2:Justin and Griffin laughing at their own jokes in Monster Factory

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this is the basic sort of version of that completely unmodified except for the fact that I did in fact modify it and I went ahead and I took the maximum setting on the range of the sliders for the facial settings and I turned it up to oh Jesus oh god oh no and then that allows us to do some fun stuff oh now oh geez oh no wait oh oh no wait there's got to be there's got to be some way to fix it you were already ruined it looks like a oh geez no oh no no no great now you're here to roleplay as an alien from Farscape well I like about this it's like from a side propanol from a side profile and that's not good at all that's not going to do it an anti [Laughter] this guy's been on that snus train for too long it's like you can see the inside of his eyeballs nothing is good about this graph Edmund is it maybe if we give him some glasses and a lake now in previous episodes of monster factor now on previous episodes of monster factory we have I think unintentionally created um I guess you what you would call like trademark characters trademark characters is that was that your dream for monster factory is that where you see this this series going no I'm not a sellout I I I want to mmm I'm not a sellout I want to make something original with my time on this earth I wanna I want to create a easily franchisable character right something that children oh no something that children will dream about in the night times and so they're in the dreaming hours the children will see for them something in the dreaming hours yes mmm see I like the yeah that's very yes I come for you in the dreaming hours hi I'm doc Vader the starship future times Vader hi I'm doc hey Dad I'm a Star Wars but again Justin you realize what we've done is we've created another IP no but he's not he's not that that he has nothing to do with Darth Vader goofball oh my god his chin goes inside him your cards right it'll go inside you too why would anybody want that no mo I read about it in cosmos it's cosmos with face hates hates children definitely definitely he's a goofball but he hates kids so much all right let's expand his nuclear family oh he can make a we could randomize the son he's a single dad oh right there so I feel like his son as a job I feel there's a good boy hey hey there's a now that's a boy that I could get into perfect I see this perfect boy just kinda just one slider real quick let me see that suit [Music] okay dad headed up to Wall Street day trader Vader day trader Vader bay trader Vader alright that looks pretty good we need to give him some aspiration so mental mean this guy hates his dad so much yeah day trader Vader hates his kids dad so so much and can you blame him well I can't get that beast of a man what if they just have a weird roommate and no way and nobody knows why he's there okay this guy seems super friendly and I feel like day trader Vader's gonna need a positive influence in his life yeah but I do want to make him gigantic Gator oh yes is the investigating day trader Vader just like the unhealthy relationship he's investigating day trader Raider for securities fraud okay then he's gonna need some some FBI glasses and is there something approximating a detective hat there is spin one off the dome now what's the story here he showed up one day claiming to be a forgotten cousin from date trader Vader's mom's side of the family okay dark doesn't keep in touch so he had no way of verifying this so what what what happened to the mom in this picture she got deported to where - what - space gins burg okay country where everybody's cheese gigantic I don't know what happened to her she's just out of the picture we don't deal with that here on my two dads - and what do we want to call this like whole situation we need a title for this monster factory what are we calling this hole situation I I'm not sure if your is deeply into my two dads too as I am or maybe just the my two dads let me hit you it's a reimagining okay my two dads squared okay yeah that's good do you know how to make the squared button on the keyboard cuz I don't I'll figure it out alright business boy and there you go I forgot that we're gonna watch everybody use the bathroom this is gonna be a very special monster factory episode for somebody okay now little boy it's time for you to get a job chat in kids chat room that sounds good too and I think Darth Vader is just gonna keep eating burgers until he dies what do you want go chat with your kids go do a kid chat I gave you a task I am your God you chat with boys get on there I want to see it I want to see every word I what I'd love is the I maybe he's in this chatroom but he that is his job because he's on the grift he's like selling pokemon cards at outrageous prices well no he's catfishing married women just taking a vacation day treat yourself teach yourself you've been alive for one day I think you've earned it I wish you could hear the tunes this man is creating right now Oh God let me die he just took a half a burger and put it into the other half a burger these burgers have been blessed look at that infinite burger he's back to campus Linda Linda Linda called down Linda I'm telling you Linda Linda did you happen to watch Drake and Josh this week yeah you know what he needs to do it's been a while old friend can you tear down the wall between there the bathroom real quick for me better with the veggie with rot veggie burger than watching your roommate all right let's see how this plays out oh you weren't done no you weren't done what is going on in this house it's the bad house what's day-trader doing leaving oh god oh god what's happening how could this happen no cuz it's special agent noh oh if he Griffin if he if he dies I'll delete my computer Oh No okay so he's done now you got that problem can we flirt with a dead cool one second you can't sell it let's put cousin special agent for eternity where his favorite place in the world and then day-trader Vader's just he just took the ashes what are you gonna do with those what are you doing hi this is weird you all right you guys aren't gonna get this but oh no don't piss your pants here this is this is an important ceremony I'd like to tell you about a very special man anybody want to have a chat hey let me wonder what cousins relate [ __ ] will you make me a promise I'll god will you save this exactly as is so someday we can return I need to know that they're in alive somewhere yeah though they'll always exist in my computer until I own it so hold on a second what is he going to sorry sorry this is how you're gonna deal okay fine that's a fine way of dealing with this I guess he says he's crying as he pops [Applause] what what review we need a numerical score for my two dads fair I give this family two out of two dad's squared [Music] Oh No [Music] so here's what I've done - Oh women Burke here we had a good time recreating and improving and streamlining and sexy fiying and just all a bunch of jaren's - my two dads or Mike was it my three dads what was there well there were two notes two dads alright my two dads the reboot we didn't change it that much my hypothesis for this episode of Monster Factory is what if we did that to every sitcom family ever okay and so I have populated windin Berg with most sitcoms most of the sitcoms that there are you got your friends you got your family matters you got your full houses there's one thing that happened though because I imported them from the community one thing that habit is I did still have these mods installed so they did kind of get chewed up a little bit you can see the growing pains family got yeah they did they did have some they did have some growing pains huh perfect strangers are of course in the mix perfect strangers look fun let's go check in with them let's dip in on the perfect strangers and just say hi all right here we are checking in with Oh bulky Oh bulky no all right here's the deal with bulky he's snuffleupagus the one thing about it there's one thing about it now what's whereas him or the not bulky not really but look at the peepers real quick and then you tell me yeah you think about cereal that's what I'm thinking about he's looking at bulky space and thinking about cereal about nothing looks like an Al Hirschfeld caricature of kylo Ren we get the console commands up and see what those do okay oh [ __ ] okay yeah I can do that so that's one superpower we have uh what it what have we done here I made the grill extremely big dentally and i'm wondering actually if i've killed bulky in the process bulky where are you okey I can't zoom in I can't where's the bulky there he is he's in tears okay so now we have sort of a Shadrach Meshach and Abednego situation where they've been imprisoned for idolatry or something fast food you have airplanes steel do you have nice spider dream you wake up a DJ Tanner I think we found the improvement Justin my name is mantis I'm here to clean up the streets I have technology ah Balki will who master your human Jess DJ Tanner quit playing a child's game decide this is for the fate of humanity big leagues your move DJ Wow TJ just cast a [ __ ] chess spell to reset the board feeling flirty are we that will be your downfall that person so do you think vampires are real what no I'm not trying to distract you look behind you of em oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] cyber bulky so I was cleaning up the streets with technology shouting at some kids and then a big dog or maybe a llama came up and marriage is just marriages I'm an alpha wait a minute that's not really lost the manting oh no we haven't he's playing ooh how mad he's actually controlling this game and say oh my god Justin I've lost control we wanted to be the [ __ ] president that might be fine yeah let's get what cousin Larry is the president we're popping the biggest bottles councilperson representative elder states person national [ __ ] leader all right I'm out maybe a little locking wait around still watching ping-pong it's like well I beat Sims time to become the world's greatest detective or is he a criminal or is he a secret agent see your age it feels like the Mantis to me it also sounds like cousin special agent but that's fine he's dead and in hell he's dead and in hell a lot of people don't know that about him he's in Hell right now hey what the [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no I don't know how to change it in the game so got a cheat codes that got to plug you into the game shark guess what I'll turn you into a [ __ ] baby if you're not careful now just stay like that Balki don't quit changing clothes Balki this is you that's the mantis now he's dead Balki is dead the Mantis is reborn I need you to have a room that's just like the crime lab probably cousin Larry's bedroom okay well which one this one is cousin Larry I think this cousin Larry's bedroom which makes sense so like all right we can [ __ ] you cousin Larry that's just gonna get in the way this is your fish cousin Larry oh no I flushed it keep the gaming computer that I get a big kick out of that yeah and the fern what else do we want in a secret crime lab anything on the walls that would look cool like some like on some wall with oysters more screens and [ __ ] is a frog mmm that's yours the crowd no that's a crime frog that's how he knows late swap yeah dude yeah I think so oh I don't think we're gonna be able to appreciate how cool this room looks without some more lighting actually it's not very bright but if we do a lot of them its booster I bought in college well not if we'll do it everyone for the crime frog so with the top hat looks like a secret opening thing ah right oh cool all dude yeah dude now we're [ __ ] talking all right it's a good lab anything else yeah I bet like like that we made cousin Larry president and they were like that seems like fun anyway back to what's the president of America doing making some omurice looking like a [ __ ] goober I'm the president president cousin keep you safe this close oh well that's perfect strangers fixed hey there's for your face there's Laura Winslow family man full name and boy those eyes he's got some truck shepardize goin welp time to go play Tetris [ __ ] you guys anyway like I was saying about flies he's not a good special agent also his computer has exposed the dyers just think about aliens and wasting my time there is what he does but no one's exactly sure what that is all right this is Carl Winslow this is a sign we got to go to family matters good try almost got out safe I shot a kid family matters where do you live I'm improvement list their full hustlers their family matters four of them are ghosts now all right what the [ __ ] is ray Roma what the [ __ ] hold on I just loaded this up and rape wait where did he go you saw that right no I didn't see it Ray Romano was just there for a [ __ ] second and Annie vanished what a [ __ ] mystery okay everybody wants to talk about vampires Harriette Winslow is obsessed with vampires so okay who is playing the video game Laura an Urkel okay who is that the sweater that's that's that's Carl Winslow now the woman in the sweater that's my augury no mother Winslow is getting up into this hello hello I am mother Winslow vampires everybody's talking about is one of these [ __ ] a vampire this is you lived in a world where vampires had recently been installed as an expansion it would probably be all you were talking about as well right that's that's faerie now I do have a console command that will turn one of these family mattresses into a vampire excellent who do we want to bite mother Winslow you think mother Winslow Oh nope nope nope no pause pause pause pause pause major deejay 10 there we go perfect let's just restart this process actually before we get to that let's do make her a vampire yeah vampire DJ grandmas I mean tidal [ __ ] traits dot equip trate trate a cult vampire things were about to get very rowdy Justin are you ready I'm so ready bazinga she's very happy now she's happy to be a vampire happy to be a vampire we'll live forever yeah she seems to have a bat rounder plumb-bob that's is that all you get for being a vampire huh well I match you could also bite your children and your coal let's call them interaction options for the humans in her family hell yeah all right she's got vampire energy she can use this to jump very good oh wait if we let her out low stop your chol your cool dance to these jams be seduced by my rhythms Oh music I know music I'm proficient in comedy as well okay so that's something you want to talk about more choices for a wife yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes a deep drink deeply from the ear chol I indulge in your car no yes wait what why would this be a thing cheese please Wow damn your color you give me all right man you okay what happened uh you got a golden cooking water anyway where was I oh [ __ ] oh you did not I'm very uncomfortable nobody [ __ ] suspects a thing dude show dark form dark meditation [ __ ] alone my god don't look over here Harriet don't look over here I please listen Griffin I kind of wanna I feel it deep down in my bones that if you reveal his dark form he's got a change in the Steve Urkel I believe yes let's find out oh my god holy [ __ ] name of the Year video of the year we beat YouTube that's a call shot that's a call shattered but there's no editing that took place there that this game knows about Steve Urkel oh my god hey watch me eat your [ __ ] husband right now oh did I do that hey you're eating my dad stop that when you're done I'm gonna play that arcade game now how do I get your called a [ __ ] go somewhere there has to be a way he's feeling very uncomfortable it seems like he'd be down to leave ancient ruins yeah that's where his source of power is all right so I've just started a fire great I'm gonna change the fire color this is this is all part of the ritual yep meeting of the minute society is officially underway what'd you do today I ate Carl Winslow and he did tastes amazing but what I'm curious about is how closely it will follow them vampiric lore when that old sunrise comes here in just a minute uh yeah I I feel like it's not gonna go well for our boy oh I thought this was going to be more of a sort of a ritual dance when I chose this option like awkward but except I'm the only one at the party okay so he is sizzling his epidermis is sizzling the last thing I want is for him to go home nah keep [ __ ] partying dude play playing the fire dancer the fire what does he do it's throwing things into it well [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah ah yeah dude yeah you're cool did it Oh mr. Sun can't hurt you wait I think mr. Suns hurting him fine no all right he's not he's very easy he's got a vampire sickness you're who's gonna kill Steve Urkel well the Sun you ready no hubris is gonna kill vampire Steve Urkel right because he thinks he's the daywalker and I don't think oh we got to get Laura to work oh [ __ ] oh but it's fine so that's Family Matters everybody's favorite episode recreated line for line image for image oh [ __ ] oh man I say you guys are closer than we knew huh well is this my name how about we get in the full house cuz I gotta tell you I'm looking at this thumbnail and I'm getting a little panicked at how full this house is I'm saying to you first of all I think you what's going on with you can we get an enhancement on the eyes there what's going on they're kind of a little bit of sleep crust there no I mean they're it's more bacon than the pan can handle for sure not quite as bad as Jesse's situation but not good in their own right but you know it's going to help why not set as head what set us know you've done something [Laughter] safe safe safe thank God just actor Nicole Joey into a salad mix is still happy can I do this everybody goes without check in with Michelle she's got her own video series we gotta keep keep safe she's got a long line of lucrative Game Boy Color games do you know dream of a family with human heads Justin I feel like maybe we hurried into giving everybody salad heads we didn't think about the narrative repercussions I'm afraid let's find a new head for Danny why are these bushes what you can piss in these bushes is that the guy this is the family's piss bush I'm sorry I don't want to be crude but I do need to test this out immediately yeah just a quick just a quick fertilizing I guess Becky's just gonna kind of watch you Danny don't Danny don't daddy as your Creator and kid I tell you don't do this in front of your Danny I can get in there though see wait I can't see him Justin I can't get into the camera won't let me get at him there we go Oh God though they think of everything your head is the piss bush now that's what I think of you sir wait marriage sure marry Becky Katsopolis only that's like a requirement well that was quick I feel like that was like a several episode arc and yeah original run he's coming he approaches right first I must make whoohoo and the speed don't know don't make dumb got there don't consummate your marriage in the piss bush now there's just loose birds in there help good luck hey I can see you Uncle Jesse I can see you hey this is some great soup uncle Jay do you have any of this yes buddy soup Daniel yeah Daniel you can't be doing that bud just we need to talk about Daniel it's Justin Griffith Daniel come outside for me for a second y'all done there all done in there come right here for me did we get him si got him busting makes me feel good cask of a bottle on his bed just to sort of complete the punishment what's he doing no he's on his phone hey I got stuck in the house again sorry I'm in the walls wait a sec hang on mmm now Danny gotta get him again make this one a little bit bigger I guess maybe I'll give him a window there we go now we've got a Danny's ooh essentially is what we're working with here know what Justin well whose [ __ ] fault is that noclip you're creating kind of a honey pot that maybe he will want to don't leave this day in a beautiful cage there he is this is our exhibit Danny we call it the Danny is there an option to throw a brick through the window can you talk through the wind can you kind of press your hand up against it just let me know that you're always gonna that you'll always be his daughter I mean there's a kind of a way to do that um hey plant Joey he's feeling playful actually which is good because have I got a game for him perfect right there perfect Joey let me ask you a question what is a man somebody here to welcome us to the name oh hi guys ha oh hi just a normal regular failing oh there's an alum [ __ ] Borland nice Randy Taylor wait who's Randy Taylor therefore the tool the son for the tool time gang and this is oh good Christ Marie Brown no that's the mom um Everybody Loves Raymond yeah rogues gallery we've got here and a few wonderful butterflies that I can add to my wall the Welcome wagons making an unexpected stop full house indeed oh wait they can go in the house I mean that's they got me there it's okay just that I can fix this why standing so uncomfortable I mean he's very rude I think it's I think he did a dirty on himself while they are having a talk what do you think he wants one will you let us out Becky's back from work and I can't imagine how confused she is hi Becky can you do me a favor I mean there can be no sort of like inner family squabbles or anything like that if everyone's chopped in glass cages I mean that has to be yeah you know it's not gonna be like I don't have enough money for piano lessons when my dad stuck in a glass cage and as a plant I think that that's gonna be the primary [ __ ] what she's the why now I think that I think I'm done with all this perfect I think you fixed the whole family I mean sure the name the house is fuller than ever it's extremely fun actually you know what maybe we should do something about that this is the final step in the z-row escape game Justin okay the house to fall the house to fall three more will fall you can't ask me to do this no me choake surely not me actually let me this part what are these is easy Danny is nasty you don't dilly me do ya uh-uh-uh hubba hubba hubba Elvis Elvis quote of Mercy Mercy Mercy please mercy upon me mercy technique Beck knee is pregnant with the baby we made at Danny's pisshead Danny first ago yeah Danny's nasty I want daddy out of here how about two more will fall before the night ends he's taken so much from him already right yeah he can stay Joey Gladstone [Laughter] Mack tonight we're gonna Six Flags really bad is that normal two more must fall Justin your decision game can be complete Joey I want Joey gone I don't like I've never liked Joey he didn't have a great storyline except for when he had a fruit salad for a head all right but I might keep the clothes I'm gonna use those for other Sims Winery jerk Justin do you have a hard bargain she's so fun though and I mean if we don't have her she's sort of the crux of home-improvement than the Netflix years I mean full house the Netflix peers you know so Stephanie I hey why do I have to choose why don't you get rid of one must fall Jesse Jesse it okay sorry should say should say Jesse should today I'm sorry Jesse Jesse should stay I'm sorry Justin all choices are final in the decision the Tanners have suffered enough I agree let's find a new family okay here's no here's the sacrifice that we're that you don't even get to decide to make dharma or craig the price must be paid dharma or greg one will fall can you imagine greg without a dharma or dharma without a greg they balance each other yin and yang we will throw off the balance of the universe justin okay I feel like Dharma would probably put more good into the world than Greg would even without Greg's grounded influence yeah I think that he's holding her back he's a you know a suit he's nothing also he's got his eyes closed already he won't see what's happening ii see this coming have you seen that new show dharma dharma sin greg dharma nayi greg can you change the name of our show just make it Dharma ellipses whoa she's got lots of friends what the [ __ ] she's here with Fraser they're like we know we heard I came over as soon as I could let the passage commence we are the Greg eaters the debt must be paid [Laughter] [Laughter] hey you did a real nice job with this memorial for Greg Greg good watch if I have a shredded call now so you want it did you wipe their house no they just never had one they just had sort of a Gregg's in this we're saving up will looks kind of bummed out well what do you want it's a funeral a pretty good party in here here Jeffrey the gang's all here Justin let's take a snapshot nope don't let's even get things poppin off in the hot tub see if we can get things weird for Greg wanted why do we need a grill and a campfire I don't understand that burgers like no damn Dharma god she's this is not going very well Justin yeah this is one of the were the less good funerals I've attended it's about to get a lot better though oh yeah yes [ __ ] yes yes dude yeah DJ Jazzy Jeff it's about to turn into Beverage man Gary let's get the hot tub can we get Geoffrey Butler in the hot tub please grab a drink wait what this [ __ ] Lake is popping off oh [ __ ] wanted this is what Greg loved was levitating Butler men Jeffery loves this this is the best seat in the house when if there's a way to get him in the mix wait is there a coffin or now claim hey guys this is if nobody's called dibs on it I'm gonna say this coffins mine all right no wait no not it you can't get in there nope Oh Jeff DJ Jazzy Jeff no wonder you well [ __ ] these an hour these are some [ __ ] Dark Souls monsters wait what's Oak Empire 4head that's fun light them up I'm gonna invite you to hang out oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is the best game maybe ever made Greg would hate every second of this though DJ what are you doing bud we got you very tense about what about it's a campfire DJ oh oh no no that's right good call there actually I can't do anything during a fire well call somebody about it Greg would hate this Carol's going home oh Jesus Christ Dharma come on Jesus Dharma again all that should they go on vacation together yeah this will be a nice way for them to sort of like deal with it well I mean it's dormant okay we don't need a spin-off series okay I mean this looks pretty Spartan and that's sort of their style on the next episode of [ __ ] now we're done with this these do yeah I shoulda left y'all I just wanted to free up their house just and I hope Dharma and DJ Jazzy Jeff are enjoying their lives wherever they ended up I think it was a good way can hold [ __ ] what what already on his phone you [ __ ] nerd I wish you were still dead wait no Greg Greg oh no come on you've offended me Greg no Greg guy this is better than Dharma & Greg ever was yeah you're welcome by the way here's your new desktop background everybody what haven't we soiled yet Justin what's why don't ya what earth have we not sold so what grounds holy TV grounds if we not desecrated I would love to desecrate Everybody Loves Raymond cuz it's such a presumptuous title Big Bang Theory I'm just you know what I'm [ __ ] tired of looking at these guys but we can make an original and what they call in the Sonic fandom an OC or we could add actually wait now that I'm thinking about it is the Cassidy I see in here anywhere cuz there they are hey this is a [ __ ] look at that Sandy Cohen are you kidding me excellent excellent alright let's just okay we're not gonna [ __ ] with you but it makes me happy no you live here that's fine maybe I'll run into Seth or something it'll be terrific can I give you a pitch yeah a TV show that I packed up around in my head hit me now Everybody Loves Raymond except Robocop is Raymond Robocop or no Everybody Loves Raymond except for a robot oh hey while you're searching though can you just do a quick scan I'm just curious if anybody's made a pass putting it out I'll scan out there no no don't unless she's pregnant with Alf hi We're Alf alright so Robocop anyway do Robocop oh my god that's y'all nailed it y'all didn't though [Laughter] Jesus items removed so I don't know this is it what have you turned into Moby you turn into Moby Cobb Justin that's nothing at all like Robocop hey they got the minions oh but can we add all these they have to be a set right what the [ __ ] Travis looks kind of lack a little bit he's got it yeah that's me yeah soft little boy's face and I'll appreciate how much facial hair they gave me that you wished gram creative childish geeky I woulda got crazy sexy and cool but alright wow there's a few of us hey we're all over the Sims dude no I didn't even know there's Omar yeah that's dad that's our dad I think your shirt says Jim I wish I had that vest I would crush that there she is that's very good that's excellent all right we're just playing now now we might just be playing Sims 4 alien vs. predator sort of a conceptual take I love that have no idea of what a predator looks like so pretty much all I know they're strong in aliens or silver so rate fairly it's just - going back to the well I don't know this actually isn't very much like barn actually I'm looking at it that's not a lot like part kid that's [ __ ] me up though type in the cast is supernatural and then like do a flip away from your computer as it explodes I say [ __ ] it let's make our own anti Raymond I hate him it's good we could just do Boba Fett I like I like Boba Fett but what if you live with eight Yoda's the others are having fun I think Boba Fett might be who it is the Boba Fett has a bounty out on Raymond that's it Aaron is never gonna [ __ ] see it coming boba where you going buddy what the [ __ ] wait get back up there look at this if you plank he's trained he's training me a good hand buzzer maybe he's got like a heart condition stop talking to those old men hey fellas let's go up to my room get a good hang going like we used to just me you dad and Boba Fett ray needs to go to work that's the problem it's phone spawn my boss is calling no no L know I need to I can't I can't talk to my boss right now I've got to get killed by Boba Fett hang up on your [ __ ] boss right now ray Boba Fett you're the worst bounty hunter he's right there rile him up yeah there we go go do it for [ __ ] sake what is going on hey ask her about his prized possessions why is that awesome no we split bucket just enough to do that you [ __ ] everyone's going out into the [ __ ] cornfield Debbie you don't want to see this keep just keep focused on the big rocks Debbie what okay that's it we we [ __ ] work before we play okay I didn't want to have to do that but you made me now go kill Ray Romano Oh oh my god you're gonna make me do it in front of his mom or get up and go read the first unicorn justin is something hacking me right now and keeping me from doing this [ __ ] don't you go upstairs now he's reading now he's that better be a book about Ray Romano's weaknesses all right so Marie is gone now and now it's just right sitting by himself no boba [ __ ] book down do that's as far away as you can be and still be in our game The Sims 4 romance festivals in town look at him he's looking at that pop-up notification Wow looks nice let me kill Romano first and then ray Barone rape around we fight he's gonna see it coming now get him drag him that's right that's right get that confidence back throw drink oh [ __ ] drink at you thank you oh oh that looks like a Slurpee or something oh wait hey hey kid stop this hey you two stop this boba I'm just gonna make dark Vador stand there while I just drag Romano guys come on maybe I should head out this is it geez yes yes this is this will fetch me many credits in the Galactic market come on come on come on boba quite the fight yeah they're really going at it and they're getting very dirty and stinky it looks like oh my god did I lose keep what unscathed ray Barone just beat Boba Fett in a fist fight he knew the risks Justin so yeah we're all really excited for the last Jedi coming out if this is up there he's a joke he's a judge now just want to check in on the OSI I'm just I don't want to [ __ ] with them I just am curious how they're holding up I mean they don't have that big fancy house that's like this everybody watches that show and they love all the teen drama and but it's all about that big fancy house and they don't have one but we could build them one what else oh the pool dude who could forget all the scenes and their huge [ __ ] tag pool that surrounded their kitchen like yeah we could do did nice nice to did up there nice look it look doesn't look like it anymore yeah this is gone but you know what it was - you know what it was dude dude it was like what that a big hedge maze that connected there parts of their house to other parts yeah I definitely remember that part can I just want this one toilet it's in the middle of the [ __ ] hedge maze that's good now everyone will know now he is gonna watch you kind of have to confront him it's sort of the Minotaur at the middle this is a 0:06 kitchen the Bulls a weird shape don't worry about it [ __ ] good stuff though as a professional wait did you just make that room bigger I didn't know those an option I can I can't oh man hold on now I kind of regret the dishes yeah this is for I don't know if any of them have a kid you always want to think about this kind of stuff before you buy a home but the thing is we're gonna make it much smaller have any other rooms in a house baby's room cavern six kitchens guard hedge race toilet wait so it looks like you could start it's a swim - it's a swim up yeah and then sort of Miska lanius rooms a church there was a church oh the bball court that was in the middle of all the kitchens [ __ ] this is not gonna make Ryan Atwood feel very comfortable in fact it may feel like sort of a threat so people know kind of what show it's from we're almost ran out of room there but I managed to okay that's a good house moon Leia really shimmers in that beautiful California Sun now I do just want to ask one more time are you sure about no doors [ __ ] fine Justin first of all it's California so we don't need actual doors I don't know how to take the walls down so it's that's gonna be as outdoors as this basketball court it gets kitchen zone is sick and will remain pristine for all of time I can get us in there how do I get it why not [ __ ] oh there we go okay there's yeah you can get into the kitchen what do you mean you can't get in the kitchen of course you can't did you go out to the yard okay why'd I put this pool adjacent now there's at least two kitchens that they're just not gonna be able to use okay it's [ __ ] good my favorite episode you see god it's hard to pick but I think my number one is when the whole family went to the basketball court in their backyard and then the walls closed over behind them like all the doors do you remember that all the doors disappeared and they couldn't escape and they just had to play b-ball and now where everybody's gonna play basketball and have fun as a family for once just practice your dribbling just work on the funding every but now everybody's playing basketball yes California here we are and it looks like lots of folks are acquiring the fitness skill now some people are stopping playing basketball and that's a shame because that's sort of the only thing there is to do here yeah don't burn yourself out on bball guys you're gonna fade you could you maybe just put a toilet in there wouldn't that be the same thing it's not a [ __ ] ant farm Justin but yeah I'll put a toilet in there now I'll tell you what I'll do perfect all right now if anybody needs to toilet hey Ryan you did have hair oh he did did though I promise is it may be only trunks right there we go oh this confidence I know the solution to the hedge maze I can walk this way to use the John hello known friend gonna see you soon it's a left to denna right then another left and gonna watch us whole life he knows the exact way no oh no clip no there's a door there's a gap in the geometry there [ __ ] oh Jesus quick knows the solution don't get tricked by David Bowie he's there take you to the trolls don't go in oh she's gone in the other kitchen this is good see why does he have some six [ __ ] kitchens in a man it's not time to talk to Marisa it's toilet time wait who do you think and see oh why I said why is there a giant [ __ ] basketball on the ground it's just rescue take it off before you whiz and then and then no everybody will be fine but then they'll be able to get the house that they deserve because Justin we know this wasn't good they deserve nothing but the best and this is the worst why is the camera like this I mean how did we do it before think we had a grill let's so let's get some grills I mean right now we're talking about doing OC insurance-fraud the cheapest yeah I mean just some [ __ ] public park [ __ ] is there a stack of newspapers object now mr. Cohen one more thing before I go I notice you bought three of his grills possible in your living so we set the toilet paper dispenser why would you put it good luck make dirty all right so the grills very dirty it's like that one dirty two real sausage and peppers make this one dirty come on everybody's in here as a family as a family we're gonna burn this [ __ ] house down you don't know sandy you don't actually get to eat the food we think of that [ __ ] sandy better go better go make another one what's that hey hey hey hey hey okay so okay all right listen it's not really me good bad good on fire yes awesome bad is not really near the house to stop being on fire no summer you're not even using it on your friend yeah they just say the lawn so what's safe right Atwood this is the opposite of if you've never watched the Oh see this is the opposite of how I'm feeling real good about my grass right at wood god it's gonna come down to his [ __ ] brother please you know they're not friends their brothers complained about problems this is actually the most OC [ __ ] that's ever happened in this game I mean it's excited that the lawn fires out is she gonna come cook food on Ryan I can't wait for graduation I know I think I might play baseball all right so that's it [ __ ] this [ __ ] I was just trying to have a fun time much this is your [ __ ] moment here we go lawyer this [ __ ] he's gonna do it Justin gonna get a Ryan out of another scrape get right out of this sandy I said he just quit buy your false I said false no Justin Ryan I thought that might work what a d-bag wait who's this ah a little bit too late there Turk just a few minutes too late there Turk I heard there's somebody sick did a doctor next time can we not kill a sitcom cat like yeah we'll try there's my favorite show of all time Justin we did a we'd made it dirty I just hope I come on spider sweeps week here on polygon comm I'm Griffin and you're Justin all right indeed I am did you know so happy to be here here with you I'm so happy to be back here with you my brother Justin and I was thinking for this episode we probably wrap up the sweeps week experience and move on to greener pastures we're gonna die I guess is what I'm saying but before we uh before we go I would like to do one more episode of sweeps week and in this one I sort of a novel idea hear me out what if we don't do any jokes this time like no goofs or humor because I don't want jokes I would love like ten million dollars by creating the greatest sitcom of all time and there be jokes in the sitcom ah good good good luck there was a really good one that I'd burn you got it can you go back does that arrow go back come on we can pull it from the brink was this it nope nope various mmm what the [ __ ] I did some sort of got a wiener hat now we're in this weird deep innocent like Katamari Damacy character territory at this point has there ever been a sitcom that was just one character that would be different that would be very Brechtian I think so maybe he's sort of the the daywalker and he can cross over and other sitcoms and that's the whole sick like our sitcom could be all of the sitcoms he's sort of monster factory sweeps we've personified whoa what whoa whoa okay take your hands away yeah yeah all right just I need you to look up how to save in sins okay randomize the name and just just have faith Benjamin no I'm sure now nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope change the first name randomize the first name there's a better thing than Todd cool body there it is got it into oh my god sauce coming it's finally got the joke I don't know what the [ __ ] happened oh I would like to evict Everybody Loves Raymond please are you kidding me thank you Sims how did you do this oh this is gonna bring big big ratings to any show he visits what does he what is he working on bricks I haven't we have it done before I want like a brain the most boring domicile you can upstairs and then I want you to use the basement tool oh you have to give him like a TV lab and then for what's professional wall but never mind well call it's a fun space it's sort of a fun space where you can come and like just ideas can be able to come alive think about when people see this house on the street and be like Margaret there's no way that's 3,500 square feet all right Zillow was full of [ __ ] that oh that's perfect that's it great and then a TV with several televisions right maybe and I've got a theory and tell me if this is too out there maybe this whole time we've always been todd cool body like this entire time we've been doing sweeps week like it's it's just been todd cool body oh this is wall-mounted is oh [ __ ] Oh guys that's a joke right we can get to two per [ __ ] yes yes oh god that's so good yeah but it's like they wanted us to do this and then just cuz I know he'll get super shitty if we don't I love the Swivl er you got to get rid of it and replace it with the toilet that's out Todd does it oh yeah oh baby [Laughter] will they use a toilet as a chair I don't I mean definitely not you know why cuz this game wasn't made by [ __ ] perverts I'll put it here so he can still watch all the televisions good that he just can't get throw it oh that's beautiful he's gonna love coming home to that ah beautiful it's his one weakness he said he lives a very Spartan lifestyle but he loves big and lovely fountains this one he loves this one's kind of playful cuz it looks like a little froggy he has - oh [ __ ] he's got three oh my god Justin he bought so many of them a little hog wild or frog wild if you will he saw on Justin the SkyMall and he said oh god he said he said Christ forgive me for what I'm about to do he called him said cross speak with a supervisor that knows how to keep a secret I mean probably needs like a body like that don't come for free get it by playing on your big pirate ship hey sorry Susie Susie Susie hey sorry scusi look at him he's like idiot learnt a shitty --it he's like done toilet it's like this toilet cost more than you make in a lifetime yeah I hate your awesome party said no one this is unn this is not who the [ __ ] uncle jesse learnt some boundaries i think the easiest way to get todd cool body famed television executive for entertainment company is to actually add him into these families now hear hear me out okay now we on some [ __ ] okay okay what a nice question what the [ __ ] do you think you're doing Blanche hey Blanche hey Blanche I'm pretty sure I might have made you a bear we cannot leave her a place to hide I'm really looking forward to her like getting ready to go out the town and spinning around and changing you're still you're still a [ __ ] bear bear no matter what how about we get a good swim wear swim bear did you say did I hear that correctly bear bear bear bear bear we good people better be a bear better be a [ __ ] bear Blanche Devereaux I swear to God thank you for being a bear you're a bear and bear so hey and if you were a bear invited all the forest creatures you knew you would see that I would eat all the honey and the card attached would say thank you for being a bear I actually have a context-sensitive roar option she's gonna love that oh they never get tired of this old Blanche trick I have a very important question is Blanche Devereaux in a bear costume or is Blanche Devereaux a bear in a human suit cuz I'd like a human life I guess oh no she's just a bear Blanche in there it's just a bear I think we think Todd Todd's well Todd's admiring the knife block I guess he's doing some set design he is watching the bay thing pop off which is really fascinating because there's a [ __ ] wall in the way he's looking directly at the bear action that's happening but there's definitely at least one maybe two walls in the way [ __ ] incredible I think there's enough animals Griffin that they all have to be bears Oh uh-huh yeah yeah yeah yeah hey troll in two forums is a you hey we're having a lot of fun here you start all the forum's please [ __ ] stand up don't get him a deep or Dorothy you're not you can't win the argument on the Internet Dorothy all right we fix Golden Girls yeah this is a better show get the [ __ ] out of here frosty a frosty it could be good we've touched on them some but we've definitely touched frost they work they're a great Greeks funeral I think have you heard about the hit new sitcom Dharma and Greg and Bear Dharma and Greg - Dharma + bear alright so everybody's got a little bear let's pop into phrase how much frost you have you watched a little bit but not like a ton I found its humor to be kind of inaccessible what can I do sort of make it more crude I guess well I guess one big thing just take down anywhere if you see any other toilets I don't want to keep going back to the potty humor well but if there was an episode of Frasier where they were talking about you know different types of wine that they think are bad and then just in the background you saw the old dad taking a [ __ ] in the well that's very funny it would be so irreverent I feel fine I'm doing just fine okay Niles can you believe that they call these wieners that you eat the bun - yes I believe you're supposed to eat the wrapper and also the wiener wait did I say something wrong I've got a rabbit going yeah I ate one buy it gave me the truck you guys getting some my eggs and toast and bakken where's my stinky old chair where's my old dirty [ __ ] chair Razia why are all the toilets just out Roger [Music] yes dad where's my damn dog have you tried this new fancy wine I just made toilet in front of my kids now this is gonna be tricky the timing is gonna be the issue the timing is gonna be really tricky they just left the house so badly did they not want to be a party fish that they left the house that they live but if we could just see one they must be drinking a lot of fluids I guess a for making a version of this show for yucky folks Todd's done done it again do they have the Family Guy family ah Oh [Music] yeah well we got tot out his pj's huh this is embarrassing and this is inappropriate yeah it's not ideal all right let's ok now we're about as far away from that for the house it's time for Stewie to become Stuart now can you find your way home my ol tyke let's see where he goes he's going through a whole cavalcade of emotions right now hey can you help child here hello well he's wandering off the road that's maybe not a good if you were to give them him the command to talk to his mother would he be able to find his way home oh I see okay diaper diaper let's just see how this kind of unfolds it is 4:00 in the morning little boy in big world this is tension no justice its drama this is what people eat this up you know I think it's feeling bad about this right now who's that Todd cool body right now Todd cool body's trying to enjoy himself but all I can think is I'm gonna ruin that kid for ratings yeah Todd baby we've gone a little bit too far and maybe we've sort of upset the fabric of this world a little bit too much and maybe maybe Todd needs to find him Todd get off your [ __ ] phone [ __ ] phone Todd it's time to find this boy we're not gonna put the camera on him Todd Todd we're gonna find the old-fashioned way come on Todd God there's cars on the road this is not good all right was it near the Coens I think it might have been near the Cohens todd todd Cohen's have you seen my child Stewie Seth summer I remember the house looking quite that shitty todd todd don't stay in the middle of the [ __ ] Road I'm your phone can we can we can we cheat somehow what do you mean we just like sneak a peek at the boy while the boys in a completely different place even in the same neck of the woods huh well it seems to be East that's a good starting point that's all we need well we ain't gonna get past this what's his mood --let's very very P ode visible stink lines visible stink yeah he's thinking of bed it would probably could be good find the child Todd hey Todd it would be good to find the child bud hey hey bud hey bye know you love angling oh he's flesh again I mean this is a cause for celebration I'll let you go a few more rounds look at he's pouting I don't want to stop fishing we gotta find the boy Todd I'm gonna get that big bass no Todd can can we find the boy though boy oh boy oh boy hey oh thank god can you do something about this I don't see [ __ ] Todd hey Todd Todd hey Todd hey Todd hey Todd if you could just hey Todd for a moment hey Todd the boy Todd the boy though oh here we go wait is he sneaking I think just as default gate this is it though he's gonna get the boy take him to mommy and daddy Todd buddy I don't know how many chances we can give you man absolutely entire on eclis enough well I think Meg is dead so it may actually die oh that's not great oh she's oh she's seen me this family got very dirty and wrong was it worth it Todd well you've done to my family for ratings not really all right let's get Todd home I think Todd's got done great work here on sweeps week I think television todd todd todd todd sing todd todd this is like our whole thing was the ending Todd well it's hard you've had a big day our sweet boy he's had a big month I mean all of the monster factory sweeps week changes have been done by Todd it was just only in this episode the fourth installment in the series that he made himself sort of known mm-hmm or maybe it was all just Todd's dream Justin no it was nice it was it was all real it was real it was all real I'm sad because he's found all of this like fulfillment and love for all these TV families but there's really nothing for there's really nothing for him you know he has he's just got nothing every day there's the Tuesdays with Maurey what okay every day these two come over to talk to my [ __ ] toilet I have nothing I have nobody my toilet has literally two more friends that I do check this I'm gonna go full house make my dick bigger select all Jesse's large penis if dick dent big I got him what do you want make my dad disappear make my [ __ ] dad disappear make him disappear I'm so sick of it all the grunting evaporate my dad hey you guys they aren't down here making your dick speaking of that hey don't look over here for a second maybe but I got you pegged but I don't know what where those bus salads and scrambled eggs they're calling again scrambled eggs all over my face [Music]
Channel: Chase J
Views: 646,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polygon, mcelroy, compilation, monster factory
Id: LdFkwEVtEzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 25sec (4885 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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