that has hit my compass but I don't think you even need to talk about it because look at that texture you can't tell the difference between which bits cheese and rich potato it's all cheesy tips and that's why there's four cheeses if that pancetta wasn't smoked that would be less good because that's a really great flavor that stays from the beginning to right at the end of the last mouthful but really oily smokiness it's delicious that's great there's a tough decision to make isn't it is it you don't think do you not think so because I think that might be one of the strongest three dishes in one video yeah I agree but I think that's a game changer I I do not disagree but for me nostalgia is tuna Mayo jacket and that is a different level tuna Mayo I think the tuna Mayo was so good and so simple that I think that's so adaptable that you could put that tuna Mayo on anything how can how can you say anything but laughs because I it's because it to our believable okay let me put this to you you could do that but you could make you could do that microwave method and then do that that crust that you develop that's like very crispy and slightly thicker you probably wouldn't get but you still get a perfectly cooked potato you still get the - you'll get a slightly crispy skin yeah well we're all thinking it who cares what James thinks it's about what you think so comment down below which is your favorite and which one you would like to eat why don't you and not be in these videos episode 7 before Mike made it in and you just offended [Music] nothing more comforting than a baked potato and if you feel comforted please like the video and we will see you next time every Sunday every Wednesday at 4 p.m. cheerio as we mentioned sorted is just run by a group of friends so if you like what we're doing then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved everything you need to know is linked below [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 532,269
Rating: 4.9289956 out of 5
Keywords: baked potato, tuna mayo, tuna mayo potato, jacket potato, how to make jacket potato, quick baked potato, twice baked potato, sweet potato, refried beans, feta, three cheese, three cheese baked potato, baked potato recipe, jacket potato recipe, dinner ideas, dinner recipes, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes in oven, baked potato in microwave, tuna mayonnaise, jacket potato oven, jacket potatoes recipe, jacket potato fillings, jacket potato with tuna, tuna mayo recipe
Id: anu4dn5-3QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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